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OCC "fortnight" #25 - size 4 challenge

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  • #16
    Paul, reminds me of my first riv2.scn game, where barbarians just walked into undefended Rome! In this game, if the Egyptians had learned combined arms, or if they had sent a transport with ground units along with all those aegis cruisers, our landing dates would have been the same, never. Next time, I'm going to think it over more before giving away so many of the good military techs later in the game.

    Smash, I also couldn't believe all the gold through gifts, though I did not manage as much as you. You are right about too much tech giving early, too. Embassies are great for telling when and how much to give. With only 25 shields (5 short of completing structurals), I tried two other things besides rushing barracks: 1) Earlier, when it became apparent that 30 shields were out of reach, I tried to bribe every barb I ran into, using them later to disband while building structurals, saving quite a bit over the cost of buying a barracks (160g). I also sacrificed spare diplomats and other cheap units when doing this. 2) For the few structurals where I had nothing to disband, I would start a wonder with a caravan, switch to structural, and just buy the remaining 30 shields for 120g, saving 40g over the rushed barracks way of doing it; however, with all the extra gold you managed, I guess you weren't looking that hard for ways to economize!

    samson, just got to repeat my wow of admiration for discovering the efficacy of smaller-sized cities and especially for the discovery of how to determine the key civ. Just how did you think of this? What frame of mind do you have to be in to discover things like this?
    [This message has been edited by solo (edited April 30, 2001).]


    • #17
      OCC #25

      The AI tribes were hopeless in this game, they simply would not expand, or even have cities grow beyond size 7. Nor did they research much, from Feudalism to Space Flight the Romans had to do it all . We were lucky to trade for Monarchy!
      What saved us was the road, later railroad, we built to the small Viking empire, so in mid-game we could quickly deliver coal and gold - until the commodities dried up, that is.
      I refrained from a quickstart from building settlers at size 1.

      ================================================== ==============
      AC: 1863

      Monarchy: -
      Republic: -2050
      Democracy: 140

      Hanging Gardens: -2000
      Colossus: -1100
      Copernicus: -525
      Newton: 20
      Leonardo: 820
      Darwin: 1300
      Apollo: 1800

