I wouldn't call the caravan thing a "trick"(ever took a look at the real world?=>those multi-million cities are fed with food from other places)
the airbase thing is certainly out.
Jay Bee the maximum that way would be
254 cities on only grasland(the hypothetical map where non of your cities have ocean in their radius)
=>21x4food=84food(except for the cities with wheat)
=>42 size cities
=>20xhappy 22xcontent=62pts/city
(the other bonuses are:2360pts )
this would give a maximum of 18108pts
(+-250 pts for the ppl caused by the wheat)
(this is ofcourse a score that you will never be able to reach on a Random map)
(batteling bloody barb archers with wariors
the airbase thing is certainly out.
Jay Bee the maximum that way would be
254 cities on only grasland(the hypothetical map where non of your cities have ocean in their radius)
=>21x4food=84food(except for the cities with wheat)
=>42 size cities
=>20xhappy 22xcontent=62pts/city
(the other bonuses are:2360pts )
this would give a maximum of 18108pts
(+-250 pts for the ppl caused by the wheat)
(this is ofcourse a score that you will never be able to reach on a Random map)
(batteling bloody barb archers with wariors