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OCC fortnight #14 - discussion and logs
Hey tonic, I think you gave the wrong time to Paul for when you got your city to size 21. Looking at your log, you switched to democracy in 120AD. Might you have reached size 21 in 110AD, not 1100AD?
That was a hairaising game. The Borg and Triffids were at war with me early on. I built 3 archers and saw most of my NONE units killed off by the Triffids. Luckily, they had a couple of their closest cities taken over by my allies, which eased the pressure.
Tom, I just looked through tonic's log and he ended WLTCD at size 20 in 180 AD. I put that date in the log with a remark that he only got to 20.
Oldman, your log says that you launched in 1772 with an eta of 1786, but you gave a landing date of 1837? I assume you made a mistake there, so I put 1787 as your landing date (15 year flight for a 15-3-3-1-1-1 ship launched in 1772).
A good result (for me). I managed to get alliances with most of the AI civs, but spent most of the game at war with the Triffids. Not that they were ever much of a threat. I even managed to take out one of their cities when they tried to put it too close to the bufallo square.
The Daleks disappeared pretty early on (someone must have discovered stairs)
I didn't go after Pottery and none of the AI civs seemed to regard it as a priority so I never built a granary, which might have hindered population growth early on. 3 Engineers and the original spare Settler made life a lot easier trying to get all the squares developed while handling the pollution.
AC 1811 AD
Monarchy 2450 BC
Republic 625 BC
Democracy 220 AD
Colossus 1950 BC
Copernicus 425 BC
Shakespeare 150 BC
Newton 280 AD
Darwin 1080 AD
Apollo 1700 AD
Trade 1 700 BC
Trade 2 625 BC
Trade 3 625 BC
Construction 1000 BC
Sanitation 175 BC
Refrigeration 800 AD
Automobile 1200 AD
Computers 1510 AD
Space Flight 1700 AD
Pop 12 125 BC
Pop 21 960 AD
Pop 24 1160 AD
4000 BC Horsemen (N) (hut)
City founded
3900 BC Treaty with Martians. Give Bronze Working. Alliance
3850 BC Warriors
3750 BC Treaty with Triffids
Barbarians (hut)
3700 BC Give Alphabet to Martians
3450 BC Treaty with Harkonnen. Give Bronze Working. Alliance
Horsemen (N) (hut)
3400 BC Ceremonial Burial
3350 BC Give Ceremonial Burial to Martians, Harkonnen
Treaty with Daleks
2950 BC Map Making from Martians
Give Map Making to Harkonnen. Share maps
Give Map Making to Triffids
Code of Laws (hut)
2900 BC Give Code of Laws to Daleks, Martians, Harkonnen
2650 BC Monarchy. Revolution
2600 BC Exchange Monarchy for Currency with Daleks. Share maps
Give Monarchy to Harkonne
Give Monarchy, Currency to Triffids, Martians
Give Mapmaking to Borg. Treaty
Give Ceremonial Burial, Code of Laws, Currency to Borg. Share maps
2550 BC 100 Gold (hut)
2450 BC Monarchy established
Dalek civilisation destroyed by Martians
2300 BC War with Empire
Penguin civilisation destroyed by Martians (Don't ask!)
2250 BC Russian civilisation destroyed by Barbarians
2150 BC Share maps with Martians. Masonry from Martians
Give Masonry to Borg, Harkonnen, Triffids
Horseback Riding from Harkonnen
1950 BC Colossus
1900 BC Exchange Horseback Riding for Mysticism with Martians
Give Mysticism to Empire. Treaty. Give Monarchy, Masonry, Code of Laws to Empire. Alliance.
