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OCC Fortnight Competition #4 -- Results and Logs

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  • #16
    Great job vik.The intro worked fine for my MAC.This one has 3 0r 4 different games in it.

    TD-oh ok.I thought you meant you built 3 hides in the same city.I've seen this a few times in OCC and thought I could gain something by building 2 hides caravans.But delivering both only netted me one route.So I guess a city can only get 1 route per commodidity produced.I havn't noticed if you can get 2 hides routes by outside delivery
    The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


    • #17
      vik - yes text works fine - looks to be a seriously fun challenge - still haven't determined my best bet starting strategy (see below)

      crow - This time round I have a single aim - beat you!!! - I know I shall never get close to Paul & Tom - see you at AC

      Scouse Git[1]

      "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


      • #18
        First off, a very enjoyable game. Hats off Vik, good job.

        Since I'm the first to finish...

        WARNING, log to follow:




        No Peaking




        - After a careful analysis of the various city sites, I chose the one to the south west (2 whale, 1 wine, 1 silk). I figure the 2 gold site would have created more trade in the later stages of the game, but the 2 whales would be far better in the early game. Also, the 2 whale site was the most isolated.

        - The city of Mentos basically left me alone (and I left it alone too). I sent out all my caravans via trireme, so didn't have to contend with the barb presence.

        - After getting Mobile Warfare from me, the Mongols rolled over Mentos with tanks a few years before my spaceship launch. Too bad, I had been looking forward to some barbarian clobbering.

        - I finally held back on building my factory etc. until I had completed all land improvements. Definitely the way to go. Here's a useful tip: 33 shields without any production improvements will yield 82 shields with factory/power plant/ocean platform/manufacturing plant (250% bonus). I made sure my land improvements would yield just the right amount of production (instead of, say, 78 production )

        First, the highlights for Paul's table:

        -2050 switched to Monarchy
        -2050 Collosus
        -975 Trade
        -850 1st caravan
        -800 Construction
        -775 2nd caravan
        -725 3rd caravan
        -625 switched to Republic
        -400 size 12
        -200 Copernicus' Observatory
        -100 Shakespeare's Theatre
        160 Sanitation
        320 Sir Isaac Newton's College
        360 size 21
        380 switched to Democracy
        660 Refrigeration
        860 Darwin's Voyage
        940 Automobile
        1280 Computers
        1520 Space Flight
        1540 Appolo Program
        1756 Launch
        1771 Arrival at AC

        Ok, here's the full log:

        v242, Deity
        3800 BC - peace with Japanese
        3750 BC - found Kingston (2 whale, 1 wine, 1 silk)
        3550 BC - built warrior
        3500 BC - Alphabet, alliance with Japanese
        3450 BC - peace with Chinese
        3400 BC - peace with English
        3350 BC - built warrior
        3200 BC - Bronze Working (Mongols), alliance with Mongols, alliance with English
        2850 BC - Code of Laws, Ceremonial Burial (Mongols), alliance with Chinese
        2700 BC - 50 gold (Aztecs), alliance with Aztecs
        2450 BC - alliance with French (Allied with all AIs)
        2100 BC - Monarchy, the rebels are revolting
        Japanese - Horseback Riding, 50 gold
        French - Masonry, Pottery, Warrior Code
        Egyptians - Writing
        Chinese - Mysticism, 75 gold
        English - Map Making, 50 gold
        Mongols - 100 gold
        2050 BC - switched to Monarchy, built Colossus, disband warrior
        2000 BC - built library
        1950 BC - share maps with all Ais
        1900 BC - 100 gold (Chinese)
        1850 BC - 50 gold (French)
        1700 BC - 50 gold (Japanese)
        1650 BC - built trireme
        1400 BC - Currency, 150 gold (barbarian)
        1350 BC - built marketplace
        1300 BC - 50 gold (Japanese, Aztecs, Chinese, English, Mongols), 150 gold (French)
        975 BC - Trade, Literacy (Chinese), 50 gold (Chinese, Japanese, French), built trireme, disband explorer
        950 BC - built hides caravan, disband warrior
        925 BC - built hides caravan
        900 BC - built hides caravan
        850 BC - 104 gold (1st caravan - Hides to Orleans)
        850 BC - 100 gold (French, Japanese), 50 gold (Aztecs, Chinese)
        825 BC - 150 gold (barbarian)
        800 BC - Philosophy, (Construction)
        775 BC - 58 gold (2nd caravan - Hides to Paris)
        725 BC - 120 gold (3rd caravan - Hides to Lyons)
        675 BC - The Republic, begin revolution, begin WLTKD (size is 4)
        650 BC - Iron Working (French), 50 gold (Japanese, French, Chinese, English), 100 gold (Aztecs)
        625 BC - switched to Republic, disband both triremes
        600 BC - begin WLTCD (size 4)
        525 BC - 100 gold (Aztecs), 50 gold (Chinese)
        400 BC - Mathematics, ending WLTCD (size now 12)
        400 BC - Seafaring (French), 50 gold (French, Chinese), 100 gold (Japanese)
        350 BC - 150 gold (barbarian)
        225 BC - Astronomy, 50 gold (Aztecs, Chinese)
        200 BC - built Copernicus' Observatory
        125 BC - Medicine, sold colosseum, 50 gold (Aztecs)
        100 BC - built Shakespeare's Theatre
        50 BC - built copper caravan
        25 BC - University, Bridge Building (French), Polytheism (Chinese)
        25 BC - 100 gold (French, Japanese), 50 gold (Chinese)
        1 AD - built University
        40 AD - The Wheel, built coal caravan, 50 gold (Aztecs)
        80 AD - built trireme, 100 gold (Japanese), 50 gold (chinese)
        100 AD - Engineering
        120 AD - finally sold temple (woops)
        140 AD - 50 gold (Aztecs)
        160 AD - Sanitation
        180 AD - built sewer system, begin WLTCD (size is 12), 50 gold (Japanese, Chinese)
        240 AD - Theory of Gravity, 50 gold (Aztecs)
        300 AD - Banking, Navigation (French), 100 gold (Japanese)
        320 AD - built Sir Isaac Newton's College
        320 AD - 258 gold (copper caravan to Beijing), 141 gold (coal caravan to Shanghai)
        340 AD - Invention, 100 gold (French)
        360 AD - built Bank, ending WLTCD (size now 21)
        380 AD - Democracy, revolution, switched to Democracy
        380 AD - 100 gold (French), 50 gold (Aztecs)
        400 AD - built silk caravan
        420 AD - Economics
        (note: at this point my land is pretty much improved, so I've decided to skip Explosives (ie engineers) for now and go straight for Refrigeration)
        440 AD - built Stock Exchange
        460 AD - Physics
        480 AD - built coal caravan
        500 AD - Magnetism
        520 AD - built wool caravan
        540 AD - Gunpowder
        580 AD - Metallurgy, 100 gold (Aztecs), 50 gold (Chinese)
        620 AD - Electricity, Chemistry (French)
        660 AD - Refrigeration
        680 AD - built SuperMarket
        700 AD - Explosives, 50 gold (Aztecs)
        720 AD - built Engineer
        740 AD - Steam Engine
        760 AD - built Engineer
        780 AD - Railroad, 50 gold (Aztecs)
        820 AD - Industrialization
        - 97 gold (wool caravan to Tenochtitlan)
        - 228 gold (coal caravan to Beijing)
        - 280 gold (silk caravan to Canton)
        840 AD - The Corporation
        860 AD - built Darwin's Voyage, Refining, Combustion, disband trireme (outside city), 100 gold (English)
        880 AD - Steel
        900 AD - built dye freight, begin WLTPD (size is 19)
        940 AD - Automobile, Conscription (Chinese)
        960 AD - built Superhighway, 100 gold (Aztecs), 200 gold (English)
        980 AD - Feudalism
        1000 AD - ending WLTPD (size now 24), built oil freight
        1020 AD - Chivalry, sell Sewer System
        1040 AD - sell Aqueduct
        1060 AD - Leadership, built gold freight
        1100 AD - Tactics, 100 gold (Aztecs), 150 gold (English)
        1120 AD - 154 gold (oil freight to Mentos)
        1140 AD - Electronics
        1180 AD - Machine Tools
        1200 AD - 50 gold (Aztecs)
        1220 AD - Miniturization
        1240 AD - 50 gold (Aztecs, Chinese)
        1260 AD - Mass Production
        1280 AD - Communism (Aztecs), Computers (Chinese)
        1300 AD - built Research Lab, disband horseman
        1320 AD - Mobile Warfare, built Factory, disband phalanx, 392 gold (silk freight to Kyoto)
        1340 AD - Robotics, built Power Plant, 50 gold (English)
        1360 AD - built Offshore Platform
        1380 AD - Flight, built oil freight, 100 gold (Chinese)
        1400 AD - built wool caravan
        1420 AD - Radio
        1460 AD - Advanced Flight
        1480 AD - built Manufacturing Plant (production is now 80)
        1500 AD - Rocketry
        1520 AD - Space Flight
        1530 AD - 88 gold (gold Freight to Osaka)
        1540 AD - Appollo Program
        1550 AD - Plastics, Atomic Theory (French)
        1580 AD - Nuclear Fission
        1590 AD - Mongols destroy Mentos
        1610 AD - Nuclear Power
        - 103 gold (wool freight to Kyoto)
        - 360 gold (oil freight to Kyoto)
        1630 AD - Laser
        1660 AD - SuperConductor
        1690 AD - Fusion Power
        1730 AD - sell University
        1740 AD - sell Research Lab
        1756 AD - Launch (arrival in 1771)
        build a bunch of tanks, etc.
        1759 AD - Stealth
        1771 AD - Arrival at AC Tom the Terrible, score 314, 40%


