I think Tom has invented a tough variant, FOCC, with its science handicap. With the other Fundy pluses I did not realize until too late that there can be too much of a good thing in terms of caravans/freight despite what is said in conventional OCC. Should have developed Leo's among other Wonders in the mid-game. It is in trying to get rid of the burgeoning stock of caravans/freight that I grabbed what I could late in the game. Besides the essential United Nations (in this context) I also got the only two available viz. SETI (didn't seem to slow down the other civs' science rate) and the Manhattan Project, which was really my undoing, RIP 1916. In any case it is obvious with my tech rate of some 13 turns, that I wasn't going to outrace the English, French or Romans to AC.
I guess staying at size 20 to maintain the WLTKD science bonus was shortsighted - I seem to have lost ground from the mid-game onwards. Despite the relative length and the disappointing finish, there were some interesting twists and insights into Fundy's quirks - having all that money and the ability to bribe units with ease, resulting in the build-up of a modest navy (well, mainly ferry-boats) for a land-locked city!
Hats off to Smash and vik who successfully steered the course.
The log up till 1916:
2.42 Deity
4000 Persepolis
3950 resBronzeworking
3550 hut=50
3500 Bronze Working resAlphabet
3400 hut=barb
3450 barbhorse kilt my warrior
3350 hut=50
3300 hut=chariot
3250 English peace, refused alliance tirbute=get ceremonial burial - (chariot sth London)
3150 hut=50
3050 English=no tribute
2950 English=bronzew
2900 pop4 hut=barb
2850 Barbhorse dies attacking myfanatic
2800 English=nomaps
2750 English=no alliance
2700 hut=warriorcode English=refuse knowledge
2650 English tribute=25
2600 English=no alliance
2450 Hut=currency English=give currency get mysticism
2400 Largest: 1English 2Persians
2350 Colossus English=tribute50 tls=5.0.5 income=7 sc=3bkers turns=24 -> inc9 sc=16t with mined gold
2300 English=no alliance
2250 hut=legion
2200 French exc currency ceremburial pottery for Alphabet writing mysticism no alliance tribute=50 English=no alliance
2150 Marketplace,Zulus exc ceremburial for horsebackriding no alliance tribute=50, mywarrior on mtn vetted after surviving Barbarcher attack,
2000 Library
1950 hut=wheel Mongols destroyed by Romans hut=horse
1900 Zulus exc writing for CodeLaws no alliance French=no alliance
1850 Zulus=wheel French=codelaws English=writing WLTKD started (late!!)
1800 Zulus=warriorcode French+English=wheel
1750 Barbleader=150 hut=50 Zulus=pottery French=warriorcode English=codelaws
1700 hut=trade Zulus=currency Eng+French=horsebackr
1650 hut=chariot 1st Caravan blt =dye resMsaonry hut=50 Zulus proposes alliance, no gift fr+engr=trade
1600 Zulus=trade French=no alliance
1550 hut=construction Romans exc trade ceremburial mysticism for masonry mapmaking ironworking peace tribute=150 hut=legion Zulus (war aztecs)+English=mapmaking
1500 resMaths Romans+zulu+French=construction English=exc construction for Literacy
1450 Romans+zulus=sharemaps eng+French=nomaps hut=monarchy
1400 Aztecs destroyed by Zulus Romans+French=literacy Zulus exc monarcgy for republic=0 English=republic hut=legion
1350 Romans+French=republic Zulus=literacy English=ironwork hut=maths hut=barb mychariot kilt barbhorse hut=horse
1300 resAstronomy Romans=monarchy Zulus=ironwork French=mapmaking English=maths
