It's been a while getting to this game, but here's the next segment. Emperor, AU mod rules.
At the end of the last report, I had declared on Sumeria, and seized a few cities in the northern portion of the continent.
110BC: I take Sumer, the last city he has with gems. Maya have feudalism, but won't trade for my Monotheism. They seem to be getting increasingly hostile all the time. Will need to keep an eye on him.
50AD: War is dragging out longer than I'd like. Sumerians have counterattacked pretty well. I haven't lost any cities, but my offensive is grinding to a halt. It was very stupid of me to neglect producing enough mil units. (I'd been trying to develop infrastructure during the war. You'd think I'd learn after a while.) I finally take
Ur, gain Temple of Artemis. Not a top-notch Wonder, but at least it expand borders on this continent.
210AD: The Sumerian city of Bad-tibira falls. Almost over now.
230AD: War finally ends with Sumerians' destruction. Costly, but at least I still have not triggered my GA.
260AD: I'm really interested in keeping Maya happy, so, with one turn till Theo, I trade Mono to Smoke for 92g, 11gpt, silk and wine.
330AD: Taking the top row of techs, I invent Printing Press and start the contact trading. Begin with
the Maya, trading contact w/ 4 civs and ivory for engineering, 53g and 2 gpt. I then trade him Theo for 44gpt. Get in touch with Catharine, who gets contact with 5 civs in exchange for dyes, 15g and 22gpt. The English get 2 contact and Theo for Furs and Invention.
470AD: Seeing no real reason to keep them around, I declare on Hittites.
490AD: I seize the city of Aleppo. Decide to rush my FP there with a now very old MGL. I wanted to make sure that I had the FP built before my GA. As part of my effort to stay on Smoke's good side, I trade Education (which also renders his GL useless) and ivory to him for Silk, Chemistry and 6gpt.
500AD: The Hittites launch a devastating counterattack at Aleppo. My swordsman army is reduced to a single hit point, but survives.
510AD: My turn. I crush a swarm of 3-Man Chariots outside Aleppo, hoping to break the Hittites' back. On the diplomatic front, I trade Engineering to France for 23g and 2gpt.
520AD: Very cool. I generate another MGL (no. 3), which will become a Med Infantry army. This should pretty well crush them.
530AD: I finally trigger my GA by sinking a ship in port. I'm 4 turns from Economics and decide to start a pre-build for Smiths. I trade Banking to Maya for 516g, wines and 60gpt, as well as to the English for furs, 48g and 2 gpt.
550AD: I seize Hattusha.
560AD: Tyranna falls.
570AD: I decide to trade Gunpowder to Russia for Dyes, getting the most out of my GA by keeping everyone happy.
600AD: Harran falls, only two cities to go.
610AD: Both Ugarit and Hattusas falls, marking the end of the Hittites.
660AD: Trade Econ to Netherlands for spices, monarchy, 7g and 20gpt, as well as to the Maya for 698g and 20gpt. I found the city of Ani, the last city on far Western island. I also found Edessa on the island to south of old Hittitia.
680AD: The city of Taormina founded on the gold hill of the same southern island.
750AD: For the past several turns, the Maya have grown increasingly restless. On this turn, they were moving into my territory, clearly planning an attack,so I forced them to declare and sank a galley and a caravel.
820AD: I'm not looking to go to war (yet) with Smoke, so I make peace ASAP. Since they lost a number of ships, they agree while paying me 144g and 3gpt.
840AD: I nter the Industrial Age, for the first time getting Medicine as my free tech.
910AD: I finish Steam Power, and begin railroading. Given the location of the coal, I'm glad I chose to start colonizing the far western island when I did. The stupid Maya are getting frisky again, and the Netherlands is starting to probe my territory as well. To top it all off, the blasted English built a city on the southernmost tundra square on the souther island a few turns ago. It's going to be no use to them, but it deprives me of the gold mountain next door. I'll get even with her (Though she's far down the list. Smoke is gonna be the real problem.)
Overall, I still feel like I'm in pretty good shape. The Maya are the biggest threat, but the Netherlands could pose a problem as well. Despite being in the tech lead for most of the game, still no SGL. The next Maya war (and it'll be soon, I fear), I'll need to do some damage to their homeland.
