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KhanMan's Nomads Challange

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  • KhanMan's Nomads Challange

    KhanMan posted this challange in the Civ General Forum. It really belongs here, so I thought I would just start another thread on the subject.

    He Posted:
    1. The game must abide by Cold Wizard's varient of the Nomads Challenge: you may
    never build a city, only capture them, or take them from the ai.

    2. The game settings are as follows:

    7 civs
    large world
    raging hordes

    Now, should two people pass this challenge, the winner will be the one who wins first.

    (Personally, I think it's impossible, but go ahead... :P )

    -KhanMan the LLSS

    Well KhanMan, it isn't impossible. Always looking for a new challange, both Rah and I have been having fun with it. Neither of us have won yet, but it is just a matter of time now. Both of us started a few with no success. If you don't start on a land mass with another civ, or the civ doesn't have a costal city, you learn real quick that you don't have a chance.

    Both of us are now playing games where we do have a chance. (it took me 4 tries, and Rah said it took him a few too)

    Now it is just a matter of when, not if. Rah is even thinking of just blowing off world conquest, and trying for AC

    I really recommend this one to people because it is different. Most of your cities will suck because the AI usually has a strange concept of what a good city location is. They always seem to just miss the trade specials by one square
    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

  • #2
    My original thought was that it would be best to find a civ early, but I didn't and it may have been for the better.

    All those huts. Lots of money, techs and tons of units (about 50% units) NO BARBS OR ADVANCED TRIBES. (proving some previous theorysand it was approaching 1500 b.c.)

    I got lucky when i finally found a civ and was able to take their capital and it was on the Coast.

    To be prepared, and I was through blind luck, it is important that you have already found the following techs. (because it will be many turns before you discover any.

    Monarchy. (and you can revolt prior to capturing your first city so you can already be in monarchy.)

    Masonry. To build a palace.

    Writing. to build diplos to bribe other cities.

    Mapmaking. to get to sea. (the large maps are killers.

    AND hopefully have enough money to buy the palace, diplo, ship. and have enough left over to bribe a few cities.

    The hardest part is taking cities without destroying them early. I got lucky and a defender attacked out or I would have had to wait for the city to grow to three to take it.

    But I believe I will try for AN AC win.
    It will be a challange since all the cities are spread out and hard to defend.

    And the AI has no clue on what a good city location is as ming said.

    The Ferrets had to be even more sneaky on this one.
    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #3
      Yeah... maybe it is better to find another civ later, as long as you find one

      I didn't get map making or masonary from a hut. I did have monarchy, so thanks for the tip. I waited until I took my first city before I revolted... what a waste of time.

      You seem to have gotten far more sciences from huts. I probably got 70 to 80% units.
      You know it's bad when you start praying for money or sciences instead of more non units.

      I would be interested to hear anybody else's experiencies if they give it a try. This is the most fun I've had since OCC!
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #4
        What happens if you trigger a hut with an Advanced Tribe?


        • #5
          That theoretically doesn't happen until you take your first city. (some have claimed that it can happen before you have a city, but not until it approaches AD, but I've never seen it happen)

          After you take your first city from an AI civ, just reset and enter the hut again. I think those are the same rules people use for the OCC (One City Challange) And if you get a city from a hut BEFORE you have a city, just reset also, but POST THAT IT HAPPENED
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • #6
            Ok I'll try anything once.

            1st attempt is going well.Got a city on the coast with a whale and fish in 1600bc.Palace is up and wonder started.

            kinda weird having Moscow as the American capitol.

            I destroyed Rome early(unfortuantely),If I would have waited for size 3 I could have had a city by 2500bc.Wouldn't have been coastal though.I found Construction so after that it was just a matter of finding a city.Brings up a question:

            Should this be a standard game or no restart for eliminated civs?

            btw-while trying a no city bloodlust game late last night I got an advancer complete with palace in 700bc.Happened to me 1 other time also.Don't usually wander that long.

            thats 2 times out of literally thousands of games of which at least a few hundred were extended searching type games.Dam rare.Must be some conditions to meet first.Maybe AI city size?

            it just occurred to me that although I didnt get Monarchy on the hut trail I should be able to go OCC with the just the whale and fish and have no problem with a 1850-1950 landing.We shall see.....
            [This message has been edited by Smash (edited June 28, 2000).]
            The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


            • #7
              Sheesh! I post waht looks like an impossible challenge, and you guys are enjoying yourselves...

