Originally posted by alexman
The idea to give low war weariness to Democracy is a good one because then you ensure that Democracy is always better than the Republic. I just feel that having special war governments for war is better for forcing the player to make choices, and for keeping the original flavor. That's why I prefer to nerf the Republic instead.
The idea to give low war weariness to Democracy is a good one because then you ensure that Democracy is always better than the Republic. I just feel that having special war governments for war is better for forcing the player to make choices, and for keeping the original flavor. That's why I prefer to nerf the Republic instead.
If one accepts that we've already "nerfed" Republic about as much as makes sense given the full range of players who use the AU Mod, all that is really left is to improve Democracy if we want it to be worth the time of switching to for human players more often. And with Communsim so much more powerful in C3C than it was previously, and if we make Fascism a bit more viable, we have some room to improve Democracy.