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Going for 1000 AD without huts

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  • Going for 1000 AD without huts

    I was curious to see how early a landing could be made in a game without huts and without sources of income other than taxes or trade. I just finished my first attempt using the following rules to eliminate as much “luck” as possible from the game:

    1) No tipping of huts allowed by the human player. If a hut falls within the radius of any city, it can be eliminated by placing a citizen on the hut. (The hut disappears without producing any benefits when doing this.)
    2) Barb leaders may not be ransomed for gold.
    3) No asking for tribute or gifts from the AI is allowed, although tech trades or gifts of tech can be made.

    So a meaningful comparison could be made, I used the start also used in the last game of my “Going for 500 AD …” thread, where a landing of 421 AD was attained.

    In this subsequent game, without huts and other sources of income based on chance, I managed a launch in 1080 with a landing ETA of 1116 AD. I think it is possible to do better, hence the title of this thread “Going for 1000 AD …”.

    I will be trying again soon, and find it more enjoyable to play this way, where luck is much less of a factor, and invite others who might want to take a crack at beating the 1000 AD barrier first, to participate.

    For now, I’ll post a log of my first attempt.

    BC years

    4000 Washington founded
    3900 revolution
    3850 government to Monarchy
    3800 Was – warrior, New York founded
    3650 Mysticism
    3250 NY – settlers, Mathematics
    3200 Was – settlers
    2950 Boston founded
    2850 Philadelphia founded
    2800 Map Making, Bos – warrior
    2750 NY – temple
    2650 contact English, give tech, peace, share maps
    2500 Astronomy, Was – temple
    2350 Bos – temple
    2300 Phi – settlers, NY – trireme
    2200 Currency
    2150 Atlanta founded
    2050 contact Romans, give tech, peace, share maps
    1950 Bos – settlers
    1900 NY – settlers
    1850 Construction
    1750 Phi – temple, Chicago (SSC) founded

    Things start off much more slowly without huts, since a settler had to be produced to found each new city. It took until 1750 to get 6 cities down in this game. In the previous game with huts, this was finished by 3000 AD. Discovering Trade is a priority, since taxes are producing very little income.

    1650 Atl – settlers
    1550 Trade, Was – settlers
    1500 Romans – trade for Literacy

    They had to get this by trade, since they did not have Writing!

    1400 Bos – gems
    1350 NY – trireme, Romans – trade for Republic!, contact Indians – peace, give tech, share maps, English – give tech, share maps
    1300 Phi – beads
    1200 Atl – temple
    1150 contact French – trade for Writing, peace, share maps

    It was odd to get Writing after Republic and Literacy. Since I was not tipping any huts, more were left for the AI. I was hoping they would tip a lot of useful techs, and it seemed like this was going to happen early on, but I ended up acquiring no more techs from the AI than in previous games, so more huts for them was not a big factor in the outcome.

    1100 Was – silver, revolution
    1050 government to Republic

    The switch was made to Republic in 2250 AD in the previous game. I am already falling way behind in the acquisition of techs in the early part of the game.

    1000 Chi – temple, Philosophy, Medicine as a freebie, San Francisco founded, the first colony
    925 Bos – beads
    900 Phi – copper, NY – hides, Romans – trade for Wheel
    850 Banking, gems(d) to Veii, 205g, French – trade for Pottery

    Finally, a little bit of gold to work with!

    825 Atl – copper, Engineering
    800 SF – temple, beads(d) to SF, 112g
    750 Chi – beads, Was – copper, NY – diplomat
    725 Chi – Shakespeare’s Theater, celebration begins, Bos – trireme, attacking barb archer bribed, 61g, contact Japanese – War!

    It took until 725 to get the SSC to start growing. By 850 in the previous game, it was already size 21!

    700 Seafaring, English, French, Indians, give tech, share maps
    675 Chi – aqueduct, Atl – settlers
    650 Phi – dye, Japanese – peace, give tech, share maps
    525 contact Eqypt, last AI, peace, give tech, share maps

    There were not any more wars after this, so I will not mention any further AI contacts, unless they involved a tech trade. Other contacts were to gift tech to keep them happy and to lower my tech costs.

    500 NY – dye
    475 Bos – beads, copper(d) to Paris, 200g, English – trade for Iron Working
    450 SF – salt, Sanitation
    425 Atl – hides
    400 Chi – gems, Phi – copper, Was – silver
    275 Buffalo founded, second colony
    250 Chi – beads, University, NY – wine, dye(d) to Thebes, 208g
    225 Chi – Copernicus, Bos – beads

    Since the French were also building this wonder, I could not build the Colossus first, as desired.

