Originally posted by solo under "How Supply and Demand ..."
The knowledge of wildcarding has open a new realm of strategy. At the moment, it appears to me that when a supply wildcard hits its own list, it will be very likely for it to stick there for a long time, especially if it is one of the higher valued commodities, like wine, silver or gems. They don't seem to go through so many adjustments in the earlier half of the game. With dye, hogging spot #1, and when the demand commodity occupys the middle position of deamnd lists, there is only one position the supply wildcard can have on the DQ list in order to show up on the demand list. If it can't show up there, it can not leave the supply list, right?
It looks to me that one would want cities with a high quality supply commodity and with a frequently shifting demand one. If the high quality supply commodity is used to establish the first trade route, then it should become a valuable participant in an alternating supply situation, later on. A volatile demand commodity is apt to set up alternating supply sooner.
Another idea might be to select city sites where hides will be the supply commodity, to take advantage of its unique behavior.
The knowledge of wildcarding has open a new realm of strategy. At the moment, it appears to me that when a supply wildcard hits its own list, it will be very likely for it to stick there for a long time, especially if it is one of the higher valued commodities, like wine, silver or gems. They don't seem to go through so many adjustments in the earlier half of the game. With dye, hogging spot #1, and when the demand commodity occupys the middle position of deamnd lists, there is only one position the supply wildcard can have on the DQ list in order to show up on the demand list. If it can't show up there, it can not leave the supply list, right?
It looks to me that one would want cities with a high quality supply commodity and with a frequently shifting demand one. If the high quality supply commodity is used to establish the first trade route, then it should become a valuable participant in an alternating supply situation, later on. A volatile demand commodity is apt to set up alternating supply sooner.
Another idea might be to select city sites where hides will be the supply commodity, to take advantage of its unique behavior.