Hi Inca,
I'm trying to put together a GL article on "Abreviations, Acronyms and Glossary", but term has now started so my free time is limited. I also have made some notes on a definitive terrain article - I find the game-poster quite inadequate in this respect.
So far no recent response from the Powers That Be - appart from some supportive sounds from Ming - I guess we shall have to wait ...
If you have some time, you might start distilling your "Distilled Hints and Tips" thread ... I found it quite useful to take the 'printer friendly' version of a thread and decant that into my favourite Word Processor - this gets a cleaner start than the raw html thread.
Bright(ish) idea
It has occurred to me that the Powers That Be might be concerned that the GLoA might reduce the traffic on these boards. Should this be the case it would be eminently reasonable to restrict access to the GL to registered members only -- just a thought, but it might have some merit.
In short - the Great Library must be built - we just have to keep on pushing ........

Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"
I'm trying to put together a GL article on "Abreviations, Acronyms and Glossary", but term has now started so my free time is limited. I also have made some notes on a definitive terrain article - I find the game-poster quite inadequate in this respect.
So far no recent response from the Powers That Be - appart from some supportive sounds from Ming - I guess we shall have to wait ...
If you have some time, you might start distilling your "Distilled Hints and Tips" thread ... I found it quite useful to take the 'printer friendly' version of a thread and decant that into my favourite Word Processor - this gets a cleaner start than the raw html thread.
Bright(ish) idea
It has occurred to me that the Powers That Be might be concerned that the GLoA might reduce the traffic on these boards. Should this be the case it would be eminently reasonable to restrict access to the GL to registered members only -- just a thought, but it might have some merit.
In short - the Great Library must be built - we just have to keep on pushing ........

Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
"The Great Library must be built!"