    175 Chi – salt, Atl – hides
    150 Theory of Gravity, Phi – copper
    125 Chi – harbor, Was – coal
    75 Buf – temple
    50 gems to Paris, 260g
    25 Bridge Building, Chi – sewer system, celebration resumes, NY – cloth

    Just to compare, I was on the verge of learning Automobile by this time in the first game.

    AD years

    1 SF – harbor, Chi – Colossus, beads(d) to Orleans, 368g
    20 Bos – beads
    40 Chi – marketplace, Economics
    60 Atl – hides
    80 Chi – bank, Phi – hides, Was – coal
    100 wine(d) to Veii, 260g
    120 Chemistry, Chi – library, salt(d) to Veii, 400g
    140 Invention, NY – coal
    160 Chi – university, size 21
    200 SF – settlers, Democracy, revolution
    220 govt. to Democracy
    240 Buf – harbor, Chi –food, Atl – hides, Bos – cloth
    260 Chi – stock exchange, Gunpowder
    280 Chi – Sir Isaac Newton’s College, Explosives, Phi – copper, St. Louis founded, the third colony and 9th city
    300 Navigation, Was – silver
    320 Physics, Ny – coal
    340 Steam Engine, Chi – food
    380 Railroad, silver(d) to Was – 67g
    400 Chi – food, Atl – hides, Bos – beads, Industrialization

    This was the launch turn in the first game, but Industrialization is not all that bad by now in this one, when the slower start is considered.

    420 Phi – cloth
    440 Buf – engineers, Magnetism, Chi – transport
    460 Chi – Darwin’s Voyage, Corporation, Atomic Theory
    480 Chi – dye, Refining
    500 Chi – oil
    520 Metallurgy, Was – harbor
    540 Buf – silk, Chi – courthouse
    560 Combustion, NY – harbor, dye(d) to Orleans, 552g
    580 StL – oil, Buf – colosseum, SF – colosseum, Electricity, Bos – beads
    600 Phi – coal, NY – colosseum, silk(d) to Chi, 151g
    620 Buf – coal, Chi – dye, Electronics, Bos – harbor, Atl, SF – transports, oil(d) to Paris, 276g, celebration started for helpers and colonies

    640 Chi – gold, Phi – harbor
    660 Atl – harbor, Was – coal, gold(d) to Paris, 672g, coal(d) to Chi – 136g

    680 StL – cloth, Steel, Buf, Chi – gold, Phi, Bos – oil, NY – cloth, gold(d) to Paris, 745g, coal(d) to Paris, 235g

    700 Automobile, Bos – colosseum, Was – gems, dye(d) to Neapolis, 392g, coal(d) to Orleans, 250g

    720 StL, Atl, Phi – colosseums, Chi – superhighways, Mass Production, cloth(d) to Chi, 202g, oil(d) to Chi, 714g, beads(d) to Buf, 180g

    740 Conscription, Buf – copper, SF – wine, Chi – gold, NY – dye, Was – colosseum, Nuclear Fission, gold(d) to Orleans, 768g, cloth(d) to Buf, 165g, Indians – trade for Warrior Code, Detroit founded, the 4th colony and final city

    760 StL – wine, Buf – oil, Atl – coal, Phi – hides, Bos – library, Nuclear Power, gold(d) to Elephatine, 318g, hides to Chi – 51g, Indians – trade for Horseback Riding

    780 Det – spice, Chi – gold, Laser, NY, Was – libraries, gold(d) to Orleans, 816g, copper to Chi – 262g, coal(d) to Orleans, 290g

    800 Feudalism, StL – dye, Buf – wool, SF, Bos – universities, Chi gold, Atl – spice, Phi – library, Chivalry, dye(d) to Rheims, 244g, wine(d) to London, 290g, dye(d) to Bangalore, 184g, oil(d) to Bos, 315g, Japanese – trade for Polytheism

    820 Det, Chi – dye, Leadership, NY, Was – universities, cloth(d) to Calcutta, 95g, gold(d) to Orleans, 880g, spice(d) to Chi, 470g

    840 Tactics, StL – library, Buf –food, SF, Chi – gold, Atl – copper, Phi – university, Bos –wine, Refrigeration, dye(d) to Paris, 912g, gems(d) to Osaka, 108g, spice(d) to Buffalo, 216g, cloth(d) to Calcutta, 95g

