quote:![]() <font size=1>Originally posted by debeest on 01-02-2001 10:39 PM</font> Sand, you're missing something. Happiness comes primarily from luxuries, and the effects of luxuries are all counted BEFORE the effects of contentment improvements and wonders. ![]() |
quote:![]() First the citizens move one by one from unhappy to content to happy, based on luxuries alone; ![]() |
Not true. Luxuries start out making any and all DOUBLE unhappy citizens happy first. Then they work from "left to right". If the leftmost citizen is content, it is made happy. If it is unhappy, it is first made content and then it is made happy before moving on to the next citizen. Bottom line: you can run out of luxuries before affecting all citizens and end up with a mix of happy and unhappy citizens.
quote:![]() THEN any remaining unhappies can be placated by the improvements/wonders. ![]() |
Yes, but there is a step between improvements and wonders: the effects of the military. In Rep/Dem citizens are made unhappy by miltary units away from home in a "right to left" fashion. Starting from the rightmost content or happy citizen, military units turn them unhappy one by one. If you have, say, a Temple and a Colloseum, you have potentially 6 content citizens who will be made unhappy by the military before your happy citizens are affected. Without the improvements, military units go right after the citizens that were made happy by luxuries and they turn them right back into unhappies again.
Of course, at the end Shakes just turns each unhappy into a content but if you lost enough happy guys from the military, Shakes can't give you them back and you may not have enough for WLTxD.
In other gov'ts of course you have the martial law effect from the military and therefore improvements don't matter at all with Shakes.
edit: fix typos.
[This message has been edited by Sieve Too (edited January 03, 2001).]