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Help with firewall
To tell the truth virus scanners that run all the time and update themselves don't take up that many resources now..........my dislike goes back to when they made everything run so slowwwww.
I still think I can notice them running though, and it bugs me. Since I am reasonably careful anyway a permanent checker isn't necessary.......I think they are mainly for people who are prone to do something inadvisable, or for people who make lots of enemies.
Spike my external IP address is I've set my internal IP address on my computer as static at On the port forwarding screen I've had external ports 4000-5000 forwarded to my internal IP. Protocol TCP was check marked for those ports. For trigger port range and incoming port range I put 4000-5000 does that sound right? SHould this work now?
Part of the function of the router is that your internal IP is hidden.......all packets look to the world that they came from your external IP. Since inbound connections to your router are prohibited due the firewall it is a nice setup.
This also explains why you can play but not host without the port redirection........when the connection is made outbound your router knows where the packets originated from (before it made it look like they came from the router's IP) and can hence send back any necessary info the other way. But when you host the router just receives some info, and even if it doesn't block it it has no idea where to send it.
Originally posted by MalevolentLight
Thanks for the help.
Hehe, happy civing.