1250 1st Caravan dye -London (demanded) =132 Romans= wheel Zulus=25 English=maps French=nomaps
1200 2nd Caravan hides -London (not demanded) =66 hut=25 Rom+Zulus=maths fr+English=monarchy
1150 Romans= currency Zulus=maps fr+English=masonry (English seems to have all knowledge) hut=barb mychariot kilt barbhorse
1100 Romans= horsebackr Zulus=masonry French=ironwork English=nomaps
1050 3rd Caravan gold -London (not demanded)=70 Romans= 25 tribute Zulus=25 French=maths English=no alliance hut=50
1000 Astronomy resPhilosophy Romans= codeL Zulus=maps French=nomaps English=nomaps
975 Romans Zulus=maps French=noalliance English=nomaps
950 English=75 tribute French=150 tribute
925 Fr+Eng+Zulus=astronomy Romans= maps
900 Copernicus English=nomaps
875 Rome=50 Zulus=50 fr+English=noalliance
825 Fr+English no alliance (only if give 100) Zulus=maps
800 BarbLeader=150
775 hides caravan -Orleans (not demanded)=86 sc:20t=>16t
750 Zulus war French
675 Salt caravan -London (not demanded)=72
650 Philosophy get University resTheoryGrav, Granary Rome=maps eng+French=noalliance
625 Pop8 University (sc=12t) Zulus=phil+25 Romans= Phil+Univ for alliance but no gift! French=phil noalliance without war with zulus, English=phil
600 Zulus=univ sharemaps, Romans= maps
575 English=75 Romans= 0 French=50 Zulus=maps
550 Aquaduct
500 Zulus war with English (decline 50 for war as wine-Caravan going to York (demanded): worshipful->uncooperative allies) Romans= maps
400 English exc Univ for Banking, no alliance
375 Romans=50
350 TheoryGravity resMedicine Wine Caravan -York (demanded)=200 Zulus=banking (demanded)+50 (but still uncooperative) French=Univ+Banking for alliance, but no gift! Happiest: Romans Zulus French Persians English
325 Zulus=ThGrav (attitude: uncoop->neutral)
300 IsaacNewtonsC (sc=8t) French=banking Romans= 25
275 Pop10 French=thGrav (sc=7t)
250 Rom+French=maps
225 Medicine resEngineering English=Med, maps Zulus=Med+50 Romans= univ French=med
200 Bank
175 Romans= 50 English=50 French=0
125 Rom+French=Maps English=nomaps
100 (Romans dev seafaring)
75 (French war Eng, French dev Engineering!) get Engineering as gift from French
50 (French Peace with English)
25 Sanitation resEconomics Dye Caravan -London (not demanded)=106 Romans exc sanitation for seafaring +50 French=75 English=seafaring
AD1 Rom+French=maps English=noalliance
20 Sewer System English=engineering French=sanitation (sc: 8t->7t !) Romans= astronomy
40 Romans= engineering+0, French=maps English=sanitation+0
60 Pop12 Romans= med English=ThGravity
80 (Zulus peace with Eng) Zulus=med+100 Romans= 0
100 Economics resBridgeBdg Zulus=sanitation French=economics(8t->7t) English=econs
120 Zulus=engineering Romans= 50 French=150
140 English=noalliance fr+Romans =maps Zulus=econs
180 Stock Exchange Romans= economics+maps Zulus=0
200 Salt caravan -London (not demanded) =116 Romans= ThGrav
220 Bridge Building resInvention English exc BridgeBdg for Navigation Romans= bridgebdg Zulus=bridgebdg+50 French=navigation
240 Rom+fr+zulu(+maps)=bridgebdg
260 Romans= 50 French=maps
280 French=100
300 (Romans war with Fr) zulu+Romans= maps
360 Dye-caravan -London (not demanded)=61 Zulus=50 rom+French=maps
400 Invention resPhysics Fr+Zulus=Invention Romans= invention +150
420 (Romans bdg Leos) English=Invention rom+fr+Zulus=maps
440 Bribe barb Caravel for 82
480 Dye Caravan -York=57 Barbleader=150
500 Romans= 50 French=100
520 (French peace rom)
560 Physics resSteamEngine
580 Romans= physics Zulus=phys+50
600 (English get Leos!)
