This is the game thread and story thread if so inclined...
Agreed rules:
wet cool 3 bill
size of world = 60x90 +
Landmass = Normal
Landform = Varied
NO GL, no tech stealing or tech trading
NO alliances
Villages barb level
All cheats in Rah rules forbidden
We got off to a good start last week with huts providing the luck factor.
Atawa got a couple of Adv tribes early and has rocketed away.
I got weeds from early huts then techs later on that totally stuffed my progress in Government...
SRH and Trev are trying to settle an agreed border but things sound pretty tricky!
Berz had his Science set to 30% from the outset because it was a 4000BC save where only four of the players picked civs. It wasn't picked up until 1000's years later so another civ gave him a tech to make up for it (no tech trading/gifting normally allowed).
Haven't heard much from Winzity but he did fix up his Science Rate from the start.
SRH may be late tonight but Graag has agreed to be generally available if needed as sub.
Agreed rules:
wet cool 3 bill
size of world = 60x90 +
Landmass = Normal
Landform = Varied
NO GL, no tech stealing or tech trading
NO alliances
Villages barb level
All cheats in Rah rules forbidden
We got off to a good start last week with huts providing the luck factor.
Atawa got a couple of Adv tribes early and has rocketed away.
I got weeds from early huts then techs later on that totally stuffed my progress in Government...
SRH and Trev are trying to settle an agreed border but things sound pretty tricky!
Berz had his Science set to 30% from the outset because it was a 4000BC save where only four of the players picked civs. It wasn't picked up until 1000's years later so another civ gave him a tech to make up for it (no tech trading/gifting normally allowed).
Haven't heard much from Winzity but he did fix up his Science Rate from the start.
SRH may be late tonight but Graag has agreed to be generally available if needed as sub.