Originally posted by Tall Stranger
I wouldn't mind the ivory requirement IF SoZ wasn't such a potential game breaker. If its game impact was no greater than, say, Colossus, then it would be a cute, secondary Wonder that could be considered a "bonus" Wonder for those lucky enough to be near ivory.
I wouldn't mind the ivory requirement IF SoZ wasn't such a potential game breaker. If its game impact was no greater than, say, Colossus, then it would be a cute, secondary Wonder that could be considered a "bonus" Wonder for those lucky enough to be near ivory.
As it stands, I'd urge our distinguished panel to first eliminate the ivory requirement and see how that affects things. As Arrian points out, it's hard to determine how that change will affect the choice the AIs make in which wonders to pursue and thus how easy it is for the human to get it.
Once we see how that works, we can then figure out whether AC is too powerful or whether the SoZ should produce them less frequently (if possible).
1. Remove Ivory requirement and observe. Post analysis.
2. Reinstate Ivory requirement and balance the effects of the wonder. Observe. Post analysis.
3. Reconcile the observations from 1. and 2. to decide if changing either the requirements of the wonder(ivory, shields, upkeep) alone or the effects(unit frequency, unit strength, culture) alone will be sufficient.
4. THEN, based on that analysis, come up with a merged gameplan that takes into account the information fro the two isolated and minimal tests.
I think part of the reason this debate keeps bouncing back and forth is that a)we're debating both the requirements and the effects, sometimes in isolation, sometimes in combination and b)there hasn't been any testing that I'd call conclusive.
Let's pick either the requirements/cost or the effects and tinker with that. As it stands, we're trying to balance 3 things all at one go: a Wonder, free units, and (essentially) a Unique Unit.
I think we can - at least initially - separate AC from the SoZ and start by tinkering with just one of them. I'd say let's tinker with the front-end of the Wonder(requirements/cost) and ignore the back-end(effects) as well as the AC. There's already a precedent for 3-2-2 units in the Ancient Age, so it's not out of line with its contemporaries, and there's no shortage of 3-defense units, either.
That's just my opinion, I may be wrong, but I'd like to see us work on just one end of the wonder for a first run. It just might be enough.