660 Romans war zulus Zulus=50 hut=25
700 French=physics
760 Steam Engine resRailroad Rom+French=Steamengine
800 Largest: Romans French English Persians Zulus
820 Coal caravan -Paris (not demanded) =78 fr+rom+Zulus=maps
860 English get tsunsu
880 Romans= 50 French=0 Zulus=50
900 Dye-caravan -Paris (demanded)=172 fr+rom+Zulus=maps
920 Railroad resChemistry
940 Darwin's Voyage Chemistry Magnetism resIndustrialization (French has Gunpowder) French exc railroad for gunpowder Zulus=gunpowder +100 Romans= railroad
1000 Zulus=magnetism+maps Romans= gunpowder French=chem
1040 Romans= 100 Zulus=chem French=0
1060 fr+zulu+Romans= maps
1120 Industrialization resExplosives Romans= magnetism Zulus=industr+50 French=industr
1140 Romans= 50
1180 fr+zulu+Romans= maps
1300 (French gets Corporation, English gets Democracy)
1320 Explosives resAtomicTh French exc explosives for corporation +100 Zulus=explosives+50 Romans= industrialn
1340 Engineer
1360 Engineer
1380 Engineer BarbLeader=150 Bribe barbKnight
1400 Zulus=corp(demand)+maps rom+French=maps
1440 (Romans peace Eng)
1460 Oil freight -Paris (not demanded)=101
1500 Atomic Theory resRefining (Largest: Romans French English Persians zulu)
1510 Factory Gold-caravan -Paris (not demanded) =101 English exc atomic theory for metallurgy
1520 Romans= explosives Zulus=metallurgy+maps French=100
1560 (French dev Refining) French exc Metallurgy for Refining+100
1580 resElectricity barbCrusader lands kills myLegion myChariot kills yellowed barbCrusader bribe barbFrigate
1600 Electricity resRefrigeration Romans exc refining for Democracy=maps Zulus=democracy+100 French=maps+0
1610 Romans= 150 French=maps
1620 (English flaunts Conscription)
1650 rom+fr+Zulus=maps
1660 Zulus=electricity+maps fr+Romans= maps
1680 (Romans dev Chemistry) Romans demands electricity but refuses exchange!
1710 Refrigeration resCombustion Romans= electricity+150 French=maps
1740 Romans exc corporation for Conscription + maps French=conscription+50 Zulus=consription+100 Zulus=atomicth nomaps Romans= maps French=refrigeration+maps
1752 French peace Eng, Romans= 150
1756 Bribe English engineer, war with Eng! Zulus=refrigeration+maps
1758 Zulus dev polytheism Combustion resCommunism
1760 Romans war English rom+fr+Zulus=maps
1762 Pop20 Sell sewer system
1764 (Romans take Newcastle) Romans= maps French gifts feudalism Zulus=feudalism
1766 sell aquaduct
1768 Riflemen Romans= 150 Zulus=200 French=100
1770 (Wealthiest: English French Persians Romans zulu) zulu+fr+Romans= maps
1772 Steal chivalry from Eng,
1776 zulu+French=chivalry Romans= combustion
1778 Sabotaged London university production
1780 Romans= refrig Zulus=combustion
1782 Communism resSteel
1784 United Nations English=peace
1786 French dev Electronics but refuses to exchange (bdg Hoover) Romans= chivalry
1788 Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=105
1792 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=107, bribe English destroyer (830) Romans= 150, French gifts electronics Zulus=200
1796 Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=107,
1798 English dev steel, English exc communism for steel
1800 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=110, resAutomobile
1802 Bribe English Transport (622) Zulus=100 Romans= 0 French=50
1804 Automobile resEspionage, Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=110
1806 Romans= electronics
1808 Superhighways (sc: 14t->9t) Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=214 Zulus=steel Romans= 75
1812 Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=214 Romans= automobile fr+Zulus=maps
1816 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217 Bribe English engineer English=automobile
1818 Espionage resMass-Production
1820 Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=210 Romans= 75 Zulus=150
1824 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217 Zulus=communism
1828 Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217 Looks like a lucky freight commodity pair-loop here, make hay (wine and gold)...!
1832 Mass production resNuclear-Fission Bribe English engineer Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217 Zulus=mass production+150 French=100 Romans= 150
1836 Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217
1838 Romans gets Leadership exc electricity for leadership
1840 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217 all=maps except English
1842 Bribe Romans knight
1844 Bribe English freight (which arrived at Persepolis pattern)=oil, Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217
1846 Oil-freight -London (demanded)=654 (almost paid for itself not counting the science bonus!) Romans= 150 French=100 Zulus=maps
1848 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=226 Zulus=leadership rom+French=maps (Romans freight NE(18,22) of Persepolis)
Bribe Romans Engineer, Romans= 150
1850 Wine-freight -London (demanded)=467
1851 Bribe English vet Dragoon (931) French=100 Zulus exc steel for polytheism +200
1852 Tactics resMachine-Tools (English dev Flight !!
) (sc 9t->12t) (French dev Fundamentalism) English exc tactics for flight Zulus=tactics (cordial->worshipful) Romans= tactics Wine-freight -London (demanded)=245
1853 Bribe Romans freight (267) =gems Gem-freight -York (not demanded)=98
1854 Manhattan Project (MostPowerful: English Romans French Persians zulu)
1856 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=122 fr+Romans= massproduction English=nuclearfission
1858 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=122 Romans= maps (new English city Dover just north of Persepolis - no overlap- phew!) Zulus=flight +300! French=nuclearfission+maps
1860 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=122 (French dev mobile-warfare)
1861 Machine Tools resMiniaturization French gifts Mobile-warfare
1862 Romans= nuclearfission Zulus=mobilewarfare fr+English=machinetools (still 13t) Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=122
1863 Romans= machinetools Zulus=nuclearfission+machine get 200 French=flight
1864 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=123
1866 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=123 Bribe English cruiser (1010)
1867 Bribe Romans freight=Persepolis oil, Bribe English Alpinetroops (to gain access to York) Oil-freight -York (demanded)=346
1868 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=123
1869 Miniaturization resRadio Romans freight approaching from north
1870 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=123 Bribe Romans armor (628)
1871 give miniaturization to all
1872 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=123
1873 Bribe Romans freight=Persepolis-wine, Wine-freight -London (demanded)=350
1874 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=123
1875 Radio resAdvanced-flight (French dev computers) French gifts computers Disband persepolis-legion+diplo (14t-7t)
1876 Research-Lab (7t->6t) Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=121
1878 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=122 (decide to build SETI with so many caravans left)
1879 SETI Advanced Flight resRobotics sell Research-Lab
1881 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=124
1882 sc:5t->11t![](http://apolyton.net/forums/frown.gif)
1883 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=124
1885 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=124
1887 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=123
1888 Robotics resRocketry
1889 Manufacturing Plant Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=124
1890 all maps except English
1891 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=124
1893 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=124 English=radio
1895 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=123
1898 Rocketry resSpaceFlight Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=124 Zulus=400 Romans=maps
1900 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=123
1902 Steal laser from Romans Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=122
1903 Gold-freight -Kharakoram (demanded) 458
1906 Zulus exc advanced flight and Radio for guerilla warfare and amphibious warfare
1908 Space Flight resPlastics
1909 Apollo Program Bribe Romans freight=oil Oil-freight -London (demanded)=573
1910 Structural1
1911 Structural2
1912 Structural3
1913 Structural4 English dev rocketry French dev advanced flight - looks ominous -with my 12-13t sc.
1914 Structural5 French sneak attacks my caravel and transport with chariot. Looks like WWI has started!
1915 Structural6 Peace with English who bragged about having Nuclear weapons
1916 The English nuked me - they weren't joking!
Ancora Imparo
[This message has been edited by tonic (edited July 11, 2000).]
I guess staying at size 20 to maintain the WLTKD science bonus was shortsighted - I seem to have lost ground from the mid-game onwards. Despite the relative length and the disappointing finish, there were some interesting twists and insights into Fundy's quirks - having all that money and the ability to bribe units with ease, resulting in the build-up of a modest navy (well, mainly ferry-boats) for a land-locked city!
Hats off to Smash and vik who successfully steered the course.
The log up till 1916:
2.42 Deity
4000 Persepolis
3950 resBronzeworking
3550 hut=50
3500 Bronze Working resAlphabet
3400 hut=barb
3450 barbhorse kilt my warrior
3350 hut=50
3300 hut=chariot
3250 English peace, refused alliance tirbute=get ceremonial burial - (chariot sth London)
3150 hut=50
3050 English=no tribute
2950 English=bronzew
2900 pop4 hut=barb
2850 Barbhorse dies attacking myfanatic
2800 English=nomaps
2750 English=no alliance
2700 hut=warriorcode English=refuse knowledge
2650 English tribute=25
2600 English=no alliance
2450 Hut=currency English=give currency get mysticism
2400 Largest: 1English 2Persians
2350 Colossus English=tribute50 tls=5.0.5 income=7 sc=3bkers turns=24 -> inc9 sc=16t with mined gold
2300 English=no alliance
2250 hut=legion
2200 French exc currency ceremburial pottery for Alphabet writing mysticism no alliance tribute=50 English=no alliance
2150 Marketplace,Zulus exc ceremburial for horsebackriding no alliance tribute=50, mywarrior on mtn vetted after surviving Barbarcher attack,
