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Bonopart 2 PBEM

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  • Ha Ha Im not banned here!

    For everyones info I was just banned at CIVFANATICS for kidding around with the moderator and to be honest I probally crossed the line so I got what I deserved, however when the moderator went to ban me he noticed a D/L. Which is true, but before you start thinking cheater here is the PM I sent to Sun Tzu with his reply, Im posting this here because I know how quickly the cheating rumors can spread and in my case it isn't true. I dont cheat. If Im guilty of anything it is probally kidding around to much.

    Here it is:

    Re: The ban


    conmcb25 wrote on Oct 24, 2002 10:55 PM:
    Sun Tzu

    I was joking around but you are probally right I did take it too far.

    On the D/L I can explain, I think you will find I did that a couple of weeks ago when I couldn't get cookied on my home machine. Im not much of a computer whiz so I figured well Im cookied at work so I can't get cookied at home. Lets try a different login, well that didn't work either, I came to discover my problem was the security was too high on my Internet explorer settings. If you look at the conmcb25#2 you will see it has not been used. And if my intent was to use it to cheat or whatever then why would I make the names almost the same ? At the time I did it I figured I could use one at home and one at work. I kept them similar so I would not forget them.

    So if you want to go for two weeks so be it I will accept that for going across the line, but just so you know I was kidding.

    On the D/l it was an honest mistake on my part and I wasn't sure how to fix it after I did it. I didn't find out it was against the rules until I noticed someone else got into trouble for that in another thread.

    So all Im asking is sleep on it. I know you are pretty pissed off at me right now so All I ask is sleep on it and then make your decision tomorrow on th extra week.



    2 weeks
    *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


    • Apologies for the delay... Trying to get familiar with a big scenario. Looking foward to it though

      I'm going to honor the previous treaties signed with the french and spanish. Operation Handover Hannover will not be completed until I can have the route north cleared by french troops... your troop placement is fine just asking for the road to be cleared in order to evacuate my lads... this goes for Brunswick as well... bowling anyone?

      Portugal... Oporta and Lagos are empty... Figueira will be vacated next month... Lisbon will remain in british hands as agreed upon.

      The Channel... no invasion force or blockade is being mobolized... just claiming territorial waters. France is well aware of my inability to mount an expeditionary force capable of engaging him and if my intentions were a blockade i would have done so.

      Scouting report in the mediterranean revealed that french were engaging in operations in the waters around Algeriers... The british suspect they will attempt to take the city.
      Attached Files


      • Choke

        Not a bump just a reminder that you are up!

        WOW, movement this is great!
        *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


        • I was away for the weekend, I'm tired, I'll post my turn tommorow.
          "Long live Iraq. Long live Jihad. Long live Palestine. God is great, God is great." - President Saddam Hussein


          • To Prussia's land demands:

            Prussia contributed absolutely nothing to Hannover's liberation from Britain, so they have no claim to half of it. We will allow them Brunswick as a gesture of peace, but the rest of Hannover will join the Confederation of the Rhine as was agreed to by Britain, the sovereign ruler of that state. If you want to go to war with France and Russia over a few cities, so be it, but history would remember Prussia as in the wrong.


            • Originally posted by Choke
              I was away for the weekend, I'm tired, I'll post my turn tommorow.
              No problem man I had a long weekend too!

              *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


              • Prussian King

                I believe my French colleage is being more than reasonable. And a two front war might get a tad bit messy for you. Russia does not want war, however we will fullfill out treaty obligations in a very brutal and final way........................]

                Originally posted by Darius871
                To Prussia's land demands:

                Prussia contributed absolutely nothing to Hannover's liberation from Britain, so they have no claim to half of it. We will allow them Brunswick as a gesture of peace, but the rest of Hannover will join the Confederation of the Rhine as was agreed to by Britain, the sovereign ruler of that state. If you want to go to war with France and Russia over a few cities, so be it, but history would remember Prussia as in the wrong.
                *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                • Berliner Zeitung

                  Kaiser's Troops On The Move
                  Prussian troops have moved to striking distance of Munich and Rostock, they will be ready to take these rebel cities next month. Dortmund's garrison has been ordered home however British troops blocked the way so it has been decided that Dortmund can be occupied by French troops when its garrison occupies Brunswick.

                  Blunder Embarasses General Staff
                  Feldmarshall von Stupidioten has ordered troops too close to the border with Austria. At the Kaiser's order the Feldmarshall's head has been seperated from his shoulders with an axe. The troops have been ordered home, they will be back next month.

                  Kaiser Warns Austrian Merchants
                  The Kaiser has reminded Austria's merchants that Austria and Prussia do NOT have a free trade agreement and that roads needed for transporting troops are being clogged with Austrian wagons. However in the spirit of good will that Prussia always wishes to deal with our German brothers the merchants already in Prussia will be allowed to carry out their mission.

                  Trade Policy Remains The Same
                  The problem highlighted by Austrian merchants has brought to the Kaiser's attention that other nations also may be ignorant of Prussia's policies on trade. No merchants from ANY country are to set foot on Prussian soil without permission.

                  Kaiser Looks With Favour on Liberation of Finland
                  The Kaiser has expressed his approval of Russian action against the Swedish oppressors. He went so far as to say that perhaps Russian and Prussian troops will meet and shake hands in Sweden proper.

                  Kaiser Expresses Relief At Peace in Europe
                  The Kaiser is glad Britain has decided to be reasonable. He also expressed his happiness that Hannover will be liberated from its foreign oppressors.
                  "Long live Iraq. Long live Jihad. Long live Palestine. God is great, God is great." - President Saddam Hussein


                  • Here's my turn
                    Attached Files
                    "Long live Iraq. Long live Jihad. Long live Palestine. God is great, God is great." - President Saddam Hussein


                    • here we go
                      Attached Files
                      Civfan (Warriorsoflight)


                      • Guys Im travelling for work today and tomorrow (tuesday and wed) Ill try to get this posted by tommorrow evening but it may not be till thursday. Just wanted to let you know
                        *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                        • To the Austrian King. Before I move I want you to know that I am assuming this agreement still is in place. Therefore I am moving armies to take over Varna and eventually Stara Zagora, Constantinople, Canakkale and then of course the Anatolian Pennisula.

                          If there is any problem with this let me know soon or forever hold your peace..........

                          Originally posted by Civfan
                          Austria-Hungarian claims the Balkans and Greece. Constanople and surronding cities on the east side for Russia.

                          The cities Austria claims our Tirane, Sofia, Thessalonica, Athens, Patria and Corfu.

                          End of Claims

                          In regards to Italy, Austria suggests leaving Rome out(its an internal holy city)

                          The rest is up for grabs for France.
                          *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                          • To the Prussian King
                            Do we still have this agreement in place? Are we fighting the Swedes together? Do we have an agreement as to where each one of us is to attack and what parts of Sweden belong to each?

                            Let me know please
                            Originally posted by Ceteram
                            ---From Prussia to Russia---

                            Will do our best in helping you with swedish question. At this time, all uncommited forces will be redirected to foil their opportunistic plans in Norway as well as Kingdom of Denmark.
                            Gather back under the mighty banner of the Rodina the territories which have always been yours by right, namely Karelia and all of Bothnia in Finland.
                            For our part, we will reestablish prussian control over the german coast in the baltic.

                            Prussian Landwehr is raised in masses.
                            *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                            • The Tsars own guard troops as well as addtional troops from Northern Russia continue to manuever in our continueing battle against the Swedes. On our southern frontier our troops from the Ukraine continue to move into position to take Varna, Stara Zagora and eventually the Holy Capital of Russian Orthodoxy long held by the heathen infidels, the city of Constantinople. We consider it our god given duty and right to liberate our Orthodox brethren there.

                              The above is in accordance with the agreements I have with Austria and Prussia as far as I could tell from the previous posts. If there is a problem I need to know about it soon before we get into a silly war over it.

                              Began moving several trade units to sea ports as well as the Prussian/ Austrian Frontier. Can Russia/ Austria and Prussia all agree to free trade movement as long as it doesn't interfere with our internal troop movements?

                              All Russian troops along the Austrian/ Prussian frontier have taken up winter quarters in defensive postions, enjoying liberal rations of vodka and borscht. This is a gesture to our neighbors to the west. We do not want to start a messy war in Central Europe over some stupid misunderstanding.

                              Peace reigns across east central Europe. If Prussia and Austria have any problems with what Ive done then I believe they need to get in touch with me asap. We need to talk about free trade movement anyway.

                              Attached Files
                              *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                              • FUTURE POST REQUEST


                                Here is an example of a relatively simple post we have been doing in the Bonaparte Tourney at CIVFANATICS.

                                The Times, London, 27th May 1803

                                Incensed at French refusal to properly comply with the Treaty of Amiens, His Majesty's Government allowed a French smuggler to be boarded and sunk in the Channel earlier this week. The steadily-building spirit of National Patriotism that greeted this news bodes ill for the Corsican General skulking in the Elysee Palace.

                                Our Atlantic squadron also sunk a French Privateer masquerading as an naval vessel some sixty miles off Brest. Not to be outshone, HMS Ariadne, a Frigate with the Mediterranean Fleet, dispatched another small raider off Sardinia...

                                Trade still goes on in the Baltic. A convoy bearing smelted iron from Brunswick arrived in Riga earlier this month.

                                In diplomatic news, we can report that Ambassadors have been dispatched to all the Powers of Europe...."

                                This is what I would like to see or something like this in the future. I would aprreciate it if we discussed troop movements, any city captured, trade movements and any diplomatic news that can be shared. In a PBEM of this size it sure makes everything easier for all of us.


                                *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta

