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OCC fortnigth #12 - discussion and logs

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  • OCC fortnigth #12 - discussion and logs

    As Tom already posted in his other thread, you start in fundamentalism and cannot switch governments. One problem is that when you discover an advance that allows a government you will be given the option to switch governments. For the purpose of this scenario you should say no in that case.

    Download here.

  • #2
    Well, I already played it. It's interesting to play in Fundamentalism.

    One question: would it be good to set a luxury rate to increase the city's growth? I mean in this case...


    • #3
      I think so since a Fundy celebrating collects resources as if it were a Republic.
      The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


      • #4
        Downloaded. Hope to recover the concentration lost in OCC11. Something new again - must re-read that thread about Fundy being a viable alternative science govt.


        • #5
          I'm in - should finish OCC#10 in a day or so than I'll dive into this one...

          Scouse Git[1]

          "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
          [This message has been edited by Scouse Gits (edited June 28, 2000).]
          "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
          "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


          • #6

            Thanks for the scenario. One question -- Is your intent to have players stay in Fundy all game? Or is there some option we have to switch governments. I think I know the answer.

            Fundy all game. Wow. Should be interesting -- that's a nice twist.

            You can't spell "fundy" without "fun."

            The only way to stop a terrorist, is with a bullet.


            • #7
              vik, as you already thought you are supposed to stay in fundy all game.


              • #8
                One more question.

                I'm about to play, and I read the intro.

                Are we REQUIRED to allocate no more than 50% to science output?

                I'd appreciate a quick answer. thanks.

                Edit: thanks for answering my first question, Paul
                [This message has been edited by vik (edited June 27, 2000).]
                The only way to stop a terrorist, is with a bullet.


                • #9
                  vik, the maximum effective science rate of fundy is 50%. This was added in one of the patches. So you can set your science higher than 50%, but it won't have any effect.


                  • #10
                    Wow. I didn't realize this. I'm glad you mentioned it, because I would have tried to put it on 80% science the whole game.

                    I would have missed out on luxuries or extra taxes. Good thing I asked.

                    Thanks again!
                    [This message has been edited by vik (edited June 27, 2000).]
                    The only way to stop a terrorist, is with a bullet.


                    • #11
                      I'm having a blast with this.This is one of the best we've had so far.Brilliantly simple change that has presented all new problems.

                      I have no idea if I'm doing good or bad.I'm doing stuff and building things I don't normally.

                      Kudos to TD for a neat idea.
                      The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                      • #12
                        I made it!Quite a struggle and a "busy" game for OCC.Lots of activity.

                        The Romans started a SS but stopped building half way thru.Good thing too.I think it was because of war with England.In the end there were only myself,Rome and England.

                        2 civs were destroyed early but 1(France) never restarted.Perhaps due to Paris falling into Barb control kept dark blue from restarting.In light of Tom's recent discovery,this couldn't have helped.

                        I also could not celebrate after size 20.So that is where I stayed.Could have built CfC but I didn't think 2 more citizens was worth it given the length of time it would have taken to grow 2 more citizens.

                        I got ALOT of barb activity.Lost a few caravans to them.

                        1 very annoying point.

                        I had a gold caravan heading to Veii.It was demanded and Veii was size 9.The Romans declared war while it was enroute.
                        I thought"bye bye caravan" as it was in their territory.But they did not kill it.That happens sometimes and I thought "bonus".
                        They let me march it right next to it's destination and then killed it.I was slightly annoyed.A good 15 turns I marched that camel.But to tease me like that...argh.

                        log follows
                        4000-Tehran- 2nd settler joins city
                        3600-contact English-peace-tribute-Burial
                        3500-hut wandering nomad-not too far away
                        3300-hut barb horseman
                        3250-granary-archer survives barb attack>veteran
                        3200-size 3-contact Zulus-trade Pottery for Alpha-alliance-trade England-Alpha for Myst-alliance
                        3100-French destroyed by barbs-hope restart is on
                        2900-size 4
                        2750-hut-barb horse-destroyed(hut on river)
                        2600-contact Rome-trade Alpha for Bronze-gift Burial and Pottery-peace
                        2550-size 5
                        2400-trade Zulus Myst for Mason-recieve 50-gift Bronze to England-receive 50
                        2350-hut-Warrior Code-England cancels alliance-all units send home &#@%
                        2200-England declares war
                        2150-hut-Horseback Riding
                        1950-Zulus cancel alliance-Things aren’t going to go fast enough for too much gifting yet.-hut-Iron Working-last 3 tech huts the Romans had @#$&
                        1900-Zulus destroyed by Rome
                        1750-size 6
                        1700-"we love the priest"
                        1650-hut-legion-NON-peace with England-tribute 50-trade Rome Myst for The Wheel-tribute 100
                        1500-contact Babylon-yes restart on-peace
                        1450-gift Horseback to Babylon
                        1300-barb leader 150
                        1250-Hanging Gardens-there ya go Xin
                        1200-trade Rome Writing for Currency-tribute 100-trade England Iron for Code of Laws-tribute 25
                        1150-size 7-library-grand total of 12 beakers
                        1050-market-getting alot of barbs so far-gift Laws to Rome-gift Laws,Writing and Currency to Babs-alliance-Writing and Currency to England
                        825-size 8-hut-horseman-tribute-Rome 100-England 50
                        725-Trade-diplomat-hut-Construction-disband diplomat
                        700-gold caravan
                        650-hides caravan-Babs gift 25-trade Rome Trade for Map Making-gift Map to England-disband horseman
                        625-coal caravan
                        550-aquaduct-contact Mongols-tribute 100-hut-legion-NON
                        525-size 9
                        500-dye caravan
                        475-gold caravan killed by barbs #$%&-hut-horseman-NON
                        450-food camel-hides to London 82 bonus-hut-legion-NON
                        425-coal arrivves in London 84 bonus
                        400-Math-gold caravan
                        375-barb leader 150
                        350-salt caravan
                        325-size 10-hut-Monarchy
                        300-food camel-dye arrives in London 90 bonus-bribe English chariot -112
                        250-food camel-gold arrives in London 90 bonus
                        Astronomy-Marco Polo’s Embassy-contact Aztecs-peace-tribute 150-only 5 other civs-blue hasn’t restarted-the AIs are hurtin way worse than me.-disband chariot-bribe Roman chariot -73-
                        200-caravan-hut-Polytheism-gift all ceptAztecs and Astronomy-share maps with all cept Aztecs
                        175-trade Aztecs Pottery and Monarchy for Literacy and Republic.-share maps-salt to London 90 bonus
                        150-gold caravan-hut-Engineering
                        100-Myst to Aztecs
                        75-size 11-caravan-disband legion
                        25-Cope’s-bribe Aztec caravan -115
                        AD1-hut 2 barbs-1 destroyed.....-gift Literacy to Babs-receive 75-trade England Literacy for Seafaring-tribute-England 50-Mongols 100-Aztecs 50
                        20-horseman KIA-caravan-hut-elephant-NON
                        40-hut-3 barbs 1 destroyed
                        60-elephant KIA-caravan
                        100-caravan-bribed dye arrives in Rome 214 bonus-net gain 99.
                        120-Philosophy-Medicine-size 12-bribes-barb archer 61-legion 82
                        140-salt caravan-gift Literacy and Republic to Rome-Literacy to England-Philosophy and Republic to Mongols
                        160-trade Aztecs Seafaring for Banking-bribe Aztecs horsemen-77 and 85
                        200-gift Philosophy to Aztecs
                        280-trade Babs Republic for Bridge Building-they cancel alliance-ton o units sent home
                        340-Great Library- what the heck?!- it will give me more control of the game-tribute-England 50-gift Philosophy to Rome-Philosophy and Seafaring to Aztecs-disband horseman
                        380-bribe english elephant(next to non settler outside city radius) 219
                        420-sewer-bribe barb trireme 82
                        440-size 13-gold arrives in Veii(demanded)594 bonus
                        460-gold caravan
                        540-build university
                        560-gift Banking and Sanitation to Rome-tribute-Aztecs 100
                        580-caravan-bribe english settler 340-barb trieme 82
                        620-caravan-England declares war
                        680-Rome declares war
                        700-size 14-caravan-peace with England-gift Sanitation and Banking-tribute Aztecs 100
                        720-Gravity-gift University and Bridge Building to Mongols
                        740-caravan-salt arrives in Rome(demanded) 500 bonus
                        760-Sir Isaac’s
                        780-Invention-alliance with Aztecs-receive 75
                        800-gift Invention to all-also-Engineering to Rome-Sanitation,Seafaring and Banking to Mongols
                        820-Leo’s Workshop-I have 2 NON settlers and 2 boats so it is worth it.Especially since it takes forever to grow.-hut-barb horseman
                        860-gold caravan
                        920-Navigation via Great Library-gift University,Wheel,Sanitation,Navigation,Iron and Bridge to Aztecs
                        940-Gunpowder-caravan-hut-50 gold
                        980-size 15-diplomat
                        1000-gold arrives in York(demanded)162 bonus
                        1040-England declares war-tribute-Babylon-150-gift Warrior Code and Math to Aztecs-receive 25
                        1060-city walls
                        1120-bribe English catapult-354
                        1140-gold caravan
                        1160-bribe Roman caravan 192
                        1200-peace with Rome
                        1260-size 16-gold arrives in Tlatelolco(demanded)300 bonus-caravan
                        1340-Metallurgy-caravan-Rome declares war
                        1380-caravan-coal arrives in Tenochtitlan 129 bonus
                        1400-gift Explosives to Aztecs-receive 25
                        1420-gold caravan-trade England Gunpowder for Feudalism
                        1440-trade England Engineering for Physics
                        1480-Steam Engine-gift Physics to Aztecs
                        1500-Democracy via Great Library-size 17
                        1530-gold arrives in Tlatelolco(demanded)354 bonus
                        1540-barb leader 150
                        1560-Darwin’s-Magnetism>Electricity-killed 2 of my own wonders in 2 turns-RR to Babs-tribute 100-RR to Aztecs-RR,Navigation and Gunpowder to Mongols-RR to England
                        1570-gift Sanitation to Aztecs-Physics to Mongols
                        1580-gold caravan-bribe English musket 314-gift University to Babs
                        1600-size 18-caravan-ceasefire with Rome-gift Democracy and Engineering to Aztecs
                        1610-steal Economics from Rome-publicly condemned but no war
                        1630-gift Physics,Gunpowder and Steam to Babs-tribute 200-gift Steam to Rome-peace treaty-Steam to Aztecs-receive 25-Steam to England-tribute 50-Steam to Mongols-tribute 125
                        1640-Refrigeration-stock exchange-gift Magnet and Explosives to Rome-share maps-they declare war when asked for tribute-Explosives to Babs-Magnet and Economics to Aztecs-Magnet to English and Mongols
                        1650-Rome is slowly conquering the world-Chemistry to Mongols-I cancel alliance with Aztecs
                        1670-bribe Roman caravan 207
                        1690-gift Explosives to England-trade Aztecs Feudal for Industrialization-tribute 250
                        1700-size 19-we love cancelled..oops-caravan
                        1710 -we love the priest-
                        1720-The Corporation-Romans kill gold caravan @#&%-freight
                        1750-copper arrives in Ur(demanded)190
                        1756-gold freight
                        1758-Steel-size 20
                        1760-oil freight
                        1766-diplomat-gold arrives in Tenochtitlan 158 bonus and new route
                        1768-diplomat-gift Industrial to England-bribe English cannon 416
                        1770-diplomat-bribe English Crusader 308-musket 212
                        1772-Refining-bribe English frigate 382-oil arrives Teno 158 bonus replaces London at +13-198 beakers-only 2 scientists right now.
                        1774-dye freight-trade Aztecs Electricity for Conscription-tribute 300-bribe English ironclad 462 Veteran!
                        1776-size 21-we love cancelled..hmm...maybe better off at 20.CfC only give 1 so cant celebrate past 22.
                        1778-engineer-we love the priest-bribr English engineer 992
                        1780-barb frigate sinks transport with freight &$#@
                        1782-freight-reparations gained against barb frigate-6 units destroyed-thats 5 passsengers
                        1786-Combustion-freight-bribe Aztec engineer 296-gift Indust,Conscript and Economics to Babs-trade England Conscript for Chivalry-tribute 75-gift Chiv,Indust and Conscript to Mongols-share maps
                        1788-bribe English musket 246-wheat>silk
                        1790-dye freight
                        1792-Communism cancels Marco’s(Romans)-sell sewer(for now)
                        1794-freight-trade Aztecs The Corp for Communism-share maps
                        1796-The United Nations-peace with Rome-
                        1798-bribe barb 2 knights@ 82-dye arrives in London(demanded)182 bonus
                        1800-coal freight
                        1802-Automobile-bye bye Leo’s.Seemed worth it.
                        1804-superhighway-a whopping 324 beakers with 2 scientists 6 turns
                        1806-sell aquaduct-gonna stay size 20.Takes too long to grow now and I will have 80 sheilds if I make it to the point where I need them.Unless I get CfC I can’t celebrate past 20.Can I?
                        1808-sell granary
                        1810-factory-steal Electronics fron Aztecs-publicly condemned
                        1812-Hoover Dam-why not?keep it away from the AI
                        1814-Refining-dye freight-coal arrives in Teno(demanded)835 bonus and new route.All 3 routes(+27)with Teno size 19
                        1816-silk freight
                        1826-freight-barb leader 150-share maps with Babs
                        1828-freight-trade Babs Electronics for Mono-steal Tactics from Rome-publicly condemned-silk arrives in Teno 346 bonus
                        1830-coal freight
                        1832-Machine Tools-dye to Teno 346 bonus-ski troop
                        1834-silk freight-
                        1836-freight-barb leader 150
                        1838-freight-gift Tactics to Aztecs
                        1840-bribe barb knight 82
                        1844-barb frigate kills vet destroyer,transport and 2 freights-ouch-freight
                        1846-freight-gift Tactics to Babs-tribute 400-Tactics to Mongols-tribute 250
                        1853-research lab-bribe barb dragoon 102 frigate 102
                        1854-coal caravan-barb leader 150
                        1855-silk freight
                        1856-Atomic Theory-freight
                        1859-SETI-preventative-sell research lab
                        1860-Nuclear Fission-freight
                        1861-freight-coal arrives in Teno(demanded)970 bonus
                        1862-Nuclear Power-dye freight-silk arrives in Teno 388 bonus
                        1863-coal freight
                        1866-The Laser-freight
                        1871-Flight-freight-coal arrives in Teno 457 bonus dye 183
                        1872-coal caravan-bribe 2 barb dragoons @102
                        1873-silk freight
                        1878-freight-coal arrives in Teno(demanded) 452 bonus
                        1879-dye freight
                        1880-Advanced Flight-freight-bribe Roman freight 380-silk arrives in Teno 181 bonus
                        1881-coal freight
                        1882-freight-bribe Roman freight 387-
                        1883-copper arrives in Teno 185-dye 185
                        1884-Rocketry-silk freight
                        1887-bribe Roman Freight 390-silk arrives in Tlatelco(demanded)408-cloth to Teno 185
                        1888-Space Flight-SAM
                        1890-gems arrive in Teno(demanded)554 bonus coal(demanded)462
                        1892-bribe English engineer 902
                        1896-bribe English engineer 819
                        1899-Romans are getting techs every turn in Monarchy.Catching up fast.Typical
                        1900-Aztecs declare war
                        1901-peace with Aztecs
                        1904-15 structurals ready
                        1905-Fusion Power-bribe Roman freight 408
                        1907-Rome builds 13 structurals-bribe English rifleman 407-oil to Tlatelolco(demanded)539 bonus
                        1908-Rome builds 17 more structurals-bribe English ski troop 840
                        1910-Mobile Warfare-6 components-Babs and Mongols destroyed.
                        1913-3 modules launch
                        various defenses and units.

                        Rome stopped building at 30 structurals and 2 components
                        1928-ARRIVAL AC

                        Hanging Gardens-1250bc
                        Marco Polo-250bc
                        Great Library-340ad
                        Sir Isaac-76-ad


                        Space Flight-1888ad
                        The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                        • #13
                          Well, it took some time but I finally finished this game. Unfortunately the Romans and English both arrived at AC one year before I did. I landed in 1935. In my game the Aztecs were wiped out early and never restarted. In the end only the English and Romans survived the game. The Zulus, French and Mongols all got killed in the modern age.

                          4000 BC Persepolis
                          3600 BC Bronze Working
                          3500 BC Hut: Barbarians
                          3150 BC Alphabet
                          Hut: Ceremonial Burial
                          2450 BC Writing
                          2000 BC Colossus
                          1950 BC English: trade Currency, Mysticism; peace; tribute 100 gold
                          1700 BC Library
                          1650 BC Code of Laws
                          1500 BC Marketplace
                          1400 BC Temple
                          1200 BC Diplomat
                          1100 BC Hut: Horsemen
                          1050 BC Trade
                          English: trade Construction, Masonry; tribute 100 gold
                          1000 BC Build Dye Caravan
                          950 BC Build Hides Caravan
                          Zulus: trade Map Making, Pottery, Warrior Code; share maps; peace
                          English: alliance; share maps; gift 50 gold
                          900 BC Build Gold Caravan
                          Hut: Seafaring
                          850 BC Build Hides Caravan
                          800 BC Build Hides Caravan
                          Dye to London (demanded): 112 gold
                          Hut: Horseback Riding
                          775 BC Hides to London (not demanded): 56 gold
                          Hut: Horsemen
                          750 BC Granary
                          700 BC Build Salt Caravan
                          Start WLTHPD
                          650 BC Build Copper Caravan
                          600 BC Colosseum
                          Hides to London (not demanded): 70 gold
                          575 BC Barb Leader: 150 gold
                          Hut: Barbarians
                          525 BC Zulus: war
                          English: cancel alliance
                          475 BC Copper to London (not demanded): 76 gold
                          450 BC Hides to Zimbabwe (not demanded): 112 gold
                          Hut: Legion
                          English: share maps; alliance
                          425 BC Astronomy
                          400 BC Dye Caravan
                          350 BC Aqueduct
                          250 BC Hut: Legion
                          175 BC Copernicus' Observatory
                          150 BC English: trade Literacy; gift 50 gold
                          125 BC Build Gold Caravan
                          100 BC Barb Leader: 150 gold
                          75 BC Philosophy, Medicine
                          50 BC Salt to Hastings (demanded): 152 gold
                          25 BC Explorer
                          Hut: Barbarians
                          1 AD Dye to York (demanded): 168 gold
                          40 AD English: share maps
                          60 AD Shakespeare's Theatre
                          80 AD University
                          Hut: Iron Working
                          Gold to London (not demanded): 100 gold
                          Zulus: cease fire
                          Mongols: peace; share maps
                          120 AD Zulus: trade Bridge Building; peace; share maps
                          140 AD University
                          160 AD Romans: share maps; alliance; gift 200 gold
                          180 AD Diplomat
                          220 AD Build Salt Caravan
                          Hut: Theory of Gravity
                          240 AD Hut: Legion
                          260 AD Hut: Polytheism
                          Zulus: war
                          English: trade Republic; gift 50 gold
                          300 AD Wheel
                          320 AD French: peace; share maps
                          Mongols: war
                          400 AD Romans: gift 75 gold
                          440 AD Hut: Barbarians
                          460 AD Hut: Monarchy
                          520 AD Isaac Newton's College
                          660 AD Sanitation
                          680 AD Sewer System
                          720 AD Mongols: cease fire
                          English: trade Banking, Navigation; gift 200 gold
                          740 AD Romans: gift 75 gold
                          Zulus: cease fire
                          Mongols: peace
                          760 AD Bank
                          780 AD English: gift 200 gold
                          Romans: gift 100 gold
                          800 AD Economics
                          820 AD Stock Exchange
                          Salt to Rome (demanded): 274 gold
                          880 AD Build Gold Caravan
                          900 AD Invention
                          940 AD Build Coal Caravan
                          960 AD English: trade Chemistry; gift 100 gold
                          Romans: trade Physics; gift 50 gold
                          980 AD Build Dye Caravan
                          1020 AD Leonardo's Workshop
                          English: gift 100 gold
                          French: war
                          1040 AD Gunpowder
                          Coal to Hatings (demanded): 142 gold
                          1060 AD Zulus: war
                          French: cease fire
                          1080 AD English: 300 gold for war with Mongols
                          1100 AD Build Coal Caravan
                          1120 AD Romans: cancel alliance
                          1180 AD Explosives
                          1200 AD English: cancel alliance
                          1220 AD Coal to Hastings (demanded): 142 gold
                          1300 AD Magnetism
                          Bribe English Settler for 692 gold
                          1420 AD Metallurgy
                          Gold to Ravenna (demanded): 384 gold
                          Bribe English Settler
                          1440 AD Build Gold Caravan
                          1500 AD Build Dye Caravan
                          1520 AD Build Coal Caravan
                          1570 AD Refrigeration
                          1580 AD Supermarket
                          Coal to Hastings (demanded): 172 gold
                          1610 AD English build Darwin's Voyage
                          1620 AD Build Gold Caravan
                          English: trade Railroad
                          Romans: alliance; gift 250 gold
                          1630 AD Steam Engine
                          English: trade Industrialization
                          1640 AD Build Dye Caravan
                          1660 AD Build Coal Caravan
                          1710 AD Corporation
                          Coal Freight to Hastings (demanded): 182 gold
                          1756 AD Steel
                          Build Oil Freight
                          End WLTHPD (size 21)
                          Romans: trade Democracy, Monotheism; gift 200 gold
                          English: trade Chivalry, Feudalism, Leadership; war
                          1760 AD Factory
                          1764 AD Cathedral
                          1766 AD Zulus: peace; trade Atomic Theory
                          1768 AD Gold Freight to Ravenna (demanded): 312 gold
                          1770 AD Dye Freight to Rome (demanded): 310 gold
                          1782 AD Refining
                          French: peace
                          English: war
                          Oil Freight to Paris (not demanded): 67 gold
                          1788 AD Power Plant
                          1796 AD Romans: gift 150 gold
                          1802 AD Steal Conscription from English
                          1804 AD City Walls
                          1814 AD Genetic Engineering
                          1816 AD Cure for Cancer
                          Start WLTHPD
                          1820 AD Zulus: tribute 200 gold
                          Romans: gift 75 gold
                          1824 AD Build Wine Freight
                          Gold Freight to Ravenna (demanded): 428 gold
                          1826 AD Romans: trade Electronics
                          1828 AD Cloth Freight to Rome (not demanded): 191 gold
                          Sold Power Plant
                          1830 AD Hydro Plant
                          1832 AD Build Gold Freight
                          Bribe English Engineer for 1016 gold
                          1834 AD Build Oil Freight
                          Bribe two more English Engineers
                          1842 AD English: tribute Automobile
                          1844 AD Superhighways
                          1846 AD Mass Production
                          French: tribute 350 gold
                          Romans: trade Tactics
                          1848 AD Mass Transit
                          1853 AD English: trade Flight
                          1854 AD Machine Tools
                          1855 AD Wine Freight to Pompeii (demanded): 360 gold
                          1856 AD Gold Freight to Rome (demanded): 600 gold
                          1860 AD Romans: trade Mobile Warfare
                          1861 AD Miniaturization
                          Oil Freight to Rome (demanded): 700 gold
                          1862 AD Build Gold Freight
                          1863 AD English: trade Nuclear Fission
                          Mongols: war
                          1865 AD Barracks
                          1871 AD Computers
                          1872 AD Research Lab
                          1875 AD Romans: trade Communism
                          1876 AD United Nations
                          1877 AD Zulus: tribute 550 gold
                          Mongols: peace
                          1880 AD Radio
                          Gold Freight to Rome (demanded): 600 gold
                          1882 AD Airport
                          1883 AD Build Oil Freight
                          1888 AD Advanced Flight
                          1889 AD Zulus: trade Robotics
                          Romans: trade Guerilla Warfare
                          1890 AD Manufacturing Plant
                          Oil Freight to Rome (demanded): 965 gold
                          1891 AD Rocketry
                          1895 AD Space Flight
                          1896 AD Apollo Program
                          1897 AD Romans: cancel alliance
                          1900 AD Plastics
                          1902 AD Romans: trade Nuclear Power
                          1905 AD Laser
                          1910 AD Superconductor
                          1915 AD Fusion Power
                          1920 AD Labor Union
                          1934 AD Romans, English spaceships land
                          1935 AD Arrival at Alpha Centauri


