Originally posted by HappySunShine
It doesn't even really matter that the MP isn't working because the game still sucks. It still takes forever to research techs, there's still an enormous corruption rate so there will always be a cap on cities, maps are still horrible and will start you next to a sea of swamps or forest, and the list goes on and on. It was a bad game to begin with and MP hasn't made any improvements. I've already uninstalled everything having to do with civ3 from my computer.
It doesn't even really matter that the MP isn't working because the game still sucks. It still takes forever to research techs, there's still an enormous corruption rate so there will always be a cap on cities, maps are still horrible and will start you next to a sea of swamps or forest, and the list goes on and on. It was a bad game to begin with and MP hasn't made any improvements. I've already uninstalled everything having to do with civ3 from my computer.

Or it could simply mean that the Civ 2 MP god sucks at civ 3.
