I could see two ways to proceed: 1) Add my settler to the city and worry about improving the land later. 2) Start researching Map Making, and build a trireme before building the Collosus.
I tried method 2, but then ended up going for a Library before Collosus. I also added the Settler to the city to grow it to size 5 (allowing me to work all 4 specials).
I noticed that Smash, with the same size city as me (size 21), was able to get later research every 3 to 4 turns. Even at 100% science, I was getting them every 5 turns after space flight. Maybe my AIs were further behind in science.
I'm going to test something this morning. I've got a 1740 saved game. I'm going to relaod it, and go straight for Communism after Refrigeration. I'll build United Nations and try to gift all my science to the AIs. We'll see how that will affect the science rate for the end game...
3900BC - switched to Monarchy
3800BC - built warrior
3600BC - built warrior
3250BC - Map Making
3200BC - built trireme
3050BC - built warrior
2600BC - Writing, disband warrior
2450BC - built Library
2250BC - add settler to city (now size 5)
2200BC - Bronze Working
1900BC - Currency
1600BC - Masonry
1300BC - built Colossus
1250BC - Construction
1100BC - built Temple
950BC - Mysticism
900BC - built Marketplace
875BC - begin WLTKD
800BC - Literacy
650BC - built Colosseum, end WLTKD
625BC - Philosophy, The Republic, revolution, switched to The Republic
600BC - begin WLTCD (pop is 5), disband both warriors
500BC - end WLTCD (pop is 8)
475BC - built Aqueduct
450BC - Trade
400BC - built settler
275BC - Pottery, built caravan (now, if I only had an airplane...)
75BC - Seafaring, begin WLTCD (pop is 7)
50BC - built Harbour, disband settler
60AD - end WLTCD (pop is 12)
100AD - Mathematics
220AD - Astronomy
260AD - built Copernicus' Observatory
300AD - University
400AD - Medicine
460AD - built University
500BC - Horseback Riding
600BC - The Wheel
720AD - Engineering
820AD - Sanitation, built Shakeaspeare's Theatre, sell colosseum
840AD - sell temple
860AD - built sewer system, begin WLTCD (pop is 12)
940AD - Banking
1000AD - end WLTCD (pop is 19)
1020AD - built Bank, disband trireme (production is now 20, making rushbuilding caravans easier)
1040AD - Theory of Gravity
1120AD - Economics
1200AD - Invention
1280AD - Democracy, revolution
1320AD - built trireme (remembered that I need a boat to deliver caravans back to city)
1340AD - switched to Democracy
1380AD - built Isaac Newton's College
1400AD - Warrior Code
1420AD - built Stock Exchange
1460AD - Iron Working
1510AD - Gunpowder
1540AD - Chemistry
1570AD - Explosives
1580AD - built Engineer
1600AD - Bridge Building
1610AD - built Engineer, disband (was running out of food)
1630AD - Navigation
1660AD - Physics
1690AD - Magnetism
1720AD - Metallurgy
1750AD - Electricity
1758AD - Refrigeration
1760AD - built Supermarket
1764AD - built Engineer
1766AD - begin WLTPD (pop is 16)
1768AD - Steam Engine
1770AD - end WLTPD (pop is 18)
1776AD - Railroad
1780AD - begin WLTPD (pop is 18)
1782AD - built Darwin's Voyage, Industrialization, The Corporation
1788AD - end WLTPD (pop is 21), sell sewer system
1792AD - Refining, sell aqueduct
1800AD - Steel
1808AD - Combustion
1816AD - Automobile
1818AD - built Superhighways
1822AD - Conscription
1830AD - Feudalism
1836AD - Chivalry
1842AD - Leadership, built factory
1850AD - Tactics
1854AD - Machine Tools, built power plant
1858AD - Electronics
1862AD - Miniturization
1864AD - built offshore platform
1866AD - Mass Production
1870AD - Computers (I'm going to skip robotics because I have production of over 60 and a load of caravans)
1871AD - built Research Lab
1873AD - Flight
1877AD - Radio
1881AD - Advanced Flight
1885AD - Rocketry
1890AD - Space Flight
1891AD - Appollo Program
1895AD - Plastics
1900AD - Atomic Theory
1905AD - Nuclear Fission
1910AD - Nuclear Power
1915AD - The Laser
1923AD - Superconductor
1929AD - Fusion Power, Launch 15-3-3-1-1-1
1944AD - Landing on AC
I tried method 2, but then ended up going for a Library before Collosus. I also added the Settler to the city to grow it to size 5 (allowing me to work all 4 specials).
I noticed that Smash, with the same size city as me (size 21), was able to get later research every 3 to 4 turns. Even at 100% science, I was getting them every 5 turns after space flight. Maybe my AIs were further behind in science.
I'm going to test something this morning. I've got a 1740 saved game. I'm going to relaod it, and go straight for Communism after Refrigeration. I'll build United Nations and try to gift all my science to the AIs. We'll see how that will affect the science rate for the end game...
3900BC - switched to Monarchy
3800BC - built warrior
3600BC - built warrior
3250BC - Map Making
3200BC - built trireme
3050BC - built warrior
2600BC - Writing, disband warrior
2450BC - built Library
2250BC - add settler to city (now size 5)
2200BC - Bronze Working
1900BC - Currency
1600BC - Masonry
1300BC - built Colossus
1250BC - Construction
1100BC - built Temple
950BC - Mysticism
900BC - built Marketplace
875BC - begin WLTKD
800BC - Literacy
650BC - built Colosseum, end WLTKD
625BC - Philosophy, The Republic, revolution, switched to The Republic
600BC - begin WLTCD (pop is 5), disband both warriors
500BC - end WLTCD (pop is 8)
475BC - built Aqueduct
450BC - Trade
400BC - built settler
275BC - Pottery, built caravan (now, if I only had an airplane...)
75BC - Seafaring, begin WLTCD (pop is 7)
50BC - built Harbour, disband settler
60AD - end WLTCD (pop is 12)
100AD - Mathematics
220AD - Astronomy
260AD - built Copernicus' Observatory
300AD - University
400AD - Medicine
460AD - built University
500BC - Horseback Riding
600BC - The Wheel
720AD - Engineering
820AD - Sanitation, built Shakeaspeare's Theatre, sell colosseum
840AD - sell temple
860AD - built sewer system, begin WLTCD (pop is 12)
940AD - Banking
1000AD - end WLTCD (pop is 19)
1020AD - built Bank, disband trireme (production is now 20, making rushbuilding caravans easier)
1040AD - Theory of Gravity
1120AD - Economics
1200AD - Invention
1280AD - Democracy, revolution
1320AD - built trireme (remembered that I need a boat to deliver caravans back to city)
1340AD - switched to Democracy
1380AD - built Isaac Newton's College
1400AD - Warrior Code
1420AD - built Stock Exchange
1460AD - Iron Working
1510AD - Gunpowder
1540AD - Chemistry
1570AD - Explosives
1580AD - built Engineer
1600AD - Bridge Building
1610AD - built Engineer, disband (was running out of food)
1630AD - Navigation
1660AD - Physics
1690AD - Magnetism
1720AD - Metallurgy
1750AD - Electricity
1758AD - Refrigeration
1760AD - built Supermarket
1764AD - built Engineer
1766AD - begin WLTPD (pop is 16)
1768AD - Steam Engine
1770AD - end WLTPD (pop is 18)
1776AD - Railroad
1780AD - begin WLTPD (pop is 18)
1782AD - built Darwin's Voyage, Industrialization, The Corporation
1788AD - end WLTPD (pop is 21), sell sewer system
1792AD - Refining, sell aqueduct
1800AD - Steel
1808AD - Combustion
1816AD - Automobile
1818AD - built Superhighways
1822AD - Conscription
1830AD - Feudalism
1836AD - Chivalry
1842AD - Leadership, built factory
1850AD - Tactics
1854AD - Machine Tools, built power plant
1858AD - Electronics
1862AD - Miniturization
1864AD - built offshore platform
1866AD - Mass Production
1870AD - Computers (I'm going to skip robotics because I have production of over 60 and a load of caravans)
1871AD - built Research Lab
1873AD - Flight
1877AD - Radio
1881AD - Advanced Flight
1885AD - Rocketry
1890AD - Space Flight
1891AD - Appollo Program
1895AD - Plastics
1900AD - Atomic Theory
1905AD - Nuclear Fission
1910AD - Nuclear Power
1915AD - The Laser
1923AD - Superconductor
1929AD - Fusion Power, Launch 15-3-3-1-1-1
1944AD - Landing on AC