The US did nothing! It joined the Non-intervention policy of the League of Nations and let Spain hang. The loss of the men was not our fault, it was yours for not carrying out the inspections and enforcing the treaty you signed in 1918. You were the ones who let Germany re-arm and fight and thanks to you the world lost millions. President Kennedy planned an invasion of North Vietnam long before there was any problems yet you chose to intervene. That does not give you the right to firebomb innocent civilians. You are the ones who still live in a segregated society, and you say the USSR tortures its civilians? You have racial discrimination, de jury in your south and de facto in your north and you say we are bad. Before China became the PRC, millions of Chinese died of malnurition, something that is almost gone now. Before the Warsaw Pact, Germany inflicited massive damage on Europe. We bore the brunt of their blow. Britain and France may have declared war in 1939, but they sat on their asses and let Hitler re-arm Germany. We tried to help Spain but we could not without aid. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was an attempt to buy time for us to prepare for the German invasion which we knew was inevitable. We fought the Germans since June 1940, while it took you until December of 1941 to be dragged into it and you say you declared war first? You have always cared about nothing but your own petty economic and strategic gains. Peoples lives in Latin America mean nothing to you and the world sees this.
No announcement yet.
Anyone for Iron Curtain PBEM?
We fought the Germans since June 1940
Ok, Peace now!im not willing to fight a war just because of this.
"This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim
Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal
Hmm, not to throw gasoline on a fire, but...
Admit it, Stalin was very surprised by Hitler's attacks. It is well documented, though to give names would incriminate several of our sources. And what gives you the right to "purge" anyone? Really, if you are a worker's paradise, how can you force everyone to believe your ideas and punish them if they do not. As much as you would like, the KGB is not the Ministry of Love.
I wonder how many Muslims who cannot practice their religion and Lithuanians, Ukrainians, and Caucasions would say they feel tolerated by a regime that forces them to abandon traditions and their own religions and governments for atheistic socialism, stealing land that these people have farmed on their own for centuries.
Enough said, I do not wish to antagonize my new neighbor, but merely to point out some of his logical fallacies.
Originally posted by Iron Chancellor
Hmm, not to throw gasoline on a fire, but...
Admit it, Stalin was very surprised by Hitler's attacks. It is well documented, though to give names would incriminate several of our sources. And what gives you the right to "purge" anyone? Really, if you are a worker's paradise, how can you force everyone to believe your ideas and punish them if they do not. As much as you would like, the KGB is not the Ministry of Love.
I wonder how many Muslims who cannot practice their religion and Lithuanians, Ukrainians, and Caucasions would say they feel tolerated by a regime that forces them to abandon traditions and their own religions and governments for atheistic socialism, stealing land that these people have farmed on their own for centuries.
Enough said, I do not wish to antagonize my new neighbor, but merely to point out some of his logical fallacies.
Ok, how about everyone shuts the hell up about Stalin and Indians, etc, ad nauseum and decides whether I can play the PRC or not! And if I AM the PRC then I promise to not engage in the sort of BS that has been flying around on this thread!"Long live Iraq. Long live Jihad. Long live Palestine. God is great, God is great." - President Saddam Hussein
The order of play is:
China -
Non-Alligned Countries -
Arab League -
Nato was the last to play.
Which means it is Choke's turn now, then you, then me after that."Whoever thinks freely, thinks well"
-Rigas Velestinlis (Ferraios)
"...êáé ô' üíïìá ôçò, ôï ãëõêý, ôï ëÝãáíå Áñåôïýóá..."
"I have a cunning plan..." (Baldric)