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OCC fortnight 11 - Discussion and logs

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  • #31
    Hey - its good to be back - mucho catching up to be done - anyway I just about made it...

    Atlantean OCC - v2.42, Deity

    Monarchy -3950
    Republic -725
    Democracy 1660

    Colossus -975
    Copernicus 220
    Shakespeare 580
    Newton 1280
    Darwin 1720
    Apollo 1895

    No trade routes

    size 12 -25
    size 21 1630

    3900 Revolution;
    3950 MONARCHY established
    3250 Map Making
    3150 Barracks - Sell
    2950 Trireme (rushed)
    2750 Writing
    2700 Silk -> Wheat; rush complete Barracks convert to Library
    2450 Size 3, Wheat Irrigated, currently unused
    2300 Library, move worker from Silk to Irrigated Wheat
    2200 Bronze Working
    1750 Currency
    1600 Size 4
    1350 Literacy
    0975 COLOSSUS
    0950 Mysticism
    0850 Temple
    0750 Philosophy -> The Republic; Revolution
    0725 REPUBLIC
    0700 WLCD starts @ 4
    0625 WLCD stops @ 7

    Note - the Barbarian city of Ankara is 5th in the Top Five Cities List!

    0550 Masonry
    0350 Aqueduct size 8 (naturally)
    0250 Mathematics
    0150 Colosseum; WLCD starts @ 8
    0025 TRADE; WLCD stops @ 12
    0100 Astronomy
    0240 Warrior Code
    0360 Iron Working
    0440 Bridge Building
    0560 Medicine
    0740 Seafaring
    0840 Horseback Riding
    0980 The Wheel
    1140 The University
    1220 University built
    1260 Theory of Gravity
    1380 Banking
    1400 Engineering
    1440 Bank
    1520 Sewer System
    1540 Invention; Harbour; WLCD starts @ 12
    1580 Democracy
    1610 Navigation
    1620 Ring road completed
    1630 WLCD stops @ 21 (one food deficit); Revolution
    1660 DEMOCRACY
    1670 Physics
    1690 Steam Engine
    1710 Railroad
    1720 DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> Magnetism, Gunpowder; disband Trireme into Galleon
    1740 Chemistry
    1754 Explosives
    1760 Metallurgy; Engineer#1
    1764 Engineer#2
    1766 Electricity
    1778 Economics
    1784 WLPD starts @ 19
    1786 Industrialisation
    1790 WLPD stops @ 22 (food balance)
    1794 Steel; Stock Exchange
    1800 The Corporation
    1806 Refining
    1812 Combustion
    1814 Ring rail completed (for pollution control)
    1820 Superhighways
    1824 Electronics; Factory
    1830 Conscription; Power Plant - available production = 50 shields
    1836 Feudalism
    1842 Chivalry
    1848 Leadership
    1852 Tactics
    1855 Machine Tools
    1858 Miniaturisation
    1859 Offshore Platform
    1861 Mass Production
    1864 COMPUTERS
    1865 Research Lab - still 3 turns/advance
    1867 Atomic Theory
    1870 Mobile Warfare
    1873 Robotics

    Note: whatever I do I can't get research faster than 3 turns - it may have something to do with the fact that I have been notified of three other civilisations having been destroyed.
    Estimating from the powergraph: Turks c2000BC, Babylonians c1500AD and Persians c1790AD.
    Counting caravans (I currently have 35) I think I could afford an extra Wonder, but all the useful ones seem to have gone - I guess Adam, Hoover or Seti would save me some upkeep, but so what? I guess I resign myself to a mid 20th century launch and curse not having built Marco's or SoL when they were available.

    1876 Nuclear Fission
    1879 Flight - can just maintain 3 turns/advance (100% + 2 Eins)
    1882 Radio - drat now down to 4 turns/advance
    1886 Advanced Flight
    1887 Manufacturing Plant
    1889 Airport for eventual Stealth Fighter defence
    1890 Rocketry
    1895 APOLLO PROGRAMME - only the Egyptians (11 cities), Greeks (24 cities) & Indians (15 cities) left in play
    1898 Plastics
    1902 Nuclear Power
    1906 The Laser
    1910 Superconductor
    1914 Fusion Power
    1918 Stealth
    1919 LAUNCH for estimated 1934 landing
    1922 Amphibious Warfare; Stealth Fighter#3
    1923 Port Facility
    1924 Battleship
    1926 Combined Arms; SAM Battery
    1927 Aegis Cruiser#2
    1930 Communism; Marine#3 - I declare myself formally invulnerable
    1931 Egyptians invite me to "Gape in Wonder" at Theology!
    1934 Paratrooper#4; Landing on AC

    I thought that an alternative strategy might lead to faster early growth - so I quickly tried this - result earlier to Colossus & Republic, but strangled by food shortage so behind by AD ... such is life.