      Trade routes: -825, -825,-750

      Size 4: -1950

      Trade: -1700

      Automobile: 1300
      Computers: 1758
      Space Flight: 1798

      -4000 Rome
      -3800 Warriors, wine roaded, 50(h)
      -3750 Alphabet
      -3700 Chariot(h)
      -3450 S2, 50(h)
      -3400 Carthagians, Peace, 1 tech->C, Ally
      -3350 Writing
      -3300 Library, wine mined, N-Archers(h)
      -3200 Bronze Working(h)
      -3050 Japanese, Peace, 2 techs->J, no Ally
      -3000 wine roaded, Barb Chariot
      -2950 Code of Laws, Pottery(h)
      -2800 N-Horsemen(h)
      -2750 Vikings, Peace, 3 techs->V, no Ally
      -2700 S3, 50(h), N-Horsemen(h), Egyptians, Peace, 4 techs->E, no Ally
      -2500 wine mined
      -2450 Literacy, We Love
      -2200 N-Archers(h), Barbs(h) - none appears
      -2050 The Republic, REPUBLIC, di Warriors
      ----- traded for Ceremonial Burial(E), 1 tech->E, 50(h)
      -1950 S4, di Chariot, 3 techs->V
      -1900 We Love ends , Americans, Peace, 6 techs->Am, no Ally
      -1850 50(h)
      -1750 Currency, 1 tech->V,E
      -1700 N-Chariot(h), Trade(h)
      -1550 Barb Chariot, traded for Horseback Riding(C), 7 techs->C, 100
      -1400 Banking
      -1200 4 techs->A, Ally
      -1100 COLOSSUS, Barb Chariot, 3 techs->V, traded for Masonry(J), 5 techs->J
      -1000 Hides, The Wheel, 3 techs->C, 300
      -950 Wine
      -900 Beads
      -850 Marketplace
      -825 Mysticism, Hides to Carthage (66), Wine to Carthage,
      -800 Bank
      -775 Barb Chariot, 4 techs->E
      -750 Food, Philosophy -> Mathematics, Beads to Carthage (66)
      ----- traded for Map Making(A), 3 techs->A, maps, 75 , 4 techs->C, maps
      ----- 5 techs->J, maps, 8 techs->V, maps
      -700 Food, N-Settlers complete road to Carthage (no effect), Barb Horsemen
      -650 Food
      -600 Food, Astronomy, 1 tech->A,C, 50,25
      -575 1 tech->J, Ally
      -550 Food
      -475 Gold
      -425 University, 1 tech->A,C, 50,50 , 2 techs->V, Ally, maps, 150
      -400 University
      -375 5 techs->E, maps, Ally(E)
      -325 Coal, Construction, swapped for Warrior Code(J)
      -300 1 tech->A,C,V
      -250 Food, Coal to Carthage (82)
      -225 Engineering
      -200 Food
      -150 Food, N-Settlers complete road to Uppsala, 1 tech->J, 150
      ----- 2 techs->C, 25
      -100 Food, Invention, Gold to Trondheim (d,147), 1 tech->C, 25
      -50 Food
      -25 1 tech->J, 150
      1 Food, Theory of Gravity
      40 4 techs->V, Maps, 1 tech->C, 1 tech->J, 100
      60 Gold
      80 Economics
      120 Gold to Carthage (41)
      140 Democracy, DEMOCRACY, 5 techs->A, Maps, 50
      ----- Traded for Iron Working (E), 5 techs->E, Maps, 3 techs->C
      160 Stock Exchange
      180 1 tech->V, 75 , 1 tech->A
      200 Coal, Medicine, Settlers complete road to Kaupang
      220 Swapped for Seafaring(C), 5 techs->J, Maps, 100 , 1 tech->A
      ----- 4 techs->V, Maps, 50
      240 Food, 2 techs->E
      260 Gunpowder
      280 Food, 1 tech->C, 25
      300 Coal to Carthage (43), 1 tech->A, 1 tech->J, 150
      320 Gold, Chemistry
      360 Food
      380 1 tech->C, 2 techs->A, 1 tech->J, 100
      400 Food, Explosives
      420 1 tech->V, 150
      440 Food
      480 Food, Navigation, 1 tech->J, 100
      520 Food, traded for Bridge Building (E), 3 techs->E, Maps
      ----- 3 techs->J, 4,3 techs->V,A, Maps, 1 tech->C, 25
      540 Barb Elephant
      560 Wool, Physics
      600 Food
      620 1 tech->J, 1 tech->C, 25
      640 Steam Engine, 1 tech->C, 25
      660 Harbor, 1 tech->C, 50
      680 City square into forest, 1 tech->C, 100
      700 Food
      720 Railroad, 3 techs->E, Maps, 3 techs->A, Maps, 50
      740 Temple
      800 Industrialization
