OK, part II: I noticed that I failed to inform people during DAR 1 my level. I'm playing Emperor.
Up to this point, I've gotten 4 cities founded, and a couple more enroute. Pumping settlers, but only completed my first curragh at the end of the DAR1, so I have no foreign contacts.
2100BC: Varna founded next to the incense, and I immediately move a worker to hook it up. With any luck, I'll be able to relax using the luxury slider.
1950BC: I make my first foreign contact, with Japan. Toku gives me ceremonial burial and 17g for the Byzantine alphabet.
1910BC: I found Smyrna on the gold hill at the northern end of the island.
1830BC: Woo-hoo. I make contact with Sumeria, and trade writing to Gilgamesh for Mysticism, Masonry, Warrior Code and 10 measly gold. I then trade writing to Japan for The Wheel and 3g.
1790BC: City of Heraclea founded on the coastal hill on the far east side of the island. It's worth mentioning that a while back I chose to make a bee-line for Philosophy rather than researching MM directly. I figure that I can probably trade Phil for it, and worst case I'll use the free tech to get MM. I'm currently 25 turns from Phil at (obviously) max feasible research.
1725BC: Well, since I'm nowhere near MM and I'm running out of good room for cities, I've started cranking out workers so that I can start draining swamps. We'll see if this is a good use of my worker's time.
1625BC: I screwed up. I have floated past the Hittites at least once or twice, but thought they were stil the Sumerians so didn't contact them. (Colors aren't even THAT similar. I was just snoozing.) Formally make contact with them, but they're a backwater, with nothing of any value.
1575BC: The Great Marshland Reclamation Project proudly annouces the founding of the city of Trebizond on former SE corner of the marsh.
1450BC: Continuing to drain the northern swamps, I found Chalcedon on 3rd square north of Constatinople, next to the marsh fishies.
1325BC: Having found a possible seapath to another continent, a suicide curragh reaches Egypt. Cleo has Polytheism, but won't give it to me.
1275BC: The Department of World Conquest regrets to annouce the loss of our first curragh, in the trecherous seas between the island north of Japan and the one to its west. I'm one turn from Philosophy, so I check to see everyone's trading potential and, damn the luck, no one has Map Making. I'd rather use Phil to get Code of Laws, but dromons are much more valuable, given the large amount of space available and the fact that Japan is looking like a nice target.
1250BC: Philosophy is complete. I swallow my pride and take Map Making as my free tech. Start researching Code of Laws. Cleo still won't give me Polytheism, so I first trade alphabet (I think) and writing (successively) for a bunch of gold, the trade Philosophy to her for Polytheism. Next, I traded Phil and Poly to Sumeria for Mathematics, Literature and 59g. Next, I trade Lit to Japan for Horseback Riding & 22g. The Hittites still suck. Start building a couple of harbors, so I can upgrade curraghs.
1225BC: WOW. I sent a mega-suicide curragh pretty far north (several turns) and find the Maya. I trade Lit for Iron Working and 110g. Cool, I have a deposit and it's already roaded.
1200BC: Heraclea completes first harbor and I upgrade my first 2 curragh to dromon. I also meet Russia, who has nothing to trade.
Overall, I'm feeling pretty good here. I've got a significant tech lead and my cities appear OK. Downside is that I've been really bad about Wonders pre-builds, and I'm still a good 58 turns to Great Lighthouse. Not convinced I'll get it.
Here's the screenshot of the home island. Mini-map shows that I've explored a respectable portion of the map.
Up to this point, I've gotten 4 cities founded, and a couple more enroute. Pumping settlers, but only completed my first curragh at the end of the DAR1, so I have no foreign contacts.
2100BC: Varna founded next to the incense, and I immediately move a worker to hook it up. With any luck, I'll be able to relax using the luxury slider.
1950BC: I make my first foreign contact, with Japan. Toku gives me ceremonial burial and 17g for the Byzantine alphabet.
1910BC: I found Smyrna on the gold hill at the northern end of the island.
1830BC: Woo-hoo. I make contact with Sumeria, and trade writing to Gilgamesh for Mysticism, Masonry, Warrior Code and 10 measly gold. I then trade writing to Japan for The Wheel and 3g.
1790BC: City of Heraclea founded on the coastal hill on the far east side of the island. It's worth mentioning that a while back I chose to make a bee-line for Philosophy rather than researching MM directly. I figure that I can probably trade Phil for it, and worst case I'll use the free tech to get MM. I'm currently 25 turns from Phil at (obviously) max feasible research.
1725BC: Well, since I'm nowhere near MM and I'm running out of good room for cities, I've started cranking out workers so that I can start draining swamps. We'll see if this is a good use of my worker's time.
1625BC: I screwed up. I have floated past the Hittites at least once or twice, but thought they were stil the Sumerians so didn't contact them. (Colors aren't even THAT similar. I was just snoozing.) Formally make contact with them, but they're a backwater, with nothing of any value.
1575BC: The Great Marshland Reclamation Project proudly annouces the founding of the city of Trebizond on former SE corner of the marsh.
1450BC: Continuing to drain the northern swamps, I found Chalcedon on 3rd square north of Constatinople, next to the marsh fishies.
1325BC: Having found a possible seapath to another continent, a suicide curragh reaches Egypt. Cleo has Polytheism, but won't give it to me.
1275BC: The Department of World Conquest regrets to annouce the loss of our first curragh, in the trecherous seas between the island north of Japan and the one to its west. I'm one turn from Philosophy, so I check to see everyone's trading potential and, damn the luck, no one has Map Making. I'd rather use Phil to get Code of Laws, but dromons are much more valuable, given the large amount of space available and the fact that Japan is looking like a nice target.
1250BC: Philosophy is complete. I swallow my pride and take Map Making as my free tech. Start researching Code of Laws. Cleo still won't give me Polytheism, so I first trade alphabet (I think) and writing (successively) for a bunch of gold, the trade Philosophy to her for Polytheism. Next, I traded Phil and Poly to Sumeria for Mathematics, Literature and 59g. Next, I trade Lit to Japan for Horseback Riding & 22g. The Hittites still suck. Start building a couple of harbors, so I can upgrade curraghs.
1225BC: WOW. I sent a mega-suicide curragh pretty far north (several turns) and find the Maya. I trade Lit for Iron Working and 110g. Cool, I have a deposit and it's already roaded.
1200BC: Heraclea completes first harbor and I upgrade my first 2 curragh to dromon. I also meet Russia, who has nothing to trade.
Overall, I'm feeling pretty good here. I've got a significant tech lead and my cities appear OK. Downside is that I've been really bad about Wonders pre-builds, and I'm still a good 58 turns to Great Lighthouse. Not convinced I'll get it.
Here's the screenshot of the home island. Mini-map shows that I've explored a respectable portion of the map.