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Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
Do you blame people for falling asleep when they have to read through a paragraph like this? :
THE POINT TO ALL THIS??!! that one day, fellow 'strategists', there will indeed be a next-generation game of this high-caliber sort, and not too far away either, since we humans are fond of evolving and improving all the things we know quite rapidly, and you all who sit there CONTENT, surprisingly, to move your 'army bricks' in mundane clashing against each other with no control over them will one day inevitably find yourself playing this futuristic non-existent-as-of-yet game of wonder and leaving all these past trifling checker boards behind. Of course, your mind will not be so ready for it, apparently, as is obvious by your comments, and I will win: because my mind craves strategy, not 'familiarity', and the 'standards of civ' which you so warmly embrace in comfort, and so even if i was that naively proud king with his archers and pikemen i would win: i woud merely have shields placed at all the men's feet, unseen to the enemy, which could nullify all missiles by such mounted bowmen, and i would then have armies led by my generals which had gone far ahead to the left and right with an aim to cut back and surround the enemy unexpectedly, who fled with haste after all their arrows were spent to no effect. You though, do not think this way, and would not make such calculations. This is because, unfortunately, you choose to be stuck in brick mentality. How would I know about their weaponry in advance? Because i sent scouts, of course, i fancy myself a good tactician, but alas! even if you send scouts in civ 3, it avails you not... so what if you know what units they have?! HAHAHA, your army, AND THEIRS, are just two homogenous chunks of generically formationed fodder troops which must inevitably clash, oddly by some strange sort of agreement which requires that both parties array themselves in a PERFECT line and rush headlong at each other...but no! WAIT!! Its not even as complex as this, im afraid, no, no, hahahaha, since apparently one side makes a foolish and fatal agreement, apparently by a chowder-headed chief, and with superly loyal troops who would not mutiny at being sent to their death, that even though their forces and units match EXACTLY their enemy's, that they will sit perfectly still, in that vulnerable, bland and patterneless line, and 'defend' themselves; an act, if they are 'offensive' units, which is strangely not as effective as if they were the ones charging!... even though they use the same weapons and fighting techniques in both maneouvers.....hmmmm...quite strange, yes, odd indeed.....
The point of this obviously drug inspired waterfall of words is that you are the real strategist and others will loose to you?
Could have put that down in 10 words instead of 200.
From the same post:
Listen; one day a game will come out, hopefully mine, since I am designing one, and it will be in 3D. It will be in Real Time. It will be a virtual environment.
If you want to write a game wouldnt it be better to learn about game strategy and game dynamics first instead of writing down pages of nonsence in forum?
heheh...well maybe if i was talking about an uncostomized default game of 2x2x duel civ, the pits of strategy gaming, then perhaps 10 words would suffice to explain it, sure....
But otherwise, and ESPECIALLY when trying to explain to thick-headed people (go back and read that thread, youll see the staunch cranial resistance im up against) AND youre trying to teach the children about things theyve never even HEARD of before.... a good sermon is needed to yolk them into submission! 8D
....And if you go back, also pay attention to the way that this was successfully done....youll notice we're onto other topics now since all those lug-heads left that old issue as resolved, and undeniably so.
Originally posted by Nicosar
heheh...well maybe if i was talking about an uncostomized default game of 2x2x duel civ, the pits of strategy gaming, then perhaps 10 words would suffice to explain it, sure....
Any other settings you'd like your arse kicked?
It amazes me how someone who doesnt even have the basics down in regular civ thinks he can design a modpack.
Or was that just so you could beat AI?
But otherwise, and ESPECIALLY when trying to explain to thick-headed people (go back and read that thread, youll see the staunch cranial resistance im up against) AND youre trying to teach the children about things theyve never even HEARD of before.... a good sermon is needed to yolk them into submission! 8D
Put them to sleep sounds more like it.
....And if you go back, also pay attention to the way that this was successfully done....youll notice we're onto other topics now since all those lug-heads left that old issue as resolved, and undeniably so.
yes i know, i maybe over-reacted a bit when i quit our ill-fated 2x2x duel so rashly like that, but you must understand, this master is only human! it was the culmination of weeks worth of dealing with a civ community (several communities, actually) utterly devoid of good taste in games, and your moody-teen little attitude only helped to quicken my frustration on that day.... well, thats not fair to you, youre all playing and discussing civ 2, after all, the greatest game, but if I were also to be fair to civ itself, than i would have to say that most people here were at the bottom scale of it, given that this scale is wide indeed....
You have no idea what its like to play a long drawn out game on a great optimized gameboard designed for more realism above all else with many people, not having to worry about keeping up in the pursuit of ridiculous wonders or worrying about your units becoming obsolete overquick; its hardcore strategy, none of this hut crap either.
This is, infamously, my master gameboard i so boastfully recommend, but since i have not been able to put an image up or the like people cannot see first hand its overwhelming almost alien-like (superior aliens) superiority over the default version you all revel in naively.
You want to play my game? I dont play anything else.
Call it cowardice to face you in your decrepid arena, call it merely 'specialized' mastery, call it an excuse, call it whatever.
Played a couple games today, all with good ping...
I was completely frustrated by the fact that the lag was so bad (With only two players and 2 AI) that I couldn't really get the feel for the game.
The person to person negotiating is a bit bulky in my opinion, it will take a LONG time to get things worked out under the present system.
We turned off all animations, and it still lagged pretty bad. I am not sure if the GameSpy(Ware) causes it or what the hell it is, but it was bad. Wierd I was hosting, and the guy on the other side said his lag was not too terrible, but that's a matter of opinion.
In one game I managed to get a decent tech lead on my opponent, but that was mainly through trading with the AI. I didn't really notice a penalty for being in the lead with tech, but I was starting to hum along pretty good until I had more units then I could possibly move before the timer ran out!
If anyone's interested in a game just let me know... I am just testing it out now, but I have heard rumblings that the 1.05 version is going to be better...
FF, have you tried to play without the SPYWARE?
People are reporting much quicker response times without it.
It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O
I don't understand this..........I saw a thread saying PTW MP worked if you didn't use gamespy, but as I understand it the direct connection isn't implemented yet.
Yes, from reading the posts in the other forum, it does sound like you can play without it.
It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O
I read some more; there is an informative topped thread.
Additionally, if you're using the in-game matchmaking system (accessable via the 'Multipayer' menu item), you're still using GameSpy tech as a matchmaking solution BTW. Infogrames and Firaxis have licensed our tech to allow you to find opponents in-game without needing to run an external matchmaking application.
So that answers the question, and the next patch is allegedly likely to sort out the lag issues.
One factor which I think is relevant here - all the talk of problems just playing the game have crowded out much of the usual balance wars.
I did see a few threads *****ing about resources though.......I did wonder whether something would be done to stop resources deciding games.
it takes a lot of work, but when i was still playing civ 3 (short stint though it was) i got fed up with the random maps so i made my own, which for a huge 40,000 sq. map is a sizeable undertaking, but that way only uranium and oil and similarly rare (in the real world) things are limited... yeah, it sucks, but if you want high quality from civ you have to put in much work yourself... so is the way with civ 2, though, so, nothing new in this regard...
....except that with civ 3 you cant get as high a quality as with its poppa, # 2, no matter how much work you put in....