    3900 Revolution; Settler joins city
    3850 MONARCHY established
    3650 Warrior #3
    3450 Writing
    3000 Library; Bronze Working
    2500 Literacy
    1950 Mysticism
    1400 Philosophy -> The Republic; Revolution
    1300 COLOSSUS
    1250 REPUBLIC established; disband 2 Warriors into Temple
    1150 Temple
    1100 Start WLCD @ 3
    0950 Stop WLCD @ 6 (food deficit)
    AD 100 size 8

    Edit: Added Civ version, level and corrected typo - just noticed (doh!) if I had delayed Nuclear Fission and gone for Flight that little bit earlier I would have beaten Paul!
    Scouse Git[1]

    "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
    [This message has been edited by Scouse Gits (edited June 23, 2000).]
    "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
    "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


    • #32

      Well done. (That's written in green ink by the way.)

      Noted that silk to wheat. My agricultural management sucked. Did give a minute or two's thought to planning some such move, but to be done late. In the event had so many problems after a while could never give agriculture and growth proper attention. Didn't give an EARLY silk to wheat even a passing thought. (Termly report "could do better").

      Civs fell to the barbs (two barb cities in the top five for quite a little while) and to each other in my game too. I had read the early part of Tom's thread and thought "Oh oh! Not good news!". But then my research didn't fall back. However Tom's subsequent posts seem conclusive. What they suggest (I think?)is that the effect is felt over time, especially if the civs die young.

      In ordinary play I allow regeneration. No particular reason - just never cared enough to change the default probably. Anyway now realise I may have been helping my game.


      • #33
        I thought this was an interesting exercise. I landed in 1943 and made some mistakes, but I think I made some good moves. I kept an incomplete log, but it is a pain to post it, but here are some interesting points.
        I put the settler to sleep, worked the specials, and went writing,literacy,republic. In -2300 went republic and celebrated to size 5. So far, I think this was a good strategy. Map making got me a trireme to get the settler to irrigate and grow to 7. I left the settler there and disbanded the trireme.
        I built GL which was a mistake(I got 5 techs, but I think they slowed me down on what I really needed.) With no supported units, the existing terrain produced 25 shields, so I built caravans at 2 turns each for a long time; I had no problem building the SS at one turn per part. It just took too many turns to get the techs.


        • #34
          I made the same decision - to utilise the trade specials to the full early and delay going over to the ring of land. But, like others, I had the non settlers join the city. Thinking about it your decision to put them to sleep seems better. It was always going to be a long game not a short one.


          • #35
            Again overcompensated for slow tech research and cost me 8 turns end game. Combine that with failing to disband my supported settler after irrigating (I never did use him again and was constantly fighting off famine) and going the economic tech route before i could take advantage of it, and I think I could have gotten an early 20th century landing, if not late 19th century... I might just try it again sometime and try and fix my mistakes. Just read through this thread and maybe I had an advantage playing OCC 12 just a day ago, but I built the UN and, while I only got an alliance with 1 of the 3 living AI, I did get several key techs (feudalism, chivalry) in the dawn of flight, and quite a bit of gold (was able to get 100 every 3 turns for a while out of the Indians), allowing me to get 3 turns/tech instead of 4, and later 4 turns instead of 5, not to mention the ability to dump older techs and get my advances down, especially late in the game. My early showing at republic was wasted by keeping my settlers, and changing my tech focus midstream... Classes are starting up soon, doubt I'll be doing 1 OCC a day much longer

            diety, 2.42
            AC 1961

            monarchy: -3850
            republic: -1550
            democracy: 1620

            colossus: -2000
            copes: 780
            shakes: 1520
            newton: 1770
            darwin: 1862
            apollo: 1922

            size 12: 420
            size 19: 1840
            size 20: 1855
            size 21: 1898

