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Declaring War

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  • #16
    Wow! I have never seen the ai break my zone of control. are u sure u had complete zoc??


    • #17
      Neon Deon and shamrock - I have seen the same phenomenon shamrock describes, but only fairly late in the game. I've also seen other people post about their units being bribed by AI troops (not spies nor diplos). My theory is that AI units acquire diplo/spy abilities late in the game.


      • #18
        Thanx. Destroyed the Americans with cruise missiles and armors. Damaged my reputation, now the other civs don't like me. I have the Eiffel Tower, and there are only two civs left, so I don't really care.


        • #19
          inca911 - in trick #3, I'd recommend a pair of units instead of a solo unit. The AIs are sometimes smart enough to bribe your instigator over to their side. If you keep your units stacked, they don't have that option.


          • #20
            Master Bob, I believe that a player's "reputation" counts toward the final score.
            Besides which, if you break one pact, the other AIs, even allies, seem leery of you for a time, shoving units in your way every time you make a move
            By the way, is mine a happy bug?...I find that I'm seldom affected by the "no movement to adjoining squares from(ditto) of an opponent" rule -when I meet an AI unit, I simply move 1 square away from it, then go on my way rejoicing, by means of the numeric keyboard, or the "go to" commands.


            • #21
              George Garrett... MasterBob is correct. Reputation has nothing to do with score. Yes, after you screw somebody, nobody wants to trust you anymore, but who cares. They are all going to hate you anyway no matter how nice you are, so it doesn't matter in the long run. Some have said that a spotless reputation makes it easier to continue "peace keeping" actions under Democracy in combination with the UN... but no one has really proved it makes a difference
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • #22
                You want to goad the AI into war? Here are a few methods.

                1. The best way is to build a new city as close to one of his as you can get. Definitely within his city's radius. This tends to turn on some threat indicator and is usually enough to get a war, especially when coupled with 2.

                2. Every single turn demand tribute, withdrawl of troops even when they're aren't any nearby, etc. The AI's attitude toward you will erode very quickly.

                3. Send a relatively worthless unit far into his civ. Usually they will sneak attack it rather than let you have free reign in their territory.


                • #23
                  Thanks, Ming...I stand corrected. Good to know - I can now wage war without inhibition.
                  "Death To The French!"


                  • #24
                    You can say that again. The French in Civ2 are the sneakiest bunch of folks in the game. I always try to bully them around from the start.
                    "Three word posts suck!" - me

                    "...and I never will play the Wild Rover no more..." - Various


                    • #25
                      If you don't want to declare war with them directly, then harrass them until they start it. Demand tribute and tresspass constantly, particularly on their developed squares, and they will go to war with you soon enough.

                      Also, the United Nations wonder is a must if you still have a lot of opponents late in the game. Take a city and you always have the option of peace if you have to rebuild your troops. Goad them into war and repeat the process. Piss them off on every opportunity and you will get your war


                      • #26
                        Whats the best way in MP to get someone to declare war on you?

                        I always feel quite vindicated if I win a war when someone else starts it...

                        On the otherhand I always feel quite good when I win any wars

                        I'm peaceful by nature.... honest!
                        Knowledge is power and power is POWER!!


                        • #27
                          The best way to start a war is to play MPG.
                          The AI in MPG loves to hate u


                          • #28
                            About the Eiffel tower, does someone knows how it REALLY works? in code level?

                            I always build it (or conquer it, or bribe it ) and it never seems to help. I sit around, waisting my time, gathering howitzers for years. Many many turns since the last time I destroyed a civilization and still everybody hates me. I have never witnessed Eiffel's effect.

                            Is it for real?

                            And it is true. everybody always end up hating you. so you might as well not care.

                            Just make sure you have fortifying units. I always kill enemy units and drain thier cities, and whoops, I'm all out of units. and by next turn they rush buy their own fortifyers.


                            • #29
                              Apperantly that's why the page was loading so slow. Double post. Sorry
                              [This message has been edited by Sirotnikov (edited April 16, 2000).]


                              • #30
                                what works best for me is putting a caravan where the enemy-to-be can get to it.
                                the AI often can't resist the easy kill.

                                a settler/engineer works just as well, but i find them to valuable to use as canonfodder

