When do you build them?
When I found a city, I build
- a warrior for defense
- a 2nd warrior for exploration
- a settler for expansion
a 3rd warrior to keep my peaple content
a temple (maybe a market place would be better?)
and then:
another settler for expansion
a diplo for defense purposes (enemy bribing) every 4th or 5th city
a trireme
caravans caravans caravans caravans
I need those temples for my later Fundy phase - they bring me a lot of ca$h.
When I found a city, I build
- a warrior for defense
- a 2nd warrior for exploration
- a settler for expansion
a 3rd warrior to keep my peaple content
a temple (maybe a market place would be better?)
and then:
another settler for expansion
a diplo for defense purposes (enemy bribing) every 4th or 5th city
a trireme
caravans caravans caravans caravans
I need those temples for my later Fundy phase - they bring me a lot of ca$h.