This thread is in no way meant to denigrate the remarkable accomplishments in early AC arrival lately. I take my hat off to those who have pushed the boundaries of Civ II. But I hate spending lots of time in the diplomatic screen talking to the wretched AI leaders. In the Rome scenario, I had the most fun when none of the AIs would talk to me and I could just move my units and manage my civ.
In short, I propose the following: a race to AC where the human player is not allowed to talk to any of the AIs. No tech trading/gifting, no tribute/gifts. The easiest way to set this up is via the events.txt file, so that would leave out 2.42 players. Further suggestions: no city bribing by the human player, no barbarians. The former rule removes yet another way for the human to make the game easier; the latter helps reduce the "luck factor" in comparing results. Much as I hate the empty celebrating city syndrome, barbarians are a potential bonanza to a good human player.
The idea is to have a 4000 BC save game which all participants would play to defeat or AC landing. I could set one up for MGE, but if a FW owner could set up the scenario that might allow a few more people to participate. I suggest a medium map, 7 civs, deity, random start.
Edit: I forgot to mention no huts, no techs on city conquest, and no tech stealing by the human. You get to AC the old fashioned way... you earrrrn it.
You can download the file here.
[This message has been edited by DaveV (edited May 04, 2001).]
In short, I propose the following: a race to AC where the human player is not allowed to talk to any of the AIs. No tech trading/gifting, no tribute/gifts. The easiest way to set this up is via the events.txt file, so that would leave out 2.42 players. Further suggestions: no city bribing by the human player, no barbarians. The former rule removes yet another way for the human to make the game easier; the latter helps reduce the "luck factor" in comparing results. Much as I hate the empty celebrating city syndrome, barbarians are a potential bonanza to a good human player.
The idea is to have a 4000 BC save game which all participants would play to defeat or AC landing. I could set one up for MGE, but if a FW owner could set up the scenario that might allow a few more people to participate. I suggest a medium map, 7 civs, deity, random start.
Edit: I forgot to mention no huts, no techs on city conquest, and no tech stealing by the human. You get to AC the old fashioned way... you earrrrn it.
You can download the file here.
[This message has been edited by DaveV (edited May 04, 2001).]