Originally posted by nbarclay
I think the best way to get our initial version quickly (without taking the time to go through the full formal process) would be to carry over the changes we want to keep from the PtW version,
I think the best way to get our initial version quickly (without taking the time to go through the full formal process) would be to carry over the changes we want to keep from the PtW version,
Send all 7 of them a copy of the last readme, and let them mark each line item "Now" or "Later".
Compile the list, carry over all the "Nows" for AU C3C v1.0.
All the "Laters" give us a quick reference for stuff to discuss in addition to the New items brought about by things specific to C3C. Any discussions we've already had regarding existing changes that seem controversial should automatically be "Later" - example: Military Academy.
I think there's no need for mass discussion if we go this way. We get an initial version asap and can test how things carried over while still discussing those that didn't and the new stuff.
It removes the sense of urgency in light of us getting a patch so soon.
Just a suggestion, but if getting v1.0 done quickly, I think having the panel vet the old readme is the most expedient option.