      840 1 tech->J,C, 200,50
      860 1 tech->J,C, 100,50
      880 Factory, Magnetism, 5 techs->V, Maps, 1 tech->C, 50 , 2 techs->A
      900 Barb Legion
      920 Oil
      940 1 tech->J, 100
      960 Food, The Corporation, traded for Polytheism(E), 2 techs->E, Maps, 50
      ----- 2 techs->A,V, Gold to Carthage (d,128)
      980 1 tech->J, 50 , Barb Legion
      1000 Coal
      1040 Food, Refining, traded for Metallurgy(J), 1 tech->J, 2 techs->A
      ----- 2 techs->V, 100 , Oil and Wool to Trondheim (2x52)
      1060 Coal to Carthage (43)
      1080 Gold
      1100 1 tech->J
      1120 Oil, Electricity
      1140 1 tech->V, 200 , Gold to Uppsala (d,120)
      1160 Food
      1200 Gold, Combustion
      1240 Gold to Uppsala (d,120), Barb Musketeers
      1260 Oil to Kaupang (51)
      1280 Steel
      1300 DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> Automobile, Electronics, di N-Horsemen
      1320 Superhighways, 1 tech->C, 5,7,4,5 techs->J,E,V,A, Maps, 150,100,100,50
      1340 Egyptians: PYRAMIDS
      1360 Hydroplant, Mass Production, 1 tech->V, 75
      1400 Gold
      1440 Coal, Conscription, Gold to Uppsala (d,224)
      ----- traded for Monarchy(C), 1 tech->C, 3,2,1 techs->J,V,E, 200,150,75
      ----- 3 techs->A, Maps, 50
      1460 1 tech->C, 1 tech->E, 100 , Vikings end alliance
      1480 Food, 1 tech->C,E, 25,100
      1500 Atomic Theory, sold Harbor, 1 tech->C,E, 25,50
      1510 Gold, 1 tech->C, 25 , Coal to Trondheim (d,255)
      1520 1 tech->C, 25
      1530 Oil, Feudalism, 2,2,1,1 techs->J,A,C,E, 150,50,25,50
      1540 Gold to Hladir (d,182), Oil to Kaupang (96), 1 tech->C, 25
      1550 Coal, 1 tech->C, 25
      1560 Chivalry, 1 tech->C, 25 , Coal to Uppsala (d,197)
      1570 Gold
      1580 Gold to Hladir (d,182)
      1590 Food, Leadership, traded for Sanitation(V), 2 techs->V, 75
      ----- 2 techs->J, 200 , 3 techs->A
      1610 Food
      1630 Food, Tactics, traded for Communism(E), 3 techs->E, Maps, 100
      ----- 1 tech->C
      1640 1 tech->C
      1650 Food
      1660 2 techs->J,V,A, 200,150,50 , 2 techs->C
      1670 Gold, Machine Tools, Gold to Carthage (d,224)
      ----- Japanese: SUN TZU'S WAR ACADEMY
      1690 Coal
      1700 1 tech->J,E, 200,100 , 1 tech->V,A, 4 techs->C, 25
      1710 Food, Mobile Warfare, Coal to Trondheim (d,265), Barb Leader(150)
      1730 Gold, 1 tech->C, 50 , Gold to Carthage (d,188)
      1740 Miniaturization
      1750 Offshore Platform -> 33 shields, Vikings: WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE
      1752 Diplomat
      1756 Food
      1758 Computers
      1760 Research Lab
      1764 Food, 1 tech->J,C, 200,25 , 3 techs->E,A,V, Maps, 100,50,75
      1766 Flight
      1768 Harbor
      1770 Vikings: MAGELLAN'S EXPEDITION
      1772 3,1,1,1,2 techs->J,V,E,A,C 150,100,50,50,100
      1774 Radio
      1780 1 tech->J,V,E, 100,150,50 , 1 tech->A
      1782 Advanced Flight, traded for Amphibious Warfare (C), 1 tech->C
      1788 2 techs->J,E, 150,50 , 2 techs->A
      1790 Rocketry
      1796 2,1,1,1 techs->V,E,A,C, 150,50,50,75
      1798 Space Flight
      1804 1 tech->V,A,C, 1 tech->E, 50
      1806 Plastics, traded for Nuclear Fission (J), 1 tech->J
      1810 Japanese end alliance
      1812 2 techs->V,C, 2 techs->E,A, 100,50
      1814 Nuclear Power
      1824 The Laser
      1830 S#15
      1834 Superconductor
      1842 C#6
      1844 Fusion Power
      1848 M#3, LAUNCH

      If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
      A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
      Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


      • #18
        Comparison table is now available.