        • #19
          I played v2.42 at deity.
          The stats for a table are:
          Monarchy -1650
          Republic -725
          Democracy +700

          Construction: -1550
          Trade -475
          Sanitation 1 AD
          Refrigeration 960
          Automobile 1280
          Computers 1500
          Space Flight 1710

          Colossus –2350
          Copernicus –175
          Shakespeare 1AD
          Newton 380
          Darwin 640
          Apollo 1720

          From Trade Routes 2759g
          From Barbarians 450g
          From Tribute 1725g

          Size 12 –525
          Size 21 260
          Launch 1792
          Landed 1807

          I founded my city at the 2 whale, 1 grape, 1 silk site. I irrigated and put roads on all the flat surface and mined the hills. I transformed the mountain into a hill and mined that also. Near the end I turned one of the river squares into a forest so that I had 83 shields without a manufacturing plant. Of course, one square was almost always covered by pollution, but my engineer and settler could clear that up in 1 ½ turns. I was also helped by the building of mass transit, though that was a mistake. I had hoped that computers would come before I built it and I could switch over to the research lab, but both the improvement and the tech were done on the same turn. Another big mistake was forgetting to sell the sewer system and aqueduct until the very end when I was scrambling to get the last module built in one turn.

          I managed to get alliances with everyone but the French, though it took awhile for the Chinese to come along. I got a considerable amount of techs from them (19 of my first 25 were from trades with other civs), and early on this slowed my science rate considerably. I just figured that it was better to get and keep allies than to get a specific tech a turn or two earlier. I managed to keep all of the alliances until the end of the game, though it got dicey at the end when the Mongols demanded Advanced Flight (which I gave) then stole plastics, Fusion, and superconductor all in one turn. By then, though, I was ready to launch. They never even began building.

          As far as the Barbarian city went, they were really no problem for me. They just seemed to bother the Mongols and Chinese. Everyone else was at war with one another off and on. Until the last few turns when the Mongols sent their dips in, the only things coming into my city was one Chinese explorer in the 1500s and the occasional barbarian landing north of the city.

