It sure did do good, or I'd be in Newcastle right now. I just intended to raze your industry, as I'm assuming you have some Mosquitoes left to completely crush my salient.
No announcement yet.
2194 Days of War Gigamap #1
Sorry for the delay
Kicked the Allies out of the German cities, lots of movement made; sunk one British BB off HamburgAttached Files
Pearl Harbor Liberated
The former US Naval base at Pearl Harbor was retaken this week without any Japanese opposition. The massive US airraid last month have crushed the Japanese garrison. The remainder must have been evacuated by the Japanese Navy.
US resting between the hard work in restoring the Naval Base back to prewar levels
Japanese Destroyer sunk north of Cuba
US Bombers continues to clean up the Mexico Gulf of Japanse trash
Caracas liberated by Allies forces
The US Navy attacked and liberated Caracas this month. The City was occupied by a small Japanese force that was only too happy to sent to USA. It seems the conditions in the city where miserable for the soldiers after Panama was taken and supplies ceased to come through.
The battle for the Atlantic continues
A damaged German sub was sunk west of Brest. It was an easy prey for the USN, and was swiftly sent to the bottom of the Altantic.
Allied retreat in Europe
With another devastating counterattack made by the Axis, the remaining allied forces where ordered to retread back to England. The US and British Navy cooperated in evacuating the remnants of the Allied forces.
Churchill have talked to the nation preparing the British people for dark times ahead. There seem to be nothing stopping the facist threat. The fate of England lies in the hands of USA.
Allied forces being evacuated
Desperate Strugge in Australia
Everything seems lost in Australia after the large Japanese invasion. Many fine British and Australian men fell in defence of theyre homeland. A minor counterattack was made against Melbourne, destroying several defenders. It seems all is lost againt the Japs.
German Defeat In Iraq
3 German Panzers destroyed north of Kuwait as the advanced on British defenses.
A Ju-88 Shot down near Hamburg
Attached FilesIf you want to discuss topics on History, with an emphasis on the military aspect.
How could you smack Germany so bad for so long and just leave? Things are looking better than I thought!
(great post style btw)
Originally posted by Darius871
How could you smack Germany so bad for so long and just leave? Things are looking better than I thought!
(great post style btw)
Looks like i havent taken the right cities.If you want to discuss topics on History, with an emphasis on the military aspect.
Well, I know from the CDG game that Russia can be a real powerhouse just a few turns after you've secured it. Plus Steph could have rushed stuff in the cities you captured, even though the factories are burned.Last edited by Darius871; January 13, 2004, 19:24.
Originally posted by Darius871
Well, I know from the CDG game that Russia can be a real powerhouse just a few turns after you've secured it. Plus Steph could have rushed stuff in the cities you captured, even though the factories are burned.If you want to discuss topics on History, with an emphasis on the military aspect.
I must confess to you that I made several bad mistakes which cost my dearly, folks. Sure I had the production problem which will make me lsoe this game. Anyway, here is the list of my mistakes:
(1) I committed too many troops from the central reserves in the Reich to 2 fronts. I planned to achieve victory in the East as fast as possible to close one front. The idea was not too bad I guess but the mistake comes now: I tried to hunt the Red Army down after stroming the Ural mountains. I realised way too late that the Russians were no threat to my civ no more.
(2) Basically I think that the idea of taking Egypt (where I committed vast forces to) was not too bad. I simply tried to capture the rest of the British Middle East without the proper forces. I should have stopped after Jerusalem or even Suez and prepare my defences before charging on.
Conclusion: I am standing now here, my - now rather - few forces overstretched between the British in the Middle East and the Americans and British in Europe. I was lucky enough to fight you off, Stian, every time you attempted to land troops on European soil. I also have to confess that I always tried to retake each city before I realised that it would not be necessary. Anyway, through the 3 games at CDG I know now much more about this scen which became one of my favouritesI fear it would be too late to turn the tide in this game but I am hoping for a re-match when this one is over.
Btw, I think you made a rather great & bad mistake by retreating in this moment as I am moving my scattered troops from Russia back to Europe to try to withstand your invasions. Anyway, I guess this one will be over soon but it IS still great fun and honor to play with you.
Game on!
Dude, there will be no British in the Middle East in a few turns.Just stop at the Urals and focus ALL your energies on Britain from now on.
Btw, I think you made a rather great & bad mistake by retreating in this moment as I am moving my scattered troops from Russia back to Europe to try to withstand your invasions. Anyway, I guess this one will be over soon but it IS still great fun and honor to play with you.
Game on!With your last counter attack, i had nothing to attack you with except the couple of units i allready had in Europe. Better to evacuate and at least build up for the next invasion
If you want to discuss topics on History, with an emphasis on the military aspect.
I'll play my turn tomorrow"This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim
Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal
A Il-2 Sturmovich destroys two japanese bombers and then makes a kamikaze against a Japanese Infantry Division.
The Siberian Soviet will fight to the bitter end!!Attached Files"This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim
Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal
Dammit, you know surface units and bombers can't attack air units! Hell, that mistake's even been made in this game already.
From the readme:
Why can all units attack air units?
We noticed through some of the testing that stacks of bombers and tanks, especially in the late war years, were impossible to destroy with regular fighter planes. Because the air unit was on the same square as the other ground units, only a unit that was flagged with the “can attack air” flag was allowed to attack. By giving every unit in the game the same flag to attack air units, it solved the problem of invincible stacks. Now the downfall of course is that air units can be shot down by regular ground units. I have made a house rule, that only fighters can attack air units that are not stacked with another unit. That way, when bombers attack deep into the Reich, or German bombers attack deep into Russia, they must be shot down with fighters.
You'll have to replay the turn.
Following this rule is critical. If not, it would be useless to build bombers. If Germany where able to destroy the allied bombers with land units, it would be a waste building them.
Figu, i assume you did use fighters?
Anyway, a replay is needed and we game on.If you want to discuss topics on History, with an emphasis on the military aspect.
Originally posted by sas
Figu, i assume you did use fighters?He clearly said he used Sturmoviks. Or do you mean prior to this turn?