Give Mysticism to Borg. Alliance. 25 Gold
Give Mysticism to Triffids
1850 BC Share maps with Empire, Borg, Martians, Harkonnen
1650 BC Writing
1550 BC Library
1450 BC Barb Leader 150 Gold
Give Writing to Empire, Harkonnen, Martians
Exchange Writing for Wheel with Borg. 50 Gold
Give Wheel, Writing to Triffids
1350 BC War with Triffids
1150 BC Temple
1050 BC Trade
1000 BC Exchange Trade for Construction with Martians
Warrior Code from Martians
Give Wheel to Empire. 250 Gold
Give Warrior Code to Borg. 50 Gold
Give Construction to Harkonnen. 100 Gold
850 BC Exchange Trade for Literacy with Borg. 50 Gold
250 Gold from Martians
150 Gold from Empire
775 BC 100 Gold from Martians
100 Gold from Empire
750 BC Colosseum
725 BC Iron Working from Borg
700 BC Hides Caravan to Isandhlwana (Demand)72 Gold
Republic. Revolution
675 BC Aqueduct
625 BC Republic established
Copper Caravan to Pasargadae (Demand) 124 Gold
Silk Caravan to Kells (Demand)216 Gold
600 BC Share maps with Borg. 50 Gold
Share maps with Martians
Give Republic to Harkonnen. 50 Gold
Give Republic to Empire
575 BC Hides Caravan to Seville (Demand) 152 Gold
Pop 8
525 BC Share maps with Harkonnen. 100 Gold
475 BC Pop 12
450 BC WLTCD ends
425 BC Copernicus
400 BC 125 Gold from Martians
75 Gold from Empire
25 gold from Borg
375 BC Gold Caravan to Seville (Demand)336 Gold
275 BC Engineering
175 BC Sanitation
150 BC Sell Colosseum
100 Gold from Harkonnen
125 BC Disband Explorer
Sell Temple
WLTCD Pop 12
75 BC Exchange Sanitation for Pottery with Harkonnen
Give Pottery to Borg
Exchange Sanitation for Bridge Building with Empire.
Give Philosophy, Trade to Empire. 150 Gold
Give Sanitation to Martians. 250 Gold
Share maps with Harkonnen, Borg
50 BC University advance
1 AD 150 Gold from Martians.
150 Gold from Empire
Exchange Philosophy for Banking with Borg. 50 Gold
20 AD University
40 AD Theory of Gravity
60 AD Bank
WLTCD ends Pop 18
80 AD Empire ends Alliance
100 AD Invention
180 AD Democracy. Revolution
220 AD Democracy established
Wine Caravan to Uppsala (Demand)187 Gold
260 AD Economics
280 AD Newton
300 AD Gunpowder
320 AD Stock Exchange
340 AD Chemistry
360 AD 200 Gold from Martians
Exchange Gunpowder for Seafaring with Harkonnen. 150 Gold
50 Gold from Borg
380 AD Disband Warriors
400 AD Disband Warriors
440 AD Metallurgy
480 AD Engineers
500 AD Navigation
520 AD Engineers
560 AD Engineers
620 AD Conscription
680 AD Magnetism
740 AD Electricity
760 AD 250 Gold from Martians
50 Gold from Borg
100 Gold from Harkonnen
800 AD WLTPD Pop 15
820 AD Supermarket
880 AD Steam Engine
900 AD Dye Caravan to Hlobane (Demand) 126 Gold
940 AD Gold Caravan to Seville (Demand) 240 Gold
960 AD Pop 21
980 AD Coal Caravan to Ulundi 61 Gold
1000 AD Industrialisation
1060 AD Corporation
1080 AD Darwin
1160 AD WLTPD ends Pop 24
1200 AD 100 Gold from Harkonnen
200 Gold from Martians
25 Gold from Borg
Exchange Railroad for Chivalry, Navigation for Feudalism with Empire
1220 AD Automobile
1240 AD Superhighways
1260 AD Dye Freight to Passargadae (Demand) 272 Gold
1280 AD Factory
1300 AD Mass Production
1320 AD Hydro Plant
1340 AD Leadership
1380 AD Tactics
1420 AD Machine Tools
1460 AD Sell Sewer
1480 AD Sell Aqueduct
1500 AD Cloth Freight to Aleppo (Demand) 362 Gold
1510 AD Computers
Research Lab
1530 AD Mobile Warfare
1550 AD Robotics
1560 AD 50 Gold from Borg
Manufacturing Plant
1570 AD Alliance with Martians ends
1600 AD Radio
1630 AD 200 Gold from Harkonnen
Advanced Flight
1660 AD Rocketry
1690 AD Space Flight
1700 AD Apollo
1720 AD Plastics
1750 AD Atomic Theory
1756 AD Nuclear Fission
1762 AD Nuclear Power
1764 AD Treaty with Triffids
1768 AD Laser
1774 AD Superconductor
1780 AD Fusion Power
1782 AD Sell Research Lab
1784 AD Sell University
1794 Launch 15-3-3-1-1-1
1811 AD AC
I can confirm Paul's observation - the best I could get was also 2 turns per discovery. But being able to have a long patch of 2 turns is better than to have some 1 turns sandwiched between long 4- or 5-turn ones ie the average counts for more. I have to confess I have never learnt the "secret of the ONE".
