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OCC Fortnight Competition #4 -- Results and Logs

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  • #31
    Okay here is my log. MGE for those keeping track. SG - looks like you're the better civver this time. You landed at about the time I built Apollo


    Monarchy 1650 BC
    Republic 25 BC
    Democracy 1100 AD

    Size 8 20 AD
    12 120 AD
    21 840 AD

    Colossus 2000 BC
    Cope's 260 AD
    Shake's 380
    Isaac's 1000
    Darwin's 1756
    Apollo 1871

    Trade routes: 1st 350 BC Silver to Paris
    2nd 150 BC Silk to Kyoto
    3rd 50 BC Coal to Paris

    Trade 625 BC
    Construction 275 BC
    Sanitation 440 AD
    Refrigeration 1600
    Automobile 1770
    Computers 1846
    Space Flight 1870

    This game was rough because after exchanging Monarchy for Pottery in 1150 BC, no one would exchange knowledge. I gave away techs like crazy (even Mobile Warfare (accidentally, I hit enter too fast ) to an AI whose 'science is far beyond my comprehension', got a good laugh out of that) and got nothing in return. Maps were no problem though. It was frustrating to have to research Chivalry and Feudalism after Conscription.

    Okay, enough complaining. Here is the full log:

    Tech(hut City
    or trade) Imporvement Misc Diplomacy
    5 -3750 Found Austin (2 whale spot)
    9 -3550 Warriors
    10 -3500 Bronze Start Colossus
    17 -3150 Technochtitlan taken by barbs
    19 -3050 Alpha Meet Chinese, get CerBur
    34 -2300 COL
    38 -2100 Meet Japanese, get Horse for COL, 100g
    40 -2000 Colossus
    41 -1950 Get Mapmaking from Chinese
    46 -1700 Temple
    47 -1650 Monarchy Revolution, Monarchy Meet Mongols, Currency for Map, 100g
    49 -1550 Meet English, get Myst for COL, Masonry for Monarchy, 100g
    51 -1450 Trireme
    53 -1350 Marketplace Mobgols, Wheel for Myst
    55 -1250 Meet French, get 150g
    57 -1150 Meet Aztecs, Pottery fro Monarchy, 50g
    59 -1050 Granary
    62 -950 Capture barb leader, 150g
    66 -850 Writing
    67 -825 Library
    71 -725 Diplomat
    72 -700 French, 100g,
    75 -625 Trade
    76 -600 Silver caravan
    82 -450 Silk caravan
    86 -350 Literacy Silver caravan to Paris, 170g
    88 -300 Beads caravan
    89 -275 Philosophy, Construction
    93 -175 Coal caravan
    94 -150 Silk caravan to Kyoto, 72g
    95 -125 Colosseum
    97 -75 Repub Aqueduct Revolution
    98 -50 Start Wonder Coal to Paris, 64g
    99 -25 Repub
    100 0 WLTCD(7)
    103 60 Capture barb leader, 150g
    104 80 Math
    106 120 End WLTCD(12)
    112 240 Astronomy
    113 260 Cope's Beads caravan to Beijing, 308g
    114 280 Medicine
    118 360 Engineering Sell colosseum
    119 380 Shake's
    120 400 Sell Temple
    122 440 Sanitation Gold caravan
    124 480 Capture barb leader, 150g
    125 500 SewerSystem
    126 520 Start WLTCD(12)
    127 540 University
    129 580 End WLTCD(14)
    130 600 University
    132 640 Seafaring
    133 660 Harbor
    134 680 Start WLTCD(14)
    135 700 Sell Granary
    136 720 Wool caravan
    137 740 Banking Capture barb leader, 150g
    139 780 Bank
    140 800 Gold caravan to Beijing, 222g
    141 820 Theory of Grav
    142 840 End WLTCD(21)
    144 880 Econ
    146 920 Trying to exchange knowledge, no one cooperating
    147 940 Chem
    150 1000 Invention Isaac's
    151 1020 Wool caravan to Paris, 88g
    152 1040 Democracy Revolution
    155 1100 Stock Exchange Democracy
    157 1140 Warrior Code
    158 1160 Gold caravan
    159 1180 Iron Working
    161 1220 Food caravan
    162 1240 Gunpowder
    163 1260 Pollution
    164 1280 Food caravan
    165 1300 Explosives
    167 1340 Engineers
    168 1360 Metallurgy
    170 1400 Food caravan
    171 1420 Navigation Gold caravan to Beijing, 127g
    172 1440 Hey! A +10 route to Paris was replaced with a +9 route to Beijing
    173 1460 Food caravan
    174 1480 Physics
    176 1510 Food caravan
    178 1530 Magnetism
    179 1540 Food caravan
    182 1570 Electricity Food caravan
    185 1600 Refrig
    186 1610 Supermarket
    188 1630 BridgeBuilding
    189 1640 Food caravan
    190 1650 Capture barb leader, 150g
    192 1670 Steam Engine Food caravan
    193 1680 Silk caravan to Paris, 267g
    195 1700 RR
    196 1710 Start WLTPD(20)
    198 1730 End WLTPD(21)
    199 1740 Industrialization
    202 1754 Corporation Capture barb leader, 150g
    203 1756 Steel, Refining Darwin's
    206 1762 Combustion Factory
    208 1766 Gold caravan
    209 1768 Capture barb leader, 150g
    210 1770 Automobile Salt caravan
    212 1774 Superhighways
    214 1778 Electronics
    218 1786 Conscription Hydroplant
    219 1788 Dye caravan
    220 1790 Food caravan
    221 1792 Food caravan
    222 1794 MassProd Food caravan
    223 1796 Food caravan
    224 1798 Food caravan Salt caravan to London, 516g
    225 1800 Feudalism Food caravan
    226 1802 Food caravan No one wants to exchange knowledge
    227 1804 Food caravan
    228 1806 Food caravan
    229 1808 Chivalry Food caravan
    230 1810 Food caravan
    231 1812 Food caravan
    232 1814 Oil caravan
    233 1816 Leadership Food caravan
    234 1818 Food caravan
    235 1820 Food caravan
    236 1822 Food caravan
    237 1824 Tactics Food caravan
    238 1826 Food caravan
    239 1828 Food caravan
    240 1830 Food caravan
    241 1832 Machine Tools Food caravan Dye caravan to Teotithuacan, 366g
    242 1834 Food caravan
    243 1836 Food caravan
    244 1838 Food caravan
    245 1840 Miniturization Food caravan
    246 1842 Food caravan Gold caravan to Orleans, 432g
    248 1846 Computers
    249 1848 ResearchLab
    250 1850 Silk caravan
    251 1851 Mobile Warfare Food caravan
    252 1852 Food caravan Oil caravan to Orleans, 148g
    253 1853 Food caravan
    254 1854 Robotics Food caravan Silk caravan to Paris, 504g
    255 1855 Coal caravan
    256 1856 Food caravan
    257 1857 Flight Food caravan
    258 1858 Food caravan
    259 1859 Food caravan
    260 1860 Radio Engineers Pollution getting bad Coal caravan to Paris, 227g
    261 1861 Silk caravan
    262 1862 Food caravan
    263 1863 AdvFlt Food caravan
    264 1864 Food caravan
    266 1866 Rocketry
    267 1867 ManuPlant
    269 1869 OffshorePlatform
    270 1870 SpaceFlt Armor Silk caravan to Tlateloco, 114g
    271 1871 Apollo Mentos size 4
    272 1872 Structural
    273 1873 Structural
    274 1874 Plastics Structural
    275 1875 Structural
    276 1876 Structural
    277 1877 Structural
    278 1878 AtomTheory Structural
    279 1879 Structural
    280 1880 Structural
    281 1881 Structural Mentos destroyed by Mongol tanks
    282 1882 NuclFission Structural
    283 1883 Structural
    284 1884 Structural
    285 1885 Structural
    286 1886 Nuclear Power Structural
    287 1887 Component
    288 1888 Component
    289 1889 Component
    290 1890 Laser Component
    291 1891 Component
    292 1892 Component
    293 1893 Supercond
    294 1894 Module
    295 1895 Module
    296 1896 Fusion Module Launch, arr 1911