          3800 Peace With Japanese
          3750 Founded City
          3550 Warrior
          3500 Bronze Working
          3450 Peace With Mongols
          3400 Peace With English
          3350 Peace With Chinese
          3300 Alliance With Japanese
          Ceremonial Burial English
          Alliance With English
          Horseback Riding Mongols
          Alliance With Mongols
          3150 Alphabet English
          3100 Code of Laws, Pottery,
          Alliance with Aztecs
          2850 Peace With French
          2450 Horseman killed by Barbs
          2400 50g Japanese
          50g French
          25g Aztecs
          100g Chinese
          Map Making, Warrior Code English
          50g English
          50g Mongols
          2350 Colossus
          2150 Writing Aztecs
          2100 Temple
          1700 Monarchy
          1650 Became Monarchy
          Masonry Chinese
          Mysticism Chinese
          100g Chinese
          Alliance With Chinese
          The Wheel English
          50g English
          50g Japanese
          1550 Construction French
          Currency French
          100g French
          1500 Library
          1400 Market Place
          1150 100g Aztecs
          1100 Literacy Aztecs
          950 Collosseum
          750 Philosophy;Republic
          725 Became Republic
          Engineering Mongols
          100g Mongols
          150g Chinese
          50g English
          700 Aqueduct
          600 Diplomat
          575 Disband Warrior
          550 Diplomat
          525 Size 12 City
          500 Diplomat
          475 Trade
          Mathematics Chinese
          50g Chinese
          Seafaring Mongols
          450 150g Barb King
          275 Astronomy Chinese
          175 Copernicus
          100 100g Chinese
          Iron Working English
          25 Sell Collosseum
          1AD Shakespeare
          Sell Temple
          40 Sewer System
          60 162g for Beads Chinese
          100 Harbor
          Feudalism English
          50g Mongols
          150g Chinese
          140 University Tech
          260 Size 21 City
          280 Theory of Gravity
          340 Invention Mongols
          360 264g for Hides Chinese
          380 Bridge Building
          Newton's College
          420 Navigation English
          440 Banking
          460 University Building
          500 Physics
          520 Bank
          540 254g for Copper English
          560 Steam Engine
          620 Railroad
          100g Chinese
          50g Aztecs
          50g English
          640 Darwin's Voyage
          700 Became Democracy
          720 Metallurgy Chinese
          740 Chemistry
          760 Economics Japanese
          Magnitism Japanese
          780 Explosives
          840 Industrialization
          860 Stock Exchange
          58g for wool (not demanded)Chinese
          900 Electricity
          54g for coal (not demanded)Japanese
          960 Refrigeration
          84g for silk (not demanded)Japanese
          980 Supermarket
          1020 Engineer
          The Corporation
          1040 Chivalry Mongols
          50g English
          50g Chinese
          1060 150g Barb King
          1080 Refining
          Polytheism French
          1100 Leadership English
          1140 Steel
          128g for Oil (not demanded)Aztecs
          1220 Combustion
          1260 Conscription Japanese
          1280 Automobile
          1300 Superhighways
          169g for Oil (not demanded)French
          1320 Machine Tools
          738g for Silk Chinese
          1360 Electronics
          First Pollution
          1380 Hydro Plant
          Tactics Chinese
          50g Chinese
          1400 Minituarization
          1420 848g for Gold Chinese
          1440 Offshore Platform
          Mass Production
          1500 Mass Transit
          1520 Research Lab
          1530 Atomic Theory
          1560 Nuclear Fission
          1590 Flight
          1620 Radio
          1650 Advanced Flight
          1680 Rocketry
          1710 Space Flight
          1720 Apollo Program
          150g Barb King
          1750 Plastics (SS 3-0-0)
          1758 Nuclear Power (SS 3-4-0)
          1762 Last Component
          1766 The Laser (SS 5-6-0)
          1774 Monotheism Chinese
          Superconductor (SS 9-6-0)
          1784 Fusion Power (SS 12-6-2)
          Sell Sewer System
          1786 Sell Research Lab
          1788 Sell Aqueduct
          1790 Build last Module (SS 14-6-3)
          1792 Launch
          1807 Land


          • #20
            I decided to continue my isolationist ways, and see how far I could push no contact.
            (Making a virtue out of necessity -- I play MGE and relations with AI's are so-o-o-o unstable and difficult). So I played with the additional rules of:

            No non-food caravans
            No trading with AI's of any kind.
            No asking of tribute.
            No diplo/spy.

            I basically just stayed in my little corner (the two whales,wine,silk one) for the game, and had to discover every tech myself.

            A 1942 spaceship landing. I was happy with the game; I don't think I lost more than 4-5 turns due to blunders, which is good for me!
            (Turns lost due to bad strategy are harder to judge!)

            I went direct to Republic, which is the first time I've tried that. With 2 whales and starting units, I thought disorder and reduced production wouldn't be as much of a problem. It will be interesting seeing what folks did here. (I discovered monarchy in 1842AD!)

            Until after the game was over, I hadn't realized what a huge lead in technology I had. Quite a bit different from some of the other OCC games I've played. There also seemed to be much larger portions of the game where I had nothing to build (I had well over 30 food caravans stacked up at times). Did not trading techs with the AI's really hold them back that much???

            Not much terraforming. The empty forest and the mountain both became grasslands eventually; I still had production of 90 (82 after engineers, alpine troops and a fighter).

            Here's my log. It shows all units and improvements built with the exception of the food caravans. I sold my sewer system and aquaduct later than I should have, but I don't remember when.