2000 Library
1950 hut=wheel Mongols destroyed by Romans hut=horse
1900 Zulus exc writing for CodeLaws no alliance French=no alliance
1850 Zulus=wheel French=codelaws English=writing WLTKD started (late!!)
1800 Zulus=warriorcode French+English=wheel
1750 Barbleader=150 hut=50 Zulus=pottery French=warriorcode English=codelaws
1700 hut=trade Zulus=currency Eng+French=horsebackr
1650 hut=chariot 1st Caravan blt =dye resMsaonry hut=50 Zulus proposes alliance, no gift fr+engr=trade
1600 Zulus=trade French=no alliance
1550 hut=construction Romans exc trade ceremburial mysticism for masonry mapmaking ironworking peace tribute=150 hut=legion Zulus (war aztecs)+English=mapmaking
1500 resMaths Romans+zulu+French=construction English=exc construction for Literacy
1450 Romans+zulus=sharemaps eng+French=nomaps hut=monarchy
1400 Aztecs destroyed by Zulus Romans+French=literacy Zulus exc monarcgy for republic=0 English=republic hut=legion
1350 Romans+French=republic Zulus=literacy English=ironwork hut=maths hut=barb mychariot kilt barbhorse hut=horse
1300 resAstronomy Romans=monarchy Zulus=ironwork French=mapmaking English=maths
1250 1st Caravan dye -London (demanded) =132 Romans= wheel Zulus=25 English=maps French=nomaps
1200 2nd Caravan hides -London (not demanded) =66 hut=25 Rom+Zulus=maths fr+English=monarchy
1150 Romans= currency Zulus=maps fr+English=masonry (English seems to have all knowledge) hut=barb mychariot kilt barbhorse
1100 Romans= horsebackr Zulus=masonry French=ironwork English=nomaps
1050 3rd Caravan gold -London (not demanded)=70 Romans= 25 tribute Zulus=25 French=maths English=no alliance hut=50
1000 Astronomy resPhilosophy Romans= codeL Zulus=maps French=nomaps English=nomaps
975 Romans Zulus=maps French=noalliance English=nomaps
950 English=75 tribute French=150 tribute
925 Fr+Eng+Zulus=astronomy Romans= maps
900 Copernicus English=nomaps
875 Rome=50 Zulus=50 fr+English=noalliance
825 Fr+English no alliance (only if give 100) Zulus=maps
800 BarbLeader=150
775 hides caravan -Orleans (not demanded)=86 sc:20t=>16t
750 Zulus war French
675 Salt caravan -London (not demanded)=72
650 Philosophy get University resTheoryGrav, Granary Rome=maps eng+French=noalliance
625 Pop8 University (sc=12t) Zulus=phil+25 Romans= Phil+Univ for alliance but no gift! French=phil noalliance without war with zulus, English=phil
600 Zulus=univ sharemaps, Romans= maps
575 English=75 Romans= 0 French=50 Zulus=maps
550 Aquaduct
500 Zulus war with English (decline 50 for war as wine-Caravan going to York (demanded): worshipful->uncooperative allies) Romans= maps
400 English exc Univ for Banking, no alliance
375 Romans=50
350 TheoryGravity resMedicine Wine Caravan -York (demanded)=200 Zulus=banking (demanded)+50 (but still uncooperative) French=Univ+Banking for alliance, but no gift! Happiest: Romans Zulus French Persians English
325 Zulus=ThGrav (attitude: uncoop->neutral)
300 IsaacNewtonsC (sc=8t) French=banking Romans= 25
275 Pop10 French=thGrav (sc=7t)
250 Rom+French=maps
225 Medicine resEngineering English=Med, maps Zulus=Med+50 Romans= univ French=med
200 Bank
175 Romans= 50 English=50 French=0
125 Rom+French=Maps English=nomaps
100 (Romans dev seafaring)
75 (French war Eng, French dev Engineering!) get Engineering as gift from French
50 (French Peace with English)
25 Sanitation resEconomics Dye Caravan -London (not demanded)=106 Romans exc sanitation for seafaring +50 French=75 English=seafaring
AD1 Rom+French=maps English=noalliance
20 Sewer System English=engineering French=sanitation (sc: 8t->7t !) Romans= astronomy
40 Romans= engineering+0, French=maps English=sanitation+0
60 Pop12 Romans= med English=ThGravity
80 (Zulus peace with Eng) Zulus=med+100 Romans= 0
100 Economics resBridgeBdg Zulus=sanitation French=economics(8t->7t) English=econs
120 Zulus=engineering Romans= 50 French=150
140 English=noalliance fr+Romans =maps Zulus=econs
180 Stock Exchange Romans= economics+maps Zulus=0
200 Salt caravan -London (not demanded) =116 Romans= ThGrav
220 Bridge Building resInvention English exc BridgeBdg for Navigation Romans= bridgebdg Zulus=bridgebdg+50 French=navigation
240 Rom+fr+zulu(+maps)=bridgebdg
260 Romans= 50 French=maps
280 French=100
300 (Romans war with Fr) zulu+Romans= maps
360 Dye-caravan -London (not demanded)=61 Zulus=50 rom+French=maps
400 Invention resPhysics Fr+Zulus=Invention Romans= invention +150
420 (Romans bdg Leos) English=Invention rom+fr+Zulus=maps
440 Bribe barb Caravel for 82
480 Dye Caravan -York=57 Barbleader=150
500 Romans= 50 French=100
520 (French peace rom)
560 Physics resSteamEngine
580 Romans= physics Zulus=phys+50
600 (English get Leos!)
