Hi War4ever and Sieve Too,
Gentlemen, it may be that the difference in our experiences lies in the fact that you two probably, habitually, battle in the upper echelons of Civ, while chicken -hearted I, mostly play Chieftain (can't win there, either!)
I dunno how it was in the long -gone days (1400 B.C. ?)since you played at that lowly level, but I tell you that weird things are happening there, today. I KNOW that riflemen, and ironclads are supposed to out-perform musketeers, and heartily wish that they would, in my games, me, being the by-the-book
tactician that I am (I should sign myself under the truly unique monniker of "He-Who-Reads-Manuals"!), but, in view of your remarks about your experiences - and I look forward to sharing them, when I graduate to Warlord, and upward, and onward ( 2700 A.D.?) - I felt that I had to let fellow - Chieftain players know that there were other possibilities inherent in the Chietain game, in which, it seems to me, that anything zany can happen...e.g. a caravan besting a naval unit - and being awarded veteran status for it! This really happened to me, at the Chieftain level.
[This message has been edited by George Garrett (edited March 22, 2000).]
Gentlemen, it may be that the difference in our experiences lies in the fact that you two probably, habitually, battle in the upper echelons of Civ, while chicken -hearted I, mostly play Chieftain (can't win there, either!)
I dunno how it was in the long -gone days (1400 B.C. ?)since you played at that lowly level, but I tell you that weird things are happening there, today. I KNOW that riflemen, and ironclads are supposed to out-perform musketeers, and heartily wish that they would, in my games, me, being the by-the-book
tactician that I am (I should sign myself under the truly unique monniker of "He-Who-Reads-Manuals"!), but, in view of your remarks about your experiences - and I look forward to sharing them, when I graduate to Warlord, and upward, and onward ( 2700 A.D.?) - I felt that I had to let fellow - Chieftain players know that there were other possibilities inherent in the Chietain game, in which, it seems to me, that anything zany can happen...e.g. a caravan besting a naval unit - and being awarded veteran status for it! This really happened to me, at the Chieftain level.
[This message has been edited by George Garrett (edited March 22, 2000).]