Originally posted by SmartFart
I was actually thinking about postponing a session for an hour. AI taking over isn't exactly to my likings.
I was actually thinking about postponing a session for an hour. AI taking over isn't exactly to my likings.
Aussie humour is very sophisticated.. LOL

icq from smart:
"markus will sub for me this evening. I talked to my wife and I am pretty much sure i wont make it on time"
I have a family engagement too but I said I had a prior engagement to play civ with my reliable civ buddies. After all, this is meant to be a reliable players game and I regard online play just as important as a tennis engagement or anything else in real life.
Of course we'll wait till 8:30 or 9pm USA EDT, as far as I'm concerned.
But my experience is that subs mes things up, especially Markus...

If smartfart won't play I'll go to my family engagement. If all original players confirm they can play I will play, even if it is a late start.