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2194 Days Gigamap Playtest

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  • No, it's academia's turn.


    • But it will be your turn soon enough...



      • Oh you're gonna love it. Since your turns are over I can tell you I had a pretty nifty rush-building plan up there... nice knowing ya, Army Group Centre.


        • *News...

          * 2 Jap submarines spotted and destroyed
          * 2 Jap bombers shot down

          * 4 Jap aircrafts destroyed
          * 1 Jap vessel sank

          * 2 Nazi subs sent to the bottom of the sea
          Attached Files
          South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
          Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


          • ...just destroyed a German U-Boat and shot with a Battleship the Japanese Troops at Surabaya.
            Attached Files


            • And now it really is Darius' turn, we'll see about this one.



              • MASSIVE RETALIATION!!!

                No doctor can save you, fascist swine!

                Just one of the hundreds of Panzer IV's that now litter the countryside of
                northeastern Belarus.

                The Third Battle of Moscow has undoubtedly been the tide-turning reverse Tannenburg of this brutal war. On the 20th of April, the battered remnants of Army Group Centre was caught with their pants down on the fields outside Moscow, as the awe-inspiring fury of hundreds and hundreds of our Il-2 Shturmovik divebombers and Katyusha rocket launchers was unleashed upon them from Kursk, Voronezh, Ufa, and Gorkiy.

                Army Group Centre has been destroyed in its entirety! A full NINE divisions of Panzer IV tanks were completely annihilated outside Moscow and Kalinin, along with 3 SS divisions, 2 divisions of Panzergrenadiers, and two divisions of cannon-fodder Panzer III's.

                Going for Moscow so early was simply too much of a gamble, and now Hitler will reap the whirlwind as we drive ever onward to Berlin.

                On other fronts:

                - Worker batallions encamped outside Leningrad have mounted a moderately successful attack; SS stormtroopers wiped out our first wave, but our second wave engaged and destroyed a battery of anti-aircraft guns.

                - Field artillery and Polikarpov "missiles" have defeated the forces that had razed Odessa.

                - A minor raid south of Kursk kills some SS and engineers.

                - The brave regiment of infantry that took the dangerous mission of cutting the Kiev-Odessa railroad have thrown themselves into the gaping maw of the Axis again, pillaging crucial industry near Kiev.

                - Soviet troops observe the withdrawal of Chinese troops from our territory, but we will remain ever vigilant.

                It's over Hitler.
                Attached Files
                Last edited by Darius871; December 1, 2003, 15:40.


                • If Stalin can't see the difference between forward positions and a armygroup he's in deeper trouble than he thinks.
                  Yeah, Moe, that team sure did suck last night. They just plain sucked! I've seen teams suck before, but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked.

                  -Homer Simpson


                  • Ha! *jumps out of his seat in disbelief* I know this scenario, and FOURTEEN PzIV divisions, six PzIII divisions, and six divisions of varied infantry are an army group in my book. Especially when you consider that the PzIV's are the only equipment of yours worth a damn; everything else is just escorts, cannon-fodder garrisons, or kamikaze attackers. Minsk begins with 12 PzIV divisions, and I slaughtered 14, you do the math. If you have some cannon-fodder left in Kalinin that is meaningless to me; that's a portion of the front, not an armor-centered army group capable of offensive operations.

                    Meanwhile, of course, Army Group South is nonexistent...


                    • Hey everybody,
                      Make sure you downloaded the Rules files update from page 9 of this thread and put them in your directory before your next turn.

                      Also, before your next turn make sure you run 2194Days.bat and select option 2.



                      • Page 9???


                        • Darius, there may be a problem and you mgiht have to do your turn over again.

                          I forgot to tell you that you had to load the new rules file, and if I play with the new one here, all of your units are going to be moved.

                          You have to re-do your turn after you load the new Rules files.

                          Here are the updated rules files, copy them to your scenario folder and then run 2194Days.bat and select option 2.

                          Attached Files


                          • No, I did load them and I updated all my game folders the day you posted them, I was just pointing out that there's no page 9 here.


                            • Oh wait, are you saying that I had to run the bat file? I didn't do that.


                              • The spring months continue to prove that Japan is the dominating force in the Pacific.

                                Amphibious troops are still en route to thier undisclosed locations to attack, and other troops continue to attack and defeat the enemy.

                                The Japanese army of China is no more as the crack veteran troops from China have been re-organized into various different units in many different theatres.

                                Japanese troops moved into Burma this month taking over Mandalay and Rangoon.

                                In the South East Pacific, Port Moresby was destroyed and Japanese forces now control Henderson AFB on Gudalcanal.

                                Cities Taken:
                                Henderson AFB
                                Port Moresby (destroyed)

                                Make sure you guys run 2194Days.bat BEFORE your turn and select option 2.

                                Attached Files

