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What's an odeo? Or odeo year?

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  • #16
    Ain't that annoying.

    oh ya gotta revolt.

    @#$% it's 2200 bc.
    The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


    • #17

      Originally posted by East Street Trader on 03-26-2001 11:08 AM
      Japan, Oedo, your fame has, rightly, spread far.

      But while I happily spam to help get you up to the desired 100 posts I do have a moan.

      WHEN will I finally stop forgetting that I've delayed a change of gov.t waiting for an Oedo year, only realising I'm still in despotism or some outmoded non-representational gov.t half a dozen Oedo cycles later?

      Now, short of investing in one of those books that promises to improve my memory instantly, does any kind soul have the panacea to cure this awful ill?

      I suppose that those strong players who never forget anything have some kind of checklist available.
      Personally I have a piece of paper close to my computer only when I'm testing something (preferably the incomparable accomplishments of vet spies ).
      Otherwise I promiss myself to be careful at the end of EACH turn ... and I am no more than you are...and very ugly words might be heard in a quite non overlapping radius around my house.

      aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental
      Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


      • #18
        In SP mode, I really don't keep very good track of stuff, because it really isn't needed after playing 1,000's of games.

        But in MP, after a few beers, I have also found myself screaming for missing the year. It got to the point that I was trying to work it out that I would get the science advance on the exact year... knowing I wouldn't forget. There is nothing worse in an MP game than missing the odeo year for Monarchy... ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #19
          I hope there will be a "reminding machine" in Civ3. I posted a suggestion how to improve the system to FirAxis, you can see it at
          Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


          • #20
            and Scouse Gits are the legend too. Nobody knows how many they are.
            __________________________________________________ ____________

            I thought there were two of them, SG1 being female, and SG2 male.
            And thanks, SG's for the welcome in the solar power thread. I didn't know I was a "lady civver" but it's nice to be a "lady" something.


            • #21
              SG[1] glad to say that Uncle Ming has fixed the GL.
              (I was waiting for you to "sex" the SGs)
              "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
              "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


              • #22

                Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 03-28-2001 12:20 PM
                Has Ming been defrocked - thrown down from Olympus - struck from the regimental rolls ?
                Look four posts above - it is by a new Settler called Ming!!!


                Originally posted by Slow Thinker on 03-20-2001 11:29 AM
                SlowThinker is an internet hacker who likes to be always a "Settler". Unfortunately, he is not perfect and the system often crashes after his actions. Sorry.

                Sorry, Ming, I missed the target...

                You know, I reached a chieftain status just now...and...


                [This message has been edited by SlowThinker (edited March 28, 2001).]
                Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


                • #23
                  My log on was wiped clean this morning while the site was having some problems... It also caused the problem with the GL...

                  Everything is back to normal now... whatever the heck normal is around here
                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • #24

                    Originally posted by Edward on 03-28-2001 12:32 PM
                    IMHO patterns should be eliminated. (No oedo revolt years - anarchy periods should be randomly determined.

                    I would set some fixed number of years for a revolt.

                    No separating techs into 3 groups for availability - the techs you can choose to research next should be randomly determined.

                    You know, there are "chess style players" and "cards style players" : I would allow to set it through initial settings.

                    There should be no hut nor special patterns - they should be randomly distributed with an eye towards spreading them out somewhat evenly.)

                    Rich areas would improve the game from strategical point of view...

                    Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


                    • #25

                      Originally posted by Ming on 03-28-2001 04:07 PM
                      Everything is back to normal now... whatever the heck normal is around here

                      Well you do a great job - I for one would not care to take the flak you receive - without giving it back in Spades.



                      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                      • #26
                        There is an age faq somewhere on Apolyton: there is SG(3).

                        And I saw somewhere that it is a secret that one SG is a women (or I didn't understand well because of my weak english).
                        Are you sure it is SG(1)?

                        All knowledge stored at Apolyton must be sorted!
                        Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


                        • #27
                          Has Ming been defrocked - thrown down from Olympus - struck from the regimental rolls ?

                          Look four posts above - it is by a new Settler called Ming!!!!

                          Scouse Git[1]

                          "Staring at your screen in horror and disbelief when you open a saved game is one of the fun things of a succession game " - Hueij
                          "The Great Library must be built!"
                          "A short cut has to be challenging,
                          were it not so it would be 'the way'."
                          - Paul Craven
                          [This message has been edited by Scouse Gits (edited March 28, 2001).]
                          "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                          "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                          • #28

                            Originally posted by SlowThinker on 03-27-2001 02:59 PM
                            I hope there will be a "reminding machine" in Civ3. I posted a suggestion how to improve the system to FirAxis, you can see it at

                            Great discussion on that link for CIV improvements.

                            IMHO patterns should be eliminated. (No oedo revolt years - anarchy periods should be randomly determined. No separating techs into 3 groups for availability - the techs you can choose to research next should be randomly determined. There should be no hut nor special patterns - they should be randomly distributed with an eye towards spreading them out somewhat evenly.)


                            • #29

                              Originally posted by schweick on 03-18-2001 22:15 PM
                              Hi, I play MGE at King level. I noticed (my hubby also) that when we add a solar plant to a city, pollution appears where there was none before. I thought the point of Solar Plant was productivity WITHOUT pollution. Is it a bug in the program that it adds the shields and then calculates the pollution without making an exception for the "solar" aspect?

                              Hi schweick - I deduce from the 'hubby' that you are female and as you clearly play civ a civver - hence 'lady civver'. My apologies if my deductions are incorrect.
                              As far as the 'mystery' of the SGs is concerned - there is none!

                              I, SG[1], am a boring old fart of an academic (male);
                              SG(2) is my good friend, we met over the bridge table, and is a (male) printer
                              and finally, SG{3}, is my brat (15 year olds are brats by definition) daughter

                              We have posted this before - but these things get lost in the sands of time - no I don't think it worthy of inclusion in the Great Library - which incidentally has become unstuck!!!

                              Scouse Git[1]

                              "Staring at your screen in horror and disbelief when you open a saved game is one of the fun things of a succession game " - Hueij
                              "The Great Library must be built!"
                              "A short cut has to be challenging,
                              were it not so it would be 'the way'."
                              - Paul Craven
                              "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                              "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                              • #30
                                Got to love the way East Side Trader expresses the angst in forgetting to use those oedo years. In OCC #24, I discovered Democracy in 900 AD and sure enough, cruised right on by that first oedo opportunity in 940 and had to wait until 1020 to switch governments! Again, after a lot of practice trying to remember!

                                I have adjusted my strategy to compensate for this by trying to plan the discovery of the next form of government to coincide with an oedo year, and this works better! Same turn revolts also save a turn of research.

                                The other thing I do is discipline myself to go through a mental checklist at the end of each and every turn:

                                1) Is this an oedo year?
                                2) Did I happy up that city that went into revolt this turn?
                                3) Will an important improvement I just rush-bought be sold off because I used up too much gold and left taxes at zero?
                                4) Will my favorite engineer be disbanded because his city workers were all left on ocean squares to boost the gold payoff when I delivered a caravan?
                                5) Did I leave the science rate at 0% 3 turns ago when I was checking how many beakers I needed for the next advance?
                                6) Will I ever unfortify that horseman who is supposed to be exploring Outer Mongolia?

                                This checklist works very well for me, EST, and so far, the only times when I forget to use it are when any of the answers to the questions above happen to be “yes”!

                                Finally, my final answer to the question posed for this topic:

                                Odeo years are the ones when all those diety players get together to watch the National Spelling Bee.

