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PLAYTEST for 'de Historibus Europae ver0.2.1
Pinerolo conquered. Troops near Mezt are going to German, so Spain has no reason to be afraid of these unitsAttached FilesTrying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
Whatever they are doing, they are blocking the movement of Spanish trade. If French units intend to pass through Spanish territories seriously hampering our trade, we will have to begin charging tolls.
Additionally, crates of Heineken are being loaded on ships in Ostend. Again.
And yaros, please don't zip the saves.Attached Files
Sorry, I'm well aware it's my turn but my net access died and leave it to the University's technicians to sit on the report for a week without doing anything about it. Not bad for government work.
If I nag them and still no one comes by the end of Monday, I'll have to hire a private technician and be out $50.Either way I'll get all of my 10+ late turns finished within 12 hours of it getting fixed.
Anyone willing to sell me the Cannon tech?Attached Files
Originally posted by Darius871
Anyone willing to sell me the Cannon tech?*"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta
I dunno, do the English have any techs that others don't? Otherwise I'd give between 250,000 and 350,000 reichstaller.
Berebebe we've got 300 here, oop we've got 250 here 250 250 250, dummidy doo, going once...