    860 Det – oil, StL – University, Buf – library, Machine Tools, Chi – food, Atl – silver, Bos, NY – courthouses, Was – gems, Mobile Warfare, gold(d) to Paris, 944g, oil(d) to Paris, 441g, wool(d) to Kyoto, 196g, wine to Chi, 73g

    880 Miniaturization, SF – wine, Chi – dye, Phi, Bos – beads, NY – oil, Computers, copper(d) to StL – 130g, silver(d) to Lyon, 385g, oil(d) to Paris, 560g

    900 Det – food, StL, Chi, Was – research labs, Buf – university, Flight, Atl – library, dye(d) to Rome, 524g, wine to Chi, 141g

    920 SF, Phi, NY – food, Chi – oil, Bos – salt, Radio, beads(d) to Orleans, 182g, gems to Chi, 43g, beads(d) to Orleans, 134g

    940 Det, Atl – food, StL – wine, Buf – wool, Chi –gold, Was – cloth, Advanced Flight, oil(d) to Paris, 910g, gold(d) to Paris, 780g, salt to Chi – 34g

    960 Amphibious Warfare, SF, Phi, Bos, NY – food, Chi – gold, Rocketry

    980 Det, StL, Buf, Atl, Was – food, Space Flight, gold(d) to Paris, 780g, oil(d) to Paris, 248g

    1000 Chi – oil, Plastics, Phi – Apollo Program, Bos, NY – food, gold(d) to Elephantine, 268g

    1020 Det, StL, Buf, Atl – food, SF, Bos, NY – SS structurals, Chi, Phi – SS Components, oil(d) to Paris, 910g

    1040 Phi, NY, Was – SS Structurals, Superconductor

    1060 Det, StL, Buf – SS Modules, SF, Chi, Atl, Bos, NY, Was – food, Phi – SS Structural

    1080 StL, Buf, SF, Atl, Phi, Bos, NY, Was – SS Structurals, Fusion Power, Launch 15-1-1-1-1-1, ETA 1116

    The save of this turn is attached below
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Ceeeeeeeeeeeeeghhhhhh No more Americans!


    • #3
      Well look who is has appeared.Hi ottok

      1116 eh?..darn close.

      I guess AIs will make or break this one.How much tech can they be counted on and manipulated for
      The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


      • #4
        Hehe good luck.......something tells me you will make it this try.


        • #5
          Welcome back ottok

          "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
          "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


          • #6
            I endorse the Doc's optimism - go for it solo

            "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
            "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


            • #7
              Thanks for the encouragement, but try #2 actually went a little worse, due to a hard to develop SSC. There wasn't enough time for it to reach its full potential.

              In these games I've found it beneficial to do more early trading, even if this defers Shakespeare's a bit, since my main problem has been lack of gold in the early game.

              In the second attempt, the AI were a bit more helpful with tech, but hardly more than in a game where I tip huts. I guess when they tip a hut for a tech, odds are likely it will NOT be one that I lack. They do end up with more cities due to incresed tribes, though, which helps them learn a bit faster.

              The third attempt is underway and going well, except for the fact that the best SSC site I could find only has 3 fish and a buffalo, which are not my favorite SSC specials! I hope to make up for this by many citizens working trade on every city tile, since I have extra food. Time will tell.


              • #8
                In following your Early Landing attempts I had also been feeling that chance elements were very strong, hence many games that have not been completed because the early part of the game went against us (mostly with huts). It also was strongly dependent on getting just the right setup, particularly with starting techs and favorable choices of opponent civs. The way I pictured emphasizing skill over luck was setting rules similar to yours:

                1. All huts are removed from the map before start.
                2. No starting techs for the human player.
                3. Random map, no retries of same map once other civs starting location known. Exchange of starting games allowed only if no info on identities or locations of opponent civs given.
                4. Random opponent civs, human only choses own civ/color.
                5. Barb Leader ransom and Barb Farms permitted, as these are mostly dependent on skillful trapping and exploitation.
                6. Full AI tribute/gifting permitted, as this is dependent on wise human trading, timing and alliance/attitude maintenence.
                7. Normal map, Deity, 7 civs, Raging Hordes, 2 starting settlers.

                I'm wondering how you would compare your starting rules to the above, and whether you thought the complete lack of huts and starting techs would be made up for with greater tribute/gifting and Barb exploitation to still allow a 1000AD landing.


                • #9

                  Your list of rules would not be a problem for me, and I would be happy to play under those conditions.

                  I have some comments about each of your points:

                  1. I do not know of a way of removing huts when using a random start and believe that this can only be done when creating a scenario. One problem with scenarios is that they allow one to pick the tech research order, elimnating the need to plan an optimal path through the tech tree.

