Smash & Oldman: Thanks, that puts one important context to Paul's prescription for 2 eng's. The implication tho is that to cope with the costly degradation to 79- (even for 1 turn) one needs an adequate reserve in the coffers or of caravans/disbandable units. Any consensus so far on the minimum, say to complement Paul's recommended 9+ caravans?
Sorry to show my rust, but can you direct me to a convenient table (or if it's not too demeaning, repeat the figures here) for the number of turns the engineer takes to transform grassland to hills (and other major changes of terrain) required during this transition period to optimise my timing.
Oldman: Well chosen scenario, contrasting as it does with Vik's previous huge parallel land masses (which paid dividends from extra sea-based exploration). AI diplomacy being one of my weak-points, the close living with neighbours has taught valuable lessons in the nuances of AI behavior. BTW the pleasantly surprising Eskimo acquired knowledge provided one lesson - it sometimes pays to be nice to a recalcitrant neighbour.
Looking forward to OCC11 - meantime back to the retrospective comparison games for more hands-on practice.
Sorry to show my rust, but can you direct me to a convenient table (or if it's not too demeaning, repeat the figures here) for the number of turns the engineer takes to transform grassland to hills (and other major changes of terrain) required during this transition period to optimise my timing.
Oldman: Well chosen scenario, contrasting as it does with Vik's previous huge parallel land masses (which paid dividends from extra sea-based exploration). AI diplomacy being one of my weak-points, the close living with neighbours has taught valuable lessons in the nuances of AI behavior. BTW the pleasantly surprising Eskimo acquired knowledge provided one lesson - it sometimes pays to be nice to a recalcitrant neighbour.
Looking forward to OCC11 - meantime back to the retrospective comparison games for more hands-on practice.