                          • #14
                            Ha ha!!!! I'm back people, i can't believe i'm 2 occ's behind!?!? so, whats been going on while i've been away?
                            "There are not more than 5 musical notes..." - Sun Tzu
                            ...and we build an Academy for this guy... :confused:


                            • #15
                              A very draining scenario. I can’t post the highlights right now because I don’t have much time. I think I started out pretty good, but made some bad choices in the middle and endgames. Very lucky early on with huts. Thanks for the scenario, Tom!

                              4000bc-wow. Nice city location. I’ll need it in fundy. Wow, a fanatic unit. Should be no worries from hut-barbs wiping out this guy! I note that I am set at 50% science. After inquiring about whether I am allowed to adjust this, I decided to leave it where it is (thanks for the advice, Paul!). Also noted that I have discovered nothing. This will be a hard (but in a fun way) game. Hmm, priorities. I think I will start with a size-2 city with both settlers.
                              Tehran founded. Building warriors.
                              3950bc- researching Pottery (as per Xin Yu’s advice). I’ll have to whip out the old OCC guide and figure out what my next priority is (since it isn’t Monarchy).
                              3850bc- hut, horsemen(supported)
                              3800bc- Pottery discovered, researching alphabet (have been working the grapes and the gold), hut, 50gold
                              3750bc- warriors built, building granary
                              3400bc- Alphabet discovered, researching Writing; hut, 50gold
                              3250bc- hut, bronze working
                              3100bc- hut, archers
                              3000bc- meet english, peace, no alliance; meet french, peace, no alliance, acquire currency
                              2900bc- hut, barbarians
                              2850bc- barbarian horsemen die a horrible death at the hands of my fanatic
                              2800bc- hut, wondering nomads – they are about 20 squares away from Tehran, though
                              2700bc- hut, archers; hut, horsemen
                              2450bc- hut, 100 gold!
                              2400bc- discover writing, researching map-making; switch production to library; meet with english and gain alliance and 25 gold; hut-barbarians (kilt’em); hut, horsemen
                              2350bc- library built, building marketplace; hut, horsemen
                              2300bc- hut, horsemen (wow!)
                              2200bc- hut, barbarians; another horsemen bites the dust against my fanatic unit; hut, chariot; meet Romans, peace, no alliance
                              2150bc- hut, archers. Dang, I forgot to buy the marketplace!
                              2100bc- marketplace built, building granary; hut, horseback riding; gain alliance with French and 50gold
                              2050bc- meet aztecs; peace, no alliance; gain map-making; share maps with all
                              2000bc- granary built, building colossus; researching code of laws; trade english for code of laws and mysticism; switch production to high-food; hut, seafaring; hut, trade! I start building caravans instead
                              1950bc- researching literacy; get masonry from aztecs and 25gold from english
                              1900bc- get 25gold from english
                              1800bc- hut, 50gold; hut, 50gold
                              1750bc- hut, literacy
                              1700bc- researching philosophy; meet zulus, peace, no alliance, shared maps
                              1550bc- hut, mathematics
                              1500bc- hut, barbarians (kilt’em); shared maps with all; 25gold from french; hut, legion
                              1150bc- 50gold from french, 25gold from english
                              1000bc- meet Mongols; peace, no alliance, share maps
                              975bc- hut, legion
                              950bc- hut, 50gold; hut, barbarians (next turn they kilt me horseys!)
                              900bc- get construction from the aztecs
                              750bc- colossus built; building aqueduct
                              675bc- Salt caravan to Rome (demanded) 204 gold; alliance with aztecs and 150gold
                              650bc- philosophy and university discovered, researching astronomy; celebrating weluv; aqueduct built
                              600bc- university built, building caravans
                              575bc- Hides caravan to Rome (un-demanded) 168gold
                              400bc- Astronomy discovered; researching Theory of Gravity; Dye caravan to Rome (demanded) 364gold
                              275bc- Copernicus’ Observatory built, building caravans
                              250bc- Theory of Gravity discovered; researching Medicine; 250 gold from my allies
                              175bc- 125gold from allies
                              50bc- Isaac Newton’s College built; building caravans
                              25bc- medicine discovered; researching engineering; 250 from allies
                              40ad- diplomat built; back to building caravans
                              120ad- engineering discovered; researching sanitation
                              160ad- I dump all my knowledge off. Here’s what I get in return: Ceremonial burial, Bridge Building, Republic, Iron Working, and 500 gold; shared maps with all. It was very hard to bite my tongue and say, “No, Fundamentalism is working out just fine…”
                              180ad- built the Great Library (what the hell), building caravans
                              200ad- pop-12 (approximately)
                              260ad- sanitation discovered; researching invention
                              400ad- invention discovered; researching gunpowder; sewer system built; building caravans
                              440ad- acquire Monarchy from the Great Library
                              460ad- 250gold from english; 50 from aztecs
                              540ad- gunpowder discovered; researching metallurgy
                              600ad- King Richard’s Crusade built (why not?); building colosseum
                              640ad- colosseum built; building temple
                              660ad- temple built; building caravans; 450 in tribute/gifts
                              680ad- metallurgy discovered; researching chemistry
                              780ad- 200 gold from english
                              800ad- trade romans for chemistry; 150gold in tribute
                              820ad- researching explosives
                              840ad- explosives discovered; researching navigation
                              1000ad- navigation discovered; researching physics
                              1040ad- Leonardo’s Workshop built (I can afford it); building caravans
                              1080ad- 200gold from aztecs
                              1100ad- 150gold from english
                              1120ad- acquire banking from Great Library
                              1160ad- Physics discovered; researching magnetism; bank built, building caravans
                              1320ad- magnetism discovered; researching electricity
                              1400ad- through Leonardo’s and 4 bribes (for about 300 gold each), I now have 5 engineers working for me. I will transform most of the river squares into hills and try to maximize shields. This will hopefully, no, definitely (since it’s a scenario) allow me to skip researching robotics.
                              1420ad- make that 6 engineers (all NON) – I just spent 232 gold to get another one. 200gold from english
                              1460ad- electricity discovered; researching refrigeration
                              1550ad- refrigeration discovered; researching steam engine
                              1560ad- supermarket built; building caravans
                              1620ad- get 200gold gift from english, 250gold gift and economics via trade from aztecs, 150gold gift from french, 200gold tribute from romans, 100gold tribute from zulus, 150gold tribute from mongols
                              1630ad- pop=16; steam engine discovered; researching railroad
                              1660ad- it’s hard to tell how many more grasslands I need to transform into hills with King Richard’s Crusade still active.
                              1710ad- stock exchange built, building caravans; railroad discovered, researching industrialization
                              1756ad- 150gold from english
                              1758ad- industrialization discovered, researching steel; King Richard’s crusade is cancelled – now I can tell more easily if I need to convert another grassland into a hill.
                              1772ad- steel discovered; researching corporation
                              1788ad- corporation discovered; researching refining; 100gold from english
                              1790ad- pop=21; even at 80% luxuries, I still can’t maintain the WeLuv, so maybe I need to build Michaelangelo’s or J.S. Bach’s.
                              1806ad- refining discovered; researching combustion; big knowledge dump onto the AI’s. Did not give any of them refining, though (a pre-pre-req for flight); 150gold from Mongols; 50gold from english; 50gold from aztecs; 200gold from french; 100gold from zulus; 75gold from Romans; shared maps with all
                              1828ad- wool caravan to london (demanded) 134gold
                              1834ad- trade for conscription with Romans; trade for Polytheism with Zulus
                              1836ad- automobile discovered; researching electronics; factory built; building superhighways
                              1838ad- superhighways built; building power plant
                              1840ad- powerplant built; 80 shields with 3 mined wine, 1 mined coal, 4 mined hills, and the rest grasslands; building city walls; I guess I can change that coal back to buffalo and still get 80 shields. I mis-counted. I think I will and get the food bonus
                              1842ad- city walls built; building caravans
                              1846ad- electronics discovered; researching mass production
                              1850ad- coal to Nottingham (demanded) 430gold
                              1851ad- trade romans for fuedalism
                              1852ad- mass production discovered; researching chivalry. I can’t believe no AI has discovered this yet; coal caravan to nottingham (demanded) 430gold
                              1855ad- Darwin’s voyage built; discover chivalry and leadership; researching tactics; building freights; wool to london (demanded) 272 gold
                              1859ad- tactics discovered; researching machine tools
                              1865ad- mass transit built; building hydro plant (it was there), machine tools discovered; researching miniaturization
                              1866ad- hydro plant built; sold power plant; building freights
                              1868ad- gold to nottingham (non-demanded) 143gold
                              1870ad- miniaturization discovered; researching computers
                              1876ad- discover computers; researching flight; just for the heck of it, I slid my luxuries bar to 80% and saw that half my population was happy. Even at 20% I can celebrate. I wonder for how long I have been able to do this, and how much science I lost as a result
                              1877ad- research lab built; building freights; celebrating WeLuv
                              1878ad- for the heck of it, Hoover’s Dam built; building caravans; hydro plant sold
                              1880ad- flight discovered; researching radio
                              1883ad- copper caravan to York (demanded); around 272 gold; Gold to nottingham (non-demanded) 132 gold
                              1884ad- radio discovered; researching advanced flight; pop-27; We-Luv cancelled. Same thing as before – even 80% luxuries won’t achieve it. I suppose if I have an odd-number population in my city, I can’t celebrate, but with an even number, I can. Strange.
                              Oil to nottingham (demanded) 342gold
                              1885ad- wine to nottingham (demanded) 247gold; copper to Warwick (demanded) 144gold
                              1888ad- advanced flight discovered; researching rocketry
                              1890ad- trade romans for communism. Once again, I lie when I say “No, fundamentalism is working out okay.”
                              1891ad- united nations built
                              1892ad- seti program built; sold research lab
                              1893ad- built sun tzu’s war academy, building freights. I still have around 14k gold. Am I wrong?
                              1894ad- rocketry discovered; researching space flight; dye to samarkand (demanded) 274gold; copper to london (demanded) 142gold
                              1896ad- stole genetic engineering from the english. They cancel alliance. I should have been stealing more techs more often
                              1897ad- cure for cancer built; well whaddayaknow? WeLuv commences again.
                              1898ad- stole atomic theory from the english
                              1899ad- space flight discovered; researching plastics
                              1900ad- apollo program built; building SS structurals
                              1904ad- population is 28, with 5 extra food.
                              1905ad- discover plastics; researching nuclear fission
                              1910ad- discover nuclear fission; researching nuclear power
                              1911ad- my ship consists of 5 structurals and 6 components
                              1912 ad- english offer alliance to rid the world of the Romans. I take it.
                              1915ad- nuclear power discovered; researching the Laser
                              1920ad- laser discovered; researching superconductor
                              1921ad- 15 stucturals, 6 components, waiting on superconductor to be discovered; building freights
                              1922ad- french destroyed by aztecs; copper to York (demanded) 182gold
                              1924ad- superconductor discovered; researching fusion power
                              1927ad- dump all my knowledge in an attempt to lower the research rate. I give away everything but space flight, to include superconductor and plastics. The effect this has on my research rate is negligible.
                              1930ad- fusion power discovered; researching polytheism. Launch. ETA is 1945
                              1936ad- polytheism discovered; researching monotheism
                              1941ad- trade for monotheism, researching theology
                              1943ad theology discovered; researching espionage
                              1944ad- J.S. Bach’s cathedral built.
                              1945ad- arrive AC. Khomeini the Clever, 452 points, civ rating: 58%; my highest score of any fortnight


                              Well, here are my highlights and additional comments on the game. You may have noticed that I built a library, a marketplace, a granary, and 7 caravans before I built the colossus. I'm not sure if this was wise or not, but I didn't feel too far behind, and at least I got some early trade routes.

                              I'll be interested in seeing the table for easy comparison. I think I was doing great until the middle ages. Then I just seemed to go really slow. I mean, even though I discovered Space Flight in 1899ad, I couldn’t launch my ship until 1930ad because I was waiting around for Superconductor, and later, Fusion Power. Slowed me up a bit. Oh well.

                              Highlights: 4000bc-1945ad (version 2.4.2)

                              Colossus: 750bc
                              Copernicus: 275bc
                              Shakespeares: (never)
                              Isaac Newtons: 50bc
                              Darwins: 1855ad
                              Apollo: 1900ad
                              Along the way, I also built the following wonders:

                              Great Library 180ad
                              King Richard’s: 600ad
                              Leonardo’s: 1040ad
                              Hoover’s Dam: 1878ad
                              United Nations: 1891ad
                              SETI Program: 1892ad
                              Sun Tzu’s War Academy: 1893ad
                              Cure for Cancer: 1897ad
                              J.S. Bach’s: 1944ad
                              Manhatten Project: (1945ad)

                              1st Trade Route: 675bc
                              2nd Trade Route: 575bc
                              3rd Trade Route: 400bc

                              Trade: 2000bc
                              Construction: 900bc (via trade)
                              Sanitation: 260ad
                              Refrigeration: 1550ad
                              Automobile: 1836ad
                              Computers: 1876ad
                              Space Flight: 1899ad

                              Size 12: 200ad
                              Size 21: 1790ad

                              Monarchy established: (never)
                              Republic established: (never)
                              Democracy established: (never – never even discovered this one)

                              [This message has been edited by vik (edited July 08, 2000).]
                              The only way to stop a terrorist, is with a bullet.