660 Romans war zulus Zulus=50 hut=25
700 French=physics
760 Steam Engine resRailroad Rom+French=Steamengine
800 Largest: Romans French English Persians Zulus
820 Coal caravan -Paris (not demanded) =78 fr+rom+Zulus=maps
860 English get tsunsu
880 Romans= 50 French=0 Zulus=50
900 Dye-caravan -Paris (demanded)=172 fr+rom+Zulus=maps
920 Railroad resChemistry
940 Darwin's Voyage Chemistry Magnetism resIndustrialization (French has Gunpowder) French exc railroad for gunpowder Zulus=gunpowder +100 Romans= railroad
1000 Zulus=magnetism+maps Romans= gunpowder French=chem
1040 Romans= 100 Zulus=chem French=0
1060 fr+zulu+Romans= maps
1120 Industrialization resExplosives Romans= magnetism Zulus=industr+50 French=industr
1140 Romans= 50
1180 fr+zulu+Romans= maps
1300 (French gets Corporation, English gets Democracy)
1320 Explosives resAtomicTh French exc explosives for corporation +100 Zulus=explosives+50 Romans= industrialn
1340 Engineer
1360 Engineer
1380 Engineer BarbLeader=150 Bribe barbKnight
1400 Zulus=corp(demand)+maps rom+French=maps
1440 (Romans peace Eng)
1460 Oil freight -Paris (not demanded)=101
1500 Atomic Theory resRefining (Largest: Romans French English Persians zulu)
1510 Factory Gold-caravan -Paris (not demanded) =101 English exc atomic theory for metallurgy
1520 Romans= explosives Zulus=metallurgy+maps French=100
1560 (French dev Refining) French exc Metallurgy for Refining+100
1580 resElectricity barbCrusader lands kills myLegion myChariot kills yellowed barbCrusader bribe barbFrigate
1600 Electricity resRefrigeration Romans exc refining for Democracy=maps Zulus=democracy+100 French=maps+0
1610 Romans= 150 French=maps
1620 (English flaunts Conscription)
1650 rom+fr+Zulus=maps
1660 Zulus=electricity+maps fr+Romans= maps
1680 (Romans dev Chemistry) Romans demands electricity but refuses exchange!
1710 Refrigeration resCombustion Romans= electricity+150 French=maps
1740 Romans exc corporation for Conscription + maps French=conscription+50 Zulus=consription+100 Zulus=atomicth nomaps Romans= maps French=refrigeration+maps
1752 French peace Eng, Romans= 150
1756 Bribe English engineer, war with Eng! Zulus=refrigeration+maps
1758 Zulus dev polytheism Combustion resCommunism
1760 Romans war English rom+fr+Zulus=maps
1762 Pop20 Sell sewer system
1764 (Romans take Newcastle) Romans= maps French gifts feudalism Zulus=feudalism
1766 sell aquaduct
1768 Riflemen Romans= 150 Zulus=200 French=100
1770 (Wealthiest: English French Persians Romans zulu) zulu+fr+Romans= maps
1772 Steal chivalry from Eng,
1776 zulu+French=chivalry Romans= combustion
1778 Sabotaged London university production
1780 Romans= refrig Zulus=combustion
1782 Communism resSteel
1784 United Nations English=peace
1786 French dev Electronics but refuses to exchange (bdg Hoover) Romans= chivalry
1788 Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=105
1792 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=107, bribe English destroyer (830) Romans= 150, French gifts electronics Zulus=200
1796 Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=107,
1798 English dev steel, English exc communism for steel
1800 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=110, resAutomobile
1802 Bribe English Transport (622) Zulus=100 Romans= 0 French=50
1804 Automobile resEspionage, Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=110
1806 Romans= electronics
1808 Superhighways (sc: 14t->9t) Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=214 Zulus=steel Romans= 75
1812 Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=214 Romans= automobile fr+Zulus=maps
1816 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217 Bribe English engineer English=automobile
1818 Espionage resMass-Production
1820 Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=210 Romans= 75 Zulus=150
1824 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217 Zulus=communism
1828 Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217 Looks like a lucky freight commodity pair-loop here, make hay (wine and gold)...!
