Originally posted by Darius871
This is wrong on SO many levels. For one it wasn't 'us', meaning the USSR, it was Cuba and Cuba alone. Castro did not even ask us for approval although we probably would have given it to him.
This is wrong on SO many levels. For one it wasn't 'us', meaning the USSR, it was Cuba and Cuba alone. Castro did not even ask us for approval although we probably would have given it to him.
Secondly, for the LAST time, Cuba didn't 'conquer' any city just like you didn't 'conquer' Mexico. Genghis Khan taking China was 'conquest'; Adolf Hitler launching a blitzkrieg on France was 'conquest'. What we did in Belize was active military support of one side in a civil war, and if I hear the word 'conquer' again I'm going to puke. Not to mention that YOU have been these subversive measures in Latin America for decades. Hypocrisy!
Thirdly, the hypocrisy's even more blatant since you've been playing in our 'backyard' for years as well. Hell, you've even invaded us before! We would NEVER whine like little babies if you were to make moves in Central Asia. And we aren't whining one bit about your nuclear missiles in Europe and Turkey.
And finally, you will notice that there are NO nuclear weapons in Cuba or Honduras, and there never will be. We reached an agreement during the Cuban Missile Crisis and we will stick by it.
Honduras will not be surrendered to a capitalist puppet government, and other underground movements in Latin America could be pushed to success at any time in the future. Any attack on our allies in Latin America or Cuba will be an attack on the USSR. Period. If you want to start World War III over a pathetic patch of jungle so be it; history will remember that you were responsible!!!
We offer a deal, we let the Belize revolution to stay untouched as far as Cuba doesn't expand more in the continent. In fact, any attack agaisnt any other country in America will be considered an act of war of Cuba against America, and we'll do what we would feel rigth to figth against that.
[BTW, Darius, your post sounds very angry. I hope that we can separate the PBEMs from the real life... And understand that I'm very bad with English, so my posts sound rude although I don't want that they sound so roude... I'll let time for diplomacy and I'll try to move tomorrow.]