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AU mod: The ToE - Hoover beeline

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  • maybe this is a little late, although the motorized transport not requiring electronics is a great idea!

    the longevity in early industrial age i think is wrong. won't that make way too much pop for just one civ? well since it was played/tested in previous mods then perhaps its fine.

    as for the TOE, this needs big change. I've only played a few C3C games where the AI actually beats me to the TOE and then beats me to hoover.

    unless the AI has a huge tech lead (eg, it already knows communism/facism/etc) it will go for the TOE. All I can think of for that is to nudge the AI towards the medecine branch after nationalism. Cheaper costs or flavors? Not sure how exactly except through lots of play testing ....

    Otherwise, the 2 free techs of TOE should get axed, and replaced with a 50% research bonus in the city.


    • This may be late as well, but what the hey...
      Remove the prerequisite of Electricity form Scientific Method and add it to Atomic Theory.
      This has the effect of allwoing SM earlier, but also does not guarantee that AT and Electronics will be available upon completion of TOE. In other words, you can 'hurry' to TOE but you'll give up an immediate route to Hoover.


      • Over dramatic thoughts?

        I have read all the above, and still cannot help thinking that it is not that ToE is too powerful, but that the Hoover Dam is.

        I sugest Hoovers be omitted, as it is disproportionally powerful, and, at present only really used to its full advantage by human players. I hope I have clearly explained below why. This may be too much for an AU mod, but these are my thoughts on this problem.

        A hydro plant in every city on the continent! - given the extents people go to in MM to save a single sheild, this seems to give too great a bonus. I could go on with the hyperbole on the advantages here, but assume the implications are clear.

        Other wonders, since Civ2, have been toned down so that now they are no longer 'must haves' (Adam Smiths, Leonardos etc). They remain beneficial, but are no longer game deciders.

        The reason that the industrial corridor is a 'no brainer' and a problem, is that we humans recognise this, but the current AI does not. It wants riflemen (short term solution to prevent rampaging Cavalry), over the long term benefit of a massive increase in productivity. Also then needs governments techs to offset less effective MM, again, against investing in Hoover.

        Essentially, at this stage we have a different strategy to the AI, and one that remains constant in all but the most extreme circumstances. The AI can be designed to play well through the previous eras, but if we are not too far from contention, we can still turn the game round, and not with good strategy but a 'no brainer'.

        If the AI is reconfigured to beeline for ToE and Hoovers as we do, then we still have a problem:

        The first civ to the Industrial era (tech leader) beelines ToE and Hoover, gets a further two tech lead (and tech trading advantage), AND a massive production boost.

        Result - the current leader at the start of the Ind era gets a massive boost further ahead of their competitors.

        Omission of a GW may be too much for an AU mod, but at present there is a reduction of stategy (choice) at the start of the Ind era - go down this route at all costs!

        The loss of a GW, while to be mourned, is only the loss of a bonus part of a game, not a fundamental, and could potentially be toned down and kept.

        ToE is remains intesting, as it is a required tech, so will be researched (traded) evetually, and provides two additional techs for the sheld investment (good trading potential). It provides an alternative for the builder / peaceful / physically isolated, and the potential to 'catch up' if behind in research.

        I hope I have not left this topic for too long gathering my thoughts to get others opinions on this.

        Too extreme a solution or just plain wrong?


        • The power of Hoover is mitigated at least somewhat by the fact that core cities have to either build a coal plant anyhow (thereby losing much of the wonder's advantage in those cities) or do without a power plant until the wonder is completed. Cities that don't suffer that delay tend to be ones with lower production, either as a result of having few land tiles to work or as a result of as a result of corruption, and so get less benefit from that wonder than core cities can. It's still a very powerful wonder for a civ with enough cities on a continent to get good advantage from it, but not quite as overwhelming as it appears at first glance.

          Of course the situation changes dramatically on a big continent under a communist government. With communism, what started as highly corrupt cities conquered from distant AIs can gain the potential to become a civ's most productive cities due to the looser city spacing AIs generally use. Under those circumstances, the power of Hoover can indeed be a bit absurd.

          Last edited by nbarclay; March 8, 2004, 10:52.


          • Good points Nathan, but I think perhaps the Pirate makes points we haven't fully explored - that the free techs are not the overpowering problem with the ToE-Hoover beeling, but that the head start on Hoover's itself is the problem.

            In a way we tinkered with the idea by allowing for a separate military beeline in addition to the Hoover one by splitting the tech tree a bit, but it might be worthwhile to pursue this in debate.

            Two free techs, IMO, is plenty of reward for ToE, perhaps too much(one would be more in line) but tacking on the near lock that it gives a player for Hoover is getting two wonders for the price of one, plus huge tech-brokering leverage.

            So, what if Hoovers reduced waste(corruption) instead? Or was a small wonder instead of a large? Then all civs could get a nice production booster in time for tanks and spaceship parts(assuming they have fresh water). Or acted as an SGL-induced Science Age trigger? Or acted as another FP? All of these would still yield similar results as the original, but in a toned down fashion(except for the Science Age thing, which might actually be a better replacement effect for ToE.)I think I saw the science age thing in the editor as an effect, could be wrong, though.

            If could somehow decouple ToE from Hoover's, I think that would go a long way to fixing the issue, more than giving the human another tech path to choose from as we've done so far.

            In AU501, I still went straight for Hoover's even with the small "continent" because a)I didn't want the AI to get it and b)tying up one city to build Hydro plants for all cities allowed me to keep the other cities on different builds instead of needing to build a a plant instead of troops/improvements. The game would have to be in a fairly "odd" state for me to not choose Hoover's.
            "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos


            • Perhaps, should the decision be made to cut the power of the Hoover, the power of the hydro plant could be altered:

              Coal plant, 2 production, 2 pollution, req: coal (default)
              Hydo plant, 1 production, 0 pollution req: river (default is 2, 0)
              Solar plant, 2 production, 0 pollution, req: none (default)
              Nuclear plant, 4 production, 0 pollution, req: water and can melt down (default)

              If these were to be tinkered with, I'd say let Coal be 3,2; Nuclear 3, 0 or 4,1. The only problem with this is that, if the Hoover wonder is lost, noone would ever build a hydro plant in lieu of a solar plant. Perhaps an offset of -1/-2 pollution (should it actually work; it is settable in the editor) would make it choosable, and the pollution effects probably wouldn't be a 'game breaker' like the 50% production is now.

              Though, 25% instead of 50% production bonus on the hydro might not be enough of a change to fix the Hoover (always the most broken wonder in the Civ series, as I've played).

              How would this fit with the AU mod? It REALLY generates choice! Which power plant to build is no longer a default option. Even if you build the Hoover, you might want to build a better (in terms of production) power plant. I doubt the AI would have a problem with it, while at the same time an only 25% instead of 50% production bonus would limit the human player's edge it usually gets on the AI. And, it doesn't seem (to me) to be all that big of a change.

              (Oh yeah, I'm still in favor of removing Electronics as a requirement for MT.)


              • Even the player who gets Hoover may want to build hydro plants on another continent, especially under Communism. I'm not fond of the idea of weakening hydro plants so that the only pollution-free power plant before the modern era is less valuable.

                With the standard design, the choice of whether to go ahead and build a coal plant, wait until the technology is available to build a hydro plant, or possibly even build a coal plant and later replace it with a hydro plant is already an interesting one. I think weakening hydro plants would push in the direction of players' always favoring coal plants over them when Hoover is not in effect.

                There might be another twist we could use, though, assuming the editor would cooperate. If we could define a new, less powerful power plant type that is usable (or at least useful) only as the free result of Hoover, that would let us weaken the free power plants without altering genuine hydro plants. Ideally, we could keep the new plant from showing up as something players could build separately at all.

                That approach would, for better or for worse, largely take away the question, "Do I go ahead and build coal plants or wait for Hoover to provide free hydro plants?" In any situation where a player is even considering building a coal plant before Hoover, devaluing the power plants from Hoover would make building the coal plant a no-brainer. In some games (AU 501 for example), especially on archipelago maps, building Hoover on the home continent would become pretty much useless because at least most of the the cities would already have a more productive power plant. (Note that even hydro plants, available with the same tech as Hoover, could generally be built more quickly than Hoover can be built.) But the wonder would still have significant value on most maps.

                Another twist would be if we could give Hoover a second effect of reducing pollution. (I don't know the editor and game mechanics enough to know how practical that would be.) Assuming it's practical, that would make the wonder at least a little bit useful even on a continent where all the cities already have conventional power plants. And the reduction in micromanagement for pollution clean-up would be a nice bonus (or at least would offset the pollution penalty of being stuck with coal plants instead of having them replaced with free, non-polluting hydro plants).



                • Something about the new beta patch:

                  Originally posted byT-hawk

                  v1.18 Changes:
                  * Game Rule: Enable Scientific Leaders (ON by default)
                  * Railroads will always appear under captured cities if you have Steam Power.
                  * Histograph keeps tracking defeated Civs
                  * Electronics requirement removed from Motorized Transportation
                  * Radio Tech removed
                  * Advanced Flight now requires Electronics
                  * Radar Towers require Advanced Flight
                  We continue to exert an influence on Firaxis again!
                  oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


                  • Making Hoover a small wonder would be a logical thing to do, no advantage to single country. After all, country-wide power-line networks exist not in just one country: USA and USSR had them for sure. At least in USSR all power plant were synchronized to be run int the same circuit and electricity could be transfered wherever it was needed.

                    A nasty thing thing would be to make ToE small wonder. Every AI will be able to build it and at least either get ahead or undercut human cash flow from tech sales. A very very promising thing. Very in line with alexman's evil way of thinking.

                    Side effect that industrial age will be very fast. Especially fast with altered research priorities when AI's will take different tech's.

                    Edit: What about removing requirements of 5 hospitals from Battlefield Medicine and placing it under Medicine (or just place it there with a requirement).[list=a][*]it will encourage it to research it[*]it will benefit AI more because it will build it and let AI units heal in enemy territory (AI is horrid tactician)[/list=a]
                    Last edited by pvzh; March 8, 2004, 17:08.


                    • The idea of Great Wonders that provide interesting and unique powers is rooted in adding flavor to the game, not in realism. But from a realism perspective, the wonder itself can be viewed as an outward manifestation of a deeper national priority.

                      For example, it is not the Great Lighthouse itself that provides ships with an advantage in movement. After all, the curvature of the earth makes it theoretically impossible for a lighthouse to illuminate lands hundreds of miles away no matter how great it is. Rather, the Lighthouse is an outward manifsetation that the civ that built it has dedicated itself to improving its seafaring skills beyond those of any other nation. Similarly, the building of the Hoover Dam wonder is a manifestation of a nation's unmatched dedication to and skill in improving its productivity.

                      The game would be more even if all of the great wonders were transformed into small ones that every civ could build. But it would also lose a lot of its flavor. Since we moved Longevity into the industrial era, I wouldn't be particularly opposed to transforming Hoover into a small wonder as a compensation to keep the number of great wonders in the era the same as in the stock game, but it's not something I particularly favor either. Making ToE a small wonder instead of a great one would change the entire character and pace of the tech race too much, and I'd rather eliminate the wonder entirely if we want to keep it from benefitting one civ more than the others.



                      • That was a wonderful illustration of the source of the effects of wonders, Nathan. Seriously.

                        I don't think the imbalance stems from the effect of either one of these two wonders, but rather from their (warning, marketing buzzword) synergy.

                        Initially, we removed a pre-req tech that had strengthened the tie between ToE and Hoover, and that seems to say to me that the strength of the production boost combined with the "Advance to Go, Collect $200" power of ToE is, indeed, one-sidedly gamebreaking.

                        I also dislike the idea of weakening the Hydro plant although it would give some incentive to "upgrade" to Solar in the modern era.

                        We're also in agreement that ToE is, and should be, a Great Wonder. It is a Scientific Great Wonder, and looking the editor, there's a fair amount we could give to ToE while removing the Free Ticket to Go nature of it.
                        -Gains in Every City: Library (in keeping with both Scientific and boosting research)
                        -Gains in Every City on Continent: University
                        -Doubles Research Output
                        -Gain Any Advances Owned by 2 Civs

                        As for Hoover's, I think making this one less obvious would be good. Maybe require Democracy as the Government?

                        I dunno. We need to do a little bit more to make the synergy of these two less, well, synergistic.
                        "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos


                        • Under the default rules, coal plants are the earliest plants available, hydro plants give a chance for something that doesn't pollute a bit later but only for cities with rivers, and solar plants give all cities a non-polluting option even later still but at a relatively high price for non-agricultural civs. Nuclear plants work even better in terms of both production and pollution for cities with access to fresh water, but only as long as they don't suffer a meltdown. Thus, all four types of power plants have a useful niche in spite of the fact that a city can only have one type of power plant in operation at a time. I view that balance as very nice as it is and don't want to tamper with it.


                          • Thanks for the rundown - I've never really thought about the plants that much, mostly I think because I really want to hit the ToE-Hoover jackpot every time. Failing that, I want Hydro plants in any town that can get them asap, failing that, Solar(a bit late for this, eh?), failing THAT, coal. I've never felt like tempting the gods and playing with nuclear("It's pronounced nuk-yuh-ler") power.

                            Like I said, though, I also dislike the idea of weakening the Hydro plant although it would give some incentive to "upgrade" to Solar in the modern era.

                            The I-also-dislike part of that was the important bit, although I was less clear about it than I should have been. I think it far more important to find ways to break the bond between ToE and Hoover's(I think we made a good first step), even if it means ToE gets something other than 2 free techs. Best, IMO, would be a SGL-style Science Age, but I was wrong, I don't see that in the editor tonight(maybe tomorrow ) but I do see the city-specific research boost and the option of putting libraries/unis in all cities/all continental cities.
                            "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos


                            • Can we make the AI more likely to go down the Scientific Method branch by tweaking the flavours somehow? This may help it get to ToE and then Hoovers more quickly.

                              Alternatively, what about going back to the old Civ2 idea of a 50% shield penalty for switching production? I know this would be immensely unpopular, but it would severely limit the effectiveness of pre-builds....which after all, are a human-only toy.
                              So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
                              Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

                              Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS


                              • The only time prebuilds pose a really serious game balance problem is with wonder races. Solving that problem would require only a few lines of code to the effect that if the thing the player changes production to is a great wonder and the thing the player changes production from is not a great wonder, the city's shields are reset to zero (or cut in half if the preference is to weaken prebuilds without eliminating them entirely). Of course an "Are you sure?" dialog box would need to be displayed to make sure the player really wants to give up all the saved shields to switch. That way players could keep Civ 3's normal flexibility regarding changing one's mind about what to build but could not take advantage of anything but other great wonders as prebuilds to win wonder races.

                                Regarding having AIs emphasize Scientific Method more, pushing hard makes sense if and only if a player has a good chance of winning the race to ToE. Otherwise, other techs are more valuable. Since most of the AIs will not be the one that wins the race to ToE, I seriously doubt that making Scientific Method more attractive to them would do more good than harm unless someone can find a way to make the AIs smart about when they push hard for Scientific Method and when they don't.