Paul, yeah i noticed the dicrepancy with my landing date!!! i saved it in 1786, ended turn and then it landed the turn after, so my mistake!!
Are you looking for a scenario for occ15, or do you have one already? i've got one i might be able to finish for monday...
"There are not more than 5 musical notes..." - Sun Tzu
...and we build an Academy for this guy... :confused:
seemed pretty straight forward, loved the names, wish i would have remembered the city.txt file. Personal record, 1879 landing. still rather confused about how diplomacy works - i kept accepting money from my allies to go to war, and next thing I know, I had a dispicable rating. did manage to get 3 alliances, keep 2 until launch, and 1 throughout. stopped contacting them after industrialization though. never could get anything out of the Borg and they were the ones that most often had the new techs I wanted to trade for (mystism, construction etc), generally had to do the discovering on my own. Probably should have traded a little less initially
Diety, 2.42
AC 1879
monachy: -2050
republic: -325
democracy: 780
colossus: -1900
copes: 240
shakes: 580
isaac: 820
darwin: 1340
apollo: 1826
trade routes: -725, -675, -575
construction: -25
sanitation: 460
refrigeration: 1380
automobile: 1720
computers: 1782
space flight: 1824
-4000 hut - charriot, Babylon 5 founded
-3850 hut - barb legion (ran off)
-3800 warrior
-3750 code of laws, hut, NON horseman,
-3700 alliance with Martians, bronze for ceremonial burial
-3550 warrior
-3450 size 2, peace with Harkonians
-3350 peace with Daleks
-3200 peace with Triffids
-3150 code of laws, hut - NON chariot
-3000 peace with empire, code of laws for pottery
-2950 size 3, peace with Borg, warrior code for bronze
-2900 currency for warrior code, gift other tech
-2850 (#7 in happiness!) gift techs to martians
-2750 gift techs to borg
-2700 hut, 50 gold
-2650 celebrate WLTDD
-2550 warrior code for map making, gift techs and alliance (harkonians)
-2500 empire destroys chariot
-2200 monarchy, revolt
-2050 Monarchy formed!
-2000 WLTKD, harkonian gifts 100g, war with borg, iron working, 100 gold from martians
-1950 size 4, gift techs, get alliance 100 gold from Triffids
-1900 colossus
-1600 marketplace, 50 gold from martians, wheel from triffids
-1500 writing
-1250 library
-1050 trade, size 5
-1000 temple
-975 50 gold from triffids, 150 gold and horsebackriding from harkonians, 150 gold from martians
-950 caravan (copper)
-850 caravan (hides)
-800 caravan (hides)
-750 100 gold from triffids
-725 copper to Ulundi (demanded) forgot the cities.txt
-700 mystism, caravan (gold), size 6
-675 hides to bokara (undemanded)
-600 caravan (hides)
-575 silk caravan to bapedi (undemanded)
-550 literacy
-525 hides to Arbela (undemanded) daleks break cease fire,gold caravan killed - was almost to demanded city too
-500 caravan (gold)
-450 caravan
-425 150 gold from martians
-400 philosophy, republic, revolt
-350 hides to ulundi polythiesm, 150 gold from harkonians
-325 caravan, republic
-300, legion, WL
-275 granary (needed 1 in both my other games, so...) size 7
-250 caravan, cancel WL
-225 diplomat, size 8
-200 caravan
-150 masonry, caravan, cease fire with borg, 75 gold from martians, 25 gold from harkonians, 100 from triffids
-50 gold to seville (demanded)
-25 construction (finally!), city walls
20 triffids cancel alliance, WL, aquaduct
40 colosseum, 150 gold from martians
100 caravan (wine)
140 mathmatics
200 wine to ulundi (demanded)
220 Astronomy
240 Cope's! bridgebuilding, 100 gold from martians, 50 gold from harkonians
300 caravan (copper), medicine (i'm not the smallest civ! - daleks are #7)
340 caravan
360 100 gold from harkonians
380 caravan
400 coal to Isandhlwana (undemanded),
420 caravan
440 University, copper to bokara (demanded)
460 university, Sanitation
480 caravan, banking from martians
540 sanitation
560 sewer system, WL
580 sell colisseum, Skakespeares
600 25 gold from harkonians, sell temple
620 caravan, theory of gravity
680 caravan,cancel WL (18)
720 caravan, invention, 200 gold from martians,
760 caravan
780 Democracy, revolt, Democracy formed (woowoo!)
800 caravan, 450 gold from martians, war with empire, WL
820 Isaac's
840 gunpowder (hmm reputation is poor?), 50 gold from harkonians (doh, should have contacted martians 1st (GL))
860 21, cancel WL (food deficit) turned down 350 gold from borg for war on harkonians...
880 gunpowder to triffids to keep peace, reputation back to dishonorable...
920 bank, economics, copper to allepo (demanded), feudalsim, monotheism, 150 gold from martians (may accept next chance for war on harkonians, they take 1 gift and shut off the conversation...)
960 stock exchange, chemistry
1000 caravan, 400 from martians for war on triffids
1020 explosives
1040 engineers
1060 heh, daleks demand 850 gold and have less military might than me
1080 engineers, metalurgy
1100 gift to martians, no gold
1120 tons o gifts to harkonians, 50 gold, seafaring... forgot to buy caravan
1160 navigation, dye to Carmarthen (demanded)
1180 caravan
1200 physics
1240 caravan
1260 caravan, steam engine
1280 caravan
1320 caravan, railroad
1340 Darwins, magnetism, electricity. 50 gold, conscription from martians,
1360 gold to Mars (undemanded)
1380 caravan,refrigeration
1420 supermarket
1460 caravan, industrialization
1480 WL
1500 caravan, 50 gold from harkonians
1520 cease fire with triffids, caravan
1530 corporation
1540 war with daleks and triffid, freight, dye to ulundi, rep to despicable
1560 caravan
1580 factory, cancel WL (26)
1590 diplomat
1600 Combustion
1610 chivalry, 50 gold from martians
1630 freight
1640 freight,combustion, sneak attack by empire
1650 freight
1660 freight
1670 freight
1680 freight, Steel
1690 freight
1700 freight
1710 freight
1720 freight, automobile
1730 Superhighways
1740 freight
1750 freight, mass production
1752 freight
1754 freight
1756 freight, Leadership
1758 freight
1760 freight
1762 freight, tactics
1764 freight
1766 freight
1768 freight, Machine tools
1770 freight
1772 freight
1774 freight, sneak attacck by triffids, miniturization
1776 freight,engineers lost
1778 engineers, WL
1780 freight
1782 computers, alpine troops
1784 research lab
1788 mobile warfare, cathedral, sell cathedral,
1790 freight
1792 freight
1794 freight, robotics
1796 Manf. plant
1798 howitzer
1800 armor, flight
1802 freight
1804 freight
1806 freight, radio
1808 freight
1810 freight
1812 freight
1816 rocketry
1824 Space Flight
1826 Apollo's (wierd, goody hut right beside Mars, plus lots of others along the poles and international date line)
1828 start structurals
1830 plastics
1846 nuclear fission
1852 Nuclear power
1853 15th structural
1854 start components
1856 Laser
1858 odd, peace treaty forced without even a dialog window... no UN yet
1859 ack, 1 more round for superconductor, and only modules left to build...
1863 and again, 1 round short on fusion power
1864 fusion power, launch
....weapons and techs....
1879 AC!
April Cantor: Sire, in order to expand further we must first gain favor of the King
SCG: darn, I've never really got the hang of that tribute thing, guess it will be a long time until i make prince
*goes off and starts gifting gold and techs*Insert witty phrase here
OCC #14
By building the Eiffel Tower we hoped the AI tribes would like us better, but apparently they didn't care much about their own reputation! It was not safe in the middle.
Sending caravans to many different AI cities seemed to help their development AND sprang many new trade opportunities, or so it seemed. We got a few extra techs, and a lot of gold went around but much of the gifts cancelled out. Four NONE Settlers barely got the difficult terrain optimized in time.
When the map was revealed, we could admire the handywork - it looked familiar, somehow reminded us of something ....?
================================================== ==============
AC: 1536
Monarchy: -2850
Republic: -925
Democracy: -25
Colossus: -2150
H' Gardens: -1600
Copernicus: -525
Shakespeare: -175
Newton: 20
Leonardo: 200
Eiffel: 400
Darwin: 720
Apollo: 1100
Trade routes: -975, -950, -875
Size 12: -725
Size 20: 40
Size 31: 940
Trade: -1350
Construction: -1100
Sanitation: -200
Refrigeration: 320
Automobile: 660
Computers: 840
Space Flight: 1080
-4000 (Bronze Working), 50(h), EARTH
-3850 Alphabet, 100(h)after 2xGibraltar
-3800 Warriors
-3700 Triffids, Peace, no Ally, trade ot tribute
-3650 50(h)
-3550 Writing, 50(h) - where are the NONE units??
-3500 Library
-3450 Daleks, Writing->D, Peace, nothing
-3350 N-Archers(h) - ah!
-3300 N-Horsemen(h)
-3250 Martians, traded for Ceremonial Burial (they also have Horseback Riding), Peace, 2 techs->M, Ally for War(D) -> Excellent, Kronos blocks pass
-3100 1 tech-> Cease Fire(D)
-3050 S2 (took our time, using the Gold), traded for Code of Laws(T)
-3000 1 tech->D
-2850 Monarchy, MONARCHY, now going for growth, while mining the Fruit
-2800 Traded for Horseback Riding(T), 100-> for Ally(T), 150<-T
-2700 Empire, Traded for Currency, Map Making, Pottery and Warrior Code, Peace, 1 tech -> Ally(E), 100
-2650 50(h), 4,6,4 techs->T,M,D, Maps, Peace(D), 50,25 <-M,D, we are getting awfuly rich
-2550 S3, N-Horsemen(h), Borgs, traded for The Wheel, Peace, 7 techs-> Ally(B), 100
-2450 1 tech->M, 50, Barb Archers, Martians take Mondak(D)
-2350 Harkonnens, demand 150 -> War(H)
-2150 COLOSSUS, S4, Barb Leader(150), Fruit into Silk
-1950 Temple, Mysticism(156) - hmmm, nothing to build - oh well, starting Hanging Gardens
-1900 Traded for Seafaring(E), 100->E to keep alliance, 250<-E as gift
-1850 Traded for Literacy(M), 100->M to keep alliance, 75<-M as gift
-1800 Traded for Masonry(D), 100, 212->T to keep alliance, 5 techs->T, Maps, 250 as gift
- this is becoming ridiculous
-1750 50->B te keep alliance, 4 techs->B, Maps, 100 as gift- getting good at this!
-1700 50(h) - what else is new - bah, northpole is broken
-1650 Disbanded Warriors, rush-buying HG to dump money -> 1 tech-> for Cease Fire(H), 9 techs->H, Maps - they have Elephants
-1600 HANGING GARDENS, We Love, 1 tech->M, 150
- what now to build?
-1500 100->B, 2 techs->B, 150
-1450 Diplomat
-1350 Trade, 1 tech->D (hostile)
-1300 Hides, bribed D->NONE Settlers(176) - they were way out
-1250 1 tech->E, 50
-1200 Wine
-1150 1 tech->B, 150
-1100 Coal, 1 tech->T, Construction<-T
-1000 Silk, Explorer guiding Caravans over narrow landbridge
-975 Hides to Athens (d,96)
-950 Hides, Coal to Moscow (42)
-925 The Republic, REPUBLIC, 1 tech->E, 100
-900 Hides, S5, 124->M, 1 tech->M, 300
-875 S6, Wine to Kronos (d,140)
-850 Gold, S7
-825 Banking, S8
-800 Aquaduct, S9, disbanded N-Horsemen
-775 Bank, S10, 1 tech->T, 150, 250->H
, traded for Iron Working and Philosophy, 5,4 techs->D,E, 200<-E
, Hides to Athens (d,156), 190->B, 4 techs->B, 150
, di N-Horsemen, 4 techs->M
-750 S11, Colosseum
-725 S12, Hides to Athens (d,172), Silk to Spirodon (d,360), sold Colosseum
-700 Cloth, We Love ends, 1 tech->H
-675 Mathematics, Silk to Sporodon (d,360), Hides to Athens (d,172)
-650 Wine, Astromomy, Borg demand 402, no! -> Alliance(B) ends, Traded for Engineering(T), T demand 402, no! -> Alliance(T) ends
-600 Food
-575 Gold to F=ma (d,402)
-550 Food, University, Gold mined
-525 COPERNICUS' OBSERVATORY, 136->E, 4 techs->E, Maps, 150, bribed E->NONE Settlers(244), 4 techs->M, 75
, Peace(D), 3 techs->D, 4 techs->H, Peace, Ally(H), Maps
-500 War(D) as demanded by Martians, 50, colth to Mondas (d,274)
-475 University, Economics, 5 techs->B,T
-450 Br E->NONE Warriors(42), Wine to Kronos (d,234)
-425 Stock Exchange, br M->NONE Trireme (91), Harkonnens take Moscow
-400 Bridge Building
-375 Coal, Triffids liberate Moscow
-325 Food, Moscow is gone!
-300 Medicine, 3,2 techs->D,B, Cease Fire(D), 141->M, 3 techs->M, Maps, 150
-275 Food
-250 3 techs->E, 75, 2 techs->H, Polytheism
-225 Food, Empire: GREAT LIBRARY
-200 Sanitation, 1 tech->M, 125, 2 techs->D, Maps
-150 We Love, Coal to Collective (178) - hey! big wall of mountains
, 3,1 techs->T,H, 50<-H
-125 Sewer System, Theory of Gravity, S13, traded for Invention(M), 75, 1 tech->H, 100
-100 Food, S14, N-Horsemen(h)
-75 Food, S15, 2 techs->D, War(D) as demanded by Martians (D Elephant was coming our way), 1 tech->M, 150, D Elephant killed
-50 Food, S16
-25 Food, Democracy, DEMOCRACY, S17, 1 tech->E,M,H, 150,50,-
1 S18
40 Gold, Gunpowder, S20, 50(h)
60 We Love ends
80 Food, Chemistry, traded for Navigation (E), 1 tech->E 100
100 N-Musketeers(h)
120 Explosives
140 1 tech->E, 100, traded for Feudalism(T), 6 techs->T,B, Maps, 5 techs->H, Maps, gift? -> worshipful Alliance(H) ends
, 5 techs->M, Maps, 150
160 Physics
180 1,8 techs->B,D, Maps(D)
200 LEONARDO'S WORKSHOP, Magnetism, 1 tech->E,M, 50,150, Gold to y=mx+c (d,213)
240 Cloth, Metallurgy, Barb Elephant
280 Food, Electricity
320 Food, Refrigeration, Jungle into Grassland(s)
340 Barb Leader(150), 100(h), Borg take Death Star
360 Supermarket, Cloth to New York (d,245)
380 We Love, we are Questionable
400 EIFFEL TOWER -> Excellent, Railroad, S21, 6,5,7 techs->D,B,T, Maps, Ally(T) for War(H), 150
420 S22, beaker req jumping up and down, 300->M
, 6,4 techs->M,E, Maps, 100,50
440 Gold, Industrialization
460 S23, Hills into Plains, 1 tech->D, Ally(D), Maps, no gift, 1 tech->B,T, Alliance(T) ends, Cease Fire(H) for War(T), 8 techs->H, 1 tech->B, 50
480 Cloth, The Corporation, We Love ends
500 1 tech->M, 100
520 Factory, Refining, 2 techs->B
560 Electronics, 2,2,3,1,3,3 techs->M,D,E,B,H,T, Peace(T), Gold to Coruscant (d,300), Cloth to s=ut+att (d,217)
580 Hydroplant -> 52 shields, Steel
600 Gems
620 Oil, Combustion, traded for Chivalry(M), 1,4,2,2,3,3 techs->M,D,E,B,H,T, Maps(D,H,T), 50<-D, Peace(H), Barb Leader (150), Martians: SUN TZU'S WAR ACADEMY
660 Automobile
680 Superhighways
700 Mass Production, 1 tech->D,M,E, 50,50,50, 2 techs->B, Ally(B) for Alliance ends(E), 25
, disbanded N-Explorer, N-Musketeers, sold Temple
720 DARWIN'S VOYAGE (had to race for it) -> Leadership, Conscription, Barb Leader (150), 1 tech->D,M, 25,150
740 Cloth, Tactics, 1 tech->D, 50, Gems to Mars (d,620)
760 Miniaturization, H->NONE Engineers #4 (632), 1 tech->D, 50, Borgs: MAGELLAN'S EXPEDITION
780 Mass Transit, We Love, 1 tech->D, 100
, Alliance(M) ends, 1 tech->E,B, Alliance(B) ends, 6,5 techs->H,T Peace(H), T Sneak, kill Diplomat
800 Food, Miniaturization, S24, Hills into Plains, 2,1 techs->D,H
820 Food, S25
840 Computers, S26, Oil to Mars (205)
860 Research Lab, Mobile Warfare, S27, Cloth to Mondas (d,445), Borg: ADAM SMITH'S TRADING CO.
880 Robotics, S28
900 S29
920 Barracks, Flight, S30, di N-Knights
940 Armor, S31, sold Sewer System
960 Radio, We Love ends, sold Aquaduct
980 Harkonnen: WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE
1000 Advanced Flight
1040 Rocketry
1080 Space Flight
1100 APOLLO PROGRAM, we make 77 shields
1120 S01, Plastics, Plains/r into Grassland/r, Empire won't trade for Atomic Theory
1140 S02, still nada, Daleks: Flight, big difference in beaker req!
1160 S03, Atomic Theory
1180 S04, T Destroyer, "Daleks get Radio from Martians"
1200 S05, Plains/r into Hills/r, mined -> 85 shields (finally!), T Destroyer
1220 S06
1240 S07, Nuclear Power, Advanced Flight->D, 100
1260 S08, beaker req way up
1280 S09, The Laser, Martians: HOOVER DAM
1300 S10, Borg: UNITED NATIONS
1320 S11, Superconductor, 2 T Artillery
1340 S12
1360 S13, Fusion Power, T Cavalry/Diplomat
1380 S14, T Marines
1400 S15
1420 C01
1440 C02
1460 M01, T Fighter
1480 M02
1500 M03, LAUNCH 15-1-1-1-1-1
1501 Armor, Recycling
1502 Armor
1503 Armor, Environmentalism, Martians sneak (Elephant under our armor) -> Daleks declare War on Martians
1504 City Walls, T Diplomat
1506 Airport, Stealth, traded for Communism and Monotheism(B), Cease Fire(T), Peace(M), traded Superconductor for Amphibious Warfare(D), last Alliance(D) ends
1507 Stealth Fighter, Harkonnen sneak and kill N-Transport
1508 H Cruiser
1509 SAM Missile Battery, Genetic Engineering
1510 H Alpine Troops
1512 Theology, 1 tech->T, Peace
1514 JS BACH'S CATHEDRAL, Triffids sneak Cruiser kills N-Engineers
1515 Future Tech 1, 2 T Cruisers, T Engineers, traded Rocketry for Fundamentalism(B), sold Hydroplant
1516 Solar Plant
1517 T Cruiser, T Marines
1518 Future Tech 2, T Bomber kills N-Musketeers
1519 T Bomber, 2 T Fighters, T Alpine Troops, Daleks sneak Bomber kills Armor
1520 D Bomber
1521 Stealth Fighter, Future Tech 3, D Alpine Troops, D Artillery
1522 T Alp, D Riflemen
1523 D Alp
1524 Future Tech 4, D Armor, D Dip, T Alp, H Bomber
1526 Future Tech 5, D Alp, H Fighter, T Bomber
1528 T Cruiser, Mar, Art, Alp, H Fighter, Alp
1529 Future Tech 6, D Alp, Art, Vortis destroyed
1530 H Alp, Caladan destroyed, Peace(D), sold Research Lab
1531 SETI PROGRAM, T Alp, Mar, Fighter, Alp
1532 Future Tech 7
1533 T Alp, Art, H Bomber
1534 Dis Armor, 2 N-Engineers
1535 CURE FOR CANCER, Future Tech 8, T Alp, Mar, Alp, Rif
1536 Alpha Centauri
Score: 475 (61%)
If you have no feet, don't walk on fireA horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute