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AU501 - DAR2: First Dromon

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  • AU501 - DAR2: First Dromon

    This is the second "During Action Report" thread for AU501 - The Power of Seafaring, dedicated to the time period between 2150BC and the construction/upgrade of your first Dromon (the Byzantine unique).

    So, what are you planning to do with your wonderful UU?
    And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...

  • #2
    Emperor Level, AU Mod

    The Byzantines discovered Writing in 1910, raising the question of what to research next. I decided to suspend research for a couple turns to get a better feel for what the island to the west looks like before deciding whether to focus on Philosophy or Map Making. (I had a curraugh just starting to explore in that direction.)

    In 1830, an exploring curraugh spotted the borders of what turned out to be the Hittites to the northeast. At that point, I decided to go for Philosophy and hope that I could trade to one or another of the AIs for Map Making and get some other things in the process. With a small land mass at home and the island to the west looking like mostly marsh and jungle, I decided that the conquest of Japan was my best bet for gaining some additional territory. (Not that I planned to have my conquest stop there.)

    My Byzantines won the race to Philosophy in 1175 BC, taking taking Code of Laws as my free tech and engaging in a series of trades. (I could have traded for Polytheism before getting my free tech and ended up with Monarchy, but that seems like too much of an exploit.) I traded Philosophy to the Hittittes for Map Making, Iron Working, and 40 gold and then traded Philosophy and Map Making to Sumeria for Literature and 61 gold. (The Sumerians apparently had their own research into Philosophy well underway.) I also traded Philosophy to Japan for Polytheism and 5 gold.

    That series of trades gave me a considerable tech lead over my neighbors. I was the only one with Code of Laws. Japan and I had Mysticism and Polytheism, while the Hittites and Sumerians did not. In the other direction, I had Literature, Map Making, and Iron Working in common with my northern neeighbors, while Japan lacked those technologies.

    With a nice tech lead and a newly revealed iron deposit, I decided to research Republic on a 50-turn pace and build and upgrade warriors for the conquest of Japan (and probably other targets later on). While building up my forces, I would go ahead and start settling the western isalnds.

    In 1150 BC, the first of the three Byzantine curraughs was upgraded to a Dromon.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      DAR 2 - Standard Rules, Emperor

      Complete Writing in 1870, start Philosophy (14 turns)

      Philosophy discovered in 1550 - took Maps and start on Lit

      Met Hittites & Sumerians in 1500BC

      By now I have decided that I have to hit Japan.
      This is conquests after all - and there's never enough strategic resources to go round so war is a necessity.

      Start trading tech with the 3 civs I've met and get a lead of :

      Maps over Sumeria, Maps/Iron/Maths over Hittites, and Maps/Phil/Maths over Japan. Japan has HBR though.

      Holy Cr*p I've got Iron as well as Horses! Is this too kind? I sense not-the-map generator at work here

      In 1450 Const builds its 8th settler and goes to workers. It's been doing 4-turn settlers nicely since about the start of this DAR. Before then it was going ad hoc until it got into its rhythm. There's one barracks city doing 2-turn warriors, with two more barracks on the way. Two other cities are building harbours, one is building a Dromon, and the last 2 cities on the island will be founded in a few turns.

      I opened an embassy with the Sumerians. (Ur has Oracle and is doing Pyramids (50t)) - and Hittites (doing Pyra (40t)) - and Japanese who are building a barracks in Kyoto. Hmmm. Sign RoPs with Hittites & Sumerians.

      In 1400 I realise my big mistake. Can't settle swamp. Oh dear, looks like they'll have to go overseas. Lucky there are Dromons coming ...

      In 1375 Varna completes its harbor, and I spend 45g upgrading a vet curragh (battle-hardened by barbs) to my first Dromon


      1. Const : Worker, warrior, warrior, granary, settler, settler, warrior, settler, settler, settler
      2. Adrianople : curragh, warrior, warrior, barracks, chariot/spear, warr, warr
      3. Caesarea : warrior, curragh, barracks, chariot
      4. Nicea : warrior-worker-barracks
      5. Varna : curragh-harbor-dromon
      6. Smyrna : warrior-worker
      7. Heraclea : harbor

      (plus two other warriors somewhere)

      Military at 1375BC is 10 warriors, 2 curraghs, 1 Dromon, 4 workers & 2 settlers.


