On instructions from the emperor of the Austrian-Hungarian empire, the President of Austria proposes a non-aggression pact with Britain and France.
Austria wishes to remain neatrul in this conflict between France and Britain but urges both countries to construct a workable peace arrangement. Maybe payments of gold to each nation and withdraw of Britain of French soldiers.
End of statement
In a statement on comment made by Russia against the Austrian-Hungarian empire, President Civfan states.
'So since Russia doesn't have the means to make an invasion of Asia Minor, does that mean Asia Minor is still open to all? First come first served?'
End of Statement.
Austria wishes to remain neatrul in this conflict between France and Britain but urges both countries to construct a workable peace arrangement. Maybe payments of gold to each nation and withdraw of Britain of French soldiers.
End of statement
In a statement on comment made by Russia against the Austrian-Hungarian empire, President Civfan states.
'So since Russia doesn't have the means to make an invasion of Asia Minor, does that mean Asia Minor is still open to all? First come first served?'
End of Statement.