            -3900 hmm, have monarchy, in anarchy... nothing for settlers to do... start mining home square
            -3850 Monarchy (gack! 48 turns and nothing to build?) - join settlers.... warriors should come in to prevent disorder... 8 turns - thats a little better
            -3800 bronze or map...consult high council comes down to i just eliminated my settlers so bronze, warriors
            -3700 warriors
            -3600 warriors
            -3500 warriors
            -3450 bronzeworking, disband warrior (can afford to wait on other 3)
            -3150 barbs take out greeks
            -2950 map making, techs to 13 - lets grow
            -2800 size 3
            -2450 barb uprising in sight, don't see them now - guess they disbanded
            -2400 writing
            -2000 colossus, bump up luxuries
            -1950 WLTKD, lower lux.
            -1900 literacy
            -1750 babylonians taken out by persians
            -1550 republic, revolt
            -1500 heh, always seem to be in anarchy at this council meeting
            -1450 disband warrior for library
            -1400 disband other 2 warriors towards temple
            -1250 buy temple for WL
            -1200 temple, WL
            -1150 size 4
            -1100 size 5, cancel WL
            -875 masonry
            -850 marketplace
            -750 trireme (parks him outside the city as per advice)
            -700 mystism
            -675 WL
            -625 Settlers, cancel WL
            -500 Philosophy, pottery
            -350 start WL
            -325 cancel WL (6)
            -300 city walls, seafaring
            -225 WL
            -200 cancel WL (7)
            -100 harbor, construction
            1 Top 5 Cities 1) Atlantis, 2) Ankara (Barbarian), 3) Athens (barbarian), 4)Persepolis (persian), 5) Babylon (persian)... GL and MPE may not be worth it... (doh, MPE lost)
            40 Trade
            140 aquaduct
            240 mathematics
            320 colliseum, WL
            420 size 12, cancel WL
            440 caravan
            460 sell temple
            480 caravan (hmm, with a trireme, I'll only be able to deliver 4 caravans/turn)
            560 caravan
            580 University
            640 caravan (4)
            700 Another one bites the dust (Greeks)... *bass rhythm in the background * (any restarts?)
            720 caravan (5)
            780 Cope's, Medicine
            880 Banking
            980 Economics
            1060 caravan
            1080 Horseback Riding
            1180 Wheel (simply no money to do anything...)
            1220 caravan
            1280 Theory of Gravity
            1300 caravan (3)
            1380 caravan (4), Engineering
            1460 caravan (5)
            1480 sanitation (should have disbanded second settlers almost 1500 years ago)
            1520 Shakes
            1560 Invention
            1600 Democracy, revolt
            1620 Democracy
            1630 Sewer System, WL
            1650 Bank
            1680 Size 17, cancel WL
            1690 Stock Exchange
            1710 Chemistry
            1720 caravan, disband settler...
            1730 caravan (2)
            1750 caravan (3)
            1754 caravan (4), Warrior code
            1758 caravan (5)
            1762 caravan (6)
            1764 Iron Working
            1766 caravan (7)
            1770 Ikes, disband trireme
            1772 caravan, Navigation
            1776 caravan
            1778 Gunpowder
            1780 caravan
            1784 caravan, Explosives
            1788 caravan
            1790 Metallurgy
            1792 caravan
            1796 caravan (7), Physics
            1798 heh, i'm 4th most powerful, and all i've got is 7 caravans
            1800 caravan (8)
            1802 Magnetism
            1804 caravan
            1808 caravan, Electricity
            1812 Galleon (can do 12/turn, all i need), barb uprising again vanishes from my shores...
            1814 Refrigeration
            1816 Engineers, WL (never understood how the AI can consider an ordinary forest better (or even equal to) silk...)
            1820 supermarket
            1824 Engineers, bridge building, cancel WL (18)
            1828 caravan
            1830 Steam engine
            1832 caravan
            1838 start WL
            1840 caravan, cancel WL (19)
            1844 caravan, Industrialization
            1850 caravan, Communism
            1852 UN (only 3 other civs..., guess no restarts) peace, alliance, 100 gp (indians) for war with persians, peace, feudalism (egyptians)