            3750 city founded
            3500 ceremonial burial
            3150 temple
            3050 alphabet
            2600? barracks
            2500 writing
            2400 diplomat
            1950 codeoflaw
            1450 literacy
            950 republic, barb leader
            925 revolution succeeded, barb leader
            800 bronze working,
            775 colossus, barb leader
            675 mysticism
            650 WLC(4)
            550 end WLC(7), philosophy, masonry
            450 mathematics
            300 astronomy
            150 Copernicus
            125 university(adv)
            25 theory of gravity
            ad20 barb leader
            40 university
            60 currency
            80 marketplace
            120 construction
            180 trade
            200 aquaduct
            240 medicine
            300 pottery
            500 mapmaking
            580 shakespeare
            600 WLC(7)
            640 seafaring (didn't need harbor/food, so this was mistake)
            680 end WLC(12)
            760 banking
            860 horseback riding
            960 the wheel
            980 Isaac Newton
            1020 engineering
            1060 harbor
            1100 sanitation
            1120 sewer system, WCL(12)
            1180 Invention
            1260 Democracy, Bank
            1320 food caravan, end WLC(21), revolution
            1360 Chinese found me with a caravan! end revolution
            1380 Warrior code!
            1440 iron working
            1500 bridge building
            1530 navigation
            1560 Physics
            1590 Steam Engine
            1620 railroad
            1630 Darwin, gunpowder, chemistry
            1650 explosives
            1680 metallurgy
            1710 magnetism
            1730? engineer
            1740 electricity
            1752 barb leader
            1754 refrigeration,city walls(?)
            1762 economics
            1770 Industrialization, engineer
            1778 Corporation
            1784 WLP(19)
            1786 another Chinese caravan, stock exchange
            1788 electronics
            1796 steel
            1800 end WLP(24) (delayed due to farm and pollution)
            1804 refining, factory
            1810 hydroplant
            1812 combustion, diplomat
            1818 automobile. stock exhange sold when ran out of money
            1826 mass production, superhighways
            1828 lost two units to Chinese
            1836 conscription, mass transit
            1842 monarchy! stock exchange
            1846 rifleman
            1848 feudalism rifleman
            1852 chivalry, lost stock exchange again!
            1855 leadership
            1856 stock exchange
            1859 tactics
            1860 French caravan (my 3rd)
            1862 machine tools
            1865 miniturization
            1867 offshore platform
            1868 computers
            1870 research lab
            1871 mobile warfare
            1872 barracks
            1873 alpine troops
            1874 robotics,alpine troops
            1877 atomic theory
            1880 nuclear fission
            1882 alpine troop
            1883 nuclear power
            1886 laser
            1889 flight
            1893 radio
            1896 adv flight
            1899 rocketry,sdi defense
            1902 space flight
            1903 Apollo
            1906 plastics
            1911 superconductor
            1916 fusion power
            1924 stealth
            1927 spaceship 15-3-3-1-1-1 landing 1942
            1928 steath fighter
            1930 FutureTech 1
            1931 recycling center, capitalization
            1933 SAM, FT 2
            1936 FT 3
            1939 FT 4
            1942 spaceship landing


            • #21
              SG - I see the gauntlet has been thrown!

              May the best civver win!

              Do we need to choose seconds or anything like that or is that too old fashioned?

              Dopey me - I was going to start last night but left the disk at work. I hope to take less than the full two weeks this time

              Will everyone stop bloody quoting everyone else in their signature damnit. - Graag

              AH has shrink shop open, and if you want advice from an Aussie who thinks he's a horse that likes having a gay Greek general riding his backside then that's still available. - Lancer


              • #22
                AC 1874

                Monarchy -1850
                Republic -525
                Democracy 520

                Colossus -2100
                Copernicus 1
                Shakespeare 340
                Newton 660
                Darwin 1560
                Apollo 1812

                1st Route -450
                2nd Route -250
                3rd Route -75

                Size 12 -325
                Size 21 1380
                Max Size 23 1420

                v2.42 Deity

                Not a particularly outstanding effort. I was spectacularly unsuccessful in getting the AI to form alliances even when their attitude was worshipful. On the other hand, they and the barbarians left me pretty much alone.
                I started off sending caravans out by sea to avoid interference.

