Originally posted by badams52
I'm really looking forward to your future posts Arrian to see if you can get UP.
Also just wonder what you think about building your FP near the palace with your leader then palace jump later with a new leader you get from all the war going on. I seem to remember you were in favor of quick FP builds earlier...
I'm really looking forward to your future posts Arrian to see if you can get UP.

Also just wonder what you think about building your FP near the palace with your leader then palace jump later with a new leader you get from all the war going on. I seem to remember you were in favor of quick FP builds earlier...
As for the Palace/FP thing, I've been thinking more and more about that. The problem is, Thebes is pretty much centered in the southern core of my empire. Even moving the "eye of the corruption storm" one city south would kinda throw things off-kilter. Then again, its getting late in the game, and I'd love to move my Palace up north for the flip-fighting power it has (flip prevention in the city its built in, of course, but also the proximity to capitol boost it will give to surrounding towns).
I'm considering biting the bullet and building the FP just south of Thebes, and then immediately rushing the Palace in Berlin - for now - counting on another leader to later move the Palace further north. With the HE and several more civs to kill, more leaders should appear.
Right now, I'm facing a potentially bloody war a long way from home. And I'm starting to worry about the civs on the "other continent" passing me in tech and snagging MY wonders (Bach & Smith's in particular).