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space race with minimum cities-strategies-

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  • #61

    I think you have to look over your early science path. Copernicu's Observatory should be built before the Theatre. The earlier the beakers start accumulating the better. Go for astronomy before medecine (doesn't astronomy come earlier anyway?). I haven't had any trouble getting both.

    Initially happiness isn't a problem (even without HG), ST is not needed until later. Building a colosseum seems like overkill. I build a temple and let some of the NONE units take care of unhappiness (monarchy is my first goal) until I have ST.

    The thing I like most about ST in this type of game, is the ability to set the luxuries' rate to zero after "we love the president"-days without causing unhappiness.

    About the science wonders: didn't Ming do it without the Colossus his first time? If we are talking about landing on AC asap, all three are needed.


    If you were cheated, what do you call this? (Don't tell me, I don't want to know!)

    In a three city game I launched a ship, estimated to arrive in 2009 (like Bird, I can hear some chuckles!). Feeling confident I didn't pay much attention to the game. Turns out the Japanese launch a faster ship, arriving that very same year.

    The years go by, 2009 pops up and the Japanese ship lands before mine. ARGHHH... Talk about defeat! Should have chosen the Romans (I think I played as the Spanish).



    • #62
      Carolus: My post wasn't very clear. I have been building Copernicus first, choosing that over KRC, but usually get medicine during the process or already have it. Then, even if KRC is still available, and it sometimes isn't, I build ST. By then, KRC has always been built. KRC clearly cannot have priority over ST, but I was wondering whether it should have priority over Copernicus. I didn't think it should, and based on the comments from the pros, it's pretty clear that it shouldn't.

      By the way, in my current game I switched to 7 civs (from 5) and it makes a HUGE difference. I'm not sure I'll win because the city is growing too slowly (good defensive location, but too many plains, no grasslands), but the money coming in from tribute is much greater.
      "I think the advantages by the proposal which I have made are obvious and many, as well as of the highest importance."
      Jonathan Swift


      • #63
        Just for the record, my 1953 run was done without the Colossus. and to which takes precedence betweem the observatory and ST. Which ever one is available first. You have to have them both. It all depends on which sciences you are allowed to choose from. I would prefer the observatory first but sometimes I get locked out of that path.
        It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
        RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #64
          Sounds like I'll have to work on trade more. I do like those wine hills.
          For those of you who like tribute, get an alliance early with a civ that is likely to grow. You can ask for gifts for a long time after you go to republic/democracy. A neighbor civ is good because you get a warning before the inevitable sneak attack.


          • #65
            That record will fall if it's the last thing I do.
            (insert music from any Rocky movie)
            Keep on Civin'
            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • #66

              KRC is really "just" an early factory. I agree with you about the ranking of these three wonders, KRC has the lowest priority in my book (in this type of game).

              About the science path: after philosophy astronomy is just around the corner more often than not. If I get medecine first and start on ST, and discover astronomy while building it, I would switch with one exception: if other civs are also building ST.



              • #67
                Two gold, one whale and a fur did the trick.
                HEY RAH... 1942! Read it and weep.
                I know this can be beat... but I was pleased with the outcome. None of the other civs were even close in science.
                Col, ST, Corn, Issac, LW, SOL, UN and Apollo were all that were needed. The best was, I got electricity one turn after the GL was built... he he he.

                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • #68
                  Sh*t, If I only could have posted 10 minutes earlier. My spaceship is away and talk about twins, it's scheduled to land in 1942. I guess we will momentarily share the record. The ship has no fusion drive or it would have landed in the thirties, so I know it can be beat. But I'm satisfied with my effort so it's time to move on to despotism. My wonder list matches Ming's (what a surprise) My specials were slightly different, two wheats a silk and a whine. (excuse me that was wine) Well done Ming, and I didn't weep for long, (all of about one nanosecond) My kingdom for a fusion drive.
                  It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                  RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • #69
                    Man, talk about twins...
                    I'm still satisfied for now. On to the despotism challange. I'll try the one city challange again when somebody beats 1942. I think the roaring 20's is possible, but it is indeed time for a new challange.
                    Keep on Civin'
                    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • #70
                      Ming and RAH: congrats to both of you. I'm going to miss the taunting, however. (Are you both sure you can accept this equal status?)

                      Ming, I can't recall ever seen two gold together, much less with two other specials like that. How many restarts did it take to get that combo?
                      "I think the advantages by the proposal which I have made are obvious and many, as well as of the highest importance."
                      Jonathan Swift


                      • #71
                        ming/rah: congratulations.
                        Question: Why do you feel SOL and UN were important? In what way did they speed the launch? Also what type world and barbarians?


                        • #72
                          Both SOL and UN are key to mine and Rahs strategy. SOL allows you to drop out of democracy for a turn, and demand tribute. The next turn, you are back in Democracy without any of that anarchy stuff. You only miss one turn of science this way. Second, the UN is also key. Later in the game I hate dropping out of democracy for even a turn because of the science lost. UN allows you to stay in democracy. Check with a small civ at the beginning of the turn and see if the hawks are in power. If they are, you can talk to the powerful civs and deny the cease fire, and they will then offer money. Without UN, you can't do this, and you must drop out of Democracy. After a few turns, they will sneak attack... repeat process.
                          Money is key to our strategy. You basically buy the space craft.
                          And again, small world, 7 civs (if they all appear), and restless for the barbs.
                          And Bird... in small worlds, you sometimes get a ton of mountains. In these cases, two gold happen all the time. I did indeed reset many times after checking out the space around me... For this one, I found this location after about 6 turns.
                          As far as equal goes... it beats being a loser. And I really want to try the despotism challange now. So this can wait until somebody beats us.
                          Keep on Civin'
                          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • #73
                            This one city thing is very interesting.
                            I am by no means an expert player. It's 1957
                            and I have survived, for me that's good.
                            I also have HG, GL, ST, CO and Leo.
                            A temple, library, granery, marketplace, citywalls and colosseum.
                            I had a great start, on a river(7 river
                            squares, 5 hills and a mountain, mixed plains and grass, no specials).
                            I got a lot of techs early from huts but only one archer. The saving grace was getting gunpowder before everyone else. Really amazing to see the Zulus attack my mountain fortified veteran musketeer. I am in a constant state of war with 2 of the 3 other civs(I set 7 but only know of 3 others besides me), I allied with the Persians early and so far it has been a beneficial alliance.
                            I tried demanding tribute but all I got was war. I don't think anyone's getting to AC in this game. Not enough science, soon enough.
                            But it's been fun and the first game I've played in 6 months.


                            • #74
                              Nakin Tames,
                              Should've sold the temple & colosseum if you have ST.

                              I think many river squares help. You can make mini-special squares on rivers-forest, hills. Not that I can judge. Every time I think I'm about to win, I get attacked on multiple sides, delaying my spaceship production until too late.
                              I'm consitently stupid- Japher
                              I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


                              • #75
                                AARGH !!!
                                After a lot of attempts I managed to do it in 1949and I thought it was a new record.
                                Then This morning (I haven't check this thread for a while) I'm ready to post it
                                and now I have just realized that Ming and Rah scored a new record.
                                Well, I'll try to beat them at despotism challange...