    Hope this comes out okay.
    AH has shrink shop open, and if you want advice from an Aussie who thinks he's a horse that likes having a gay Greek general riding his backside then that's still available. - Lancer


    • #32
      Ya know I'm an idiot for not realizing this during the game. Has anyone used spies for stealing techs in the OCC? I don't know why I didn't try it as I had way too many caravans at the end; 4 or 5 stolen techs would've helped considerably. I was at war with most of the world from about 500 AD on, I don't know why I didn't try it.

      AH has shrink shop open, and if you want advice from an Aussie who thinks he's a horse that likes having a gay Greek general riding his backside then that's still available. - Lancer


      • #33
        Hiya crow,

        I think we should call it an honourable draw - I used v2.42 - quite an advantage over MGE.

        I don't recall ever seeing dip attacks in any of the logs - but probably these speed freaks simply don't have time to make any 'spurious' diplo units - I think I recall Paul saying just that some time ago -- However, I think it is a potential tool for us mere mortals to put in the armoury!

        When you say two whale spot do you mean the popular 2whale, wine & silk start? I wish I had gone there now - I really was torn between the three obvious sites and chose the best protected because I had overestimated the potentiaL influence of Mentos - wonder if anyone will go for the gold & buffalo site? happy civing

        Scouse Git[1]

        "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
        "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
        "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


        • #34
          SG - okay, I'll accept your draw

          Now that you mention it I think I vaguely remember someone saying they had no time for diplos. I had never done it before simply because I was always building something important, but in this game I had 7 or 8 extra caravans (I never spent any money on the space ship and only about 600 on Apollo itself!) at the end. I probably should've kept better track of how many I had.

          I was at the 2 whale wine and silk spot. I thought really hard about the gold & buffalo spot but two things kept me from going there: it was kinda close to Mentos and the buffalo are one less trade than the whale and they need to be roaded/irrigated, which means they're subject to pillaging. I really think the whales are best in the beginning to grow your population as quickly as possible as well as giving some trade and shields. Since I usually have problems growing my early population, I went with the whales.
          AH has shrink shop open, and if you want advice from an Aussie who thinks he's a horse that likes having a gay Greek general riding his backside then that's still available. - Lancer


          • #35
            Unfortunately I got too many techs on the way to Monarchy, which caused some dealy in my early game and I could "only" land in 1799:

            3750 BC Cardiff (2 whale, 1 wine, 1 silk)
            3700 BC Chinese: peace; tribute Masonry
            3600 BC Japanese: peace; trade Horseback Riding
            3550 BC Warrior
            3350 BC Warrior
            3200 BC Chinese: trade Alphabet
            3150 BC Barbarians kill Explorer
            3100 BC Chinese: tribute 25 gold
            3050 BC Mongols: peace; trade Bronze Wroking, Ceremonial Burial
            2850 BC English: alliance; trade Map Making; share maps; gift 50 gold
            2750 BC Japanese: tribute 50 gold
            Chinese: tribute 50 gold
            2500 BC Chinese: tribute Warrior Code
            Mongols: tribute 25 gold
            2350 BC Chinese: tribute 50 gold
            Mongols: tribute 25 gold
            2250 BC Colossus
            2100 BC Code of Laws
            2000 BC French: trade Currency, Mysticism, Pottery; alliance; share maps; gift 150 gold
            1950 BC Marketplace
            1900 BC Japanese: alliance; share maps; gift 50 gold
            Chinese: trade Mathematics
            English: gift 50 gold
            Mongols: tribute 50 gold
            1850 BC Aztecs: alliance; trade Writing; share maps; gift 150 gold
            1800 BC Library
            1750 BC English: gift 50 gold
            1550 BC French: gift 25 gold
            Chinese: tribute 100 gold
            Mongols: tribute 50 gold
            1500 BC Trireme
            1300 BC Japanese: gift 25 gold
            French: gift 25 gold
            Aztecs: gift 25 gold
            English: gift 50 gold
            1250 BC Diplomat
            1150 BC Japanese: share maps
            French: share maps
            Aztecs: share maps
            English: share maps
            1100 BC Monarchy, revolution
            1050 BC Gov: Monarchy
            Aztecs: gift 50 gold
            1000 BC Diplomat
            Barbarian Leader: 150 gold
            975 BC Chinese: trade Astronomy
            900 BC Japanese: gift 50 gold
            French: trade Literacy; gift 50 gold
            875 BC Copernicus' Observatory
            800 BC Temple
            French: gift 25 gold
            English: trade Seafaring; gift 50 gold
            750 BC French: gift 50 gold
            725 BC Trade
            700 BC Build Beads Caravan
            French: gift 150 gold
            650 BC Build Silk Caravan
            625 BC Japanese: gift 50 gold
            Aztecs: gift 25 gold
            600 BC Build Silver Caravan
            525 BC Harbor
            500 BC Construction
            Beads Caravan to Rheims (demanded): 132 gold
            475 BC French: cancel alliance
            English: gift 50 gold
            450 BC Colosseum
            Disband Warriors
            425 BC Build Copper Caravan
            375 BC Build Coal Caravan
            Silk Caravan to Mentos (demanded): 162 gold
            350 BC Republic, revolution
            325 BC Aqueduct
            Gov: Republic
            Start WLTCD, size 5
            275 BC Silver Caravan to Paris (demanded): 200 gold
            250 BC Japanese: gift 50 gold
            Aztecs: gift 50 gold
            English: gift 50 gold
            200 BC Philosophy, Medicine
            Japanese: trade Wheel; gift 50 gold
            Copper to Orleans (demanded): 188 gold
            175 BC Coal Caravan to Paris (not demanded): 124 gold
            150 BC Shakespeare's Theatre
            125 BC Engineering
            Sold Temple
            End WLTCD, size 12
            100 BC Build Gold Caravan
            50 BC Start WLTCD, size 12
            25 BC Sanitation
            Aztecs: gift 50 gold
            1 AD Sewer System
            40 AD Chinese: share maps
            Japanese: cancel alliance
            Aztecs: share maps
            English: share maps
            Mongols: war
            80 AD University
            160 AD University
            End WLTCD, size 21
            200 AD Build Silk Caravan
            220 AD Theory of Gravity
            Gold Caravan to Paris (not demanded): 162 gold
            French: war
            240 AD Bank
            260 AD Invention
            320 AD Democracy, revolution
            Silk to Paris (demanded): 156 gold
            340 AD Aztecs: gift 50 gold
            English: gift 50 gold
            380 AD Gov: Democracy
            400 AD Japanese: share maps
            420 AD Chemistry
            English destroyed by Chinese
            460 AD Iron Working
            480 AD Isaac Newton's College
            500 AD Gunpowder
            520 AD Build Coal Caravan
            540 AD Explosives
            Greeks: peace
            560 AD Engineers
            580 AD Bridge Building
            600 AD Engineers
            620 AD Metallurgy
            Japanese: war
            660 AD Navigation
            Greeks destroyed by Barbarians
            700 AD Physics
            720 AD Aztecs: gift 50 gold
            740 AD Magnetism
            Build Wool Caravan
            Coal Caravan to Beijing (not demanded): 123 gold
            780 AD Electricity
            800 AD Build Silk Caravan
            820 AD Refrigeration
            840 AD Supermarket
            860 AD Economics
            880 AD Stock Exchange
            900 AD Steam Engine
            Start WLTPD, size 19
            920 AD Wool Caravan to Paris (not demanded): 93 gold
            Silk Caravan to Paris (demanded): 279 gold
            940 AD Railroad
            960 AD Build Wool Caravan
            1000 AD Galleon
            End WLTPD, size 23
            1040 AD Corporation
            1080 AD Steel
            Wool Caravan to Paris (not demanded): 62 gold
            1120 AD Refining
            1140 AD Darwin's Voyage: Combustion, Automobile
            1160 AD Electronics
            1200 AD Conscription
            Aztecs: 50 gold
            Sold Sewer System (finally)
            1220 AD Superhighways
            1240 AD Mass Production
            1260 AD French: peace; share maps
            1300 AD Feudalism
            1340 AD Chivalry
            Sold Aqueduct
            1380 AD Leadership
            Gold Freight to Orleans (demanded): 440 gold
            Dye Freight to Paris (demanded): 330 gold
            Carthaginians: peace
            1400 AD Factory
            1440 AD Power Plant
            Machine Tools
            1460 AD Build Silk Freight
            1480 AD Miniaturization
            1500 AD Offshore Platform
            1510 AD Computers
            Silk Freight to Lyons (demanded): 524 gold
            1520 AD Research Lab
            1530 AD Flight (mining one river grass to forest and transforming the mountain to hills gets 80+ shields without manufacturing plant, so no need to get Robotics)
            1560 AD Radio
            French: war
            Aztecs: give 50 gold
            1590 AD Advanced Flight
            Build Oil Caravan
            1600 AD Build Wool Caravan
            1610 AD Oil Freight to Reims (not demanded): 96 gold
            1630 AD Rocketry
            Wool Freight to Carthage (demanded): 112 gold
            1660 AD Space Flight
            1670 AD Apollo Program
            1690 AD Plastics
            1730 AD Atomic Theory
            1754 AD Nuclear Fission
            1760 AD Engineers disbanded because food shortage would have killed them the next turn
            1762 AD Nuclear Power
            1770 AD Laser
            1776 AD Superconductor
            Sold Factory
            1778 AD Sold Power Plant
            1780 AD Sold Superhighways
            Carthaginians: 150 gold for war on French
            1782 AD Sold Offshore Platform
            1784 AD Fusion Power
            build Alpine Troops
            1799 AD Land on Alpha Centauri