      • #4
        I accidentally lost the first part of the DAR (from 2150BC to Writing - 1700BC). In that time, I got contact with the Hittites and that's about it. Also dropped down another city.

        The next little while was focussed on filling the island (at least until I could get off of it with Settlers). I also started planning to do a curragh-->Dromon upgrade combined with a warrior-->Swordsman upgrade. Figured on launching an attack on the Japanese using swords and catapults/dromon for bombard.

        Around 1650BC, I started a curragh on a suicide mission. There was sea squares with no coast in sight, but I sent him on to see how far he would last.
        Attached Files
        Walk softly and carry a big stick...or better yet, a remote controlled nuclear device.


        • #5
          The RNG must have been smiling on me because he made it all the way up to the Maya and English.

          He was later killed by some barbarians, but needless to say it was worth it. Armed with 5 contacts, I could play each one off the other to maintain the tech lead and build up a nice sized treasury.
          Attached Files
          Walk softly and carry a big stick...or better yet, a remote controlled nuclear device.


          • #6
            In 1425BC, I noticed that Sumeria had discovered Writing. Rather than wait for Philosophy before trading now, I sent Writing to anyone who wanted it. Went to Japan for Mysticism, Warrior Code and the Wheel. Went to Mayans for Iron Working, Masonry and Pottery. Sent Masonry and Pottery to Japan for Horseback Riding and then sent Horseback Riding to the Mayans for Mathematics and 50 gold. Since the Sumerians already had Mathematics, I decided to sell it to the Hittites as well for 77 gold. This sequence of trades gave me tech parity with everyone I had contact with and a one tech lead on most of them.
            Later on, I sent Writing to the English (in 1175BC) for Polytheism and 110 gold. Then in 1125BC, Polytheism went to the Mayans for Construction and 30 gold.
            Finally, in 950BC, I discovered Philosophy. Turned out I was also the first one to get it and I took Monarchy with the free tech. After a 4 turn revolution, the new Byzantine monarchy continued with plans for the upgrade invasion of Japan.
            In 825BC, Philosophy went to Sumeria for Literature and 48 gold. It then went to the English in exchange for Currency. Over the next few turns both the Mayans and the English demanded Literature and then declared war after I refused them. Horseback Riding went to Sumeria and the Hittites in 550BC in exhange for 103 and 111 gold respectively. At this point, since no one seemed to be researching map making, I jacked up my research and was losing 21gpt. However, that would only last 8 turns and since my treasury was over 800 gold at this point, I decided to go for it.
            In 410BC, map making was discovered and the first Dromons appeared in the Byzantine military in 370BC after being upgraded at the newly built harbor in Adrianople.

            7 worker
            8 warrior
            2 spearmen
            11 swordsmen
            7 catapult
            6 dromon

            Contact with the Hittites, the Sumerians, the Mayans (war), the English (war) and the Japanese (soon to be war...).
            Attached Files
            Walk softly and carry a big stick...or better yet, a remote controlled nuclear device.


            • #7
              Emperor Difficulty

              Alright, let's see... where was I?

              Right after my last post, Japan contacted me demanded Masonry. I thought about this for a bit, thinking it was odd that they would declare ware when only curraghs were available. I said no, but they were bluffing anyways. Silly Japanese.

              Nicae was founded in 1870. My 4 turn settler pump has been is definitely in full swing now so this island will fill up in no time. I checked around for techs and saw that Sumeria had writing! Still 20 turns away from finishing my research I think I can deem my 50 turn writing gambit a complete and utter failure. I know all you guys probably saw that coming, but I gave it a shot anyways! I decided to finish out that research and use the saved cash for other techs in the future.

              Next couple turns I settled some more cities and hooked up my horses and incense. In 1500 I finished exploring all of the coastal tiles with my curraghs. I see that there is no place for a suicide curragh so I'll be content with what I see until Dromons come out to play. Also, I *finally* finished Writing on this turn and went on to Map Making since i didn't think I would win a race to philsophy. Turns out that Sumeria went for Literature so it might actually have worked. I see some of you guys have had success with the bee-line to philosophy so it is definitely still possible in this Mod.