            1853 caravan, Corporation, share maps (indians)
            1855 caravan, cancel WL (20)
            1857 caravan
            1860 caravan, Steel, 50 gp, polytheism (indians)
            1862 Darwin's Voyage, Combustion, Automobile
            1865 Superhighways
            1866 Electronics, 50 gp (indians, still have 744)
            1867 freight
            1869 freight, Mass Production, 100 gp (indians)
            1871 Factory (hey! no hydro plant option?, well at least I only have 3 more forest railroads to lay down)
            1872 Conscription, Chivalry (indians)
            1875 Leadership, 100 gp (indians)
            1876 power plant (grumble, and only 46 production...)
            1877 49 production (i really need 1/round freights about now...)
            1878 freight, tactics
            1879 100 gold (indians)
            1880 freight
            1881 Machine tools
            1882 freight (production 50 )
            1883 freight
            1884 Miniaturization, 100 gp (indians)
            1885 Offshore platform (66)
            1886 freight
            1887 computers
            1888 research lab
            1889 Mobile Warfare (hmm, not enough food still to grow to 21, already back down to 3/turn techs)
            1890 freight
            1891 freight
            1892 Robotics, 100 gp (indians)
            1893 Manufacturing plant
            1894 freight
            1895 freight (12), Atomic theory, 100 gp (indians)
            1896 freight (going for 21 now while i can still spare the science - will prolly lose an engineer post launch) - should have irrigated a silk...
            1897 freight, Nuclear Fission, going for NP now while i can still get 3/turn (WL)
            1898 freight (15), size 21, cancel WL (can get over 1000 beakers now), 100 gp (indians)
            1899 freight (16)
            1900 freight (17)
            1901 freight (18), Nuclear Power
            1902 freight (19)
            1903 freight (20) (really seems to be helping that the 3 AI's are discovering and trading about the same rate I am discovering, and not going for anything spaceflighty...)
            1904 freight (21), Laser (going for flight now)
            1905 freight (22)
            1906 freight (23)
            1907 freight (24), Flight (784 max - 4 turns, looks like i'll have time to build a miltary pre spaceflight)
            1908 freight (25) (they traded my gifts, back down to 3, barely, will see), 100 gp (indians)
            1909 freight (26)
            1910 freight (27), Radio
            1911 armor, gifted nuclear fission (fingers crossed), computers, and mobile warfare in hopes for 1 more 3 turn tech
            1912 coastal fortress, it worked with 3 beakers to spare should be able to land with 4 turn techs in min time i think
            1913 fighter, Advanced Flight
            1914 fighter
            1917 Rocketry (explored fighter's range now)
            1921 Space Flight (good thing too, 1 round left on wonder shields), Indians cancel alliance
            1922 Apollo Program, sell sewer system (hey! I recognize this map )
            1923 Structural #1
            1924 #2, sell aquaduct
            1925 #3
            1926 #4
            1927 #5 (persians capture barbarian city of Ankara!)
            1928 #6
            1929 #7 Superconductor (looks like didn't need nuclear power or laser pre-flight)
            1930 #8
            1931 #9
            1932 #10
            1933 #11, Fusion Power
            1934 #12 (barbarians rebel! persians capture athens) thats the last of the 4 barb cities i think
            1935 #13
            1936 #14
            1937 #15
            1938 Module #1
            1939 #2
            1940 #3 (352.8 years flight time and fusion powered )
            1941 Prop Component #1 (375.2), Combined Arms
            1942 #2 (397.6)
            1943 #3 (420.0)
            1944 Fuel #4 (40.2) (Amazing what a little fuel will do )
            1945 #5 (22.1 ) (hmm, can't build air bases when you already have a fort...), Steath
            1946 #6 (Launch) (1961AD)
            1949 Espionage
            1953 Amphibious Warfare, Indians threaten to use their mighty non-flying armies to drive out my bored steath bomber
            1955 persians develop flight, grant them all 3 spaceship techs, build battleship for the heck of it
            1959 persians build half a spaceship in about 3 turns
            1961 AC