            • #36
              I haven't had much time this week so it took a bit longer than I wanted, but I just finished the OCC Fortnight 4 Table.
              [This message has been edited by Paul (edited May 06, 2000).]


              • #37
                My sketchy log is barely worth posting. Though I enjoyed Vik's contribution, I certainly botched it. Chose the Wine/Silk/2Whales location. At some point in the game, I decided to start building a wonder in preparation for Astronomy's Copernicus. But I had the wonder finished way too soon and my science lagged. So I ended up supporting all my none units AND my settler to forestall the completion of Marco Polo's Embassy (worthless wonder in this game) so as to develop Astronomy and make the switch….so many wasted turns and now a supported settler! So I was a bit upset and lost interest in the game. Still, I persevered to get a reasonable score of 1861.

                To Paul, you don't need to put these stats in the table as I don't think a lot of important dates are available. I just wanted to complete the game as I appreciate Vik's efforts.

                Hope we have a new game submitted soon. A large map would be cool.

                The following Log is rife with error and missing info-proceed with caution !

                3750-Cardiff Wine/Silk/2Whales
                3500-Chinese/Peace Masonry for Bronze
                3500-Switched Barrack to Colossus
                3450-Alliance with Japanese-Gave them Masonry
                3450-Mongols/Peace Horseback for Bronze
                3350-English/Peace Alphabet and Ceremonial
                2950-Aztec/Peace Code of Laws Gave away all science for enthusiasm
                2700-Gave away Science to Japanese-25gd gift
                2700-Enlish Alliance after Science Giveaway
                2500-Size 3
                2050-Monarchy researched and established
                2050-Aztec Alliance/Pottery
                2050-Colossus Built
                2000-Chinese Alliance/Map and Wheel and 150gd
                1600-Gave away Science to Japanese/50gd
                1500-Gave away Science to Aztec/25gd
                1250-French Alliance and final Contact….did I mention war with Mongols earlier
                1250-French Mysticism/200gd
                1150-Gave away Science to English/50gd
                1000-Gave away Science to Japanese/50gd
                950-Gave away Science to Aztecs/100gd
                950-Gave away Science to French/no gift
                675-Gave away Science to Japanese/100gd
                650-Gave away Science to Aztec/100gd
                550-Size 4
                550-Gave away Science to French/no gift
                550-Gave away Science to English/50gd
                220-First Caravan
                240-Sold temple
                840-Size 20
                860-Democracy established
                860-Science Giveaway/no gifts, just tete for tete
                860-Trouble with the logs up to here…sorry
                960-Commencing WLTPD from size 20
                960-Silk to Wheat
                980-Glorious Beethoven Music
                1020-Size 22-end WLTPD
                1040-Japanese/Warrior Code
                1060-Major Barbarian Uprising near Cardiff
                1080-Steam Engine
                1120-Atomic Theory
                1200-Iron Working
                1480-Commencing Darwins (
                1620-Darwins/Auto and Electronics
                1680-Chinese/Gifted Theology
                1752-Machine Tools
                1754-Gold Caravan to Orleans/350gd
                1762-Research Lab
                1764-Mobile Warfare
                1766-Coal to Paris/205
                1766-Lost Engineer and on Camel to @#$&! Barbarians, but earlier Bribed a none engineer.
                1778-Advance Flight
                1782-Copper and Oil for total of 460gd
                1788-Manufacturing Plant
                1820…Oh, Mentos is taken by the Chinese
                1846-Launched …have absolutely no defense or city walls!
                1861-AC-Jeff Davis the Creul

                Oh, as an afterthought, I did get a huge amount of gifts (reported and unreported)….very little tribute. Also, the Barbarian City, Mentos, was more of a buffer between agressive allies/enemies and Cardiff....the Chinese really expanded fast.

                Later and hope a brave soul will donate another fortnight position soon or I'll have to learn how to make don't want that!


                Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? [--Inspiration of Blade Runner]

                "> > Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the reader who
                >doesn't get it."--don't know.


                • #38
                  Well, two weeks have gone by since the 4th competition, so it's time for another. I've just created a scenario and will email it shortly to Paul. It is on a medium sized map, but I've just started playing it and things are not going too slowly (Monarchy in 2800 and the Collosus in 1900). Don't expect the later stages of the game to be a picnic, however.