1832 Mass production resNuclear-Fission Bribe English engineer Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217 Zulus=mass production+150 French=100 Romans= 150
1836 Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217
1838 Romans gets Leadership exc electricity for leadership
1840 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217 all=maps except English
1842 Bribe Romans knight
1844 Bribe English freight (which arrived at Persepolis pattern)=oil, Wine-freight -Paris (not demanded)=217
1846 Oil-freight -London (demanded)=654 (almost paid for itself not counting the science bonus!) Romans= 150 French=100 Zulus=maps
1848 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=226 Zulus=leadership rom+French=maps (Romans freight NE(18,22) of Persepolis)
Bribe Romans Engineer, Romans= 150
1850 Wine-freight -London (demanded)=467
1851 Bribe English vet Dragoon (931) French=100 Zulus exc steel for polytheism +200
1852 Tactics resMachine-Tools (English dev Flight !!
1853 Bribe Romans freight (267) =gems Gem-freight -York (not demanded)=98
1854 Manhattan Project (MostPowerful: English Romans French Persians zulu)
1856 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=122 fr+Romans= massproduction English=nuclearfission
1858 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=122 Romans= maps (new English city Dover just north of Persepolis - no overlap- phew!) Zulus=flight +300! French=nuclearfission+maps
1860 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=122 (French dev mobile-warfare)
1861 Machine Tools resMiniaturization French gifts Mobile-warfare
1862 Romans= nuclearfission Zulus=mobilewarfare fr+English=machinetools (still 13t) Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=122
1863 Romans= machinetools Zulus=nuclearfission+machine get 200 French=flight
1864 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=123
1866 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=123 Bribe English cruiser (1010)
1867 Bribe Romans freight=Persepolis oil, Bribe English Alpinetroops (to gain access to York) Oil-freight -York (demanded)=346
1868 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=123
1869 Miniaturization resRadio Romans freight approaching from north
1870 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=123 Bribe Romans armor (628)
1871 give miniaturization to all
1872 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=123
1873 Bribe Romans freight=Persepolis-wine, Wine-freight -London (demanded)=350
1874 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=123
1875 Radio resAdvanced-flight (French dev computers) French gifts computers Disband persepolis-legion+diplo (14t-7t)
1876 Research-Lab (7t->6t) Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=121
1878 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=122 (decide to build SETI with so many caravans left)
1879 SETI Advanced Flight resRobotics sell Research-Lab
1881 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=124
1882 sc:5t->11t
1883 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=124
1885 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=124
1887 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=123
1888 Robotics resRocketry
1889 Manufacturing Plant Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=124
1890 all maps except English
1891 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=124
1893 Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=124 English=radio
1895 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=123
1898 Rocketry resSpaceFlight Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=124 Zulus=400 Romans=maps
1900 Gold-freight -Paris (not demanded)=123
1902 Steal laser from Romans Wine-freight Paris (not demanded)=122
1903 Gold-freight -Kharakoram (demanded) 458
1906 Zulus exc advanced flight and Radio for guerilla warfare and amphibious warfare
1908 Space Flight resPlastics
1909 Apollo Program Bribe Romans freight=oil Oil-freight -London (demanded)=573
1910 Structural1
1911 Structural2
1912 Structural3
1913 Structural4 English dev rocketry French dev advanced flight - looks ominous -with my 12-13t sc.
1914 Structural5 French sneak attacks my caravel and transport with chariot. Looks like WWI has started!
1915 Structural6 Peace with English who bragged about having Nuclear weapons
1916 The English nuked me - they weren't joking!
Ancora Imparo
[This message has been edited by tonic (edited July 11, 2000).]