Thought I'd just throw out some ideas for helping the Guerilla unit (for AI purposes, mostly):
1. Remove "Requires Support" flag.
This makes the unit slightly better in the AIs hands. The potential downfall is that the human player could conceivably exploit this (for example, by fielding huge armies at low cost when in representative governments). The situation gets worse when you consider that you can Draft Guerillas. But, Guerillas still suck compared to Infantry (lower Attack and Defense, same cost).
2. Add zero-range Bombard ability
Just like we did with Archers and Longbowmen (and their UU counterparts). This helps the AI, since it always seems to have a couple of Guerillas just "hanging out" in a stack of units, where Infantry usually attack and defend first.
3. Add "Ignores Movement Cost" for Forest, Jungle
This change deviates from stock Civ3 significantly, but it's still not that interesting. The AI and the human player would make pretty good use of this ability, but those terrain types are largely gone in the Industrial age. Maybe the Guerilla could ignore movement cost in Hills...
4. Reduce cost of Guerilla to 8
Self-explanatory. Again, I think, uninteresting.
That's all I can think of for now. alexman's solution (Guerilla->Infantry upgrade) is a good one, but ideally Guerillas should serve a more important function. What would be really great is if we could tell the AI not to build the stupid things when it has Rubber available.
1. Remove "Requires Support" flag.
This makes the unit slightly better in the AIs hands. The potential downfall is that the human player could conceivably exploit this (for example, by fielding huge armies at low cost when in representative governments). The situation gets worse when you consider that you can Draft Guerillas. But, Guerillas still suck compared to Infantry (lower Attack and Defense, same cost).
2. Add zero-range Bombard ability
Just like we did with Archers and Longbowmen (and their UU counterparts). This helps the AI, since it always seems to have a couple of Guerillas just "hanging out" in a stack of units, where Infantry usually attack and defend first.
3. Add "Ignores Movement Cost" for Forest, Jungle
This change deviates from stock Civ3 significantly, but it's still not that interesting. The AI and the human player would make pretty good use of this ability, but those terrain types are largely gone in the Industrial age. Maybe the Guerilla could ignore movement cost in Hills...
4. Reduce cost of Guerilla to 8
Self-explanatory. Again, I think, uninteresting.
That's all I can think of for now. alexman's solution (Guerilla->Infantry upgrade) is a good one, but ideally Guerillas should serve a more important function. What would be really great is if we could tell the AI not to build the stupid things when it has Rubber available.