                  • #39
                    OCC #04

                    We went for the alternative site: only two specials, but six river squares (including the city) and way less terraforming to do. When some Barb Leaders came our way, we were sure we had made the right choice

                    ================================================== ==============
                    AC: 1556

                    Monarchy: -2850
                    Republic: -1250
                    Democracy: -25

                    Colossus: -2450
                    Copernicus: -725
                    Shakespeare: -275
                    Newton: 120
                    Darwin: 580
                    Eiffel: 840
                    Apollo: 1140

                    Trade routes: -1400, -1250, -950

                    Size 12: -900
                    Size 21: -25 (Size 23: 20)

                    Trade: -1850
                    Construction: -1600
                    Sanitation: -350
                    Refrigeration: 440

                    Automobile: 580
                    Computers: 880
                    Space Flight: 1120

                    -4000 Hmmm, we have 70 gold in our pockets.
                    Wouldn't it be a great stunt to take Mentos as our capital, btw? Nah, is probably well-protected.
                    All good sites have non-river mountains and/or hills. Optimal trade bonus lies south, with the Silk and Wine and 2 Whales, but no less than 3 hills and a mountain. Still tempting though.
                    But - there is a nice 2 specialties/6 river site as well which is easy to defend and to develop. For something different, then ...
                    Horsemen go east to the Japanese, Explorer will have to make all the other contacts.
                    -3700 Chinese, Peace, no Ally, Masonry as tribute
                    ----- REBMA founded by Sand - Gold, Buffalo, 6 river squares (including city), ocean access, easy defence!
                    -3650 Starting Pyramids, researching Alphabet
                    -3550 English, Peace, Mas<->Alphabet, Ally, <-Ceremonial Burial - wow!
                    -3500 Researching Code of Laws now
                    -3400 Barb Legion, Phalanx vetted
                    -3350 Japanese, Peace, we refused Horseback Riding, Mas+Alp+Cer->J, no Ally
                    ----- Mongols, Peace, we refused Bronze Working(!), Mas+Alp+Cer->M, Ally
                    -3300 Buffalo ready, switching
                    -3200 "English develop Mysticism", Barb Archers land, Legion also on its way
                    -3150 S2 (Gold+Buffalo)
                    -3050 Aztecs, Peace, Mas<->Code of Laws , Cer->Ally, they also have Writing and Pottery
                    -3000 Researching Monarchy (20 beakers to go), Barb Archers (Settlers on Gold survive!)
                    -2950 Barb Leader (150), Chariot vetted, French, refused Mysticism, Peace, Cer+Alp->F, Ally
                    Alp+Cer+Cod->C (they have Bronze Working), Cod->E,J,M ----- beakers required down from 60 to 55
                    -2850 Monarchy, MONARCHY, switching to Grassland(s)+Buffalo, Barb Archers
                    Mon<->Bronze Working(M), switching to Colossus, Mon<->Currency(C), Mon+Cur+Bro->F,A,E
                    -2800 Researching Trade (32 turns)
                    -2750 Barb Horsemen -> Horsemen vetted
                    -2650 50<-E for War(C) -> Reputation=Excellent, Barb Horsemen, Legion, Gold mined
                    -2550 Chinese boast about Map Making, Barb Horsemen
                    -2500 2 Barb Leaders (2x150)
                    -2450 COLOSSUS
                    -2400 Cease Fire(C), Cur->M, 50 , Bro<->Horseback Riding(J), Cur+Mon->J, no Ally , 50 , Hor->F, Mysticism<-F, Mys<->Writing(A), Hor->25
                    -2350 Library
                    -2300 S3 (Gold+Buffalo+Grasss), Mys->M, 50 , "English develop Map Making", Barbs take Tenochtitlan(A)
                    -2250 Marketplace
                    -2200 Wri<->Map Making(E), Hor<->50
                    -2150 Barb Archers
                    -2100 Barb Leader (150)
                    -2050 Diplomat
                    -2000 Wri->F, Map->M, Map+Mys+Wri->J, no Ally , 50
                    -1950 Temple
                    -1900 "French develop Trade"
                    -1850 Map<->Trade(F), French end Alliance
                    -1800 "English aquire Construction from the Chinese"
                    -1750 Salt, Literacy
                    -1650 Beads, Barb Horsemen
                    -1600 Lit<->Pottery(A), Map+Tra<->50 , Peace(C), Lit->C, Maps, C won't trade and break off
                    ----- Lit<->Construction(E), Tra+Pot->E, 50 , Con->M, 50 , Map+Con+Mys+Pot+Lit+Tra+Wri->J, Maps, Ally, no gift
                    -1550 Trireme
                    -1500 Tra+Pot->C, Pot->M
                    -1450 Hides, Lit+Con+Pot->F, Maps, 50
                    -1400 Salt to Paris (d,92)
                    -1350 Gold
                    -1300 We Love , Lit+Tra+Wri->M, no gift , Mys+Hor->C, Maps, worshipful Chinese declare war!
                    -1250 The Republic, REPUBLIC, Beads to Paris (d,108)
                    -1200 Colosseum, S4, Rep->A,E,J, 150,50,50
                    -1150 S5, Peace(C), Chinese refuse science, Rep->F
                    -1100 Aquaduct, S6, Rep->M
                    -1050 S7
                    -1000 S8
                    -975 Banking, S9, Ban->C, Ban->E, 50 (they just caught the Barb Leader we were chasing )
                    -950 Bank, S10, Gold to Sjanghai (d, only 216 - can't be right, checked: Hides also gave 216 - what gives??), Barb Legion
                    -925 Mathematics, S11, Mat->J,E,M, 50,100,50 , Con+Ban+Mat->A, Maps
                    -900 Wool, S12, Hides to Beijing (d,215)
                    -875 Food, Astronomy, We Love ends , Hills/r mined
                    ----- Ast->E, 50 , Ban<->Seafaring(F), Ast+Mat->F, no Ally , Sea+Ast+Mat->C, Sea->M,J, 25,100
                    -850 Food
                    -800 Food
                    -750 Food, Ban->M, 50 , Sea->J, 100
                    -725 COPERNICUS' OBSERVATORY, Philosophy -> University, Phi+Uni+Sea->A, Maps
                    -700 Wool to Paris (128), Phi->J, 50
                    -675 University, Sea+Phi+Uni->E, Maps, Phi->M, 50
                    -650 Economics
                    -625 Sold Colosseum
                    -600 Stock Exchange, French: GREAT LIBRARY
                    -575 Medicine, Phi+Eco+Uni+Med->F, no Ally , Uni+Eco+Med->C, no Ally
                    ----- Uni+Med+Ban+Eco+Ast->J, 50 , Ast+Eco+Med->A, Uni+Med+Ast+Eco->M, all Maps, Med->E, 50
                    -550 Food, Barb Legion, Chinese: MARCO POLO'S EMBASSY
                    -525 Eco->E, 25
                    -500 Harbor, The Wheel, 2 Barb Archers
                    -475 Barb Leader (150) (Trireme vetted)
                    -450 Food
                    -425 Engineering
                    -400 Food
                    -350 Food, Sanitation, San<->Navigation(F), Whe+Eng->F, Nav+Whe+Eng+San->J,A,E, Maps, 50,-,50, ,
                    ----- Nav+Whe+Eng+San->M,C, Maps, cordial Mongols cancel Alliance , Chinese no Ally
                    -325 Ally(F) for War(M) -> Honorable, 50
                    -300 Food, di Trireme, Explorer
                    -275 SHAKESPEARE'S THEATRE
                    -250 Invention, We Love
                    -225 Sewer System, S13
                    -200 S14, Inv->M, Inv->J,A, 100,50
                    -175 Food, Theory of Gravity, S15
                    -150 S16
                    -125 Food, S17, Tog->F, 50 , Tog->A,M,J, Tog+Inv->C,E
                    -100 Physics, S18
                    -75 Food, S19, Chinese boast about Chemistry
                    -50 S20, Phy->F, 50
                    -25 Food, Democracy, DEMOCRACY, S21
                    1 S22
                    20 Food, S23, Dem->F, 50 , Phy+Dem->A,M,J,E, Peace(M), War(C)
                    40 Warrior Code (nobody had it! ), We Love ends , stole Chemistry (C)
                    60 Food, Wco->F, 100 , Wco+Che->J,A,E,M, Wco+Phy+Dem->C, Cease Fire, Maps, "French develop Steam Engine"
                    80 Iron Working
                    100 Food
                    120 ISAAC NEWTON'S COLLEGE, Gunpowder, Iro<->Steam Engine(F), Gun<->100 , Barb Horsemen
                    140 Gun+Stm+Iro->J,A, Maps, 50,50 , Gun+Stm+Iro->E,M, Maps, English end worshipful alliance
                    160 Food, Explosives, 2 Barb Horsemen
                    200 Engineers -> S22, Bridge Building
                    220 Bri+Exp->F, 100 , Bri+Exp->J,A,E,M, War(Chinese)
                    240 Engineers -> S21, Railroad
                    280 Food, Industrialization, Chinese: LEONARDO'S WORKSHOP
                    300 Rai+Ind->F,J, 150,100 , Rai+Ind->A,E,M
                    320 Factory, Magnetism, Jungle into Grassland(s)
                    360 Food, Metallurgy
                    380 Met->F, 50 , Met+Mag->J,A,E,M
                    400 Food, Electricity, Jungle into Grassland
                    440 Food, Refrigeration
                    480 Supermarket, The Corporation
                    520 Gold, Refining
                    560 Transport, Steel, Ind+Stm+Bri+Exp+Ref+Met+Mag+Ele+Ste+Cor+Rfg->C, Peace
                    ----- Stl+Ref+Ele+Cor+Rfg->J,A,E,M, Maps(J,A,E), 100<-J , Ally(E)
                    580 DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> Combustion, Automobile, disbanded N-Horsemen
                    600 Superhighways, Electronics
                    620 We Love , Aut+Com->J, Ele+Aut->A,E, Ele+Aut+Com->C, War(M)
                    640 Gems, Mass Production, S22, Gold to Barbarian Tenochtitlan (d,612), "French develop Feudalism"
                    660 Conscription, S23, Con<->Feudalism(F), Mas+Ele+Ref+Cmb+Aut+Ele+Stl+Rfg+Cor->F, Maps, worshipful French cancel Alliance
                    680 Wine, S24, Con+Mas+Feu+Ele->J, Maps, Japanese cancel Alliance , Con+Mas+Feu+Com->A,E, Maps, 50<-A , English cancel Alliance
                    700 Chivalry, S25
                    720 Hydroplant, S26
                    740 Leadership, S27
                    760 Gold, S28, Lea->J,E, Lea+Chi->A
                    780 Tactics, S29, Con+Tac+Mas+Lea+Feu+Chi->C, Cease Fire, Maps, Gems to Tenochtitlan (d,612), sold Sewer System
                    800 Mass Transit, Machine Tools, We Love ends , sold Temple, Tac+Mac+Chi->J, Tac+Mac->A, Tac->E
                    840 EIFFEL TOWER -> excellent (dumping gold), Miniaturization, Min->A, 50 , Min+Mac->E,C, di N-Archers,
                    ----- Con+Tac+Aut+Mas+Chi+Min+Lea+Com+Ele+Feu+Mac->M, Maps, Peace, Tac+Min+lea+Mac+Chi->F, Min->J
                    860 Offshore Platform -> 50+ shields
                    880 Computers, Wine to Tenochtitlan (204)
                    900 Research Lab, Mobile Warfare, sold Aquaduct, Gold to Tenochtitlan (d,612), we are spotless
                    920 Robotics -> 60+ shields, Grassland/r into Hills/r
                    960 Food, Flight, Hills/r mined -> 70+ shields
                    980 Food
                    1000 Radio
                    1040 Advanced Flight
                    1060 Grassland(s)/r into Hills/r
                    1080 Rocketry
                    1120 Space Flight, Hills/r mined -> 80+ shields, hunger=7
                    1140 APOLLO PROGRAM
                    1160 S#01, Plastics
                    1180 S#02
                    1200 S#03, Atomic Theory
                    1220 S#04, Plains into Grassland -> hunger=6, di Transport
                    1240 C#01, Nuclear Fission, di Engineers -> hunger=4
                    1260 C#02, Mongols: WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE
                    1280 S#05, Nuclear Power
                    1300 S#06
                    1320 S#07, The Laser
                    1340 S#08, Ally(J), 200 for War(E) (still spotless!)
                    1360 S#09, Superconductor
                    1380 S#10
                    1400 S#11, Fusion Power
                    1420 S#12
                    1440 S#13
                    1460 S#14
                    1480 S#15, di Engineers -> hunger=2
                    1500 M#01, di N-Phalanx
                    1510 M#02, Recycling, di N-Chariot, Chinese boast about Genetic Engineering
                    1520 M#03, LAUNCH 15-1-1-1-1-1, Chinese: SETI PROGRAM
                    1521 City Walls
                    1522 Environmentalism
                    1523 S28
                    1524 Solar Plant, sold Hydroplant
                    1525 Barracks, Stealth
                    1526 Armor
                    1527 Coastal Fortress
                    1528 Communism
                    1529 Airport, French: STATUE OF LIBERTY
                    1531 Stealth Bomber, Espionage, Barb Pikemen
                    1532 Spy
                    1533 Barb Pikemen
                    1534 F#01, "Japanese aquire Flight from the French"
                    1535 Barb Pikemen
                    1537 F#02, Barb Pikemen
                    1538 UNITED NATIONS, Peace(E), English destroy Mentos
                    1540 F#03, Peace(C)
                    1541 French: Radio, Mongols: Flight, MAGELLAN'S EXPEDITION
                    1542 "English aquire Flight from the Mongols"
                    1543 ADAM SMITH'S TRADING CO., F#04
                    1544 Chinese: MICHELANGELO'S CHAPEL, Barbs build Armor in Tenochtitlan!
                    1546 HANGING GARDENS, F#05
                    1547 "Mongols acquire Radio from the French"
                    1549 LIGHTHOUSE, F#06
                    1552 F#07
                    1553 ORACLE, bribed C Armor (528)
                    1554 French: Advanced Flight
                    1555 GREAT WALL, F#08
                    1556 ALPHA CENTAURI

                    Score=478 (62%)

                    Note: I had to play 2500 BC - 2200 BC again (copying every action) because our Settlers went on strike. Luckily they were obedient the second time.
                    If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
                    [This message has been edited by Ribannah (edited October 25, 2000).]
                    A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
                    Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


                    • #40
                      I picked the site with two buffalo and two gold being partial to the latter. Got off to a slow start when the Barbs pillaged my first irrigated and roaded buffalo. I decided to leave the destruction of Mentos to the end-game but the English did the job for me in the mid-game . All six AI civs were allies fairly early. No real problems in the end game as the two most powerful and nearest, the Chinese and the English, remained enthusiastic/worshipful to the end!

                      2.42 Deity

                      AC: 1776

                      Monarchy: -2050
                      Republic: -525
                      Democracy: 460

                      Colossus: -2100
                      Copernicus: 20
                      Shakespeare: 60
                      Newton: 420
                      Darwin: 1020
                      Apollo: 1540

                      Trade routes: -725, -650, -600

                      Size 12: -125
                      Size 21: 460

                      Trade: -975
                      Construction: -675
                      Sanitation: -125
                      Refrigeration: 740
                      Automobile: 1020
                      Computers: 1280
                      Space Flight: 1530

                      3800 BC Japanese: Peace
                      3750 BC Cardiff founded
                      3500 BC Warrior
                      Mongols: Peace + Tribute of Bronze Working
                      3250 BC Aztecs: Peace + tribute of Alphabet
                      3100 BC Aztecs: Alliance
                      3000 BC French: Alliance + gift of Mapmaking
                      2950 BC Chinese: exchange Ceremonial Burial & Masonry
                      2800 BC English: give all techs - Alliance + gift of Warrior Code
                      2650 BC Aztecs: 25 Mongols: 50
                      2600 BC French: 25
                      2500 BC Chinese: 25
                      2350 BC English: 25
                      2250 BC French: gift of Code of Laws
                      Chinese: exchange Writing
                      2150 BC French: 50 Aztecs: 50
                      2100 BC Colossus
                      2000 BC English: 50
                      1900 BC BarbLeader: 150
                      1850 BC Library
                      1800 BC Monarchy Japanese: Alliance
                      French: 50 Aztecs: Gift of Pottery
                      1750 BC Mongols: Alliance: gift of Horseback Riding
                      1700 BC Temple revolution
                      French: 50 Chinese: 50
                      1650 BC Govt Monarchy
                      1500 BC English: 50
                      1450 BC Chinese exchange Currency
                      1400 BC Marketplace Japanese: 50
                      1150 BC Aztecs: 50 Mongols: 75
                      975 BC Trade
                      950 BC French: gift of ironworking
                      Chinese: 150 Japanese: 100 English: 50
                      925 BC French: 25
                      900 BC Mongols: 100
                      775 BC Chinese: 50 English: 50 Japanese: 100
                      750 BC Aztecs dev Construction Mongols: 50
                      725 BC Aztecs: 25 Gold to Shanghai (not demanded): 58
                      700 BC Aztecs: 25
                      675 BC Construction
                      Chinese exchange Literacy
                      650 BC Beads to Beijing (demanded) 120
                      625 BC English: 50 Mongols: 50
                      600 BC Coal to Osaka (not demanded) 54
                      525 BC Republic revolution Govt. Republic
                      Start WLTCD Disband Warrior
                      French: 200 Aztecs: 50 Chinese: 50
                      500 BC Disband Trireme
                      450 BC BarbLeader: 150
                      425 BC French: gift of Seafaring
                      Mongols: 50 Aztecs: 50 English: 50
                      400 BC Harbor
                      350 BC Mathematics Chinese: 25
                      275BC : Japanese: 100 French: 50
                      175 BC Mysticism
                      Chinese: 150
                      125 BC Pop: 12 stop WLTCD
                      Mongols: 50

                      AD 1 Astronomy
                      Copper to Beijing (demanded) 292
                      French: 100
                      20 Copernicus
                      Japanese: 50 Chinese: gift of Bridge Building
                      40 Philosophy Medicine
                      Hides to Beijing (demanded) 292
                      60 Shakespeare's Theatre
                      80 Wheel
                      100 Hides to Canton (demanded) 300
                      Japanese: 50
                      120 Engineering Chinese: 100 English: 25 French: 150
                      200 Sanitation Hides to London (demanded) 352
                      220 Sewer System start wltcd
                      240 University
                      260 University built
                      280 French: 50
                      300 Banking
                      320 Bank
                      340 Japanese: 100 English: 25 Mongols: 50
                      360 Theory of Gravity
                      Hides to Beijing (demanded) 404
                      400 Invention Chinese: gift of Navigation
                      Hides to Canton (demanded) 190
                      Chinese: 25
                      420 Newton's College
                      460 Democracy revolution govt.Democracy
                      Pop. 21 stop WLTCD
                      Copper to Shanghai (demanded) 228
                      480 Economics
                      500 Montos destroyed by English
                      Stock Exchange
                      520 French: 50
                      540 French: exchange Chemistry + gift 50
                      560 Bribe Barb Legion BarbLeader: 150
                      580 Explosives
                      600 Engineer built
                      620 Magnetism
                      640 Japanese: 100
                      660 Metllurgy
                      680 Mongols: 100 French: 50
                      700 Electricity
                      720 English: 50
                      740 Refrigeration
                      Mongols: 100
                      760 Supermarket
                      French: 50
                      780 Steam Engine
                      Coal to Beijing (demanded) 257 Hides to London (demanded) 232
                      BarbLeader: 150
                      Mongols: 100
                      800 Railraod Engineer built
                      Gold to Shanghai (not demanded) 86
                      English: 25
                      840 Industrialization
                      disband Explorer
                      860 Japanese: 50 English: 50 French: 50
                      880 Corporation
                      Mongols: 100
                      900 Aztecs: 100
                      920 Steel
                      960 Refining
                      Coal to Shanghai (demanded) 217
                      Chinese: gift of Conscription
                      1000 Combustion
                      Aztecs: 100
                      1020 Darwin's Voyage Automobile Electronics
                      1040 English: 150 Mongols: 50 Japanese: 100
                      1060 English exchange Feudalism
                      Mass Production
                      Gold to Orleans (demanded) 566
                      1100 Chivalry
                      Mongols: 100
                      1120 Max Pop: 24 End WLTPD sell Sewer System
                      1140 Leadership sell Aqueduct
                      Bribe English Engineer (368)
                      Gold to orleans (demanded) 578
                      1160 Tactics
                      Dye to Lyons (demanded) 432 Mongols: 100
                      1180 Factory
                      Japanese: 100 Chinese: gift of Communism
                      1200 Machine Tools Power Plant
                      Beads to Bokhara (demanded) 378
                      1240 Miniaturization
                      1260 Offshore Platform
                      Aztecs: 100
                      1280 Computers
                      disband Legion
                      1300 Research Lab
                      Japanese: gift of Polytheism French: 50
                      1320 Mobile Warfare
                      Mongols: 50
                      1340 Japanese: 100
                      1360 Robotics
                      1400 Flight
                      Gold to Orleans (demanded) 326
                      1440 Radio
                      1480 Advanced Flight
                      1500 Aztecs: 100
                      1510 Rocketry
                      1520 disband Transport
                      1530 Space Flight, Manufacturing Plant
                      1540 Apollo
                      1560 Plastics
                      1590 Atomic Energy
                      1610 Nuclear Fission
                      1640 Nuclear Power
                      1660 Bribe Chinese Cruiser (616)
                      1670 Laser
                      1700 Superconductor
                      1740 Fusion Power 1776
                      Launch 15-1-1-1-1-1 SS
                      1741 SAM
                      1742 Barracks
                      1743 Stealth Armor
                      1744 Stealth Fighter
                      1745 Nuclear Plant sell Power Plant
                      1746 Espionage Mass Transit
                      1749 Recycling
                      1751 Recycling Centre, Japanese destroyed by English
                      1753 Bribe English Armor
                      1754 Solar Plant
                      1755 Combined Arms
                      1756 to the end: usual advances and building defence units
                      1769 Mongols destroyed by English
                      1776 Landed AC