                3750 BC Penge founded (2 whales, silk, wine)
                3700 BC Treaty with Chinese
                3550 BC Warriors
                Treaty with English
                Bronze Working
                3500 BC Exchange BW for Masonry with Chinese
                3350 BC Warriors.
                Disband all warriors
                3300 BC Exchange BW for Ceremonial Burial with English
                Exchange Masonry for Alphabet with English
                Alliance with English
                Exchange BW for Horseback Riding with Japanese
                Treaty with Japanese
                Treaty with Mongols
                3150 BC Give Alphabet to Chinese
                3100 BC Give Alphabet, Masonry to Mongols
                Give CB, Alphabet, Masonry to Japanese
                3050 BC Exchange Masonry for Map Making with Aztecs
                Exchange CB for Code of Laws with Aztecs
                Exchange Bw for Pottery with Aztecs
                Alliance with Aztecs
                Give Map Making to Japanese, Chinese, Mongols
                Share maps with Japanese, Chinese
                2950 BC Give Map Making to English
                2900 BC Give Pottery to Japanese,Chinese, Mongols
                Share maps with English, Aztecs
                2800 BC Exchange Pottery for Writing with French
                Give Map Making to French
                Give Masonry to French
                Share maps with French
                Receive Currency from English
                2750 BC Share maps with English
                2650 BC Share maps with Japanese, Chinese, English
                2550 BC 25 Gold from Aztecs
                Give Pottery to English
                2350 BC Give Code of Laws to Mongols
                2250 BC Give Code of Laws, Writing to English
                2100 BC 50 Gold from Aztecs
                Give Horseback Riding to English
                50 Gold from English
                Give Currency to Chinese
                Give Code of Laws to French
                2000 BC Share maps with Aztecs
                1950 BC Monarchy from Aztecs. Revolution
                1850 BC Monarchy established
                1800 BC Give Monarchy to English
                1650 BC Alliance with English ends
                1550 BC Library
                1500 BC Give Writing to Aztecs
                50 Gold from Aztecs
                1450 BC Exchange Trade for Seafaring with Chinese
                Give Trade to Aztecs
                Give Seafaring to Japanese
                1400 BC Give Trade to English
                Give Seafaring to Mongols
                1350 BC Give Trade to French
                Share maps with Chinese
                Give Seafaring to Aztecs
                1300 BC Marketplace
                1250 BC Give Currency to Aztecs
                1100 BC Give Horseback Riding to Aztecs
                Exchange Writing for Construction with Chinese
                975 BC Exchange Construction for Literacy with French
                950 BC Give Literacy to Aztecs
                50 Gold from Aztecs
                925 BC Temple
                900 BC Pop 5
                875 BC Mysticism
                775 BC Share maps with Aztecs
                750 BC Trireme
                600 BC Exchange Mysticism for Republic with Aztecs. Revolution
                50 Gold from Aztecs
                550 BC Give Republic, Seafaring to French
                Alliance with French
                200 Gold from French
                525 BC Republic established
                500 BC WLTCD Pop 5
                475 BC Philosophy
                450 BC Hide Route to Lyons (demanded) 168 Gold
                Pop 8
                425 BC Aqueduct
                400 BC 50 Gold from Aztecs
                325 BC Pop 12
                300 BC WLTCD ends
                275 BC Astronomy
                250 BC Silk Route to Canton 128 Gold
                225 BC 25 Gold from French
                100 BC Medicine
                75 BC Beads Route to Bejing (Demanded) 308 Gold
                Silver Route to Tenochtitlan 186 Gold
                50 BC University (advance)
                25 BC 50 Gold from Aztecs
                1 AD Copernicus
                60 AD Wheel
                100 AD Exchange Philosophy for Banking with Aztecs
                100 Gold from Aztecs
                140 AD Engineering
                160 AD Copper Route to Shanghai (Demanded) 456 Gold
                180 AD Sanitation
                200 AD WLTCD Pop 12
                Sewer System
                240 AD Alliance with Aztecs ends
                WLTCD ends Pop 13
                260 AD Gold Route to Tenochtitlan 230 Gold
                Theory of Gravity
                340 AD Sell Colosseum
                WLTCD Pop 13
                360 AD Sell Temple
                460 AD Democracy. Revolution
                520 AD Democracy established
                620 AD WLTPD ends Pop 21
                640 AD Alliance with Chinese
                660 AD Newton
                680 AD Chemistry
                740 AD Navigation
                780 AD University
                800 AD Warrior Code
                840 AD Iron Working
                860 AD Bank
                880 AD Gunpowder
                920 AD Explosives
                960 AD Metallurgy
                980 AD 100 Gold from Chinese
                Give Sanitation to Aztecs
                Stock Exchange
                1020 AD Physics
                1080 AD Magnetism
                1140 AD Electricity
                1200 AD Refrigeration
                1240 AD Supermarket
                1260 AD Bridge Building
                1280 AD 50 Gold from Chinese
                1320 AD WLTPD Pop 19
                1340 AD Steam Engine
                1380 AD Pop 21
                1420 AD WLTPD ends Pop 23
                1440 AD Sell Sewer System
                1460 AD Wool route to Canton 58 Gold
                1480 AD Industrialisation
                1520 AD Sell Aqueduct
                1550 AD Refining
                1560 AD Darwin
                1570 AD Share maps with Chinese
                25 Gold from Chinese
                1580 AD Coal Route to Beijing 90 Gold
                1590 AD Automobile
                1600 AD Sik Route to Xinjian 200 Gold
                1610 AD Electronics
                1640 AD Mass Production
                Mentos destroyed by Japanese
                1660 AD Dye Route to Texcoco (Demanded) 324 Gold
                1670 AD Conscription
                1700 AD Feudalism
                1730 AD Factory
                1750 AD Hydro Plant
                1752 AD Leadership
                1758 AD Tactics
                1764 AD Machine Tools
                1770 AD Alliance with French ends
                100 Gold from Chinese
                1772 AD Coal Route to Beijing (Demanded) 555 Gold
                1774 AD Offshore Platform
                1776 AD Wool Route to Shanghai 268 Gold
                Disband Trireme
                Research Lab
                1778 AD Mobile Warfare
                1780 AD Barracks
                1782 AD Robotics
                Alpine Troops
                1786 AD Manufacturing Plant
                1788 AD Armour
                1790 AD Armour
                1792 AD Copper Route to Nara (Demanded) 134 Gold
                1798 AD Advanced Flight
                Alliance with Chinese ends
                1804 AD Rocketry
                1806 AD Coal Route to Xinjian (Demanded) 227 Gold
                1808 AD Sneak attack by Japanese
                1810 AD Space Flight
                1812 AD Apollo
                1814 AD Oil Route to Nanking 89 Gold
                1816 AD Plastics
                1822 AD Atomic Theory
                1828 AD Nuclear Fission
                1834 AD Nuclear Power
                1840 AD Laser
                1842 AD 15 Structurals
                1846 AD Superconductor
                1851 AD Fusion Power
                1854 AD 6 Components
                1858 AD Launch ETA 18874
                1862 AD Stealth
                1866 AD Treaty with Japanese
                1868 AD Recycling Centre
                1870 AD Mass Transit
                1871 AD Environmentalism
                1874 AD AC


                • #23
                  Monarchy: 2450BC
                  Republic: 725BC
                  Democracy: 25BC

                  Colossus: 2450BC
                  Cops'Obs: 525BC
                  Shakes': 425BC
                  Newtons': 220AD
                  Darwin: 840AD
                  Apollo: 1510AD

                  Trade: 1050BC
                  Construction: 675BC
                  Sanitation: 80AD
                  Refrigeration: 540AD
                  Automobile: 840AD
                  Computers: 1220AD
                  Space Flight: 1500AD

                  1st trade: 950BC
                  2nd trade: 675BC
                  3rd trade: 600BC

                  Size 12: 450BC
                  Size 21: 300AD
                  Size 24: 1200AD

                  Arrival AC: 1779

                  It seems that we all picked the same city site. The AI pretty much left me alone, at one point I was allied with all of them. Later both the French and the Mongols declared war but they didn't bother me.
                  Comparing my log with Toms' it's obvious I still have trouble to get my ship launched in the least number of turns, due to lack of food caravans and cash. Lost some turns there.
                  While building my ship I looked how to take Mentos, only to discover it was already taken by the Japanese.

