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Nicosar's Master Challenge

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  • You do realize that many players know the game inside and out, know most of the cheats that exist, and can dissect the game on singular beakers and the tiniest pattern.

    These things are all part of the game.

    You are obviously too young to remember "playing by mail" but I do, because I used to do it before the wonderful land of the internet.

    Many games that I played, required me to roll the dice, write down the result, and then smack a stamp on 'em and send them off to be adjudicated. I won a few games and lost a few playing old games that way. The people that were suspected of cheating weren't invited to play again.

    There's a certain honor system here. You read the posts and see us carry on about how vile this person or that person is, but one thing you never see is us questioning each other's honor.

    It doesn't happen.

    I don't understand why you feel like you have one upped us in some way. I have created a few scenarios in my time, and have enjoyed playing them. I know what I am doing, and know what you have done is not playable.
    Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks...


    • The little scum bag probably hasn't read rah rules, and has no clue that we can follow a set of clearly defined rules. While I'm sure he would disagree with the rules we play by... we respect them and honor them, because that's what gaming is all about.

      What a low life.
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • Originally posted by Flatlander Fox
        You do realize that many players know the game inside and out, know most of the cheats that exist, and can dissect the game on singular beakers and the tiniest pattern.

        These things are all part of the game.

        You are obviously too young to remember "playing by mail" but I do, because I used to do it before the wonderful land of the internet.

        Many games that I played, required me to roll the dice, write down the result, and then smack a stamp on 'em and send them off to be adjudicated. I won a few games and lost a few playing old games that way. The people that were suspected of cheating weren't invited to play again.

        There's a certain honor system here. You read the posts and see us carry on about how vile this person or that person is, but one thing you never see is us questioning each other's honor.

        It doesn't happen.

        I don't understand why you feel like you have one upped us in some way. I have created a few scenarios in my time, and have enjoyed playing them. I know what I am doing, and know what you have done is not playable.
        If i question someones integrity in this game, they don't play with me again, pure and simple. so people who change rules or cheat, or don't tell about free techs or whatever it is that is unscrupolous can forget about a game with me....

        don't be an idiot....and dont try to hide behind your idiocy....its not working
        Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


        • I am indeed heart-felt and sorrowfully apologetically that my words have caused such scrupples, and if I knew they were stingful as such I would not have thought about even saying them in the first place, since my intent was not to accuse anybody, and certainly not anybody in particular, but to express certain intimate views of mine which felt that my rules would not be accepted, and I expected contradicting arguments long before I thought anybody would think me of accusing them, since that's how innocent was my tone when writing it.

          I would not consider any of you honorless, and neither do I actually dislike any of you, even the fervently venerable Ming, even though we argue with such edge some times, but I cannot honestly exclaim after all that I love any of you whole-heartedly and that I would trust you with absolute faith!

          I thought I was simply voicing my honest opinions about this and not implying anything lower, but I will try and be careful in the future, not only because it is a touchy sucject, since even if I were accused (which I was), I would try to defend myself first rather than feel insulted (which I never really was), but also I will tread more lightly because I do not want anybody to misinterpret what I said, because if you could take it from the man who wrote it, it was merely a sentiment and not an insult...

          I hope that is good enough, I cannot give you a pleadingly obvious and guilty little snippet of complete repention, but I did say I was sorry, and seriously, and so I hope that meets your demands which stated those very two factors as key


          • Originally posted by Nicosar
            but I cannot honestly exclaim after all that I love any of you whole-heartedly and that I would trust you with absolute faith!
            Even buried in his so called apology, he manages to continue the insulting crap.

            You are the one with no honor, and are no longer welcome at Apolyton for breaking the accusation without proof rule.
            Keep on Civin'
            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • Ming i am sure he will turn in a 10 page essay to you asking for reinstatement
              Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


              • A real apology would have been enough.

                He continues to claim that we would cheat... he must have very little experience in a gaming community. Our names and reputations are the most important thing we have. Without them, we are nothing.

                For him to claim that he can't trust us without having ANY damn proof just show's his total lack of character, and maybe he should reconsider if he should be a gamer, because he obviously doesn't understand what gaming is all about.

                Until I get a pm from him saying that he will give a real apology instead of the farce he posted above that continues to call us cheaters, he isn't going to be posting at Apolyton. He is breaking the most serious rule of this gaming forum.
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • Well i agree...... perhaps if you guys hash it out in pm things will go better for him and you can stress some of the rules or point him to the FAQ, speaking of which, pehaps an update in the faq needs to be mentioned to mark/dan about accusations ?
                  Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                  • well im going to stick my neck out and say
                    i love you guys....but dang....
                    what got ya'lls boxers in a wad.....
                    i just don't see the personal insult directed at anyone
                    in particular....just his own confession that he didn't know any of us and therefore didn't trust ...

                    you have all tolerated eyes and strats diatribes
                    so i don't see much difference and neither of them are baned.
                    "If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." -Katherine Hepburn


                    • You are welcome to your opinion boann... but he is still violating the accusation without proof rule.

                      Honor is important for gamers, and with no experience with most posters here, he still says he wouldn't trust us not to cheat.

                      Scum like him shouldn't belong to any gaming community. Gaming is all about trust. Like FF, I've played games by email where you roll the dice and send the results on. You can't do things like that without a basis of trust.

                      For him to imply that he can't, without any reason...

                      He's toast.
                      Keep on Civin'
                      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • Originally posted by boann
                        well im going to stick my neck out and say
                        i love you guys....
                        you have all tolerated eyes and strats diatribes
                        so i don't see much difference and neither of them are baned.
                        well yes and no on that one.....many have been warned for their antics on the forums .....i am sure many more will too
                        Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                        • Originally posted by War4ever
                          don't be an idiot....and dont try to hide behind your idiocy....its not working
                          You do realize that you copied my statement and then wrote this reply to it.

                          You've hurt my feelings now.
                          Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks...


                          • i was wondering if you would post about wasnt' directed to you... the idiot comments that is...i was just quoting you cuz i had some other things to say, then i didn't say them....

                            anyways, what i was going to say was, no hard feelings between us, there is a trust to not cheat, but no trust in game ethics
                            Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                            • i have seen eyes and strat slice and dice and mutilate and leave bleeding victims....with their barbs and insults
                              yet they still have access...

                              this one maybe proud and full of himself but i see no personal insult to any one person.

                              i too have pride in my rep and honor
                              and i know all of you are honorable
                              but hes new to us and why should he trust any of us
                              till he knows us better.

                              anyway i just think its an injustice to see someone
                              new sliced and laid out for dinner
                              when others roam free guilty of much more, even tho not here now certainly could and will in the future do and say more vile things than was said here.
                              "If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." -Katherine Hepburn


                              • Yes... breaking an alliance is one thing... breaking the rules is another. People who break the rules are cheaters... People who break alliances are just opportunists, and should expect any future revenge that comes their way
                                Keep on Civin'
                                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