              1450 BC - My volcano erupted! Only spewed where there were no borders so no damage was caused. I was worried for a second there! Put down my last city on the island so REX is officially over. I don't like borging, so there may not be as many cities as some of you would like. To each his own.

              The next two turns the French finished The Collusus and Wonders started to cascade from there. Luckily I wasn't working on any so I didn't miss out. I put down my first barracks and started pumping out horsemen for a future invasion. Most of the other cities were working on temples or curraghs.

              In 1275 I allowed myself to be extorted for 23 gold from the Hittites. I'm almost ready for war, but not with them. I started a pre-build for Statue of Zeus at this time as well.

              Just a small note... in 1200BC I started clearing a spot for a city in the wastelands. It's a nice spot once you get to it. Plus you get one of those cool land-based fish! That city will be able to churn out a worker every 10 turns so I figure it will be able to drain its own swamps.

              I finished Map Making in 975BC. I'll have dromons next term and be ready to march very soon after that! I put the research to 0% temporarily so that I would have enough money for the 45 gold upgrades.

              950 BC - Okay, right now I have:
              4 horsemen
              5 dromons
              8 warriors (Gee, I wonder what they'll become. Heh.)
              5 workers (I didn't realize it was so few. I really need to pump out some more real soon)
              1 settler

              I also managed to trade around for Polytheism, Iron Working, Mathematics, and Literature. and 158 gold. I have two cities building harbors on their way to full-time Dromon production, likely to be a third. Three cities are currently pumping out nothing but veteran swordmen as well.

              Alright, so what do I plan to do with my dromons? I've used the Byzantines before and they're definitely a great unit to have on water maps during the ancient age. It's power is pretty startling if you've never seen it before. I'm going to use them to suppress Japan to keep them from meeting other civs, and use them to soften up cities for my ground troops. They do both very well, and are even transports! Once my Golden Age is triggered I'll use it to rush the Statue of Zeus through production at the very least. Probably put down libraries in all of my cities as well.

              Hopefully everything goes as planned! Swordsmen with Dromon backup should just tear through Japan.

              Attached Files


              • #8
                Here's a quick rundown of my game up to the first Dromon. I apologize for the scant notes, but I get more caught up in playing than in note taking For the record, it's Monarch with the AU mod.

                3900- Founded Zargonbul 7-7 of start.
                3650- Volcano erupts *phew*
                3550- Ceremonial Burial from hut
                2750- Warrior Code from hut
                2230 - Contact with Japanese
                2230 - Alpha and Pottery for 10g and The Wheel
                1750 - Contact with Sumerians
                1750 - Wheel and Writing for Masonry and IW
                1745 - Contact with Hittites
                1325 - Suicide curraugh contacts Egyptians
                1325 - IW for Myst and 14g
                1300 - French build Collosus
                1250 - Contact with Russians
                1250 - MM and Myst to Sumerians for Math and 80g
                1250 - Math and MM to Russians for Lit and 50g
                1225 - Curraugh sunk by stack of 5(!) barb gallies
                1000 - First Dromon

                I'll try and get a screenshot up shortly...
                I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                • #9
                  Rhoth’s DARs, AU501, Chapter 2

                  Emperor level played with the AU mod

                  1790bc – Settle Varna on the coast to bring incense to my capital.

                  Varna has much potential with all those forests surrounding it and the plainsland in the future. But the primary reason for settling it was to finally get a luxury running through my cities and ease the burden on the luxury slider. Other than the luxury, the city was not very important to settle, which was why it slipped so far down the list.

                  1725bc – Contact with Sumeria. They are five techs ahead of me, and I have absolutely nothing to trade to them.

                  At the time I wasn’t sure if they had a neighbor or not that they were trading with. If they didn’t then they must have received incredible hut luck. Not only did they have my techs, they also had masonry, the wheel, ceremonial burial, iron working, and writing (already)!!

                  1650bc – Contact with the Hittites. They are four techs up on me (everything but writing) and refuse to trade.