                  2. No starting techs for the human would be okay and would make it easier to find starts to make early landing attempts, but having no free techs would probably lengthen games more than you suspect. Since it's now customary to share all starts, luck would not be a factor, since the position is identical for any player when the game begins. Different starts without human starting techs can vary quite a bit in AI tech distribution, making luck more of a factor, right?

                  3. These are the settings I use for my random map starts. To eliminate some more luck, it might be best to use the minimum setting for barbarians, though, since the timing of their appearances and who they attack are based on chance.

                  4. Random civs is fine, which is the way I always play. However, I do not think it really makes much difference if they are random or not.

                  5. There certainly are skills involved in dealing with and exploiting the presence of barbarians in the game, but the element of chance also plays a major role, too, especially early in the game. Barbs first appear at random on the 16th turn of the game, but who they go after is a matter of chance. A player in one game may net an early 150 gold, another may lose a city, and a third may have nothing happen in 3250 BC. The possible outcomes differ dramatically, and I think this can be due more to luck than skill.

                  6. AI tribute and gifting is fine by me, as this depends mostly on diplomatic skills. I eliminated this in my games for this thread because I wanted to limit all income to what the human player could tax or trade for, but this was just an arbitrary decision on my part.

                  7. A normal map is fine with me too, although I have no problems with a customized one. Using an edited map is a different thing altogether, though, but would be okay with me as long as the player using one acknowledges the fact.

                  In summary, I believe that omission of huts is the major factor in controlling how much luck there is in any game, and would be agreeable to any set of rules that would omit them. I am on my third game now, without using them, and am enjoying these games a lot more, even though the earliest landings are probably out of reach without their use.

                  My third hutless game is going better so far, and with Automobile coming in 460 AD, I think I have a good chance to land before 1000 AD.


                  • #10
                    A quick 2 hapeth - I do feel that the decision to disallow tribute/gift seeking is an unecessary handicap - particularly as it is skill based - but you're the expert.
                    Keep up the good work

                    "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                    "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                    • #11
                      Dont listen them!

                      Deffenders and trade is way to win,not lot of legions!!


                      • #12
                        Your observation about wiping huts only available in Scenario mode was something I'd overlooked. I was trying to eliminate the "luck" factor of huts for both the human and AI, but did not consider the tech path consequences. Leaving them there still allows the AI to use its crazy logic about openning them, giving possible extra early techs. I like your trick about putting a citizen to work on a hut to wipe it!

                        The number of starting techs for the human can heavily influence the Early Landing date, both by saving time on the tech path and by allowing a more favorable Tech Number comparison to the KeyCiv. Perhaps we should really compare landing dates by saying "I landed in 1116AD with 6 starting techs" versus "I landed in 1425AD with 1 starting tech". Could you imagine Samson deriving a formula for how many years benefit each starting tech would be worth? That could be interesting...

                        Replaying the same start (ourselves, not someone elses), though it might be interesting to compare different strategies side by side, should not be counted for records since we remember who we faced and where they were, which is a big advantage to the random start where you have no clue who is nearby and whether they are civilized or militaristic. I have replayed several favorite starts over about a year and still found the situations coming back to me fairly easily. It does help to hone strategies and tactics, though.

                        I like the idea of setting the Barbs to a lower setting than Raging. Normal at least would not penalize the final score. Does this also lower the frequency of appearance and size of bands?

                        I think it does make a difference which AI civs are chosen. I have noticed a significant difference in early research between the Mongols and the Babylonians, and I hate having to Tech Gift the Mongols! Then again, a Random setting for AI civs could predispose a game to being easier or harder. Perhaps coming up with a Standard AI Civ list for record attempts?


                        • #13
                          I like the idea of setting the Barbs to a lower setting than Raging. Normal at least would not penalize the final score. Does this also lower the frequency of appearance and size of bands?

                          There is an excellent paper on the effects of changing barb settings at



                          • #14
                            If a true comparison of skill for early landing is required then a game could be played with huts ... so the tech tree isn't open...but allow each hut visited to give 50 gold every time. You would have to reload a bit but not much different from OCC to avoid the advanced tribe.

                            A detailed log would need to accompany each game ... like the old OCC challenges.

                            I would welcome the chance to improve my landing skills, and if solo would be prepared to make the comparisons and comment like Paul did for OCC it would make the challenge all the more interesting.


                            "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                            "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                            • #15
                              lear mee!

                              1870, waht go?

