Originally posted by El Awrence
Kobra, what's your email? Japan would like to discuss this issue with Britain.
Kobra, what's your email? Japan would like to discuss this issue with Britain.

Originally posted by Kobra
What is the Russian, French and Japanese stand on this?
What is the Russian, French and Japanese stand on this?
As for France I don't know, since we haven't communicated much, but we are allied, and they have no love for the British. Furthermore none of us fear you.
Originally posted by Kobra
Will you be loyal allies or will you use common sense?
Will you be loyal allies or will you use common sense?
Since you never bothered to publicly claim Iraq for yourself, I fail to see how it is somehow in your sphere of influence. We claimed it first, and we now have enough military presence in the region to back that claim. With your naval power and far-reaching colonial possessions, you have more than enough other regions you could subdue. The Ottoman Empire was already allotted to the German sphere of influence months ago after intense negotiations within the Continental Bloc. You have NO such a claim to the region except that you merely 'want' it.