                  Well, here's the full story:

                  3750: Elvis founds Burger King
                  3700: Chinese: peace, trib Masonry
                  3550: English: allied, Masonry X Alphabet, gift Cer Burial
                  Japanese: peace, gave CerBurial, Alpha and Masonry
                  3250: Chinese: gave Alpha and CerBurial, allied
                  3050: Azteks: Masonry X LawCode, allied
                  2850: French: gave Alpha, Masonry and LawCode, allied
                  2650: $150 Barb
                  2550: Monarchy, revolution
                  English: LawCode X MapMaking, gave Monarchy, $50
                  French: Monarchy X Pottery, gave MapMaking, share maps
                  Azteks: Monarchy X Bronze, gave MapMaking, share maps, $25
                  Chinese: Monarchy X Writing, gave MapMaking, Bronze and LawCode, share maps, $50
                  Japanese: MapMaking X Horseback, gave Bronze, Pottery, Monarchy, LawCode, allied, share maps, $50
                  2450: Switch to Monarchy, Colossus
                  2300: Mongols: MapMaking X Wheel, CerBurial X WarriorCode, gave Pottery, Monarchy, Masonry, Alpha, Writing and LawCode, share maps, allied, $50
                  Japanese: gave wheel
                  French: Writing X Mysticism, gave Bronze, Wheel, WarCode, Horseback, share maps, $50
                  Azteks: gave Writing, Mysticism, Wheel, WarCode, Horseback, share maps, $25
                  Chinese: gave Mysticism, Wheel, WarCode, Horseback, share maps, $50
                  English: gave Writing, Wheel, WarCode, Pottery, Mysticism, Horseback, share maps
                  2250: Library
                  2050: Japanese: gave WarCode, Mysticism, Writing, share maps, $25
                  French, Azteks, Chinese, English: $50
                  1800: Japanese: $25
                  French, Chinese: $50
                  1700: Currency
                  1650: Market Place
                  1550: Japanese, French, English: gave Currency, $50
                  Azteks: gave currency
                  Mongols: gave Currency, Mysticism, $100
                  1400: Trireme
                  1300: Japanese: $50
                  Azteks: $150
                  1050: Trade
                  French: Trade X Literature, $200
                  Mongols, English: gave Lit, Trade, $50
                  Japanese: gave Lit, Trade
                  Azteks, Chinese: gave Lit
                  1000: Hides Caravan
                  French: share maps
                  Japanese: $50
                  Azteks: gave Trade, $50
                  Chinese: gave Trade
                  950: Hides route Orleans, $96
                  Silver Caravan
                  900: Beads Caravan
                  French, Chinese: $50
                  English: gift Math
                  Mongols: gave Math, $50
                  825: Silk Caravan
                  800: $150 Barb
                  775: French: Math X Republic, $50
                  Japanese, Azteks: gave Republic
                  Chinese: gave Republic, $100
                  English: gave Republic, $50
                  Mongols: gave Republic, alliance cancelled
                  750: Chinese: gave Republic, share maps
                  725: Switch to Republic
                  675: Japanese: $50
                  Beads Paris: $156
                  Construction, WLTCD size 4
                  650: Azteks: $50
                  Chinese, English: gave Construction, $50
                  600: Copper caravan, Silver Rheims: $300
                  575: Astronomy
                  550: Aquaduct
                  525: Copernicus Observatory
                  500: French discover Philosophy
                  French: Constr X Philosophy, Astro X Iron, $25
                  Japanese: gave Iron
                  Azteks: gave Philo
                  Chinese: gave Philo, $50
                  475: Sold Colosseum
                  450: Medicine, end WLTCD size 12, sold Temple
                  425: Shakespeare's Theatre
                  350: Gold caravan
                  Japanese, Azteks: gave Constr
                  English: gave Iron, alliance canceled
                  French: alliance canceled
                  325: Copper Beijing $376
                  300: University, Engineering
                  225: Banking
                  200: Coal caravan
                  175: Japanese,Azteks, Chinese: gave all
                  150: Invention
                  75: Bank
                  50: Democracy, revolution
                  25: Democracy
                  Azteks $100, Mongols war
                  Silk Beijing $94, Gold Beijing $94
                  20: Seafaring
                  60: Harbor
                  80: Sanitation
                  Japanese, Azteks: gave all
                  Chinese: Inv X Bridge, gave all, $100
                  English: gave all
                  100: Sewer, WLTPD (12)
                  120: disband trireme
                  160: Theory of Gravity
                  French: war
                  Copper Paris $168, Coal Paris $84
                  180: English, Chinese: gave Gravity, share maps
                  Japanese, Azteks: gave Bridge, share maps
                  200: Navigation
                  Japanese, Azteks: gave Gravity
                  Chinese: $100
                  220: Newton's College
                  260: Chemistry
                  300: Gunpowder
                  End WLTPD (21)
                  340: Explosives
                  380: Physics, Engineer
                  Chinese $50
                  420: Magnetism, Engineer
                  460: Metallurgy
                  Japanese: gave all, alliance cancelled
                  English: gave all, allied, $100
                  Azteks: gave all
                  Chinese: gave all, $100
                  480: Galleon
                  520: Silk caravan
                  540: Refrigeration
                  560: Wool caravan
                  580: Steam Engine
                  620: Economics
                  Japanese, English: gave steam
                  Azteks, Chinese: gave all, $100
                  660: Railroad
                  Chinese: $100
                  700: Industrialization
                  720: Stock exchange
                  740: Corporation
                  760: Dye caravan, Wool Beijing $92
                  780: Refining
                  Japanese: gave all, share maps
                  Chinese: gave all
                  English: gave all, $75
                  Azteks: gave all, $100
                  820: Combustion
                  840: Darwin, Steel, Automobile
                  Silk Canton $254
                  880: Feudalism, Superhighway
                  920: Chivalry, Silk caravan
                  960: Leadership, Oil caravan
                  Chinese: Auto X Conscription, gave all, $50
                  Japanese: gave all, share maps
                  Azteks, English: gave all, $50
                  1000: Tactics
                  1020: Supermarket
                  1040: Electronics
                  1060: WLTPD (19)
                  1100: Machine Tools
                  1120: Dye Tenochtitlan $504, Oil Tenochtitlan $252
                  1140: Miniaturization, Silk caravan
                  Japanese, Azteks: gave all
                  Chinese, English: gave all, $50
                  1180: Mass Production, Gold caravan
                  1200: End WLTPD (24), sold Sewer
                  1220: Silk caravan destroyed by Barbs
                  1240: Research Lab
                  1260: Mobile War
                  1280: Factory, Gold Orleans $434
                  1300: Robotics
                  1320: Hydro Plant
                  1340: Flight
                  1360: Off Shore Platform
                  1380: Radio
                  1400: Manifacturing Plant
                  1420: Advanced Flight
                  1460: Rocketry
                  1500: Space Flight
                  1510: Apollo
                  1520: Plastics
                  1570: Athomic Theory
                  1620: Nuclear Fission
                  Chinese: gave SpaceFlight, $100
                  Mentos taken by Japanese
                  1680: Laser
                  1730: Superconductor
                  1758: Fusion Power
                  Chinese: gave Superconductor, $150
                  1764: Launch
                  1766-1776: Stealth, communism, Guerrilla,Labor Union
                  1779: Landing on AC!
                  Save the 's


                  • #24
                    1871 landing from [wrong] 3 whale site
                    OK - to optimise my prospects (of beating Crow) I'm going for the suboptimum three whale site. Grand Plan - such as it is - cower behind my impenetrable mountain fastness using Mentos as a source of contemporary units (do Barbars have Settlers? I've never seen one, but if they do - it's mine!). Hopefully someone else will eliminate Mentos for me, failing that post launch reduce it to radioactive bed-rock.

                    004 : 3800 - discover I have committed my explorer to an isthmus!
                    006 : 3700 - Liverpool founded
                    011 : 3450 - Bronze Working
                    014 : 3300 - meet and ally with Japanese am gifted Horseback Riding
                    016 : 3200 - meet Chinese peace, Masonry
                    018 : 3100 - Japanese Ceremonial Burial
                    023 : 2850 - Japanese 25g
                    024 : 2800 - London falls to the Barbars
                    026 : 2700 - French Alliance, Alphabet, Writing, 50g; Chinese Currency; Japanese 25g
                    027 : 2650 - English civ destroyed by Barbarians
                    029 : 2550 - Japanese 25g; French no maps
                    032 : 2400 - Mongols Peace, Map Making, 50g; Japanese 50g; Aztecs Alliance, Code of Laws, Pottery, 50g
                    034 : 2300 - French 25g
                    038 : 2100 - COLOSSUS; French 25g
                    040 : 2000 - French 25g; Chinese maps
                    042 : 1900 - Japanese 50g; Chinese CONSTRUCTION
                    044 : 1800 - Library; Aztecs 25g; French 50g
                    046 : 1700 - nothing from the allies
                    049 : 1550 - Temple, MONARCHY, Revolution; Japanese 50g; Mongols Alliance
                    050 : 1500 - Barbars take Teotihuacam
                    051 : 1450 - Monarchy established
                    052 : 1400 - French cancel alliance
                    053 : 1350 - Marketplace
                    055 : 1250 - Barbar landing 2 Archers
                    056 : 1200 - Barbar wastes self against Liverpool's defences
                    057 : 1150 - Barbar Archer bought off before he pillaged irrigation
                    058 : 1100 - no-one wants to give me anything
                    060 : 1000 - Japanese cancel alliance after taking Code of Laws !!! Chinese Literacy
                    063 : 0925 - Chinese share maps - Barbars have captured Nanking - at this point the Barbarians have 5 cities and are the largest civilisation on the map by far! Aztecs 50g
                    064 : 0900 - TRADE
                    072 : 0700 - TRADE ROUTE 1 - Dye to Mentos 80g; The Republic; Revolution
                    075 : 0625 - Republic established 20% luxuries needed
                    083 : 0425 - Mysticism; Mongols Mathematics & 50g; Aztecs Seafaring & 50g; French alliance
                    084 : 0400 - Colosseum; start WLTCD; French maps
                    085 : 0375 - Liverpool size 5
                    086 : 0350 - Japanese alliance & 25g; TRADE ROUTE 2 - Salt to Paris 280g
                    087 : 0325 - Aqueduct
                    088 : 0300 - TRADE ROUTE 3 - Beads to Lyons 288g
                    089 : 0275 - PHILOSOPHY - ASTRONOMY; Aztecs 50g
                    091 : 0225 - WLTCD stops @ 12 tax rate 1.1.8 advances 11 turns
                    094 : 0150 - French 25g
                    095 : 0125 - Hides to Orleans 272g
                    097 : 0075 - University (tech)
                    098 : 0050 - French 25g
                    101 : 0020 - University
                    103 : 0060 - Aztecs 50g
                    104 : 0080 - Medicine; Hides to Orleans 232g twice
                    108 : 0160 - Engineering; French Bamking & 50g
                    109 : 0180 - COPERNICUS' OBSERVATORY
                    112 : 0240 - SANITATION; Hides to Orleans 288g
                    114 : 0280 - Aztecs 50g
                    115 : 0300 - Bank
                    116 : 0320 - Theory of Gravity
                    117 : 0340 - Japanese 100g
                    118 : 0360 - Dye to Lyons 348g
                    120 : 0400 - French Economics; Japanese cancel alliance
                    121 : 0420 -
                    122 : 0440 - Hides to Orleans 144g
                    123 : 0460 - SHAKESPEARE'S THEATRE
                    124 : 0480 - Hides to Orleans 144g WLTCD
                    125 : 0500 - Sewer System; Mongols 50g
                    129 : 0580 - Harbour; DEMOCRACY
                    130 : 0600 - Aztecs 50g; French 75g
                    133 : 0660 - WLTPD at 21
                    134 : 0680 - Revolution
                    135 : 0700 - Democracy established
                    137 : 0740 - Physics; Hides to Orleans 188g
                    140 : 0800 - Iron Working
                    141 : 0820 - French Feudalism & 100g
                    142 : 0840 - Hides to Lyons 228g
                    144 : 0880 - ISAAC NEWTON'S COLLEGE; Magnetism; Aztecs 50g; Mongols dissolve alliance
                    145 : 0900 - French Bridge Building
                    146 : 0920 - Gunpowder
                    147 : 0940 - Hides to Orleans 188g
                    148 : 0960 - Metalurgy
                    150 : 1000 - Aztecs 50g; Mongols finally an alliance + 50g (war with Chinese)
                    151 : 1020 - Electricity
                    152 : 1040 - Beads to Lyons 228g
                    154 : 1080 - REFRIGERATION
                    156 : 1120 - French 50g
                    157 : 1140 - Chemistry
                    158 : 1160 - French Steam Engine & 150g
                    160 : 1200 - Explosives; Gems to Kyoto 234g
                    161 : 1220 - Engineer
                    163 : 1260 - Railroad
                    167 : 1340 - Industrialisation
                    168 : 1360 - DARWIN'S VOYAGE - The Corporation - Steel; Aztecs 50g
                    170 : 1400 - Engineer and back to size 21
                    173 : 1460 - Refining
                    177 : 1520 - Combustion
                    180 : 1550 - AUTOMOBILE; Gold to Orleans 288g
                    182 : 1570 - Superhighways;
                    183 : 1580 - Electronics
                    184 : 1590 - Aztecs 150g; French Chivalry & 100g;
                    186 : 1610 - French Conscription & 100g
                    187 : 1620 - Mass Production
                    182 : 1650 - Beads to Tours 183g
                    183 : 1660 - Leadership
                    184 : 1670 - Factory - MENTOS is no more! Chinese destroy Mentos
                    186 : 1690 - Power Plant; Tactics
                    187 : 1700 - Mass Transit
                    189 : 1720 - Machine Tools
                    192 : 1750 - Miniaturisation
                    185 : 1756 - COMPUTERS
                    186 : 1758 - Research Laboratory
                    188 : 1762 - Mobile Warfare
                    191 : 1768 - Robotics
                    194 : 1774 - Flight
                    198 : 1782 - Radio
                    202 : 1790 - Advanced Flight; War with Mongols; Gold to Samarkand 362g
                    204 : 1794 - Manufacturing Plant; Beads to Tsingtao 194g
                    206 : 1798 - Offshore Platform; Rocketry
                    210 : 1806 - SPACE FLIGHT
                    211 : 1808 - APOLLO PROGRAM
                    214 : 1814 - SSS#3; Atomic Theory
                    218 : 1822 - SSS#7; Plastics
                    222 : 1830 - SSS#11; Nuclear Fission
                    226 : 1838 - SSS#15; Nuclear Power
                    230 : 1846 - SSC#4; The Laser
                    231 : 1848 - SSC#5
                    232 : 1850 - SSC#6
                    233 : 1851 -
                    234 : 1852 - Superconductor
                    235 : 1853 - SSM#1
                    236 : 1854 - SSM#2
                    237 : 1855 -
                    238 : 1856 - SSM#3; Fusion Power; LAUNCH for 1871
                    245 : 1863 - Hoover Dam; Sell Power Plant
                    246 : 1864 - Recycling
                    247 : 1865 - Recycling Center
                    252 : 1870 - Environmentalism; Chinese city of Tatung destroyed
                    253 : 1871 - Landed A.C.

                    I was not as lucky as I have been in previous games - early tech gifts from ?allies? led to my achieving Monarchy sometime late in the 20th century (1450 BC actually, but it seemed like the late 20th century) and I was not able to maintain alliances throughout the game despite the now traditional encartas of tech gifts.
                    In hindsight the poor trade potential of my chosen site ruined the end game and I only ever managed an advance every three turns at the best and towards the end after flight could just get every four turns at 100% science - other than that I played this one well and am pleased with the result - how did you do crow???

                    Scouse Git[1]

                    "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
                    "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                    "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                    • #25
                      SG, I noticed you are trading for whatever you can get before Monarchy. When I'm offered something not on the path to Monarchy or for starting a wonder I always decline. In this game I was lucky to get Masonry early on which I traded for Alphabet, and as a bonus I got CerBurial as a gift. The Mongols just had to wait with their Horseback Riding.

                      Something else, I know most of you know this, but here it is anyway...
                      When you are about to deliver a caravan, first put all your workers on high-luxury squares (specials, sea squares) to max your luxuries. Don't mind a food and/or shield shortage. This way the trade bonus will be higher. Don't forget to return them after the delivery before you hit enter to end the turn.
                      Save the 's
                      [This message has been edited by Huey (edited March 06, 2000).]


                      • #26
                        Sorry Huey - I guess I was unclear. I did not TRADE for techs pre Monarchy, I asked for gifts or tribute and they GAVE me techs - at this point it is impossible to refuse! Of course, I could simply have refused to trade and not asked for gold prior to Monarchy, but this has never happened to me like this before.

                        Scouse Git[1]

                        "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
                        "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                        "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                        • #27
                          That's why I never ask for tribs or gifts before Monarchy. Only when I start with no techs at all so I have something to trade with, like in this game where I could trade Masonry for Alphabet and noticed the English also had CerBurial which they gave when I asked for a gift. But I guess I was lucky, if I worked the other way around (Japanese-Mongols-French) instead of Chinese-English-Azteks I would have been in trouble too.


                          • #28
                            Folks, I'm heading out of town on a business trip this morning. My access to a computer will probably be very limited, so I may not be able to get on here to answer any questions about the scenario.

                            I'm sure there are lots of folks here who can cover for me.

                            I'm working on another map, but I don't think I will have it done by next week. The things I am trying to accomplish with this map are a bit harder, so it is taking more time to make this thing. But it should be pretty fun.

                            I'm asking that someone else please contribute a map for OCC#5, and I'll come back and have this ready for OCC#6.

                            I'm debating about the huts/no huts scenario, so I'd like your collective opinions as to whether you generally like playing hutless or with huts, or just limit the number of huts. For the scenario I'm working on, it looks like you can get about 3 huts, and that's all.

                            To hopefully quell an earlier discussion in another thread, I tried the following: I placed a barbarian howitzer right outside my only city (using cheat mode). The city was defended by a Hides Caravan (non-veteran, non-fortified). The Hides Caravan successfully defended the city, taking no damage in the process.

                            Thanks, and continued good luck to you.
                            The only way to stop a terrorist, is with a bullet.


                            • #29
                              Huey, thanks for the tip on maxing out luxuries before delivering a caravan. I did not know that . No wonder the one time bonus from my caravans always seems smaller than other people's.


                              • #30
                                Tom, It's seriously disheartening to know that you have just improved your performance by 5 - 10%.
                                All I need to do now is trim a mere 100 turns or so off my best time ...

                                Scouse Git[1]

                                "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
                                "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                                "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit

