Originally posted by nbarclay
Do RoPs really matter in galley explorations? I normally just promise to leave and do so as quickly as I can get my galleys across to the other end of the civ. (And it's not like I'm being any less polite than AIs typically are in that regard; at least I'm planning to get out of their territory in some kind of reasonable timeframe.)
Do RoPs really matter in galley explorations? I normally just promise to leave and do so as quickly as I can get my galleys across to the other end of the civ. (And it's not like I'm being any less polite than AIs typically are in that regard; at least I'm planning to get out of their territory in some kind of reasonable timeframe.)
Had I been forced to actually pay anything serious for RoPs, I would have used them a lot less often. However, given the decent REX (value of RoP depends on territory controlled) I was in most circumstances able to trade RoPs straight up or grab some loose change from the AI's. I'm pleased with the end result -- I think I paid 20 gold to Babylon for an RoP early and never paid again. Everybody is polite with me; and every few turns I get an offer to resume an expired RoP, taking in connection with the resumption a refreshed map and any gold the AI's might have accumulated. As we head into the Industrial Age with several powerful civs running around with caravels and galleons, I'll probably tend to back off some of the RoPs. But for now, Queen Elizabeth is almost universally admired