At the end of the last report, I had declared on Sumeria, and seized a few cities in the northern portion of the continent.
110BC: I take Sumer, the last city he has with gems. Maya have feudalism, but won't trade for my Monotheism. They seem to be getting increasingly hostile all the time. Will need to keep an eye on him.
50AD: War is dragging out longer than I'd like. Sumerians have counterattacked pretty well. I haven't lost any cities, but my offensive is grinding to a halt. It was very stupid of me to neglect producing enough mil units. (I'd been trying to develop infrastructure during the war. You'd think I'd learn after a while.) I finally take
Ur, gain Temple of Artemis. Not a top-notch Wonder, but at least it expand borders on this continent.
210AD: The Sumerian city of Bad-tibira falls. Almost over now.
230AD: War finally ends with Sumerians' destruction. Costly, but at least I still have not triggered my GA.
260AD: I'm really interested in keeping Maya happy, so, with one turn till Theo, I trade Mono to Smoke for 92g, 11gpt, silk and wine.
330AD: Taking the top row of techs, I invent Printing Press and start the contact trading. Begin with
the Maya, trading contact w/ 4 civs and ivory for engineering, 53g and 2 gpt. I then trade him Theo for 44gpt. Get in touch with Catharine, who gets contact with 5 civs in exchange for dyes, 15g and 22gpt. The English get 2 contact and Theo for Furs and Invention.
470AD: Seeing no real reason to keep them around, I declare on Hittites.
490AD: I seize the city of Aleppo. Decide to rush my FP there with a now very old MGL. I wanted to make sure that I had the FP built before my GA. As part of my effort to stay on Smoke's good side, I trade Education (which also renders his GL useless) and ivory to him for Silk, Chemistry and 6gpt.
500AD: The Hittites launch a devastating counterattack at Aleppo. My swordsman army is reduced to a single hit point, but survives.
510AD: My turn. I crush a swarm of 3-Man Chariots outside Aleppo, hoping to break the Hittites' back. On the diplomatic front, I trade Engineering to France for 23g and 2gpt.
520AD: Very cool. I generate another MGL (no. 3), which will become a Med Infantry army. This should pretty well crush them.
530AD: I finally trigger my GA by sinking a ship in port. I'm 4 turns from Economics and decide to start a pre-build for Smiths. I trade Banking to Maya for 516g, wines and 60gpt, as well as to the English for furs, 48g and 2 gpt.
550AD: I seize Hattusha.
560AD: Tyranna falls.
570AD: I decide to trade Gunpowder to Russia for Dyes, getting the most out of my GA by keeping everyone happy.
600AD: Harran falls, only two cities to go.
610AD: Both Ugarit and Hattusas falls, marking the end of the Hittites.
660AD: Trade Econ to Netherlands for spices, monarchy, 7g and 20gpt, as well as to the Maya for 698g and 20gpt. I found the city of Ani, the last city on far Western island. I also found Edessa on the island to south of old Hittitia.
680AD: The city of Taormina founded on the gold hill of the same southern island.
750AD: For the past several turns, the Maya have grown increasingly restless. On this turn, they were moving into my territory, clearly planning an attack,so I forced them to declare and sank a galley and a caravel.
820AD: I'm not looking to go to war (yet) with Smoke, so I make peace ASAP. Since they lost a number of ships, they agree while paying me 144g and 3gpt.
840AD: I nter the Industrial Age, for the first time getting Medicine as my free tech.
910AD: I finish Steam Power, and begin railroading. Given the location of the coal, I'm glad I chose to start colonizing the far western island when I did. The stupid Maya are getting frisky again, and the Netherlands is starting to probe my territory as well. To top it all off, the blasted English built a city on the southernmost tundra square on the souther island a few turns ago. It's going to be no use to them, but it deprives me of the gold mountain next door. I'll get even with her (Though she's far down the list. Smoke is gonna be the real problem.)
Overall, I still feel like I'm in pretty good shape. The Maya are the biggest threat, but the Netherlands could pose a problem as well. Despite being in the tech lead for most of the game, still no SGL. The next Maya war (and it'll be soon, I fear), I'll need to do some damage to their homeland.