Do you have a mod we could D/L?
Some of them are too radical for this MOD...You'll notice the link to 2 prevoious ~500 post threads in the title
As you said, expanding is all-powerful, so you with your change you would end up having large, powerful and inefficient human empires, and small, weak and efficient AI empires. The human would be at the advantage here (moreso than usual).
You risk reinforcing already bad AI build choices so that would have to be playtested. ... Are you sure your not underestimating the AIs ability to build factories when its at peace.
On a side note, i think someone mentioned part of the problem with the ai not building factories is that they cost alot of shields. Well, why not split the factory into 2 buildings, say 'factory a' and 'factory b'. They both cost 120 sheilds, produce +1 production, +1 pollution, one has a maintenance of 1 and the other 2. one would be a prereq for the other. Just a thought.
Firstly, does the map generator know that these are uninhabitable?
inaccessible resources on islands.
Does the AI eventually colonise forest/jungle?
I've seen the AI unload wheeled tanks on the other side of a jungle before now. Tanks were originally wheeled in this mod but it's been changed.
'Added 4 commerce to gold' ...a more reasonable change but why?
I just want to see the terrain actaully worth something, i mean it should be a tough descision- do i build here and get the gold or do i build there and get more grassland? That's why i also advocate decreasing the strategic resources and the ocn. Do i build a worhtless city (maybe even a costly city) to get this resource or can i just peacfully trade for it?
I think that's already been suggested and debated. Only the human can use forts effectively when they're useful.
If it can be shown that increasing the effect of specialists at any point helps the AI and it works graphically then why not?
But it just means I should be prepared to palace jump (abandon the capital) which is even more of a silly exploit than just building it elsewhere.
Giving aircraft the ability to rebase and then do something else is an intriguing proposition. ...as long as it doesn't undercut AI effectiveness unacceptably
Adding the "wheeled" flag to most units has the undesirable side effect of making bad starting positions a lot worse. Sometimes there's only room for a handful of cities (maybe even just one or two with real growth potential) near the starting position and then you have to cross several mountain or jungle tiles to get anywhere else. Such situations are hard enough to deal with without having to road through the tough territory to get military units out (especially for a non-industrious civ).
