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Aussie Group Re-Runs 4

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  • Meanwhile the border from hell descended into new depths of insanity last session. Now I know how South Korea feels...
    Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

    Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


    • Hehe do we get KC?


      • heya , I would like to play with u guys;D not experienced in multiplayer , but always played deighty so should be ok at least. let me know if there are any games on plz=)



        • Originally posted by DrSpike
          I see. I expect people to come to wherever I am when teaching, hence the blank.
          As in - "Suffer little economists to come unto me"?
          " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
          "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


          • Originally posted by Alexander's Horse
            Meanwhile the border from hell descended into new depths of insanity last session. Now I know how South Korea feels...
            Horses threaten DEITIANS, and in particular have said, "We can take deitihorsie whenever we wish..."

            Therefore, DEITIANS build "Great Wall of deiborda"

            Nasty horsies kept out

            Even their stinking camels...
            "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
            *deity of THE DEITIANS*
            icq: 8388924


            • The fortified border showing Horse incursions over the agreed border: agreed around 500BC.

              It is clearly seen in this pic:
              Attached Files
              "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
              *deity of THE DEITIANS*
              icq: 8388924


              • That is not the agreed border and you know it.
                Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

                Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


                • You mean you didn't actually agree a border in that one hour marathon diplomacy session?


                  • Originally posted by Alexander's Horse
                    That is not the agreed border and you know it.
                    The the real border of course is as per Horsies and my troop deployments. I lost out there. He quickly fortified with horses (what else!) so I moved to secure what I could...
                    Attached Files
                    "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                    *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                    icq: 8388924


                    • Originally posted by DrSpike
                      You mean you didn't actually agree a border in that one hour marathon diplomacy session?
                      Horse mentioned a co-ordinate (which is where deiborda is) and said everything from there to the NE is for me.
                      "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                      *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                      icq: 8388924


                      • "From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): okay deity I'll do 40, if you go further west than...."

                        So way back then I got the impression that East was fine but then he builds 'grate deity' on a mountain and says that he'll take deitihorsie whenever he wants to...
                        "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                        icq: 8388924


                        • :yawn:
                          " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
                          "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


                          • From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 860): okay, boys, let's send the hat around for Trev
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 860): its not cheap travlling from Adelaide
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 880): oh trev I forgot to mention - I only accept caras by sea - but that one is okay
                            From Consul Trevriffic (A.D. 880): ok
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 880): All thanks to Hydey. Hydey clogs up everyone's civs with his bloody caravans. You can't move in your own land for bumping into a Hydey caravan
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 880): note that i'm more easy going Trev
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 880): I'll bet they all those bubble shaped caras
                            From Consul Trevriffic (A.D. 880): noted deity, after all your caravans have traversed my land, so you can't complain about mine
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 880): as I said! eay going
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 880): watch him - he doesn't actually need the trade
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 880): my caras are lazy bastards - won't walk, insist on sailing. Damn camels
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 880): sure I do
                            From Consul Trevriffic (A.D. 880): I cannot reach your cities by sea, horse, so they will have to go elsewhere unfortunately
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 880): well said Trev
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 880): You are more than welcome on my lands!
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 880): I welcome caras with open arms and wallets, Trev
                            From Consul Trevriffic (A.D. 880): noted madman
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 880): made horse think a bit, down on de borda
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 900): mmmmmmmm. There goes the tech trading
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 980): so basically deity you've now also fortified a pike south of the agreed border - tut, tut
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 980): i'll ,move up if you move down
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 980): why should I move off my land?
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 980): it's on the my side
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 980): no its not - can't you read a freakin map?
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1000): oh sorry i was wrong - you've fortified a knight and a pike in a fort south of the agreed border
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1000): you are making mischief horsie
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1000): no I'm not - you agreed to lat 40 as the border and you have a fort at lat 41
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1000): because you threatened me
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1000): bull**** - you just can't make an hounorable agreement and stick to it
                            From Consul Trevriffic (A.D. 1000): Isn't anybody learning anything, the GL has given me nothing....
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1000): LOL!
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 1000): you must be researching too well yourself
                            From Consul Trevriffic (A.D. 1000): I have zero science, so that's not true
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1020): come to see the action Trev
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1020): feel better now trev?
                            From Consul Trevriffic (A.D. 1020): Yes I have, with all the activity should be a good tourist spot
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1020): grate move horsie
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 1040): only if you don't build the science wonder
                            To Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 1040): k
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1040): ****, i hate trade changing
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 1040): your cities haven't
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1040): Trev's have
                            From Consul Trevriffic (A.D. 1040): sorry deity
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1040):
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1060): hey trev can you move your cara please, its getting in my way
                            From Consul Trevriffic (A.D. 1060): it will be in eat next turn SIR!
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1060): fine but its cost me 2 turns of settler development
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1080): in fact, with my Trev border I let him go East of it, BTW
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1080): liar
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1080): true
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1080): ask him
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 1080): only because he's new. Next time you'll monster him
                            From Consul Trevriffic (A.D. 1100): yes I have one small city past the original border
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1100): for now - watch him
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1100): I think that's an exag Trev
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1100): I was pretty good about that
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1100): yeah like he was good agreeing a border with me and then violating it
                            From Consul Trevriffic (A.D. 1100): the original borders I had with everyone left me very cramped for space, and I still am for that matter, got jammed in the middle of everyone else
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1100): so I was helpful, right?
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 1100): should be fun come the end game, but
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1100): exactly - deity has oodles of land - greedy bugger
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 1100): greediest bugger in all of civ playing
                            From Consul Trevriffic (A.D. 1100): yes deity, I know he has
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1100): I gave him a fair settlement and look what he does
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 1100): but his wife's a very nice person, that's the only reason we let him play with us
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1100):
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1100): that's quite true
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 1120): same applies to you too Horse!
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 1120): we're actually too scared of Mrs Horse not to let him play
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1120): my land is crap tho
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1120): look at my stats
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 1120): I';m trying to talk one of the Frenchmen from the O.T. rugby thread into playing with us
                            From Consul Trevriffic (A.D. 1120): you have cities in some very nice spots deity, it's not our problem if you haven't expended enough settler effort to improve the terrain
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 1140): yeah, cop that
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 1260): 1am?
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1260): yeah
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1260): yup
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1260): you are pathetic deity
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1280): I found another fort across my border............
                            From Consul Trevriffic (A.D. 1280): spend too much time on forts, not enough on roads/irrigation deity
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1280):
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1280): its the Maginot mentality
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1280): I think i'll post a screenshot of that border
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1280): one more round?
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1280): ya
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 1280): ok
                            From Consul Trevriffic (A.D. 1280): k
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 1300): talk about willpower
                            From Consul Trevriffic (A.D. 1300): learnt some knowledge for myself for a change ( from a hut)
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1300): LOL!
                            From Consul Trevriffic (A.D. 1300): pocketing plenty of cash there deity
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1300): its saved - thanks guys - good session
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1300): ok
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1300): glad you had fun
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1300): I did thanks
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (A.D. 1300): thank you all
                            From Speaker deity (A.D. 1300):
                            To Consul Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, Speaker deity (A.D. 1300): *blows kiss*
                            Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

                            Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


                            • The agreed border is marked by the red line. deity and I agreed that he would have everything east of longitude 56 and everything north of latitude 40. The vertical red line is long 56 and the horizontal red line is lat 40. This agreement was witnessed by all and gave a very clear, workable border.

                              Then he built "deiborder" right in the corner of the border at 56,40 - with 75% of its potential area on my side of the border. That was the first provocation. Then he spent most of the last session building forts on my side of the boder and violating the border with diplos. He currently has 3 forts and a diplo on my side of the border, as you can see in the screenshot.

                              Its disappointing really because we had a fair border, giving him the whole river and allowing him to build a large city on it. But that wasn't enough for him.

                              The rest of deity's line on this is just his usual pack of red herrings and nonsense. How much more clear can a border be than a latitude/longitude line?

                              And then the parrot wonders why he is a pariah player.
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by Alexander's Horse; February 16, 2003, 05:07.
                              Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

                              Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


                              • pa·ri·ah
                                A social outcast: “Shortly Tom came upon the juvenile pariah of the village, Huckleberry Finn, son of the town drunkard” (Mark Twain).

                                An Untouchable.
                                "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                                *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                                icq: 8388924