                  So far I have made exactly one tech trade and I’m lagging quite far behind. I had originally been hoping to trade writing around, but one nation already has it. At the time I was just hoping that the Sumerians would not trade it to the Hittites.

                  1550bc – Smyrna settled near the wheat.

                  It would take a little while to get irrigation up to the wheat, but it would be worth it to have another fast growing city. The forest chop also allowed me to get a quicker barracks going. I already had several barracks cities, but I wanted to have several cities with the ability to pump out veteran units. I wanted to have quite a few units ready to attack Japan as soon as I had dromons. Also around this time I stopped building warriors. I had already gotten to around my upper limit of warriors that I’d be able to upgrade with the gold I had, plus I still had to upgrade curraghs to dromons too. I was also very leery of not having iron on my little island either so I started building some archers and spearmen as a possible attack force in case of no iron.

                  1400bc – French complete the Colossus.

                  I didn’t make any effort to get a wonder yet. All my efforts have been going toward settling my island and preparing to take Japan’s island.

                  1375bc – Finish research on writing. Start researching map making. Many tech trades occur.

                  My research capacity had increased to the point where I could research map making in 18 turns. I thought for a while about heading to philosophy first for the free tech, but I decided I would likely not be able to get it seeing as how the Sumerians had already had writing for quite a while. If I didn’t get it first to get the free tech, then I just set back my war for quite a while. I headed for the sure path of map making for my dromons and the ability to make war. On the tech trade front, I was able to almost catch up in tech with Sumeria. The Hittites still did not have writing so I traded writing, 6gpt, and 50 gold to them for masonry and iron working. I then traded masonry to Japan for ceremonial burial, the wheel, and 30 gold. They had apparently finished mysticism, so I traded writing to them for that and 12 gold (all they had), but the others had that tech also. I now was equal to the Hittites, ahead of Japan by iron working (I didn’t want to trade them that under any circumstance to allow them to start building swordsmen before my invasion), and behind Sumeria by literature.

                  1350bc – The Mayans complete the Pyramids. Bummer! Heraclea founded on the gold hill.

                  I still hadn’t made any effort for great wonders, but I was hoping I’d be able to receive an SGL for map making and be able to rush the Pyramids. It was not to be.

                  1100bc – Trebizond and Chalcedon founded.

                  I had started working on draining my swampland for a little while, enough to allow me to begin settling the area. I also settled Trebizond close to a whale tile. It would take a while for that city to be worth it, but I knew I’d need more cities with low corruption, meaning cities on my primary island.

                  1075bc – Hittites complete the Oracle. Woopty Doo.

                  I can’t even remember the last time I build that wonder. Civ2 maybe? It’s practically worthless, even if you were swimming in SGLs

                  1025bc – Finish mapmaking and another bit of trading goes on. Adrianople starts a harbor.

                  I traded map making to Sumeria for code of laws, and then traded code of laws and map making to the Hittites for literature. I was now only behind by polytheism, which I could not get out of anyone, including Japan.

                  900bc – Upgrade a curragh to my first dromon in Adrianople

                  I had several curraghs waiting to be upgraded and a few more returning from exploring to be upgraded before heading back out. I will also complete a few new dromons in other towns soon. With a large force of swordsmen back by archers, Japan does not have much longer before I begin my invasion. As you can see, Japan has gotten a curragh into the water. They still do not have contact with anyone but me, and I’m going to try to keep it that way. I haven’t decided yet whether I will use my new dromon and start my golden age in despotism, or use my east-coast curraghs to take it out. I’m currently leaning toward the latter. The dromons will rule the seas for quite some time so I shouldn’t have any trouble triggering my golden age once I have Japan’s lands and a new government.

                  That’s as far as I’ve played so far. I unfortunately have things I need to do today, but I’ll try and keep going as soon as I can.

                  To be continued…
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Whoops, I just noticed that Chalcedon's worker build outpaced the growth. I forgot about the tobacco tile receiving the mine this past turn.

                    From reading through a few other DARs in this thread, it looks like I wasn't aggressive enough with suicide curraghs. I did notice the two sea lanes, but with the lessened ability for suiciding in the AU mod I didn't want to risk my curraghs that early.


                    • #11
                      Fosse's Game

                      The year is 1000 BC and I just built my first Dromon, stuck a warrrior and a settler into it, and they are heading to the volcanic island to the west, securing their iron. Next island will be the other iron to the south east, but that's still a bit off.

                      I've sent curraghs through the sea channels in the north, toward Maya and France, and the east towards Egypt and Russia. I've made contact with the Dutch as well. And if you take a look at my screenshot at the bottom, you'll see that Varna is playing host to a Japanese curragh! I know that this was one of the thigns AU wanted to see more often, what was the solution (or is this a freak occurance?)?

                      Okay, the detailed report...

                      2100 BC, found Varna in the northwest, start a barracks. Nicea begins building the Collossus.

                      1790 I build Smyrna on the incense, and begin the roads to hook it up.

                      1750 I am able to afford masonry, finally, from either Sumeria or the Hittites. Sumeria is the big kid, so I give the Hittites 140 g and 1 gpt for it. I then sell it to Japan for all they have: Ceremonial burial and Warrior code.

                      Checking Sumeria, I see they have math, horseback, and myst.
                      Japan has myst, and Hitties have Myst and Horse.
                      I am six turns away from writing. This is the year I start the suicide galley in the north west sea channel, sending a pair of them out.

                      1700 BC... Stupid barbarians delay a settler from founding a city in the north east... grrr...

                      1625 I have writing, start Philosphy at 50 turns. Sumer and Hittites got it at the same time, but Japan trades Mysticism for it.

                      1600 One galley sinks within sight of purple borders! But the other makes it to shore... contact next turn introduces me to the Mayans, whol have Ironworking, but not mysticism. They won't trade iron, so I decide to build up gold for a few turns as I did before.

                      At this point Constantinople stops pumping settlers, as the 6 cities and two settlers I have will last me until I clear some marsh and get dromons. It starts pumping workers.

                      1475 I learn Mayans have map making.

                      1425 Japan gets Polytheism, and I hook up the incense to everyone. This allows me to move from the 50 turn pace on philosophy. Nobody will trade techs to me.

                      1375 I meet France. They have iron and math, but not writing or Ceremonial burial... A round of tech brokering starts...

                      I sell CB and writing to France for Iron working and 60 gold.
                      Sumeria buys IW for Math and 125 gold
                      Japan sells Polytheism for Math and IW
                      France pays 60 gold for Mysticism
                      Maya pays Mapmaking and 74 gold for Polytheism and Math.

                      1325 A curragh in the east reaches Egypt! They are backwards, but rich in gold, so I sell them Wheel for 210 gold.

                      1275 Maya builds the Pyramids. Workers finish clearing the first marsh, and I found Chalcedon in the reclaimed land.

                      1250 Sumeria discovers literature, which I pay 275 gold for. SEveral cities building temples switch to Libraries. Within a few turns I finally start building culture (and research!).

                      I sell Literature to the Hittites before Sumer can for Horseback riding (a tech everyone had in the previous round of trading, but I didn't really need).

                      The Dutch build the Mausoleom.

                      1200 I meet Russia, backwards and poor. My guess is Egypt is selling them the techs they get, which explains Egypt's wealth.

                      1150 Hittites build Oracle

                      1075 I meet a Japanese Curragh! From here on out I will assume Japan has contact with Sumeria and Hittites.

                      France gets currency, and I trade them Mapmaking, Literature, and Horseback riding, plus 225 gold for it.

                      1025 My curragh exploring the icy island west of France heads south and reaches the Netherlands. They have Code of Laws and Philosophy!

                      I sell them Literature and Map Making for COL and Philosphy. I am 16 turns from Republic.

                      1000 BC First Dromon. The curragh in Egyptian waters is sunk by barbarians. Constantinople resumes settler pumping (this was actually a few turns ago, but I don't recall exactly when).
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        A note...

                        Alexman, great work with the research priorities! THis is my first C3C AU game, but if it is any indication then it's really working. If I weren't whoring techs around then every continent would have very different techs right now! It's very cool, and really adds flavor!


                        • #13
                          Emperor Level, AU Mod

                          This is a great map. I am finding it challenging to play a more classical style without the use of camps. The following develops into a bit of a ramble, but it was fun to write, so here goes.

