120 to 240 AD, Hyper trade and 2 advances per turn
In 120, when all helpers and colonies were full size, two freight deliveries, with a payoff totaling 1400 had supplied enough beakers for the next advance, the cost of which was 1176 beakers. By setting science at 100%, cities were producing 1224 beakers, enough to earn a second advance. During almost every turn until Flight was discovered, enough freights could be delivered to keep this happening, while enough scientific improvements could be rushed in helpers and colonies to keep up with the mounting tech costs. About 50 beakers in new science had to be rushed each turn to keep the 2 advances per turn snowball rolling. Tech gifts were frequent to the Indians in order to keep techs costs at a minimum. Following is a log of each turn during this period along with some additional comments.
120 Detroit – oil, San Francisco – superhighways, Atlanta – oil, Philadelphia – colosseum, Feudalism, gold(d) to Orleans, 784g, beads(d) to Buffalo, 616g
140 New Orleans – oil, Chivalry, Detroit – colosseum, St. Louis – cloth, Buffalo – university, Chicago – gold, Atlanta – colosseum, New York – engineers, Washington – colosseum, Leadership, Baltimore founded, oil(d) to St. Louis, 876g, coal(d) to Paris, 517g
Baltimore was needed to supply a few beakers to trigger the first advance of every two, allowing all other cities to apply their science towards the second advances. Since this was the 11th city, its foundation had to wait until the celebration was over, since an unhappy first citizen can prevent celebrations in affected helpers. Baltimore made Atlanta’s first citizen unhappy, so a courthouse had to be built in that city later.
160 Nuclear Power, St. Louis – beads, San Francisco – engineers, Chicago – beads, Philadelphia – library, Laser, oil to Chicago, 258g
There were not enough freights for the first advance this turn. The oil going to Chicago unblocked it supply of oil.
180 New Orleans – engineers, Detroit – library, Buffalo – wine, Chicago – oil, Atlanta – courthouse, New York – spice, Tactics, beads(d) to Veii, 864g, gold(d) to Orleans, 936g, spice(d) to Chicago, 210g
200 Machine Tools, Detroit – university, St. Louis – courthouse, San Francisco – copper, Chicago – gold, Philadelphia – university, Washington – library, Mobile Warfare
220 Chicago – beads, Atlanta – superhighways, Miniaturization, gold(d) to Orleans, 912g, oil(d) to Detroit, 912g, oil(d) to Atlanta, 784g
At this time Chicago was producing 870 beakers, and the other cities were contributing 548 beakers, for a total of 1418 beakers at 100% science. Almost 40% of science was coming from helpers and colonies, with two colonies, Buffalo and Detroit adding over 100 each, since they both had universities. Science peaked here, since the discovery of Flight in 240, cancelled the Colossus.
240 Computers, Detroit – wool, St. Louis – library, Buffalo – food, San Francisco – spice, Chicago – gold, Philadelphia – cloth, New York – cloth, Flight, Washington – university,
wine to Chicago, 170g, beads to Philadelphia, 347g, copper(d) to Veii, 280g
Space Flight was 4 turns away, so it was time to switch attention towards building SS parts. The attached save was made in 240 AD.
In 120, when all helpers and colonies were full size, two freight deliveries, with a payoff totaling 1400 had supplied enough beakers for the next advance, the cost of which was 1176 beakers. By setting science at 100%, cities were producing 1224 beakers, enough to earn a second advance. During almost every turn until Flight was discovered, enough freights could be delivered to keep this happening, while enough scientific improvements could be rushed in helpers and colonies to keep up with the mounting tech costs. About 50 beakers in new science had to be rushed each turn to keep the 2 advances per turn snowball rolling. Tech gifts were frequent to the Indians in order to keep techs costs at a minimum. Following is a log of each turn during this period along with some additional comments.
120 Detroit – oil, San Francisco – superhighways, Atlanta – oil, Philadelphia – colosseum, Feudalism, gold(d) to Orleans, 784g, beads(d) to Buffalo, 616g
140 New Orleans – oil, Chivalry, Detroit – colosseum, St. Louis – cloth, Buffalo – university, Chicago – gold, Atlanta – colosseum, New York – engineers, Washington – colosseum, Leadership, Baltimore founded, oil(d) to St. Louis, 876g, coal(d) to Paris, 517g
Baltimore was needed to supply a few beakers to trigger the first advance of every two, allowing all other cities to apply their science towards the second advances. Since this was the 11th city, its foundation had to wait until the celebration was over, since an unhappy first citizen can prevent celebrations in affected helpers. Baltimore made Atlanta’s first citizen unhappy, so a courthouse had to be built in that city later.
160 Nuclear Power, St. Louis – beads, San Francisco – engineers, Chicago – beads, Philadelphia – library, Laser, oil to Chicago, 258g
There were not enough freights for the first advance this turn. The oil going to Chicago unblocked it supply of oil.
180 New Orleans – engineers, Detroit – library, Buffalo – wine, Chicago – oil, Atlanta – courthouse, New York – spice, Tactics, beads(d) to Veii, 864g, gold(d) to Orleans, 936g, spice(d) to Chicago, 210g
200 Machine Tools, Detroit – university, St. Louis – courthouse, San Francisco – copper, Chicago – gold, Philadelphia – university, Washington – library, Mobile Warfare
220 Chicago – beads, Atlanta – superhighways, Miniaturization, gold(d) to Orleans, 912g, oil(d) to Detroit, 912g, oil(d) to Atlanta, 784g
At this time Chicago was producing 870 beakers, and the other cities were contributing 548 beakers, for a total of 1418 beakers at 100% science. Almost 40% of science was coming from helpers and colonies, with two colonies, Buffalo and Detroit adding over 100 each, since they both had universities. Science peaked here, since the discovery of Flight in 240, cancelled the Colossus.
240 Computers, Detroit – wool, St. Louis – library, Buffalo – food, San Francisco – spice, Chicago – gold, Philadelphia – cloth, New York – cloth, Flight, Washington – university,
wine to Chicago, 170g, beads to Philadelphia, 347g, copper(d) to Veii, 280g
Space Flight was 4 turns away, so it was time to switch attention towards building SS parts. The attached save was made in 240 AD.