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Anyone for Iron Curtain PBEM?

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    "Long live Iraq. Long live Jihad. Long live Palestine. God is great, God is great." - President Saddam Hussein


    • Attached Files
      "Whoever thinks freely, thinks well"
      -Rigas Velestinlis (Ferraios)
      "...êáé ô' üíïìá ôçò, ôï ãëõêý, ôï ëÝãáíå Áñåôïýóá..."
      "I have a cunning plan..." (Baldric)


      • What is the United States flag doing over Nicaragua (Managua)??? I warned the United States not to touch that city! Withdraw from the city and turn it over to the USSR or we will declare war on the United States. You received warning before and have chosen to ignore it, just as you have repeatedly ignored the USSR's requests for negotiations on the matters of the world. So with withdraw, or face total war.


        • China is equally insulted by this imperialist action by the United Oppressors of America. The Premier demands that the US pull out of Vietnam and withdraw support for the SEATO butchers.
          "Long live Iraq. Long live Jihad. Long live Palestine. God is great, God is great." - President Saddam Hussein


          • The USA accepts the soviets demand, but not the chinese.
            "This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim

            Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
            Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal


            • come on emu, post your turn and let´s play on


              • Well, now I need to play a live game with FiGu to transfer Nicaragua, and then I can post the turn. Hey FiGu, do you have any IMs or any way we can meet at a common time? It will only take a few minutes and then I can post my turn.


                • Could we do this the next turn? I dont have time this week to meet.
                  "This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim

                  Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
                  Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal


                  • Hmmmm....would you mind if someone who isn't in the scenario conducted the transfer as the USA, like academia or Darius? I just want to get this out of the way ASAP.


                    • If you both agree on the transfer, let Emu use Civcity on Managua, change ownership and be done with it now. This way the city won't suffer casualties and USA won't loose any units.
                      "Whoever thinks freely, thinks well"
                      -Rigas Velestinlis (Ferraios)
                      "...êáé ô' üíïìá ôçò, ôï ãëõêý, ôï ëÝãáíå Áñåôïýóá..."
                      "I have a cunning plan..." (Baldric)


                      • Tanelorn's idea would work.
                        "Long live Iraq. Long live Jihad. Long live Palestine. God is great, God is great." - President Saddam Hussein


                        • On the downside, Civcity can be used to tinker with various other stuff, so this relies on the integrity of those involved.
                          "Whoever thinks freely, thinks well"
                          -Rigas Velestinlis (Ferraios)
                          "...êáé ô' üíïìá ôçò, ôï ãëõêý, ôï ëÝãáíå Áñåôïýóá..."
                          "I have a cunning plan..." (Baldric)


                          • I also need to get CivCity, which I don't have and don't know where to get from. Either idea will work, and I'll return to you the units in the city.


                            • We could use it to trade Cities and trade routes like in Civ3, or have a "gamemaster" do it. I got mine from the utilities section in civfanatics, but I am sure apolyton has it too.
                              "Whoever thinks freely, thinks well"
                              -Rigas Velestinlis (Ferraios)
                              "...êáé ô' üíïìá ôçò, ôï ãëõêý, ôï ëÝãáíå Áñåôïýóá..."
                              "I have a cunning plan..." (Baldric)


                              • Well, I asked Darius if he would do it if FiGu agrees and he said yes. He is an honest player so FiGu can be sure that the transfer will be done properly.