              Ming-Well, I intended to allow advanced tribes, but if you and RAH want to be *REAAAALLLLYYY* macho, you can play with restarting instead...

              Smash-Only a wierdo tries this with "no-restarting ai civs" checked :P

              RAH-I admire your skill and daring, going for AC on such a challenge...

              I await more results.

              -KhanMan the LLSS
              Odin, Thor, and Loki walk into a bar together...


              • #8
                Oh, and Smash, I'll consider an OCC victory for the win only if you beat RAH to AC...OCC is too easy if you get a good first city in this...


                -KM the LLSS

                And Ming: it has happened a number of times for me, playing the Cold Wizard nomads challenge on chieftan. On average, I'll get an advanced tribe around 2000 BC, if there's no ai city conquered yet...

                [This message has been edited by KhanMan (edited June 29, 2000).]
                Odin, Thor, and Loki walk into a bar together...


                • #9
                  Gee... an OCC version of this! I have yet to see an AI city that is in a good enough location for that... they always seem to build to just miss the good specials

                  KhanMan... I misunderstood your original rules, but just assumed when you said it was probably impossible that it wouldn't be fair to take a city from a hut. But, I like it better this way... more of a challange.

                  And I have still NOT seen a city from a hut before having a city... maybe someday I will
                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • #10
                    Smash, Whale and fish, good opening city.
                    KMAN, if I could have taken cities from huts, this would have been a heck of alot easier.
                    1300 A.D. 12 Cities
                    Capital has fish and silk. Missed Colosus but have the observatory, HG, and SOL there. I have ASTC and The Chapel in outland cities. Leo's real soon and working towards IN College. The Captial is only kicking out 62 beakers. Need Sanitation.

                    Lord of the Ferrets
                    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • #11
                      Simply Amazing what you can do with OCC. I'm impressed since you didn't get a city until so late. A good first city is critical. I guess if I had gone that route I'd be farther along. (wasting lots of resources on the other corruption laden cities.) Wonders like mc, astc, etc are kind of meaningless in OCC. Which wonders did you build?

                      I did use standard (civs restart)

                      I guess I'll have to try for eliminating all while my spaceship is in flight. (anything else would seem kinda lame after your game since I doubt I can beat a 1878 landing)

                      We'll see,

                      Well done.

                      Deflated again.

                      My ego needs to know which version you're playing. MP gold here.
                      [This message has been edited by rah (edited June 29, 2000).]
                      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • #12
                        thnx but the thing about it is it isn't amazing.I'm sure Paul or Tom would do some real amazing if they got lucky and found a decent city to capture.I'm just following a blueprint with the odd deviation.

                        OCC(Paul's system) is by far the easiest way to win by spaceship.IMO

                        I also had restarts on or this game would have been over after I took out the Romans.

                        I got a huge headstart in techs,units and gold from about 20 huts as well as 200 in tribute from Rome and Russia.I was able to disband and buy my first wonder almost outright.I had Currency, Trade and Construction amongst others so OCC seemed logical.I had a little problem getting out of Despo but fortunately the AI likes Republic so I was able to trade for it and with just 1 city "early" Republic resulted in size 12 city while the biggest ai was still at size 8.

                        Ocean access was critical or I would have to wait for a barb boat to come along.I had extra units to disband for my first 3 caravans.

                        I've been trying it again and I got real lucky getting a whale,fish and ocean access.The best I've found since had a buffalo and a potential special.This isn't as easy as my first try led me to think.

                        I had a beauty with rivers and ocean access in one attempt but when the city finally reached size 3 my 4 archers all died against a phalanx.That was that one.Unless there is a way to capture a defended river city with settlers.

                        hehe..I have GOLD but always use regular version for solo play.OCC with gold is tougher under ideal circumstances so that would be more difficult.Maybe I'll try with GOLD.

                        [This message has been edited by Smash (edited June 29, 2000).]
                        The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                        • #13
                          Are you guys playing a particular map, or just going random?

                          I did something like this, but not only did I not build a city, I never possessed a city, either. I always destoyed them (even if it meant waiting a turn) and ended conquering the world with a totally nomad army in 750bc.

                          Here's the thread:

                          So I was wondering for this if you are using a set map or not.
                          The only way to stop a terrorist, is with a bullet.


                          • #14
                            Large random map.
                            The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                            • #15
                              KM was right.OCC is too easy for just about any challenge.I landed in 1878.I didn't "work" all that hard either.You have to get lucky finding a decent city but after that no challenge really.I'm going to try a more comventional approach.
                              The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu

