I think that the theoretical high score could be even higher. If you manage to destroy a lot of civilizations early in the game, you recieve more bonus points from a world conquest victory than the maximum 400 for a SS win.
I'm not sure about the exact scores for destroying a civ. But a quick test that I just did, killing all civs before 3000 BC, including several new ones that sprung up, gave already a bonus of 1705 points. Killing all except for one and changing the game year to 2019 still gave a bonus of a bit more than 1000 points.
It would be interesting to hear from somebody with more knowledge of the points given for a military victory what the max amount of bonus is. I have no idea what the possible highest bonus could be, or even if I'm overlooking something here.
Hasdrubal's Home.
Ceterum censeo Romam esse delendam.
I'm not sure about the exact scores for destroying a civ. But a quick test that I just did, killing all civs before 3000 BC, including several new ones that sprung up, gave already a bonus of 1705 points. Killing all except for one and changing the game year to 2019 still gave a bonus of a bit more than 1000 points.
It would be interesting to hear from somebody with more knowledge of the points given for a military victory what the max amount of bonus is. I have no idea what the possible highest bonus could be, or even if I'm overlooking something here.

Hasdrubal's Home.
Ceterum censeo Romam esse delendam.