            April Cantor: Sire, in order to expand further we must first gain favor of the King

            SCG: darn, I've never really got the hang of that tribute thing, guess it will be a long time until i make prince

            *goes off and starts gifting gold and techs*
            Insert witty phrase here


            • #36
              well, win a few, lose a few. I started another game from scratch and got off to a fabulous start. I was way ahead of last game's pace, size 12 by 80AD, getting 2 turn discoveries right after Shake's theater, and then it became 3, then 4, then 5, dispite nearly a 800 beaker production. By the time i got industrialization I was nearly back where I was in the previous game. Built the UN in 1838AD and found out why

              4 AI civs, 3 of them in Despotism because they had no other government techs And even after started dumping techs, nothing happened. They didn't trade On diety level, between 1838 and 1860 I gifted trade to 4 different AI civs. I also had to throw in things like pottery, writing, seafaring, Monarchy, Republic, Democracy and others. I managed to get Alliances with 2 of them, but they would accept 1 gift before they broke off the conversation each turn. I tried to give a different tech to each AI (worked beautifully in the previous game), but I wound up having to give the same stuff over and over. It can be frustrating when you are gifting ancient techs over and over again, especially on diety level, especially in the 1800's AD. Maybe I'll try an early saved game from try #1 sometime, but I'm going to bail on this one since its 1866, still need 7 techs for computers at 4 turns/tech and the AIs are wasting their time researching techs they won't ask for (spent the last 10 turns trying to give both my allies corporation) O well, on to OCC 10 if i can get it in before classes start.

              Edit: fixed bold hopefully
              April Cantor: Sire, in order to expand further we must first gain favor of the King

              SCG: darn, I've never really got the hang of that tribute thing, guess it will be a long time until i make prince

              *goes off and starts gifting gold and techs*
              [This message has been edited by SCG (edited August 17, 2000).]
              Insert witty phrase here


              • #37
                OCC #11

                This is the one scenario you can play again with NO advantage from knowing the world!
                A good way to learn nano-management .
                But much depends on luck . If the AI tribes do better, your science will go significantly faster.
                In my game, unfortunately, the AI tribes did very poorly . They were pestered by Barbarians, our orbital satellites let us see them sending Chariot after Chariot to deal with the red Riflemen and Dragoons ...
                Hence little chance of getting 1 tech per 2 turns or even per 3 after Flight, this despite growing to size 24.

                AC: 1905

                Monarchy: -3850
                Republic: -2250
                Democracy: 1340

                Colossus: -1350
                Copernicus: -175
                Shakespeare: 460
                Newton: 900
                Darwin: 1762
                Hoover: 1782
                SETI: 1826
                Apollo: 1861

                Trade routes: none

                Size 12: 180
                Size 21: 1280

                Trade: -350
                Construction: -825
                Sanitation: 1080
                Refrigeration: 1620

                Automobile: 1762
                Computers: 1824
                Space Flight: 1860
                ================================================== =