                          By 1000BC I was finished Map Making and Working on Iron Working (mistake). Clearing of the Marshlands had begun and settlements would spring up within 25 years. Veteran Dromon's were coming out around 750BC and eyes were cast across the Fuji Straights towards Japan, but builder impulses won the ear of the Empress so such plans were put off (2nd, BIG mistake).

                          By 250BC, the hawks had gained in influence and plans were finally underway for a landing in Japan to establish the vassalage of the Japanese. These plans were somewhat disturbed by the propensity of the Iron God to belch forth lava upon his treasure, so it was decided that horse would be the weapon of choice, especially given the theoretical possibility of them being retrained once the horseniks mastered stirrups and armour. Plans for a Japanese excursion were also slightly effected by the Hittite hoards who repeatedly deposited their demon chariots upon our good shores and were barely pressed back. Luckily, the stout Spearmen of Varna were able to dispatch the remains of their most threatening incursion after the incompetence of the Imerial military planners was demonstrated when forces at hand were destroyed in a disasterous attack on the Three-Man Chariots. However, leadership improved somewhat and this Hittite intrusion was expelled for good with time.

                          Imperial misfortune with thngs military was not over with the First Hittite War. The First Japanese War ~50BC brought Byzantine shortcomings in things military during the Ancient Age to a thunderous conclusion of disaster. As a site for the initial landings, the gold camps overlooking Satsuma near Mt Fujikillemall seemed ideal as readily defensible terrain. Imagine then the horrors of those who survived the experience when Japanese Archers made short work of the covering Spear (2 of them) and proceeded to mince the assembled Horse with 2 of 6 landed lost to initial Japanese counter attacks. During a lull in the butchery, one brave unit of Horse worked their way into position to test the defences of Satsuma. The cries of the wounded horse and men alike were dispiriting indeed as they lay dying before the defenders of the town who appeared to have suffered no appreciable losses. The survivors of the expedition were relieved when they received the order to re-embark on the Dromons.

                          Meanwhile, rumours of new ideas were reaching the capital from Sumeria. Armoured men with long pointy poles sounded better equipped to deal with the task of guarding the mounted troops. A resurgence of thought on the uses of armour for the mounted troops was also underway. Many thinkers were assigned the task of ascertaining just what this 'stirrup' thing was, and how it kept the men from falling off their mounts.

                          After receiving counsel from what appeared to be a very limited supply of wise-men in the Republic, the Empress decided to stay the hand of the hawks and prohibited any further landings in Japan at that time. The swarms of Spearmen and Archers available for a rapid response to the Satsuma landings were deemed too large a threat to overcome in short order without some advantage that the implementation of new ideas might afford. What was needed was time, so after some discussion with the Japanese, and the receipt of a token tribute from them, peace was established. The First Japanese War was over.

                          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                          • #14
                            1990BC - Settler4 complete. Writing done. Research Mapmaking 80%. Will found embassy with Hittites for 32gold, then trade them Writing for Masonry+30-ish gold, then trade Masonry or Writing to Japan for Wheel and Warrior Code. Soon to contact 3rd Civ. I think.

                            IBT - I make number 8 on the list of Thucydides. Mooovin' on uuuuup!

                            1950BC - Contact Sumeria. Masonry to Japan for Wheel. Writing to Sumeria for Warrior Code+16g.
                            Oddly enough, Sumeria is guarding a chokepoint. Never seen that before.
                            Hey, I can trade Horses now! How'd that happen?!? Hehe, thanks Dominae!
                            Adrian. grew to 3 and instead of growing my deficit-spending, turn him into a taxman, since a scientist doesn't change the time on Mapmaking and gives me a surplus without changing the temple's completion time.

                            1910BC - Found Smyrna to the east. Start Warrior. I'm not sure how this 'tactic' of having each town build a MP for a settler 8 turns into the future is working out, but with Adrian and Caesarea on Temples hoping to get wonder(s), I can't afford to fall behind on MPs just yet. Also, darned BGs always right where I want to put a town. Having a hard time with spacing because I really don't want to give up extra shields, not on this map where my island is likely to be my only productive place for some time to come.

                            Hrm, looks like I forgot to MM or messed up the MM in Duckst. last turn. now my food/shields seem off. Grr.

                            Lux now connected! Slider to 0%!!! Yay! Research to 90%. Gonna need money for another Embassy and maybe a Dromon upgrade or two.

                            1870BC - Adrian finishes Temple, begins Colossus.

                            1830BC - Trade Writing to Japan for Horseback Riding. Will use as bargaining chip with other two AIs when they finish whatever they are researching. MapMaking in 16.

                            1790BC - Duckst. switches to Worker - will make 2, probably. Then back to settlers.

                            1750BC - Barbs appear N. of Duckst. Eek! Not good.
                            Duckst. completes worker, goes to growth in 4 MM, Build Warrior->Worker, THEN back to settler pumps.
                            Smyrna starts Harbor prebuild(temple).
                            Hittites begin Colossus. Dang.

                            1675 - Caesarea completes temple.

                            Flavor Note: For some reason, even though neither had horses (or didn't have them hooked up) and neither had contact with each other, both Japan and Hittites appear to have researched Horseback Riding.

                            1650 BC - Heraclea founded on Au Hill in the NW.
                            1625 BC - Switch Duckst. to Pyramids long enough to chop forest next door. (Sickening, eh?)

                            1600 BC - Japan gets Mysticism.

                            1550 BC - Clear barb camp. Caesarea switches from horse to Pyramid-placeholder for Lighthouse.

                            1525 BC - take 27 gold for HBR.
                            1475 BC - Trebizond founded on riverside hill 1 square away from Varna.(Edit. Not sure, I think I changed my mind on this but forgot to change my notes. I know I debated it forever.)
                            Sumeria gets Literature. 2 turns to go on Mapmaking.

                            1450 BC - Suicide Curragh sees yellow beyond the Hittites. Could get very interesting now. Curiously enough, I've accidentally ended turns in Sea 3 or 4 times(this is the first intentional) and I've only lost 1 so far. Now watch, I'll lose this one.

                            1425 BC - Mapmaking comes in! Woohoo! A few turns ago, I brought a curragh home for upgrading to stake out the island to the south - or maybe a beachhead on Japan - and sent a settler and an archer over there as well. Whee!

                            Research Ironworking at 40% - 13 turns. Should give me time to find/build a barracks and start some Dromons and Swordsmen. Assuming I have Iron. Gah! (My thought here was to destroy Japan ASAP and take over the island, installing a Forbidden Palace there. Unfortunately, in my over-attention to micromanagement, I've lost site of the big picture and have almost no military, two wonder builds going(stupid, stupid, stupid!) and too few workers. I'll have to wait on Japan for a while. Sure, I could trade for lux, but I'd rather be the seller, and that means being the owner. )
                            Caesarea switch to GLighthouse(51 turns)
                            Varna switch to Dromon(finish next turn), Smyrna switch to Harbor(finish this turn) - this will be needed for my island settlements, not for the extra food.
                            Meet Egypt but still ended turn in Sea, so not out of the deep end yet.
                            Trade Cleo the Wheel for Mysticism and 60 gold! Whoo!
                            Trade Warrior Code for 5 gold.
                            Build Embassy.
                            Gift her Alphabet. What a waste. Nothing will make her part with Poly. Grr.
                            Can't decide whether to see if Mapmaking is enough. I'm the only one I know with it, so that would give me a big advantage on the empty islands...

                            1400 BC - Two Dromons set sail with a settler and warrior in each. One to the South, one to the West.

                            Unfortunately, I Forgot to take a screenshot at this point. My original plan had been to have a lot of Dromons and send a horde of swordsmen to steal Japan from Tokie, but I've faltered badly. I just hope I can get to Chivalry with enough of a lead to smoosh him before he gets Samurai.
                            So for now, my Dromon plan is to be nice, fast transports for my settler-garrison pairs. OCN corruption's going to go through the roof, but I can turn those areas into resource supply centers and specialist camps.
                            "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos


                            • #15
                              Screenshot of the world of the Byzantine at the building of the first Dromon...
                              Attached Files
                              I make movies. Come check 'em out.