                -3850 MONARCHY
                -3800 Warriors
                -3600 Warriors, S2
                -3450 Warriors
                -3050 S3
                -3000 Writing, di Warriors
                -2750 Library
                -2700 Literacy
                -2550 di Warriors
                -2500 Temple
                -2400 The Republic
                -2300 Revolution
                -2250 REPUBLIC, di Warriors
                -2200 We Love
                -2150 S4
                -2100 S5
                -2050 We Love ends
                -2000 Mysticism
                -1950 We Love
                -1900 S6
                -1850 We Love ends
                -1700 Bronze Working
                -1450 Currency
                -1350 COLOSSUS
                -1200 Map Making
                -1150 Trireme, put N-Settlers on ring, di Trireme
                -975 Masonry
                -950 We Love
                -925 Marketplace, S7
                -900 We Love ends
                -825 Construction
                -725 Colosseum, We Love
                -700 S8
                -675 Mathematics, We Love ends
                -525 Astronomy
                -375 (PYRAMIDS - Persians)
                (HANGING GARDENS - Egyptians)
                -350 Trade
                -175 COPERNICUS' OBSERVATORY, Philosophy -> University
                -75 Medicine
                1 University
                20 Warrior Code
                100 We Love
                (GREAT WALL - Egyptians)
                120 Aquaduct, S9
                140 Iron Working, S10
                160 S11
                180 S12
                200 We Love ends
                260 Bridge Building
                280 (LIGHTHOUSE - Persians)
                360 Banking
                440 Sold Collosseum
                460 SHAKESPEARE'S THEATRE, Theory of Gravity, sold Temple
                520 Bank
                540 Horseback Riding
                640 The Wheel
                740 Engineering
                840 Economics
                900 ISAAC NEWTON'S COLLEGE
                920 Pottery
                1000 Stock Exchange, Seafaring
                1060 Harbor
                1080 Sanitation
                1100 We Love
                1120 Sewer System, S13
                1140 S14
                1160 Invention, S15
                1180 Food, S16
                1200 S17
                1220 Gunpowder, S18
                1240 Food, S19
                1260 S20
                1280 Chemistry, S21
                1300 Food, We Love ends
                1340 Democracy, DEMOCRACY
                1360 Trireme, all river squares have roads now (we left 1 forest)
                1380 Explosives
                1400 Engineers, S20, Engineers put on ring, di Trireme
                1440 Food, Metallurgy
                1500 Food, Navigation
                1510 (GREAT LIBRARY - Turks)
                1520 (MAGELLAN'S EXPEDITION - Persians)
                1530 Food, Physics
                1540 Plains into Grassland
                1560 Food, Magnetism
                1590 Food, Electricity
                1600 (ORACLE - Turks)
                1610 Food
                1620 Refrigeration
                1630 Supermarket
                1640 Grassland into Hills
                1650 Steam Engine, Hills mined
                1660 Food
                1670 * Persians destroy Indians *
                1680 Railroad
                1690 Food
                1710 Food, Industrialization
                1730 Factory
                1740 The Corporation
                1750 Transport
                1752 * Turks destroy Greeks *
                1754 Refining
                1760 Steel
                1762 DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> Combustion, Automobile
                1764 Superhighways
                1768 Electronics
                1774 Mass Production, We Love
                (MICHELANGELO'S CHAPEL - Babylonians)
                1776 S21
                1778 S22
                1780 Feudalism, We Love ends
                1782 HOOVER DAM
                1786 Chivalry
                1790 Mass Transit
                1792 Food, Leadership
                1794 Food
                1796 Food
                1798 Food, Conscription
                1800 Food, We Love
                1802 Food, S23
                1804 Food, We Love ends
                1806 Food, Tactics
                1808 Food
                1810 Food
                1812 Food, Machine Tools
                1814 Food
                1816 Food
                1818 Miniaturization
                (ADAM SMITH'S TRADING CO. - Babylonians)
                1820 sold Sewer System
                1822 Offshore Platform, Plains into Grassland
                1824 Computers, Forest into Plains
                1826 SETI PROGRAM (plenty of caravans and no money)
                1828 Food
                1830 Food, Mobile Warfare
                1832 Food
                1834 Food
                1836 Robotics, We Love
                1838 Sewer System, S24, sold Sewer System
                1840 Food, We Love ends , sold Aquaduct
                1842 Food, Flight, Plains into Grassland
                1844 Food
                1846 Food
                1848 Food, Radio
                1852 Manufacturing Plant, Advanced Flight
                1856 Rocketry, Grassland into Hills
                1857 Hills mined
                1859 (STATUE OF LIBERTY - Turks)
                1860 Space Flight
                1861 APOLLO PROGRAM
                So THAT is where to find Atlantis!!
                Barbs hold Athens, Sparta and Pharsalos
                That is what must have slowed them all down
                We have 350 gold and 12 freight
                1862 SSS
                1863 SSS
                1864 SSS, Plastics
                1865 SSS
                1866 SSS
                1867 SSS
                1868 SSS, Atomic Theory, Plains into Grassland
                1869 SSS
                1870 SSS
                1871 SSS
                1872 SSS, Nuclear Fission
                1873 SSS
                1874 SSS
                1875 SSS
                1876 SSS, Nuclear Power
                (WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE - Babylonians)
                1878 SSC
                1880 SSC, The Laser
                1882 SSC
                1884 SSC, Superconductor
                1885 SSM
                1886 SSC, di Engineers, di N-Settlers
                1887 SSM
                1888 Fusion Power
                1889 SSC, di Transport, sold Stock Exchange
                1890 SSM, LAUNCH the "XENA"
                1905 The "XENA" lands on ALPHA CENTAURI

                (Elsewhere, Egyptian Warriors are still exploring the desert ...)

                If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
                A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
                Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


                • #38
                  After abandoning my initial half-hearted attempt, this is my completed game - no undue advantage because of the lack of exploration and contact with the AI civs. The Tom de Mille Effect certainly operated here with the destruction of the Ottoman and Babylonian civs. I was struggling to maintain a science rate of 5 turns at the end game. The slow rate meant the accumulation of lots of caravans/freight which allowed a bypass of the Robotics route, a saving of some 8 turns. Will certainly replay the game in the light of suggestions made so far.

                  2.42 Deity

                  AC: 1933

                  Monarchy: -3850
                  Republic: -225
                  Democracy: 1340

                  Colossus: -1700
                  Copernicus: 220
                  Shakespeare: 580
                  Newton: 1380
                  Darwin: 1776
                  Apollo: 1885

                  Trade routes: -

                  Size 12: -75
                  Size 21: 1060

                  Trade: 200
                  Construction: -825
                  Sanitation: 860
                  Refrigeration: 1754
                  Automobile: 1800
                  Computers: 1861
                  Space Flight: 1884

                  3850 BC Govt Monarchy
                  3800 BC Warrior
                  3550 BC Warrior
                  3450 BC Warrior
                  3250 BC Mapmaking
                  Disband Warrior
                  3150 BC Trireme
                  Disband Trireme after dropping Settler
                  2750 BC Bronze Working
                  2050 BC Writing
                  1700 BC Colossus
                  1500 BC Currency
                  1200 BC Library
                  1050 BC Masonry
                  900 BC Marketplace
                  825 BC Construction
                  775 BC Temple
                  425 BC Colosseum
                  325 BC Republic revolution Govt. Republic
                  Start WLTCD
                  200 BC Aqueduct
                  125 BC Mysticism
                  75 BC Pop: 12 Stop WLTCD

                  AD 1 Maths
                  100 Astronomy
                  200 Philosophy Trade
                  220 Copernicus
                  260 Medicine
                  340 Horseback Riding
                  420 Wheel
                  520 Engineering
                  580 Shakespeare's Theatre
                  640 Pottery
                  Hides Caravan built
                  760 Seafaring
                  780 Ottoman destroyed by Greeks
                  840 Harbor Dye built
                  860 Sanitation
                  880 Sewer System Start WLTCD
                  1000 University
                  1060 Pop: 21 Stop WLTCD
                  1100 Banking
                  1120 University built
                  1140 Babylonians destroyed by Greeks
                  1160 Theory of Gravity
                  1220 Bank
                  1240 Invention
                  1340 Democracy revolution Govt. Democracy
                  1360 Disband Trireme
                  1380 Newton's College
                  1400 Economics
                  1440 Warrior Code
                  1480 Ironworking
                  1510 Gunpowder
                  1530 Chemistry
                  1560 Explosives
                  1590 Bridge Building
                  1620 Navigation
                  1650 Metallurgy
                  1680 Physics
                  1710 Magnetism
                  1740 Electricity
                  1754 Refrigeration
                  1756 2nd Engineer built
                  Disband Trireme
                  1758 Supermarket
                  1760 Steam Engine
                  1766 Railway
                  1774 Industrialization
                  1776 Darwin's Corporation Steel
                  Start WLTPD
                  1782 Max Pop: 21 End WLTPD
                  1784 Refining Sell Sewer System
                  1792 Combustion Sell Aqueduct
                  1800 Automobile
                  1802 Superhighways
                  1806 Electronics
                  1812 Feudalism
                  1818 Chivalry
                  1824 Leadership
                  1832 Mass Production Factory
                  1840 Conscription
                  1853 Machine Tools
                  1855 Power Plant
                  1857 Miniaturization
                  1858 Offshore Platform
                  1861 Computers
                  1862 Research Lab
                  1864 Flight
                  1869 Radio
                  1874 Advanced Flight
                  1879 Rocketry
                  1884 Space Flight
                  1885 Apollo
                  1888 Plastics
                  1892 Atomic Energy
                  1897 Nuclear Fission
                  1902 Nuclear Power
                  1907 Laser
                  1912 Superconductor
                  1917 Disband Settler & Transport
                  1918 Fusion Power
                  Launch 15-3-3-1-1-1 SS
                  1919 Alpine Troops
                  1920 SAM
                  1921 Barracks
                  1922 Alpine Troops
                  1924 Mobile Warfare
                  Nuclear Plant sell Power Plant
                  1926 Mass Transit
                  1027 Barracks
                  1928 Alpine
                  1933 Landed AC

